
17 de septiembre de 2018

El gran experimento

Este planeta fue creado como un experimento. Como un lugar para resolver algunos problemas galácticos que nos han dividido, uno contra el otro. Era el ambiente perfecto, porque nuestras creaciones se ralentizan lo suficiente como para que podamos ver cómo, con nuestra propia frecuencia, nuestra propia vibración, creamos nuestra propia realidad. Y ahí está, esa realidad, directamente en nuestra cara ... ¡de cerca y muy personal!  

Después de un largo tiempo, la especie humana llegó a un punto en el que querían algo diferente. Querían romper con su estribillo de luchar contra un enemigo para dominar y mantener el control.
La mayoría no está consciente de ese deseo, aparte de un sentimiento de inquietud en su ser. Y algunos no quieren crear algo diferente y aferrarse a sus viejas costumbres. No tenemos que ir muy lejos para ver cómo se desarrolla en el escenario mundial.
Entonces, podemos dividirlo aún más y decir que cada país y nación es una manifestación de una conciencia grupal. Al igual que los patrones del clima. Todo en el exterior estaba una vez en el interior.
Las realidades físicas son manifestaciones de realidades internas, aspectos internos de la conciencia.
Por ejemplo, los Estados Unidos de América fue un experimento de libertad. Los redactores de la constitución tenían un ideal en mente, que haría a este país diferente, que le permitiera a la nación convertirse en una plantilla para la democracia.
Sin embargo, no se equivoque, fue un país violento, y la ideología del Lejano Oeste permanece hasta el día de hoy. Pero el grupo de humanos que escribió la constitución quería establecer un país en el que todas las personas fueran iguales a los ojos de la ley.
La libertad que buscaban, incluso si terminaron luchando y muriendo por ella en muchos casos, fue una liberación de la tiranía. Y de una monarquía, una dictadura o un régimen totalitario. Muchos de los que vinieron aquí terminaron con esas viejas formas de control.
Pero incluso aquí, en la tierra de los libres, había facciones que querían oprimir a otros grupos de personas, restringir la libertad de los demás y que querían usar la política y la religión para hacerlo.
Esas facciones todavía están vivas y bien hoy.
Hubo quienes querían controlar y silenciar las voces de las mujeres, y esos grupos todavía existen en la actualidad.
Sin embargo, hay más personas en este país que creen que todas las personas son creadas iguales y que todos merecen vivir con libertad y dignidad. Esas mismas personas creen en la ley y el orden, y creen que nadie, sin importar su estado, o su posición política o económica, está por encima de la ley. Eso incluye al presidente, la más alta de las oficinas.
A Estados Unidos le gusta pensar que es el país mejor y más progresista del mundo, pero de alguna manera es bastante retrógrado, todavía bastante puritano y patriarcal. Sorprendentemente, está catalogado como uno de los 10 países más peligrosos para las mujeres. Es uno de los más altos en violencia armada en el mundo. Estas no son cosas de las que estar orgullosos.
Los derechos humanos básicos de las mujeres todavía están siendo pisoteados.
No es un país perfecto ni es un sistema perfecto, pero más personas en este país están a favor de la libertad que de otra. Más personas que no quieren que se respete la constitución. Creen en la libertad para todos y la igualdad para todos. No estoy hablando de libertad para oprimir un género u oprimir a un grupo marginado.
Ellos creen en la libertad de expresión. Ellos apoyan la libertad de prensa. Creen en la libertad de portar armas, pero también creen en leyes de armas razonables. Creen que los inmigrantes tienen derecho a venir aquí para una nueva vida libre de violencia y opresión, y que históricamente todos somos inmigrantes, pero también creen en leyes fronterizas fuertes. Ellos creen en la inmigración compasiva.
Creen en la libertad de todos los géneros para tener las mismas consideraciones en todos los ámbitos. Que una persona transgénero no debería tener que preocuparse por usar un baño público. Una dignidad humana básica que la mayoría de la gente da por sentada.
Creen que las mujeres deben ser tratadas como seres humanos, con el derecho de decidir por sí mismos qué es lo que desean hacer con su vida y su cuerpo.
Son compatibles con la industria y los negocios, y también creen que nuestra preciosa agua y aire deben estar protegidos de la contaminación. Creen en la diversidad cultural y que es algo que ha hecho a este país fuerte, no débil. 
Arte de Maria Chambers
Creen que es bueno tener aliados en todo el mundo. Ellos creen en la cooperación, no en la coerción. Creen que cada estadounidense tiene derecho a un seguro de salud y servicios sociales para aquellos que son vulnerables. 
Creen en la igualdad para todos, no algunos son más iguales que otros.
Creen en la cooperación, no en la agresión y el conflicto. Creen que todas las personas son básicamente de buen corazón y que confían en sus vecinos.
Mientras honran el pasado, esperan cambiar. Son optimistas sobre el futuro y ven la mayoría como un progreso.  
Saben que no es un sistema perfecto, pero también saben que preferirían vivir en un lugar donde haya una constitución que declare que todos son creados iguales bajo la ley.
Creen en la inclusión, no en la exclusividad.
La mayoría de los estadounidenses cree en la libertad religiosa pero no quiere vivir bajo una teocracia. No quieren que la religión se use como un club para golpear a otras personas en la cabeza o para quitarles sus derechos humanos básicos. La religión no debe usarse para discriminar a nadie por ningún motivo.
También creen firmemente en la compasión y el corazón. Ellos creen en segundas oportunidades.
Estados Unidos tiene una larga historia de éxitos y fracasos. Se han cometido errores. Otros grupos se han pasado por alto con el fin de controlar esos grupos y tomar de ellos. La agresión es algo que los estadounidenses tienen una historia de nación.
Este país ha pasado por sus iteraciones, cultural, política y económicamente. Los líderes han resucitado y caído. Por imperfecta que sea esta nación, no permitirá a nadie, incluidos los líderes políticos, poner sus propios intereses por delante de las personas para las que trabajan. Al final del día, la gran mayoría de los estadounidenses reconoce que los funcionarios políticos, incluido el propio presidente, son sus empleados.
Y no dudarán en actuar sobre ese conocimiento y aparecer para crear un cambio. Y continuar defendiendo la Constitución.
Sabemos que la verdadera libertad es un trabajo interno. No todos están listos para su libertad, incluso en el mundo 3D. Eso incluye a algunas personas, grupos, países y naciones. Y algunos aún proyectan sus miedos sobre otros, ya sea hacia un individuo, un grupo o una nación.
Algunos países y naciones quieren desbaratar y destruir las democracias del mundo para poder ser más poderosas. Pero su juego no funcionará contra países que son inflexibles a la hora de mantener su propia libertad y soberanía.
En última instancia, la mayoría hablará, y no representará nada más que la libertad por la cual lucharon tan duramente.
Muchas personas dan por sentado sus muchas libertades, pero en un nivel interno, su conciencia lo ha pedido.
Aquellos de nosotros que hemos elegido el camino acelerado de la iluminación encarnada hemos salido del mundo 3D tal como es.
No importa dónde vivamos en el mundo en este momento, ya que los pioneros de la nueva conciencia vanguardista, estamos allí con un propósito. Para brillar nuestra luz. Algunos lugares necesitan más luz que otros.
Y sabemos que incluso aquellos en el mundo 3D que sienten que viven en un país libre un día abrirán la puerta a la verdadera libertad. Libertad de uno mismo.
Disfruta  Dime todo está bien  de  sonidos conmovedores
soulful sounds cubierta de cd
Reproductor de música

Como es habitual, me gusta quitar August de mi blog para relajarme y tal vez hacer algunos viajes de un día.  soulsoothinsounds estará en funcionamiento, pero del 1 de agosto al 31 de agosto, no publicaré artículos, comentaré en publicaciones ni responderé correos electrónicos. Durante agosto, invito a mis queridos amigos aquí en la comunidad a disfrutar las publicaciones, la música, los videos y entre ellos. Disfruta de tu agosto y nos vemos en septiembre. María

© Copyright 2018 Maria Chambers, todos los derechos reservados. P! Ease no dude en compartir este contenido con otros, pero mantenga la integridad del artículo copiándolo sin modificaciones e incluyendo el autor y el enlace al sitio web de origen: Maria Chambers,

The Great Experiment

This Planet was created as an experiment.  As a place to work out some galactic issues that had us divided, one against another.  It was the perfect environment, because our creations are slowed down enough so that we can see how we, with our own frequency, our own vibration, create our own reality.  And there it is, that reality, right up in our face…up close and very personal!  

After a long time, the human species came to a point where they wanted something different.  They wanted to break out of their refrain of battling an enemy in order to dominate and stay in control.
Most are not consciously aware of that desire, other than a feeling of unrest within their being.  And some don’t want to create something different and hold fast to their old ways.  We don’t have to look too far to see how that’s playing out on the world stage.
So, we can break it down even further and say that each country and nation is a manifestation of a group consciousness.  Just as are weather patterns.  Everything on the outside was once on the inside.
Physical realities are manifestations of inner realities, inner aspects of consciousness.
For example the United States of America was an experiment in freedom.  The framers of the constitution had an ideal in mind, that would make this country different, that would allow the nation to become a template for democracy.
Make no mistake however, it was a violent country, and it’s Wild West ideology remains to this day.  But the group of humans that wrote the constitution wanted to establish a country in which all people are equal in the eyes of the law.
The freedom they sought, even if they ended up fighting and dying for it in many cases, was a freedom from tyranny.  And from a monarchy, a dictatorship or a totalitarian regime.  Many who came here were done with those old ways of being controlled.
But even here, in the land of the free, there were factions that wanted to oppress other groups of people, to curtail the freedom of others, and that wanted to use politics and religion to do so.
Those factions are still alive and well today.
There were those who wanted to control and silence women’s voices, and those groups still exist today.
However, there are more people in this country who believe that all people are created equal, and that everyone deserves to live with freedom and dignity.  Those same people believe in law and order, and believe that no one, no matter what their status, or their political or economic position, is above the law.  That includes the president, the highest of offices.
America likes to think it’s the best and most progressive country in the world but in some ways it is actually quite backwards, still quite puritanical, and patriarchal.  Surprisingly, it is listed as one of the 10 most dangerous countries for women. It is one of the highest in gun violence in the world. These are not things to be proud of.
Women’s basic human rights are still being trampled upon.
It’s not a perfect country nor is it a perfect system, but more people in this country are in favor of freedom than not. More people than not want the constitution to be upheld.  They believe in freedom for all and equality for all. I am not talking about freedom to oppress a gender, or to oppress a marginalized group.
They believe in the freedom of speech. They support freedom of the press. They believe in the freedom to bear arms but they also believe in reasonable gun laws. They believe immigrants have the right to come here for a new life free from violence and oppression, and that historically we are all immigrants, but they also believe in strong border laws.  They believe in compassionate immigration.
They believe in the freedom of all genders to have the same considerations across the board.  That  a transgender person should not have to worry about using a public bathroom.  A basic human dignity that most people take for granted.
They believe women should be treated as human beings, with the right to decide for themselves what they wish to do with their life and their body.
They support industry and business, and they also believe that our precious water and air must be protected from pollution. They believe in cultural diversity and that it is something that has made this country strong, not weak. 
Art by Maria Chambers
They believe it is a good thing to have allies across the globe. They believe in cooperation, not coercion. They believe that every American is entitled to health insurance, and social services for those who are vulnerable.  
They believe in equality for all, not some are more equal than others.
They believe in cooperation, not aggression and conflict. They believe all people are basically good-hearted, and they trust their neighbors.
While they honor the past, they look forward to change.  They are optimistic about the future, and see most change as progress.  
They know it’s not a perfect system, but they also know that they would rather live in a place where there is a constitution that declares that all are created equal under the law.
They believe in inclusiveness, not exclusiveness.
Most Americans believe in religious freedom but do not want to live under a theocracy. They do not want religion to be used as a club to beat other people over the head or to take away their basic human rights. Religion is not to be used to discriminate against anyone for any reason.
They also believe strongly in compassion and heart. They believe in second chances.
America has a long history of success and failures. Mistakes have been made. Other groups have been run over roughshod in order to control those groups and to take from them.  Aggression is something that Americans have a history of as a nation.
This country has gone through its iterations, culturally, politically and economically. Leaders have risen and fallen. As imperfect as this nation is, it will not allow anyone, including political leaders, to put their own interests ahead of the people they work for. At the end of the day,  the vast majority of Americans recognize that political officials including the president himself are their employees.
And they will make no qualms about acting upon that knowledge, and showing up to create change. And to continue upholding the Constitution.
We know that true freedom is an inside job.  Not everyone is ready for their freedom, even in the 3D world.  That includes some people, groups, countries and nations.  And some are still projecting their fears onto others, whether it is toward an individual, a group, or a nation.
Some countries and nations want to disrupt and destroy the democracies in the world in order to become more powerful.  But their game won’t work against countries who are adamant about maintaining their own freedom and sovereignty.
Ultimately, the majority will speak out, and will not stand for anything but the freedom they fought so hard for.
Many people take for granted their many freedoms, but on an inner level, their consciousness has asked for it.
Those of us who have chosen the accelerated path of embodied enlightenment have moved out of the 3D world such that it is.
No matter where we live on the globe at this time, as the leading edge new consciousness pioneers, we are there with purpose.  To shine our light.  Some places need more light than others.
And we know that even those in the 3D world, who feel they live in a free country will one day open the door to true freedom.  Freedom of self.
Enjoy Tell Me Everything Is Alright from Soulful Sounds
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Audio Player

As is customary, I like to take August off from my blog in order to chill and maybe take some day trips.  soulsoothinsounds will be up and running, but from August 1 to August  31, I will not be posting articles, commenting on posts, or responding to emails. During August, I invite my dear friends here in the community to enjoy the posts, the music, the videos, and each other.  Enjoy your August, and see you in September.  Maria

© Copyright 2018 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. P!ease feel free to share this content within others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

Transmisión sin procesar hoy ..

Los barcos están preparados.
Los Arturianos son los comandantes principales ya que son los técnicos.
¡Muchos otros seres ayudando!
La apertura del portal estelar (el agujero negro que ves en el Sol está aumentando)
Están tratando de esconderlo. demasiado para que la humanidad lo vea ... ¡enloquecer!
No será detenido. Las fuerzas galácticas están en la transición suave.
Muchos de ustedes están trabajando en el sueño.
¡Chakras de corona, tercer ojo y garganta! Súper activado, muchos no pueden manejar la frecuencia ... perderla, la gente elegirá irse.
Aquellos que están despiertos y aquellos que trabajan en sí mismos tendrán un tiempo más fácil. La diferencia es que los seres humanos más altos pueden mover la energía más rápido, ver perspectivas más altas con una mayor conciencia.
Modo de evento épico! Sistema solar completo. Sin fechas específicas. Entre Equinox y el solsticio se producirán grandes cambios en este planeta. la frecuencia crítica de masa desencadena el pulso galáctico, está sucediendo. Las cargas planetarias están instigando el evento y el momento de hacerlo.
Quédate en tus corazones Si estás escuchando para hacer cambios. hacer los ajustes! Si sigues tu orientación, tendrás una conducción más suave y mantendrás la alineación. Si no, sufrirás. No es necesario
Usted tiene frecuencias para ayudar a otros. permanecer en el corazón, conectado a tierra y alineado.

16 de septiembre de 2018

Questions for Ascension Preparedness

Source: Sandra Walter
The following Mastery questions serve as a guide or gauge for where we are in our process. These are questions which every initiate asks themselves as they level up and prepare themselves for Ascension. The answers are a deeply personal experience; take care to meditate on them, feel them, and adjust your path where necessary.

Do you love and honor Source/Creator/God completely, realizing that Self-Love and Source-Love are One in the same, and express this in every thought, word, deed, and interaction?

Acknowledgment of the Creator, and yourself as a fractal of that, ends separation. Experiencing reunification is a profound, glorious sensation; this is not a mental exercise. You heart opens completely to serving and honoring that which joyously creates all that is.

Do you honor all of creation as reflections of Source? This includes the kingdoms, elementals, Gaia, Humanity, other beings, races, timelines, positive or negative experiences … all of it.

Do you see the big perspective and respect all experiences and creations, regardless of how they appear to the lower Self? This heals all that has occurred here, both individual and collective journeys.

Do you love your neighbor as yourself? (The lesson of Unconditional Love)

This classic question challenges us to love one another as a primary function of Divinity, and a key to the Gateway of Higher existence. However it also demonstrates a full comprehension of discernment rather than judgment. Judgment is the dualistic habit of deciding what is right/wrong, good/bad, yes/no. Discernment utilizes wisdom to choose what serves the highest interests of all concerned, including your own Ascension experience.
The lesson of Unconditional Love demonstrates if what is within will be reflected in your external reality. The Universe of Ascended SourceSelf you are creating revolves around the pure vibration of Unconditional Love.

Have your surrendered all old operating systems of duality; the lower dimensional negativity, fears, doubts, belief systems, repetition, personal akashic and collective past?

This is a question for dimensional-shifting preparedness. Many are addicted to the old reality, old beliefs, old fears and use it as their default experience. When you disconnect from old programs, your reality becomes a completely different experience.
There is a profound sense of freedom, and a tremendous clearing of cellular structures, which opens us for DNA transmutation. This is the Walking in this world but not of itstate.
Review your remaining entanglements and agreements. Your lifestream is energy – monitor where that energy flows; Do your thoughts, activities, purchases, conversations, relationships flow to the New structures rather than the old?

Have you unified with the mission of your Higher Self, choosing Ascension as your primary goal, exercising your higher wisdom and Divine Love in every situation, every challenge?

Ascension is a choice. Are you actively challenging yourself to connecting with your True Self, being the Presence of Source, willing to speak your truth, feeling and expressing the divinity emerging through all expressions of Self? This is a feeling – it does not matter if you cannot see your Higher Self. Knowing oneself and exploring the True Self’s desires and path is a sensation; an intuitive, feeling state of beingness.

Are you completely dedicated to Service to others and the mission of Divine Love?

Divine service activates the Creator Self, pure Love, and releases the old dogma of martyrdom or savior dynamics. This is dedication on a cosmic scale; you experience freedom from the waiting game, engaging with Divine patience, neutrality, highest interests of the collective and Gaia, and an active participation in the creation of new realities. At some point in your journey, Service to others and Source will be the only thing that makes Sense.

Maintaining Focus on Stability and Expansion

The questions are intended to give perspective on what is being accomplished here on Gaia. They are basic to the Ascension process. With the distractions of the current frequency influx and timeline shifts, it is good to realign with the nigher intentions often.
We focus on stability to balance the collective angst, we send forth more LoveLight and Unity to raise the collective into the New realities available.
Join us on SUNday for the Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. As one, we call forth the New Earth of Love and Peace for all willing hearts.
In Love, Light and Service,

Palabras de una llama-alma gemela sobre la unión humana de las Llamas-Almas Gemelas

"Existe el eterno debate sobre la unión humana de las Llamas. Parece complicado, pero en el fondo no lo es tanto. Creo que las Llamas que venimos con la Misión de tomar conciencia y subir la vibración lo hacemos con la idea previa de unirnos, porque de esa forma la subida energética es más alta. Pero cuando elegimos en el otro plano las dificultades que queremos pasar solemos ser muy optimistas, todo nos parece fácil. Sin embargo cuando llegamos a la vida humana las cosas no siempre salen como pretendíamos. Entonces hay que tratar de ser humildes y simplemente comenzar con la misión desde nuestras posibilidades. Y sobre todo tratar de no sentir presión por la unión. 

¿Qué podemos hacer entonces? Comenzar nuestro trabajo energético por nuestra cuenta, dejar de obsesionarnos con la unión y dejar que todo siga su curso. Nadie nos va a castigar por no lograrlo, es una pena no hacerlo, pero si hacemos todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance es suficiente. Y con hacer todo lo posible no me refiero a estar pidiendo constantemente la unión, o a estar pendiente de cada paso que dé nuestra AG, al contrario, lo mejor que podemos hacer es relajarnos, incluso olvidarnos un poco de nuestro AG en su vida humana y centrarnos en la parte energética.

Piénsalo por un momento, sí, es cierto viniste a unirte con tu Llama, pero las circunstancias no se dan. ¿Qué vas a hacer?, ¿quedarte llorando?, ¿obsesionarte?, ¿pedir a todos los santos que se dé, sí o sí, esa unión?, ¿y eso no será cabezonería tuya?, ¿no será mejor, si sabes que la misión era traer energía a la Tierra comenzar a hacerlo? Y si luego se da la unión humana ¡genial! Pero si no, al menos habrás cumplido tu parte. Después de todo se van a reunir en el otro plano, de hecho nunca se han separado.

Yo sé que no es tan fácil, lo he pasado. Pasé por los lloros, por sentir que si había venido a eso y no sucedía mi vida no tenía sentido. Lo comprendo perfectamente. Hasta que me di cuenta que estaba perdiendo el tiempo lamentándome en lugar de comenzar la misión por mi parte utilizando nuestra energía consciente, porque al comprender lo que significa ser Llamas comienza la fusión energética y la apertura de canales y ya se puede empezar a cambiar la energía de la Tierra. Hasta que dejé de pedir por mí y comencé a pedir por el mundo entero.

Así que sí, vinimos a unirnos, pero no es la única forma de lograr nuestra misión y no sirve de nada quedarse estancado esperando una unión que no sabemos si se dará o no aunque estuviera pactada. Como diría mi AG “mueve el culo” (él siempre tan resolutivo) y ponte en acción, la Tierra te lo agradecerá.

La economía está muerta en el agua

La economía está muerta en el aguadailytruenews eraoflightEl fin de la banca central privada
Por diseño, el sistema financiero mundial se está desmoronando, las monedas están declinando y los mercados están desacoplados. A su debido tiempo, todo el sistema se descompondrá. Este es el secreto que el presidente Trump ha presentado al público. A continuación, habrá una explicación pública de por qué la Fed no debería estar a cargo del sistema financiero, que ya no es un secreto para nuestros lectores habituales.

The global economy is imploding and cannot sustain itself much longer. The new QFS-system has been put in place and was designed to allow the new global economy to seamlessly transit into the new quantum financial system. – The RV is set to begin at the right time, these transactions will be the starting signal for the QFS. The new quantum financial system – QFS – has been embedded and is ready to replace the current monetary fiat system. All banks in the meantime went from the old SWIFT System to the new CIPS-money transfer System.
Once the RV begins, all countries would begin re-issuing new gold/asset-backed currency under the new quantum financial system (QFS). Expect many changes to happen at once. A whole series of dominoes will start to tumble, as mass arrests begin. GESARA will officially be launched. Remember, the Truth is setting us free!
Already about 10 years ago, a global effort was started to establish a new financial system, called the global reset, in which sovereign wealth-based currencies for global exchange would trim down the unwarranted power of the banksters, who have continuously fomented wars across the planet. This change is now steadfastly becoming a reality.
The move to end the dollar dominance was initiated a decade ago from Asia, where most of the hard assets are located that formed the backbone of the world’s financial system from the very beginning. This was signed for and agreed upon and was the basic foundation of the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944, which has intentionally never been brought into fruition.
The initiative to end the dollar dominance gained more traction when Russia joined in, which subsequently resulted in the establishment of the BRICS Alliance, and the rest as we know, is history, and has been outlined previously in various articles on the FWC-site.

The New Economy
Today’s economic system has to be broken down, the process of which must be executed in a certain way to allow the people to move forward, after the central banking system is gone. The central banks will be taken over and nationalised to be controlled by the people. That means, no more loaning of currency created out of thin air to governments, that the people have to pay back. Meaning no income taxes anymore.
President Trump is preparing today’s economy for the upcoming new economy, but not for the existing one. That’s why manufacturing will come back from China and the rest of the world, and it is also why bilateral trade agreements have been established to get rid of the WTO, which is a false, globalist, cabal-controlled deception.
The reason that the existing economy “is doing so great”, is because Trump is applying the exact same approach that the Deep State central bankers have used all along. In short, he’s manipulating the numbers. Trump cannot admit that the economy is dead in the water, all is fake, the stock market is in a bubble, the housing market is going to implode, the economy is not prepared for anything good and that it will take years upon years to recover the economy. – Instead, Trump team applies the approach of driving up these same numbers higher and higher and pushing this economy to the edge, by doing exactly the same as the Deep State bankers have done in the past.
He simply takes these same numbers and manipulates them, saying the economy is doing fantastic! This enables him to take funds from the central bank and use them for the improvement of the infrastructure. This creates the ability for him to forge bilateral trade agreements by saying the US is doing well. In the process, he is building a new economic system, in preparation for the transition away from the central bank’s worthless funny money. But for the time being, he is using their funds to build the country’s infrastructure back to the way it was in the past. This is what is happening right now in front of our eyes.

Existing Debt is Null and Void
Once the central banks go down, the first thing they will say is, all this debt is null and void. Because the government will send auditors to control the central bank’s books, only to discover that the banks have not been honest to the people, and that most of the debt and most of what they have done was completely against their charter, rendering everything null and void. It is obvious that what is happening now is an indication that this is definitely playing out that way.
Most likely the Fed is going to raise the rates this month, which will bring the system down, with the blame will be on the Fed, as intended. The housing market will implode, the automobile industry will have a much tougher time, people won’t be able to get student loans easily anymore, and all will start to fall apart.
Bear in mind, this economy is not a people’s economy, it is the economy of the Deep State central banks. Trump and his patriots are using the central bank’s economy and their funny money to enable them to create the new infrastructure and use that against them. That’s what happening at this very moment.
The economy has two-faces, the manipulated economy which has been going on for a very long time, over one hundred years, and the people’s economy. The people’s economy is the real economy, which is what people feel every day. That’s the money you have in your bank account, the job you have, whether you have enough money to pay the rent, the mortgage, or to buy a house, car or whatever.

When people’s homes increase in market price, they feel great. Everything is going their way. They still have a job, but they feel better because their property is appreciating. This is what the central bankers frequently used against us. People do have the advantage of being able to benefit from this, but there are also people that have lost a lot due to this same process.
The banksters apply this manipulation to psychologically convince people that the economy is doing well. Even the stock market is made to go up, so people think the economy is doing well.
But when looking at the real economy, there are still more stores closing than those opening, even as the online sales are declining. People are still losing their jobs, as is seen by Toys “R” Us, where all outlets are closing. IBM is laying off 40.000 older workers, to hire 20.000 younger and cheaper ones, without additional benefits. That is the real people’s economy. Nevertheless, the numbers in the statistics still look great, as these are manipulated, and do not reflect the real economy.

Breaking Down the Globalist Economy
In other words, Trump is breaking down the globalist economy piece by piece, by using the central bank’s very own system against itself; the Deep State. If the MSM would dare to say ‘how do you get to these numbers’, as these are faked? the Trump team can say that he hasn’t faked anything, because Obama and before him Bush and Clinton used these numbers too. So, the MSM will never call Trump out on this, which means Trump and his team have the ability to use these same numbers against them. This enables Trump to break down the old globalist system, before the new system is introduced. In the new economy, there will be no more debt money, no private central bankers, and no more loaning of money.
Rising interest rates
Rising interest rates will bring down the banks and the entire economic system. President Trump wants companies to bring back manufacturing to the country. This is the reason why trade tariffs are being placed on certain industries. The global growth is slowing and everything is freezing up, this is on purpose and designed to bring down the entire system.
The old economy will and has to collapse, otherwise it will take years upon years to recuperate the old system. Raising the interest rates will bring the economy down. In reality, everything is going down as planned.
Today, most purchasing is done by going into debt; housing, automobiles, tuition, you name it. All these sectors are starting to fall apart. In the near future, there will be no more purchasing on debt.
Applying this approach enables the Trump Team to prepare the economic system for the transition, meanwhile taking advantage of using the central bank’s funny money to build the economy to the level at which it was originally.

The old economy is as False as it is Rigged
Today’s economy is no longer based on education, hard work, and free market principles – the pricing and accountability that real free markets impose. Instead, the economy is based on the manipulation of prices, speculative control of commodities, support of the dollar by Washington’s puppet states, manipulated and falsified official statistics, propaganda from the financial media, and inactivity by countries, such as Russia and China, who are being directly harmed, both economically and politically by the US-dollar payments system.
The ‘hidden’ Deep State powers dictate policies and events on behalf of the House of Rothschild that control the global financial system. They have accumulated their power and wealth through theft and exploitation. Their whole system is based on a gigantic fraud, because there is no real money, as people believe it to be. The money one earns is backed by nothing. The value of it is simply the value that people can be persuaded it has. Fiat paper currency units are worthless pieces of paper and metal coins, or numbers on a computer screen that people are tricked into taking seriously. Money is brought into circulation through what is called ‘credit’ from money, which is the belief that is upheld. Banks, in actual fact, do not lend anything, but people are paying fortunes to borrow from them.
The Rothschilds have controlled banking and governments for centuries, and they have been able to dictate laws for the financial system and have introduced ‘fractional reserve lending’. This allows the banks to lend ten times what they have on deposit. In other words, they lend ‘money’ they don’t have and that doesn’t exist – called credit – while charging interest on it. So, the banking system has a fantastic business model, they lend money they don’t have and charge the borrower interest on it, invented by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812).
Mr. Rothschild loaned promissory notes – which were worthless – to governments and individuals. When the economy became buoyant, he then made money scarce, by tightening the control of the system, and collecting the collateral through the obligation of contracts. At his whim, this cycle was repeated – by applying pressure to ignite a war, as was recently the case in Syria and the Ukraine. Then they control the availability of currency to determine which side will win the war. The governments which agree to give them the control of their economic system are supported. Collection is guaranteed by economic aid to the enemy of the debtor.
The profits derived from this economic methodology have made the Rothschilds all the wealthier. They discovered that public greed would allow currency to be printed by government order beyond the limits of the backing by precious metals – inflating the production of goods and services to grow GDP.
As a Reminder: Interest on fake money is confiscating your freedom
There is another vital aspect to be understood about interest on money. When a loan is taken out, the bank creates the money, but not the interest with which all loans must be paid back. The created money therefore excludes the amount owed in interest. This means that there is never enough money in circulation to pay back all the outstanding loans plus interest. This is a fatal flaw with regard to human freedom and it has been done purposely to ensure that bankruptcy and loss of property and possessions in favour of the banks is built into the system.

It is all part of the Rothschilds’ energy-construct that flows the wealth and energy from the people in their direction. A fantastic amount of taxpayers’ money goes straight to private banks to pay back interest on the money that the government could create itself, interest free. ‘Privatisation’ is the selling of state assets in response to bank-created debt. The world’s poorest countries hand over control of their land and resources to the Rothschild banks when they are unable to pay back loans made specifically to ensnare them into this predicament. Third World debt was created to replace physical occupation of resource-rich or strategically situated countries with today’s financial occupation.
Finally, this message is from Q

“What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal and corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Obama administration undertook in joint efforts w/domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling – there is no stopping it now. D5 (Trump). Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW) (World Wide) WWG1WGA. We FIGHT. Conspiracy no more.”
The Deep State is on its Way Out
A global takedown operation of the Deep state has been ongoing for the past several days, since the Cabal’s communication systems and satellites were taken offline. The populace will be hit with the truth and many will not be able to handle what is going to be revealed.

The termination of the Deep State’s communications and satellites was timely for the offensive on Idlib. The city of Idlib is the last remaining major city of the rebel opposition (Deep State) in Syria. The offensive of Idlib is a significant geopolitical event that signifies the proxy battle between the BRICS and the Cabal.
Measures have been put into place by the White Hats to trigger an instantaneous transition of the current financial system into the new quantum financial system (QFS). This procedure will be triggered once the RV 

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...