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SLUT AND JANE: Why Trump was chosen as representative of Washington Dc?

Resultat d'imatges de Jane i Guineu

Jane: Do you have any idea when that's going to be? Result of Jane and Fox

ZORRA AND JANE. Program made to answer the questions of the audience that listens to the show

Jane: Hello everyone, good morning, afternoon or evening depending on what country you are listening to us. We were receiving a lot of interference in our calls and we hope that we no longer have those problems. Hi Zorra, once again thank you very much for being here with us giving us all this wonderful information that shows us what things happened before and what happens now behind "scenes" and that we can not see or know.

Zorra: This is my dear daughter Quazar. (cosmic name of Jane)

I would like to tell you that you have never been alone. They have aliens living among you. They are called "observation team". They may even be living as neighbors. These beings have been sent to observe from the surface and report all movements to prepare for the "official meeting" between you - those on the surface - with the intraterrestrials, the Galactic and those coming from other solar systems. They should not be afraid of them since they have been protecting them for a long time. One test I can give you is the asteroid that was destroyed by my ship that was dispatched for that mission. If that asteroid touched Earth, we would not be having this conversation. That event can assure you that they are being protected by us. You can watch that video on youtube. It was in Russia in 2015 --- I think it's the right date-

Jane: Why was Trump elected as a representative of Washington Dc?

Fox: It was an agreement between Trump and the Chinese Elders long before he even ran for president. He was chosen because he is a businessman and the intention was for him to bring financial reform since he is a genius in that sense. He has extensive knowledge in numbers. Trump was hired for that role, he knows and agreed. Although the DC Corporation that tries to demonstrate that they are in control of the USA, they are not and for a long time. There is a government of light managing everything behind but they have not taken the step forward showing who they are because it would bring chaos, although it will not be able to hide for much longer.

Jane: Now I understand why he was chosen because there are many people who disagree with his way of being ...

Fox: Like also people do not like Hillary Clinton or Obama. It is impossible to conform everyone or everyone likes the things that these people say or do.

Jane: Trump has come up with many proposals and reforms.

Fox: That's right. For example, allow inventors to freely share their creations using technology for the benefit of all. Before it was impossible because they imprisoned and hid their discoveries. They feared for their lives that's why many have had to keep their inventions on a shelf in their homes. Now Trump has more power that is why he is helping these people to share for the benefit of the entire planet.

Jane: What technology are we going to have?

Fox: anti gravitational vehicles, free solar and wind energy, plasma energy. There is a small device that allows you to breathe underwater and at great depths without the need to use oxygen tanks. There are many more but they are still hidden under the previous presidential orders waiting to be released to the market.

Jane: What is happening now in the government?

Fox: They are in a whirlwind in these moments. All the countries that depend on DC are waiting for what is going to happen here.

Jane: How do the people of the Hollow Earth play an important role in us those on the surface?

Fox: Well, they make contact with those who have asked for their assistance, with those who have sought the contact. They do it when you are in your dream state and also when your meditation is deep enough. They are going to listen to them speaking to them in a very low voice volume as if whispering to them -in an audible way-

Jane: For how much longer should we wait for these changes? I mean the Rv and GCR

Fox: The reason for the RV is to end once and for all poverty on the planet and we will see it in a short time.

Jane: Is it true that the most important leaders in the world are involved in child trafficking and sexual abuse?

Fox: Yes, it's true. But all this has an end.

Jane: How can one communicate with the Galactics or beings from other solar systems?

Fox: Through meditation. If it is done in an appropriate manner. It does not mean that they sit down, cross their legs and say ommm ... no! You should relax your whole body, enter the "alpha" state and ask the questions and invoke those whom you want to contact. They will receive a lot of necessary information.

Jane: We should talk about the healing tools that you have presented to us.

Fox: Ok, they have the Lemurian Diadem that is very powerful not only for healing but also to communicate with other beings instantly. The New that we have is a pendant to wear around their necks that has an earring with my photo. It is a harmonizer on one side and my photo on the other. It is very powerful because my picture is used to heal because it has my energy imprinted. They can also print it and have it in their homes. You can visit our website and go to find the information.

Jane: Can you talk about "The Revelation" or in English "disclosure"?

Fox: The "revelation" refers to governments finally officially and publicly acknowledge our existence and also to report that we have worked with them for a long time. It also has to do with personally knowing these beings as the Ashtar Command for example. All these beings will be announced in a way that does not cause confusion. They are going to reveal all the "secrets" of their governments. There is a movie called "El Arribo" which is very good. If you have not seen it, I recommend it since our truth is the interaction between extraterrestrials and human beings on the surface. Receive the messages of the film with an open mind.

Understand that the Galactics have been here for a long time and bring teachings, healing, joy, prosperity and abundance.

Jane: I received an email with this question. Why are we still waiting? Why has the process been so long?

Fox: We understand your suffering. The First Creator is very aware of what all of us live on the surface and it affects us to see them go through all those things. Now, you MUST understand that you have been created with "free will" and we must respect it to a certain extent. For example, if a country intends to launch a missile and initiate a nuclear war, we will prevent it because it would not only affect the population of the surface but also the one inside the Earth and with repercussions in its Solar System. . Many would be affected by such a sizeable decision. The consequences would be devastating. By their own decisions or "free will" in a personal and collective way, the events have not taken place on the dates we have given. We want this to happen soon, the First Creator, Sananda and I want this to happen without further interruptions. You must manifest what you want for yourself and for everyone. In the meantime. We continue with the "cleaning" of your Planet.

Jane: Speaking of cleanliness: What about the fires we've seen in Florida, California, etc.? Has it been Haarp technology?

Fox: Some were provoked and others were Mother Earth. The central facilities of Haarp where all the commands came from, has been swallowed by the earth. It was built on a crust fault, it opened, and swallowed it. That is why the other facilities have not received more communication and are inoperable.

Jane: Could you give us more information about the first contact with the brothers of the Hollow Earth?

Fox: Another purpose of these fires is to open the "emerging areas" that were covered. They are entry and exit doors. The path being clear, the Agarthians would use these places for contact.

Fox: The communication has been happening and will continue to happen between them and you, they only do it with those who call them, with whom they really expect that contact, with those who are prepared.

Jane: So there have already been contacts with the beings of the intraterra and the Hollow Earth?

Fox: That's right ... and for a long time.

Jane: What's happening in Antarctica?

Fox: First, Heads of the Orthodox Church have visited, John Kerry also did it on the day of the presidential elections. He went uninvited, he wanted to meet the Agarthians. That meeting was held in the city called "The New Berlin". It is a city that belongs to the Antarctic continent and is located halfway around the opening of the South Pole. It is a society of Germans, who fled there at the end of the Second World War. They settled there forming this community. Their system of beliefs and understanding in the past has been altered but nowadays everyone lives in harmony and peace. They have demonstrated the same attitude as the beings of the Hollow Earth. The meeting was between Kerry, a senior priest of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ambassadors of the Hollow Earth and Agartha. I can not say what that meeting was about.

The 12 Councilors (Ambassadors) of the Hollow Earth and the Councilors of Agartha are the guardians of this Planet not only for the surface but also for the inside ones.

Jane: What's up with our Fox mentors?

Fox: Mentors keep coming. They are deposited in areas not very populated in many cases and in others, in areas where they are inhabited. There are people who see a pillar of light appearing in different places and that light is them when they leave them here on the surface. They are waiting for the order to approach a few moments before the "official revelation" of the Galacticos.

Jane: We have information from a channeling of the First Creator where it says that those who are not awake or are dark, must leave the Planet. First I would like to know if it was the First Creator that was the one who said that.

Fox: Yes, it was him. Please understand that the Ascension of the planet requires that all beings that are not in alignment with Mother Earth, leave the planet. There are some who are not prepared to follow Mother Earth and others that we already know are part of the dark ones and their departure from here is imperative. It can be produced in two ways: that they move them in ships or ascending (dying) without their body. Those who are awake and recognize and know what is happening on the Planet, have nothing to worry about.

Jane: What will happen with EMF or electromagnetic frequencies also called radiation or microwaves and the consequences on our health emitted by the electricity cables in the streets, cell phones, Wi Fi etc.

Fox: Well, and all the technology to replace those things is on the planet. We must wait for them to make themselves known in order to acquire them, although there are already some such as light bulbs that replace existing ones. There are devices to obtain free energy by different types of natural resources such as wind and water. Research online the options available at this time.

Jane: We have very little time left to finish the program. Could you send a healing energy pulse for all?

Fox: With pleasure. Count 5,4,3,2,1 Receive healing from the Goddess or God in you! Also print my photo. It was a gift from me to you. Take it between your hands and place it on the part of your body that needs healing. Instantly they will receive the powerful energy emanated in that area of ​​their body which will get them to receive relief and healing. It contains my energy, that of Sananda and that of the First Creator. Do not look at the color, it's just a detail, concentrate on the importance of the power that you have in your hands!

Jane: Thanks, Zorra, for being with us.

Fox: Very good. We are going to make sure that the next call does not have all of these communication problems that we experience today. If you have questions send them to the email address on our page and we will answer them, I assure you.

Note: Translated by Su Gabi. They can share WITHOUT ALTERING the document, either add or remove information as well as the name of Zorra. Thank you



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