
29 de enero de 2017

White Dragon supermeditation

White Dragon supermeditation

Addition on 16-2-16.
It is official that there IS a “new” planet in the solar system, the 9th according to them, which they have dubbed Planet X.
If you do a search for “Nibiru” you will see that many authors exopolitical indicate that the planet is “Planet empire” that has dominated us for hundreds of millennia, surely those who created us as a race and whose hybrid we endure as a rulers. It is expected that its orbit intersects with ours in a short time is related also insistent hint that they would “harvest” (see movie “Jupiter ascending”), that is, that the great slaughter announced in Georgia stones and for many elite etc (See 1.- Introduction to cabal “), have been ordered by their masters Nubiru.
In that sense they have been repeated reminders of Armageddon in hollywood movies, series, “New Age” religions, etc. So it was that the construction of bunkers and underground cities accelerated in recent years.
The trouble is that hybrids (Zionists and others?) Have missed the deadlines, since the rest of the forces of the planet have fought against (BRICS, SDB, resistance, etc.). So many are waiting for daddy to come to do the job. Think they do not even have to go down to set foot in their “human farm.” so we might not even see them. The fact that there is a planet close by can justify massive earthquakes, storms, etc. There is talk of March 2016. If you notice any elitist that in those dates disappear “underground” you can bet he is has bought a tiket.
There is hope, however. The Resistance is strengthened and is discovering new abilities of its members. You can majke a meditation in favour of them or simply, have them on your mind as the only force that might save us .Send them, please, your best wishes, your conscious breathing.
If you need an image, think of the 4 heroes of the film “The Avengers”, It is no coincidence that it came out in 2012, as a counterpoint to all the filmography and rumors of disasters around us. They exist in reality, and htey get strength and capabilities whenever someone thinks of them positively.

1. Visualize a symbol representing the cabal / evil / enemies of Humanity, etc. (For example, the pyramid with the eye, the face of a politician or influential family member, any institution that represents them, etc). In the same way, represent the resistance / Good / Fighters in favor of Humanity: It may be a group or party you trust, or, if you know and trust the WDS, use these initials, or visualize them as the “A-Team” . Also you can use a character /philosopy that you admire (Ghandi, Martin Luther King, ..), it  can be Neo , Espartaco or an organization you trust or simply visualize Earth in Peace Freedom and Prosperity.
It is recommended alsothat you draw them or get a photo or use as a “bait”, ie, for evil, for example using a doll with an evil face, and vice versa for the right you can use a doll to represent a warrior for Humanity. Follow your intuition, but for practical purposes, it is best that it fits in the palm of the hand, so you can use for meditation also watching TV, walking, etc. I have made two small laminated drawings that I put my hands on a bracelet-ring made with a strip of yarn.
2. We will set up a power circuit, which will go from evil to good, removing power to the first to give it to the second. Therefore, when using hands, put the good sign on your strong hand, namely, the right hand if you are right-handed and left-handed if they are left-handed. You can, and is convenient to put the sun i the circuit, which rises and illuminates the evil and facilitates the transfer of power to the goodies. Go by the test set and feel that circuit. Speed ​​is not important, but it is the level of power, for which I give tips below as to how to raise the 3 main chakras. Note that I recommend using the hands, which are at the level of the heart, because it is the organ that generates far more energy than the rest. It helps also that you expand the mind, but unfortunately, she is the one that often breaks the circuit with thoughts of our daily life.
In such a power circuit can also put where they indicate their intuition the sun, your angels, teachers and loved ones. Be careful, though, because we live in a matrix in which rarely are told the complete Truth. The suns are inhabited by beings of high energy (Sixth dimension or more, according to multiple sources agree) between which there is no deception and who reject and combat the negative energies of any kind. They can, and it’s convenient to have the Sun in mind, so that “burn” evil and that facilitates the transfer of power to the right ones.
3. Fix the purpose with an opening prayer. The simplest is “I decree that anti-Humanity beings lose energy and that pro Humanity beings win it,” but may supplement it with “skills, weapons, technology, capacities”, etc. Once established the circuit so you can feel it you have to maximize its energy output, putting to work the heart, mind and basal area (see below). Ideal postures: sitting, semi-reclining or lying (but there is danger of falling asleep), with a pillow or cushion between the legs to help the basal zone while moving the hips. Highly recommended to accompany yourself whith the music you prefer, but it really helps to be songs or music with lyrics or authors firmly committed to the benefit of Humanity or at least optimistic. It seems silly but it is not. Many will be tempted to turn on the radio, but think that radios belong generally to multinationals and include ads etc., which greatly distract you from the purpose. A classic humanist theme music (Beethoven) can be a basic recommendation. Vary your position if you get tired, you can even dance or do their chores, provided you maintain a sense of power circuit and a basic concentration on what you are doing.
4. Try to spend all the time you can at the start setting up your power to the fullest. They must rise it so that there is a significant current, but will be devoting precious time to very little effect, then you can set a “cruise” level. If you do this exercise regularly they will eventually feel that, for example, you interrupt meditation for dinner and still works that stream. If you do not want to lose the job done, seize a few seconds or minutes and again push up feelings and power. Those who know the importance of doing these meditations can use it in your daily life, i.e. whenyou walk, repetitive activity, queuing, etc. For this type of meditation see video: meditation one minute.
5. Advanced: inspire and count to 3, in some time up to 4, etc. with the head turned to the hand of the anti-humanity, imagine you absorb their energy until they are skeletal, with feelings of indignation .. Slowly turn your head and holding your breath expire in another 3 toward the hand of the Pro-Humanity, filling them withy energy and imagining them brilan and strengthened. By breathing in 3, 4, 5 etc. strokes, progressively, always within your comfort, you’ll help to have a continuous element of concentration (counting), and increase your breathing capacity.

See you in the common room!!! …  have you never been there? Try to see the sweet feeling of drunkenness that is achieved by rolling, and tell me if it’s not like being on another plane. 

“Evil will go on destroying the Earth until the joint forces of the positive energies form a Sun able to overcome the black sun that feeds from our weakeness.”

Note. I have made a decree specially so that whoever uses this meditation for his only personal benefit o against Earth and Her creatures, will suffer great damage.
(further information below the picture)

This way of sending energy was made up by experiments and practical use of my energy that has take many of my sleep and daily life hours. I usually visualize the WDS figthers with energy balls as weapons,  “Dragonball” style, or with a protective layer as you can see in the struggle of Dawn Part 2 (Twilight Saga). In the same way I imagine high zionist and nazi agents prey to pain, illness, drowsiness or confusion, especially when I myself have pain, sickness, drowsiness or confusion. No karma for these actions as you do it as a defense to their attacks on humanity and you’re really doing justice in relation to its brutal domain of centuries on Earth and its beings.

 You can be a meditator of WDS (or use this technique to improve your own life). No matter your capacity or previous knowledge, it consists in sending all the time you can get your good vibrations to this team which is specialized in collecting information of the nazi and zionist groups and put pressure on them. However, to be more effective, I offer below the meditación technique that has proved more powerful and useful to achieve goals, and I have got confirmation from other sources about this: IT WORKS.
 Just visualize them working, for example, with these images that come to reflect its spirit and mission:
You can keep these images still, with a blank mind, with feelings of support and high vibrational level at all levels, or imagine they are in their computers being succesful at getting info about some agent of the cabal, or in a mission. It can be a meditation of a minute while shopping or lasting several hours. They can monitor the results of this experiment and if I get the permission to do so, I will comment the results, here. 
In this “White Dragon Supermeditation” section I will be giving instructions to download this vibrational meditation more strong and more effective.
So far it has been found, as I have been informed, that it works fantastically to help them to track bunkers and hideouts of the cabal, for instance, and it has proved to improve their physical, emotional and mental state and protection, while preparing actions or while running them. The ideal image is viewing them, clearly or the bulks, inside the van without intervening or thinking about them too much, just listening a mumble as they prepare the next action, or as they track the team members who have come to do the mission outside the van. You also can also meditate while you see this video, their chapters or thinking that something similar is happening right now but against the zionist and nazi cabal. It can also be done with the series and film Star Trek, and indeed this one might be closer to reality.
Anyone who wants to improve their energy capacity and devote more time to improve and learn about this, can TELL ME in a private message at my current facebok account.
PREVIOUS PREPARATION (practice first each part separately):
-STOP THE MIND, put it in white with a snapshot of a person or situation, or the image of an ultimate goal (see methods on the recommended final exercises). Also you can just concentrate in the image of a sucessful mission, search or feat.
– HIGHT LEVEL ON “THIRD EYE”. (We fix the target): We issue an invocation about the goal and we keep in mind AND THEN WE KEEP A HIGHT LEVEL of tension ALL THE TIME POSSIBLE IN THE AREA THAT GOES FROM THE FRONT TO THE NECK (we begin with tension on the top of the head normally). It is as if you would be sending a radio signal from an antenna you have in the crown (pineal exit). The strength of emission depends basically on the physical stress that you put on your third eye. Is necessary to tighten the whole head, especially the face and  the part that goes from cerebellum to pituitary, if you are able to visualize that part.
Examples: You issue the petition: “I want that the information about the true nature of zionism and its current situation reachs all corners of the earth,”. Then I would display a sun above me and coming from it many neuronal type connections or rays that connect with many other points to create a web of Light on Earth. Meanwhile I stress the head, face and concentrate this physical tension in that kind of tube imagine from the cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and exiting the point of the front we identify as “Third Eye”. I reach my maximum stress and keep it as long as I can, accompanied by abdominal breathing. I try to memorized the feeling of the “maximum voltage” for the next attempt, so it is my undervoltage and go on expanding it, always using common sense and without causing myself severe pain.
 EMOTIONAL LEVEL (fixed intention, basically positive or negative): If you are going ask for peace, love, trust, etc., for the person or situation, first position yourself prior to the meditation in that feeling-emotion of the most intense way possible. If your intention is to stop the actions of the bad people, the cabal, stand in a position of authority with them on mind (imagine you have become a respected war leader for them, for instance). Yoy can also use feelings of aggressiveness against them (you can grunt at them as a dog would, it’s what I use). If you want that the person-target keeps a clear mind keep your own mind-heart axis serene (but you can do the contrary too). In any case, this must be combined with  ABDMINAL BREATHING to be decisive. See endnotes.
For example, for the goal “May all beings who are enemies of humanity and the Earth get violently sick when they are less than a million miles away from Earth”. I would use the mental level to the maximum, the emotional level on aggression mode (snarling and imagining those negative beings suffering with severe pain), and put my basal level on maximum too.
 BASAL or sexual LEVEL. (Fixes energy power). It is essential, so let’s talk clearly. It is an individual exercise, so, apart for arousing those kinds of feelings mentally, you can also use manual stimulation or dance, etc. Practice shows that if you meditate accompanied with balancing movements, the power of the wave reaches where it should go. Do not forget to combine it with abdominal breathing, and later with the emotional level chosen, third eye level to the top also , and a quiet mind (visualizing the final desired goal, preferably, or combined with the image of a sun, for example).
The goal is that all along your meditation you are GIVING ENERGY OR REMOVING ENERGY of the person or situation that you chosen. You could check the results of this meditation, for instance, if a friend of yours is going to have an exam or is having a job interview at a set time. You tell him or her previously about this meditation and tell him or her to give you feedback in case they have noticed anythig, (for instance, that the teacher-boss was more kind than usual, that his mind and responses were more effective than usually, etc). So here we find another important factor: THIS MEDITATION IS SPECIALLY EFFECTIVE WHEN MADE AT THE SAME TIME THAN THE CRITIC SITUATION WE WANT TO IMPROVE. AND IS EFFECTIVE DONE AS LONG AS YOU CAN, SO YOU CAN USE A FIX IMAGE OF IMAGINE AND ADVENTURE OF THIS TEAM, FOR INSTANCE, TO HELP THEM.
Is a matter of good practice to notify the target person, being it for good, that you are going to do this kind of intrusion in his/her energy level, so that he/she can verify it and maybe give you some feedback of it. Those who choose the option of REMOVING POWER of somebody else should know that one thing is to do it, for instance, to calm a stressed person, and another to ask that a member of the cabal feels ill or tired. In this second case we are near what we call the “black magic” zone. My opinion, however, is that if you manipulate the energy of a negative being who seeks to destroy your species, you’re doing white magic. In any case this requires that the issuer has a position and assumes a responsibility, because there is a false karma in this matrix, but also a broader karma in the Universe to be reckoned with. If you have choosen to be a warrior, then you have some privileges and capabilities, but also a responsibility. Simply make sure what you ask is for a greater good.
Example: You can give your energy to a relative who has just come out of an operation, a job interview or an examination AT THE SAME TIME AND DAY OF THE EVENT, and you have decided to meditate for a predetermined time, eg. 1 hour .. Then you can call him or her to ask if he/she noticed something special. My experience is that the receiver would notice that his/her energy rose and that it subtly expands his/her capabilities, so that the objective would be more accessible. (Note: it is not advisable to act during an operation and we do not know what would be the effect on the success of it, maybe a sudden excess energy would put the surgeon euphoric). When you are more familiar with this meditation exercise you can adjust the level of energy sent to the needs of the situation or person.
Phisical posture: I usually sit on a chair or sofa, although it can be done laing, dancing, etc..

EXERCISE TO DEVELOP THE 7 DEVICES of Light . The exercise is near the end of the page, I have not found a translation in English, but it consists in developing these 7 zones: thymus, hearth, cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, joining their forces with a specific decree.
Apart from any other system you might have learned in any meditation exercise there is another fast way of stopping your mind: the art of the hunter. You go to meditate and suddenly you imagine you’re in the jungle / savannah / etc, and you hear a suspicious noise. All your senses are paralyzed waiting to hear that sound again and determine the distance, location, origin, etc. of the noise. during all the time possible. Well, now imagine that sound you expect is an inspiration from another dimension. Resist all the time you can, with a blank mind, waiting for an inspiration from the Light, I recommend to use as a fix image a huge sun, or to visualize your own energy as light. It could also be a blue, green or purple sun. “Practice makes the monk” we say around here. But once you are accostumed, it will be easy to thin on them and visualize them stopping the cabal plans and winning over them.
If you have too many things in mind:
1. BOXES: At the end of the day or at any time, you put your problems in “boxes”: the family, work (or the lack of it), friends, husband/wife, children, etc. with this type of philosophy: “I ask serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change things if I can do it and the wisdom to know the difference”.
 That is, meditation time is a good moment to have ideas, so it is advisable to have paper and pen close by. Do your telephone calls, prepare your bag for the next day, and prepare to get in blank, to get in that space of quietness we need to be to charge our batteries.
And proceed to move to the next stage. If an old idea or thought assaults you, just think if it adds anything new to your usual thoughts. If it’s a new idea, write it down, if not, it goes to the corresponding box with a firm advice of not making you lose your time. Back again to meditation. If it is still hard for you, you can use one of these intermediate steps:
 2. MENTAL VACATION: You’ll enjoy mentally of a day-dreaming time, for instance:
– You are on a beach or countryside with a person you like or love, on a hammock, ust letting the time pass by and enjoying a soft sunshine over you.
– You are the star of a movie … again recommended childhood heroes, etc..
– You are in a fantastic house, the place of your dreams, imagine your family, friends, activities, etc. (May be on another planet, underwater, etc)
 3. FIXED PHOTOGRAPHY: Imagine a magical moment (romantic, relaxing, spiritual, etc). Gradually your favorite picture emerges: can be a face, a flower. If you have no other, recommended to stay with a great sun, gold, silver, transparent, blue, green, violet, etc. the key is the Light.
IMPORTANT +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
FOOTNOTES: If you can and you know, because you have done some Reiki or the like, you can add to this exercise invocations and additional symbols, for example, to protect you from negative mental influences during exercise. You can also increase your ability and final power remembering the feelings of the last meditation session and increasing your power from there, or assigning levels to situations. IN GENERAL, YOU ARE ALWAYS GOING TO USE YOUR MAXIMUM POWER, as the objective of this meditation is to increase that force or poer day to day. You can meditate on a set time of the day or at any time, walking on the street, on the cue of the shocentre or bus.
Still, sometimes seems sensible to adapt the energy you send to the situation:
 For example, to encourage a depressed person I can meditate on him/her for an hour with: basal level 1 (I always use 3 levels, 1.-low, 2.-medium, 3.-high), emotional level 2 with feelings of happiness and positivity and the “third eye” either in 1 or 2, using a “fixed picture” with a happy end, for instance. Very important that you take long and deep breaths all along the exercise. Search for some information about a good abdominal breathing.
In the case of an examination of a friend or relative I would use a basal level 2, emotional level 1,  “third eye” level in 2, and mentally I would be in a conscious or semiconscious state, ie blank mind but conscious state, no dream state, because the targeted person has to have that mental clarity to his/her exercises and regain his memory. You canalso visualize yourself next to him/her is absolute silence, also mental silence.

You can put here below your comments, telling us about the experiences you might have had and specially those achievements you have had and have checked. I will try to answer you as soon as I can. A hug.

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