
13 de junio de 2018

"New Monetary Systems Materializing" by Sierra (NZ) - 6.12.18

Entry Submitted by One of One at 11:58 AM EDT on June 13, 2018

Sierra has presented some very noteworthy things. Thank you, Sierra.

By now, it should be apparent that we have been in an upward and forward process of awakening, discovery, maturation..., and that the so-called Galactics and Alliance are sharing in that process. The Watchers too are part of this process. We are all connected, in oneness.

One thing after another has been uncovered, with the truth becoming increasingly apparent. In this, the devices of darkness and dark government (govern=control; government: a system of state-of-mind control) have been increasingly exposed.

In the process, many unreliable assessments and predictions have been made and acted upon, because the intel/data has been incomplete and, in some things, false. The occultness of the dark is extremely devious; and it is difficult for light beings to fathom the depths of darkness and know and predict all of its devices.

The upward and forward process is somewhat like untangling a tangled and knotted ball of twine. It is much easier to create the tangled mess than it is to sort it out and untangle it.

While we are all involved in the process, some of us, e.g. Kim Possible, Tank, Judge Anna, etc., have unique parts involving being different than the so-called norm, having a distinct view, distinct knowledge and distinct set of firsthand experiences, and having the heart and love (active good will) to pursue, discover and expose truth (or what we believe is the truth), and share what we find (or believe)--even if it causes us to be scorned and rejected because our message is not the typical bunk fed to the masses...or believed by the majority, including the IDC community...

Indeed, I have shared some things with Kim, Tank, the Galactics, the Ascended Masters, the Watchers...that were different than their conceptual construct, including their beliefs, conclusions, etc. And, in so doing, I am lovingly blunt.

The uniqueness of perspective and insight can contribute to one not fully comprehending the other's point of view, and, along with fallacies of reasoning, may contribute to false judgments regarding another's insights and words/concepts shared of that insight. Among other things, that insight involves experiential knowledge..., e.g. Tank's new experiences incur different insights and help him transcend what he finds has been false... (like I have shared, Tank is progressing in accord with Source...and has Source support; likewise re: Kim...)

When the "Galactics", "Alliance", Watchers or others admit uncovering (this is also called discovery)...and adaptation (change, including change of some date...) because of new discoveries/uncoverings (new knowledge), that is a very positive thing.

At some point, when we reach a level of maturity, we are not too quick to dismiss the validity of another's perspective, or attach our meaning to their words, or argue about the words that they have used in expressing their perspective, or judge or bash them based on our lack of knowledge/knowingness...or our ineptitude... In this, ego is balanced and there is less chaos/disharmony... Remember, ego simply is a word meaning "I"; and you cannot have an "IAM THAT I AM" or an "I AM presence" without ego; I AM presence is the presence of ego being. Ego in balance is a glorious/magnificent thing of uniqueness in harmony with all other uniquenesses of oneness... (oneness is not necessarily sameness--e.g. a nut in oneness with a bolt does not mean that the nut is the bolt or the bolt is the nut, even though they may both be of steel; the way, without comprehending me, many have thought/judged me to be a nut)

Such level of maturity allows a greater manifestation of love, peace, harmony...and unity, and more apparent effectiveness in related creation...

For the adept and advancing, this process will at some point involve laying aside things of varying degrees of lowness, including the United States, the united State of America, the so-called "rule of law", banks/corporations (partakers/devices of fiction--including the Vatican, the Crown (London)...; thus Jared's sharing regarding corporations going away), so-called money, the so-called constitution with provision for common law including fiction, the so-called Republic, the Kingdom of Manna, the Alliance, the Galactic Federation/Confederation, the Draco empire, the so-called hierarchy of heaven, etc. Yet, the masses are not at that point, and the devices of the varying degree of lowness have their function toward the next phase of cosmic development in accord with Source.

Remember: In the scope of so-called law, including that of the (Draco) Order, fiction is a rule of law which assumes that something known to be false, or likely to be false, is the truth and will not allow that the assumption (pretense; pretend truth) be disproved. 

This, including the rule of law involving fiction, is part of the corruption of darkness. Regardless of the false gospel and doctrine of "the Law", fiction is not a noble device, unless perhaps it is regarded as such by some dark nobility/royalty, some genetic gene pool of darkness (hiding/obscuring the truth of the innate and unalienable/inalienable sovereignty of every one...).

While there is "rule of law" involving fiction, there is some degree of bondage, including the suppression of the truth of our Source essence and its qualities, including the individual sovereignty of all; and the (genuine) truth shall make you free.

Love and truth (genuine truth, not the pretend truth) are one and inseparable. Where there is lack regarding one, there is lack regarding the other.

Let us not obstruct the genuine truth and its manifestations; and let us bring it forth all the more.

Let us love, and aid the proliferation of truth and the removal of fiction in its various forms.

Let us not love or serve any fiction, for such is bondage and does not effect genuine freedom of any.

Let us applaud and celebrate the successes of the process and the progress of discovering/uncovering and adapting/changing into agreement with the genuine truth as we go.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...