
10 de mayo de 2016


The analyst Roberto Savio, founder and former director of the international news agency Inter Press Service (IPS), exposes the four serious problems facing Europe today.

According Savio, the first problem of the EU is the division between Eastern and Western Europe, which comes right after the north-south divide. The latter came on the austerity policy that Germany and other Protestant countries wanted to impose on Catholic and Orthodox south.

The analyst says the recent wave of refugees has highlighted the controversies between eastern and western part of the region. Eastern Europe joined the EU institutions to receive benefits, no obligations, and further believes that the western part you must provide the means to eliminate the economic and social gap created by the 'iron curtain'.

According to the journalist, the second threat to the EU is the decline of democracy and the inclination of Eastern Europe into nationalism and xenophobia. The author of the article notes that throughout the eastern part of Europe a clear trend is observed " rebellion "against European values. solidarity, democracy and social inclusionSavio adds that few European countries where the right wing and xenophobic parties have grown since the crisis of 2009. in addition, in the next election a rightward shift will to be felt throughout the region, even in countries that were example of tolerance and inclusion, such as the Nordic countries and the Netherlands.

The third major problem with the block faces is obvious to all, says Roberto Savio: the fact that Europe had to adjust its rules to make an exception to the UK in order to convince British citizens remain the EU. However, it remains unclear whether this measure will succeed, says the journalist. If the UK fails to join the Union, will be a total loss of legitimacy by Brussels, and London case may serve example for other member countries, which would be tempted to follow.

And finally, Savio mentions a danger to the EU, this time external: reducing the weight of Europe in the world. In 1900, the region represented 24% of the world population. At the end of this century, according to forecasts, this rate will be reduced to 4%. Of course, this trend is accompanied by a decrease in the importance of the EU for the rest of the world , sums up the analyst.


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