
9 de junio de 2018

Mike Quinsey - channeling your Higher Self -

 June 8, 2018

Mike Quinsey

His patience is remarkable and praiseworthy has since learned that important events are affecting you and your world. They have been about to be revealed for quite a while, and you will be rewarded in more ways than one and know that nothing can prevent changes happen. The planet itself is also undergoing critical changes, and has been doing so for quite some considerable time, and is responsible for the indifferent and unusual weather patterns that have been experiencing. The end result will be your satisfaction and joy, as the experience ends no longer take place.As no doubt you will realize, climate plays an important role in many of their experiences, perhaps more than you think, and one of its most important functions is food production. Again, make sure that any problems will only be temporary and looking into the distant future, you will have food replicators and can extract water that can be used to drink the air around you. Those who are responsible for you in the right direction are always preparing new innovations or systems that will lead to a future where life becomes more enjoyable and much easier. The dust has always been a problem, but again that will be attended by units that remove and purify the air around you.Those who are responsible for you in the right direction are always preparing new innovations or systems that will lead to a future where life becomes more enjoyable and much easier. The dust has always been a problem, but again that will be attended by units that remove and purify the air around you. Those who are responsible for you in the right direction are always preparing new innovations or systems that will lead to a future where life becomes more enjoyable and much easier. The dust has always been a problem, but again that will be attended by units that remove and purify the air around you.

As expected, being in a New Era brings many new inventions and different forms of what it has always done in the past, which are less expensive and require less time. In fact, gradually they discover that, as a result, will have much more time for yourself. That will be very useful to the extent that you have enough time for their hobbies or interests that follow. For example, you may be someone who likes to travel the world and see how others live, travel and methods are quite different from those of today. There will be ultra fast all over the world and much through underground travel, regardless of the monitoring system currently used links. You travel by boat oceans will become a thing of the past, except in leisure activities, and sending generally considered obsolete and too expensive. The traditional air travel will be overcome by Flying Craft using the magnetism of the Earth as an energy source, as do many aliens.

In the course of all these changes, humanity will experience an expanded consciousness, and things like telepathy will be common. In general, much of what should be done with the human experience will change, and your love for gadgets, most of the functions related to the daily needs will be automatic. Robots are beginning to perform some simple functions, and come to the image as time passes. They carry out tasks currently performed manually, and there is no limit to the extent that you can program your utility. TV finally give a 3D image that will be shown in front of you.

All these developments are already known, although only as ideas that can lead to projects that benefit. From the higher realms, we put ideas on those who are in a position to use and develop them for the benefit of humanity. We ensure that several right people are "programmed" so that ideas do not become inactive. Our purpose is not to guide a particular way unless you have first grasped an idea and need help to develop it.Generally speaking, it is you who have ideas about what you might need and how to provide it, and it is at this stage that we ask a guide on how you can use better. The emphasis has always been to encourage them to map their own future needs, and will monitor its development if necessary.

Remember that at no time is left completely alone, and your Guides are always available to help. However, there is no interference in his life, except that there are points in their development that require change, and try to guide you to the way forward to fulfill your life contract. Sometimes there is a compromise between their intentions to free will and dedicated way. The key word is follow your intuition and if you feel compelled to perform a certain action, do so knowing that chances are your guides to see the bigger picture. Certainly, they will not deceive or go against their decisions. Chances are you often been impressed with the best action to be taken, but that, however, never impose these ideas. 

As time passes, your friends and helpers of the higher realms will come to you and come when they will be released and speak openly.Naturally, you also have the opportunity to speak with deceased relatives and friends. After all, there is no death except with your understanding of what it means, which in most cases is permanent death. Do you realize that you have a soul, you're immortal and you've lived many, many lifetimes, even before assuming human attributes?

You have a lot of experience but adopt a new personality every time you leave the Deity for future experiences, and continually grow through them and every time you take them back to Godhead. Before the incarnations of Earth, your memory is "erased" to make sure you do not get distracted from the tasks you have in hand. His challenge has been to rise above the lower vibrations and find the way back to the Light, when success makes it a more powerful and stronger being. As also told you before, your evolution will continue with the aim of becoming a Galactic Being prepared for the next set of experiences to further enhance your spiritual growth.

Dear, it may seem incredible that, in the light of chaos and disruption taking place on Earth, moving towards a path that will change everything and finally lead to a higher level with which they are actually more familiar. Growth comes through experience, and you are given opportunities to achieve that goal. At all times, guides you to achieve maximum success and progress with regard to their life plan. As I said, you plan these goals in mind, but if you choose a different path, is honored by their free will. Invariably, you will eventually find its way back to where it was agreed that it is usually better for you.

The incredible times await you in the near future, so keep your place in the Light and will be helping to bring the changes into manifestation. I'll leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and its way to completion. This message comes through my higher self, my Divine Being, and every soul has the same connection with God.

In love and light.

Mike Quinsey.

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