Hello dear Mother, I’m sitting in your park on a beautiful summer day. Watching your people walk about, kids play on park jungle jim’s and dogs happy to be outside walking. Bees fly from clover to clover drinking in sweet nectar. Birds are singing sweetly and a cool breeze blows softly. Would you like to give a message to your people today, dear Mother God?
Lovely to see you today, Dear One. It is a beautiful day of grace and rest for many. The summer day combined with Sunday makes for a sweet feel of relaxation and carefree times. Treasure this time. Try to refrain from thought of work on Monday and the dread that comes with it. Those thoughts do not bring you joy.
My Legions of Light have worked ever so diligently to bring these (carefree) days in for everyone for evermore. The White Hats, the great Alliance of the Company of Heaven and your Galactic Family have made it their highest honor to strive towards freedom for all Earth’s humans. Their work will help bring about the RV which I have indeed released this past week, and in turn will lead directly into your Ascension. Songs of freedom and “free at last”will sing out shortly, dear one. The days of sweat and toil and stress are no more.
For into the hands of the Lightworkers and Loveholders and LightBearers I have placed great abundance and prosperity. My Lightworker groups will then gladly and heartily share their prosperity with others and will encircle sweet Gaia with the healing salve of plenty. No one will ever want for food, water or housing. Everyone will share the seeds of plenty. The dark ones have been taken away for I decreed that their time was done. Humanity has lived in slavery;whether they were aware of it or not, for long enough. Time has come for the new Golden Age on planet Gaia. Gaia herself has already ascended and humanity will come close behind her. Your rainbow bridges to the New Earth have already been created by the Lightworker teams. They are in place and awaiting their passengers. Crossing is easy and many have indeed already crossed that bridge. Many whom you have thought of as died or passed on are already there. They have set up many grand things for all of you. They were called to the other side to prepare and they have done a fabulous job.
Dear one, I know you have many questions; this is quite an exciting time. Would you like to ask one?
Yes! OK, I’m imagining the New Earth and the Rainbow Bridge for us to get there. I’m thinking about families, spouses, etc. Does everyone go together or is this an individual thing? If it is individual, will we miss our family if they don’t come with us? Will families be separated?
Yes, this is a very big concern and I am aware of this. Let me explain it this way. You are all individuals and yet all one. So, your life and the progression of your spiritual journey is very personal to each one of you. When you are ready, you will go. Your families may or may not be ready when you are. There will be plenty of Wayshowers there on each side to assist those coming and going. My Angels are also assisting greatly. During this transitional time, each Soul will have their own special Mentor. This Mentor will answer your questions and guide you to contemplate the best course of action for you. You will then have all the information you need to make your own choice. Will you stay on 3D Earth? Will you raise up to 5D Earth? Will you join your Galactic Family on board a ship?
Will you join your Hollow Earth family inside Gaia? There will be no judgment of your decision. And, when your decision is made you will experience your choice in a calm and loving atmosphere. Families will not be torn apart in a violent or abrupt manner. Spouses may join their soul families or tribes in various places and will not be heartbroken or ache for their former spouse. All will be well!! It is a grand and joyous time!
Thank you Mother, I know that is a concern to many people.
Yes, I understand. Let me also add that you ALL chose to come here for a specific reason. You all planned and begged to be here NOW. So, deep within you, the knowledge of this time is buried. Your Soul knows the truth of this grand event called ‘the Shift’ or ‘Ascension’ so you only need to go within and connect to that knowledge.
May I ask another question?
Yes, of course.
Thank you! OK, I’m confused about the timing of things. Many of us who were led to buy foreign currencies and have been developing our Humanitarian Projects are awaiting the RV/GCR and GESARA so we will have the funds to start our projects and help others. So, after the RV goes and we get our blessings and begin our projects to help heal everyone…how long after that will the Ascension go—the time when we will either cross over the Rainbow Bridge to the New Earth or go somewhere else? I guess I just don’t get the point of being blessed with all this money to help fix up Gaia and helping humanity only to leave her? I mean, obviously it’s going to be an amazing experience and we cannot wait to help others and see everyone work together in communities to get projects done! To fed and house each other and do all sorts of cool stuff. How much time will we have to do all that?
Oh, dear heart, I know that you know time is relative but of course it is hard to comprehend in your current context. Time doesn’t even exist for me or any of the higher dimensional beings that you communicate with. So, how to answer your question? Think of it in layers. You know how you imagine pieces of history happening? Say, the time of horses and buggies and then came the automobiles. Well, there was an overlap time when first there were only a few autos and mostly horses and carts. Then, more and more autos and fewer horses, etc. There was not a cut off time when poof—cars appeared and the horses and buggies were gone. This sounds humorous but it is how I interpret your question. There isn’t or will not be a certain cut off time where people will all at once stop living on 3D Gaia and the next second all be somewhere else. People have already started going over the Rainbow Bridge, living on ships and living in the Hollow Earth. It is already happening. So, those with burning passions for their Humanitarian Projects will stay on 3D Earth as long as they wish; while others will decide to go to the New Earth immediately. Everything will occur at the correct time and pace for each individual person. The mass needed for your race’s Ascension has already been met, this is why some are choosing to leave already. Do you understand?
Yes. Thank you!
Any other questions today?
Yes. What would you like to say to someone who is newly awakened?
I am here and have always been here when you call on me. I am your Mother God, the Divine Feminine. When you meditate you may call me and I will soothe you with my unconditional love. Also, find time to be alone, to get to know your true self; your soul, your inner self that is connected to me. You will receive guidance from this part of you also if you ask. Some call this aspect their Higher Self. It is essential that you connect with this aspect of your essence, of your true self.
Thank you, dear Mother God!
It is my pleasure, Dear One. We will talk again soon. Be in joy.
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