
1 de junio de 2018

Maupeou and Thales Group

The House of Maupeou of Ableiges and Bruyeres are French nobility working under the House of Bonaparte and involved with the Roman Catholic Church with Roman Bishop Xavier de Maupeou and Belgian Priest Daniel-Angel of Maupeou of Ableiges. The French Maupeou family held the titles of Keeper of the Seals, Controller-General of Finances, Chancellor of France and held positions as officers in French military. In recent years Amaury de Maupeou of Ableiges has been the Port Commander for Marseille-Fos. Rene Nicolas Charles Augustin de Maupeou was Chancellor of France and the most well known member of this family. The family are members of the Nobles of the Robe which means they had specific roles in government while also being members of nobility. The House of Maupeou are extremely sadistic and torturous and involved with using electronic weapons on individuals in society. They are the type that torture innocent people with a smile on their face. Gerard de Maupeou is a professor at HEC Paris teaching business management. Gerard de Maupeou has worked as a top executive for France Telecom. Telecommunications are involved with electronic torture and wireless frequencies hacking the physiology. The House of Maupeou have a porcupine on their coat of arms. Their attacks feel like needles pricking the skin and they can be relentless.
Most electronic systems are running brain-physiological hacking software like GENESIS and NEURON which claim to simulate the human brain and physiology. Prince Charles-Emmanuel of Rochechouart, 16th Duke of Mortemart is one of the highest authorities in France and he oversees Count Charles de Maupeou who is from Paris and is the head of the Maupeou family and a sadistic despot. He works at his family’s Chateau de Colombieres hotel with Count Etienne de Maupeou d’Ableiges. The family formerly owned the Castle of Mesnuls which is now owned by Thales Group which is a military electronics company involved with defense, security, and aerospace and headed up by the French Knight of the Legion of Honour Patrice Caine. I believe the Maupeou family have large amounts of hidden shares in Thales and direct them to use electronic weaponry on individuals marked for targeting. The company has a Thales Electron Devices division involved with developing microwave products and also a Thales Communications & Security division which develops mobile networks, defense protection systems, and radio-communication technologies. Military technology companies often develop what are called “directed energy weapons” which are microwave, electromagnetic, and pulse weapons that can target people through unseen frequencies. The House of Maupeou basically have part ownership over Thales and are using these directed energy weapons to target people who oppose their tyranny.

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