
9 de mayo de 2018


The connection with the Arcturian Family of Light began in October 2010 when, along with Ornai visited Argentina for the first time. 
This connection was deep love they showed me the way they experience reality: The Arcturian Family of Light is a network of collective consciousness. They do not live in separation or individualization. His consciousness is manifested in the 7th dimension, although their light transmissions are made in 5th dimension, so that humans can understand and tune correctly. 
The first Arcturian code was channeled FIELD OF LIGHT, received in December 2010.
Arcturians are a family of light from the star Arcturus. This star is the second brightest star in the sky, after Sirius. It belongs to the constellation Bootes. It is easy to locate in the sky because of its relative proximity to the Big Dipper. For that reason in antiquity to the Star Arcturus he was known as the "guardian of the bear" 
The Arcturians are guardians of the Divine Plan on Earth. Custodian dimensional portals and specialize in high healing techniques and transmission through Codes of Light. 
Here is a channeling Arcturians:
"The Arcturians are a collective consciousness that served in the Source Unit. We are a network, a family of Metatron Service and the Confederation of Light under the guidance of teachers Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus.
We are beings in complete unity, without individuality. continuously we inhabit a unified group consciousness and do not know the experience of ego or emotions resulting from the individualization of Consciousness. However, when it is necessary for the service or communication with humanity can project an individualized consciousness as serious Juliano, a member of our family who has sent several packages of information through various channels. Juliano is not a being, it is a part of our consciousness that has been designed for the purpose of communicating with you.
Arcturians work through co-creation of healing and balance of dimensional lattices connecting and tune the layers of DNA and the lighting structures grids that make up the light body. 
Our frequencies act through the light, color and sound, creating alignment fields of consciousness, body, mind and emotion. " 
Metatron and the Arcturians
Metatron is the guardian of information. Through his light and guidance, 5 Languages Sacred Light (Sound, Light, Color, Geometry and numbers) pass the dimensional portals to reach every consciousness transformed into wisdom and knowledge. In turn, Metatron is the Archangelic consciousness guarding the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on Earth. The Arcturians work directly under the guidance of Metatron for the purpose of vindicating its history as a collective within the Divine Plan of Earth. Energy contained within each of the Codes of Light System Arcturian energy is encoded Metatron's Cube. 
Metatron 's Cube
In the cosmic geometry, this cube is a frequency of light and sound, is responsible for establishing the connection between universal information networks Luz. Sana and reorders the information from the original cosmic template, dissolving imbalances and reordering information to release the pain of past lives. 
Metatron's Cube links the aqueous emotional body structure with grid Lightbody, allowing humans to release old limiting patterns in their DNA, clean and release the karmic memory. Expanding the connection with your light body, restoring in his consciousness the experience of the unit that resides within the cellular memory. 
Arcturians system Quantum Light Codes Holoforms ©
This system is channeled for the purpose of freeing humanity from the chains of bondage and suffering. It is a system whose main purpose is the liberation of karmic bonds and painful memories. It is held under the frequency of Metatron Blue Ray and Violet. 
This Ray began to reach the planet with great intensity from December 2010, at which time it began to release the planetary karmic memory and from that moment the deep work with our shadows gave way to a process of healing and planetary enlightenment which has enabled us to become aware of our responsibility in the planetary process. 
The frequency of the Violet Ray Blue has given us the spiritual strength to get through our shadows without forgetting our true essence.
It is the Ray of liberation KARMIC and for that reason is the pillar that supports this system. 
The system consists of 44 Light Codes, which are divided into 4 different modules according to the role. 
Release Codes 
work deep in the physical body interacting directly with cell memory contained in organs and chakras. Its function is to facilitate the release of the memories of suffering that accumulated in the memory cell and DNA through our history experiencing the consciousness of duality. 

Codes of Consciousness
They work as intermediaries setting the correct communication of the physical body chakras and subtle bodies. Harmonize the binding sites interconnecting the subtle bodies and physical body allowing the memories of suffering that have been stuck in these binding sites are cleaned. 

Ascension codes 
work by raising the subtle bodies, consciousness and physical body to properly reconnect you with the body of Light. Allowing communication with the soul and the reconnection with our Divine purpose is restored. They represent the release of karmic memory and healing from the bonds that keep us in pain. 
Harmonics geometric codes
They work in the deep healing of the subtle geometries of bodies. Each contains the energies of the Platonic solids and carry the living imprint of the crystals with which the Arcturians are healing the painful memories of Humanity. 

Connection Mandala 

This mandala was channeled through the energies of the Arcturians and help you connect with your energies, allowing them to anchor the frequencies radiate through the Codes of Light. It makes connecting with Metatron and is a gateway connection for anchoring the energies radiated by the Arcturians. It is useful to accompany the work with the Codes of Light and works the same way: through the display or by placing printed in your spaces. 

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