
7 de mayo de 2018

Burma between monsoons and the Tatmadaw

In the former Burma, now Myanmar, since the outbreak of the crisis triggered by the systematic persecution by the government against the Muslim minority  Rohingyas , which has forced 900 thousand, of three hundred million of its members to leave the country bound for Bangladesh, so the press has had to carefully follow the government 's actions against this minority, settled in the state of Rakhine.Para John McKissick, head of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as denounced in November 2016, authorities in Naypyidaw, are carrying out a systematic plan of "ethnic cleansing". McKissick then blamed the  Tatmadaw, The Burmese army, to be practicing a true "hunt" against this minority, which not only would have burned their villages, but many of its members were tortured and killed, while those who fled towards the border Bangladesh, they were forced to travel on previously mined areas. 
Although the crisis not only  Rohingyas  can be attributed to a matter of ethnic or religious war, Rakhine State, where  Rohingyas They have established their villages for centuries, has become an economic objective by the authorities Naypyidaw since coming to its shores have been discovered large underwater oil and gas, while territory is extremely rich in leading reservation diamonds, rubies, jade, gold, silver and uranium. 
Since initiated the campaign of persecution and launched countless complaints against the Tatmadaw  and the political power of Naypyidaw, headed de facto by the 1991 Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, nothing has changed and the Rohingyas They are crammed into refugee camps erected on the run in Bangladesh, near the border with Burma as Cox's Bazar, Teknaf, Kutupalong, Balihkali, or Thengar Island Char. In all health conditions are more than worrying. 
In these fields have erupted outbreaks of diseases such as measles and diphtheria, while as a result of the storms, rains and high winds that brings the season of  monsoons , begun in early April, cases of acute watery diarrhea, typhoid, hepatitis multiply and dengue. While the basic housing on the living are swept by the constant gusts of wind and water.
Although disease and food shortages are not the only problem of refugees, the precarious huts, they are often assaulted after sunset, where they occur continuously, both against women and rape against girls. Also teams Doctors Without Borders (MSF) deployed in refugee camps are reporting a significant increase in cases of domestic violence against women and children: shock, trauma, burns and fractures, are produced by men under despair and desolation that both adults and children are living since the persecution began in Burma.
So far both within the refugee camps in Bangladesh, as constates violations of human rights continue to suffer the humanitarian crisis Rohingyas  inside Burma, have not been resolved, with active policies by the United Nations, supra or any other state organizations that finance not only the refugees, but that forces stop the violence practiced by the government of Aung San Suu Kyi. 
Although last November, facing international pressure, Burma was forced to sign an agreement with the bangledí government to begin the process of repatriation of refugees to Burmese territory, the authorities in Naypyidaw, still ignored the agreement, while the hopes of refugees Rohingyas day after day is diluted. 
Fire in the North. 
The question  Rohingya , has removed focus other aberrations practiced against other ethnic and religious minorities by the government of Suu Kyi, associated with powerful Tatmadaw  . 
In recent weeks the Christian population in the states of   Kachin and Shan, as well as close to the Chinese border, the northern sector, has again suffered the brunt of racist policies Naypyidaw. 
The number of civilians killed following military operations that have included, as in the case of unknown  Rohingyas , the burning of their villages, compulsory displacement, rape, torture and murder and even bombings.
It is reported that in some IDP camps after the bombing, the army has blocked access of humanitarian aid from the Red Cross. According to the complaint it has prevented the entry of food to the people of Man Wai, last month, leaving more than a hundred people have no access food and medicine for three weeks. While some 100,000 displaced persons are installed temporarily in camps in northern Shan and Kachin, since the resumption of fighting in 2011 after a ceasefire of 17 years between the government and insurgents have also been diminished the possibility of humanitarian assistance. 
Yanghee Lee, spokesman for UN special human rights in Burma, reported that the Tatmadaw used artillery and heavy weapons against civilian villages. 
In recent weeks, about seven thousand Christians were forced to leave the areas where they are operating the  Tatmadaw , while two thousand are lost in the next boondocks, fleeing the military repression. 
In the province of Kachin, an insurgent group known as Independent Army Kachin (KIA) which since 1962 operates against the central government, when after the coup of General Ne Win, ethnic regiments disarmed, giving only relevant operates effective source  bamar , in addition to the majority ethnic group in the country, is almost entirely Buddhist confession.
According to reports, former Burmese government and the KIA receive tactical and military assistance from China. In recent weeks fighting between the KIA and  Tatmadaw  they have intensified and actions against civilians by troops Naypyidaw has again intensified, so it is believed could try practiced a new ethnic cleansing, similar to of the  Rohingyas . 
Military actions have been concentrated in four areas around the towns of Tanai, Phakant, Injangyan and Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State, without being knows fully what happens, because as has been established in Rakhine press has forbidden access.
Burma has a population of 54 million people and 135 officially recognized ethnic groups, but which does not recognize the  Rohingya , a total of 4%, while  bamar are 70%. Religiously Buddhists are mostly with perhaps 90% while Christians reach 5% Muslim and just under 4%. 
Racial and religious supremacy has allowed the army, after its nearly 50 years of dictatorship, to settle as a state within the state. After allowed elections in 2015, the  Tatmadaw virtually nothing has not resigned their privileges. The army has the ability to set its own budget, without any political control. In 2017, the budget reached three percent of GDP, representing twice the corresponding health and education. His real influence on the country's economy is estimated to reach 80%. 
The civil power has no authority over the armed forces, the constitution dictated by the military in 2008, allows army practically govern themselves as they hold to them 25% of the seats in parliament, preventing any amendment to the Constitution also be reserved for them three key ministries: defense, interior and border issues.
With the Interior Ministry in charge of overseeing regional governments, district and municipalities.In addition , the commander of the  Tatmadaw , General  Min Aung Hlaing,  has the power to appoint 6 of the 11 members of the Security Council and National Defense. 
For Burmese democracy weak and submissive disarm the power of the  Tatmadaw , as difficult as prevent  monsoons  arrived on time to shake throughout Southeast Asia. 
Guadi Calvo is a writer and journalist.Analyst specializing in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia International. Facebook:
Rebellion has posted this article with the author 's permission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

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