
19 de junio de 2018

Planned the revival of Manchuria, while Europe is facing a summer of discontent


Again, this year, the world faces a long, hot summer of discontent with more action, probably in Europe and East Asia. EU is likely to undergo a change of regime due to popular anger, as warm weather brings, even more, a massive wave of Muslim immigrants, mostly men. In the Far East, the meeting dome between US President Donald Trump and strong North Korean Kim Jong-un took serious plans to revitalize a Manchurian Empire, composed of Mongolia, northern China, Korea and Japan, according to several independent sources, including the CIA and Military Intelligence Japanese.
Let's start with the situation in Europe, where the governments of Austria, Italy, Sweden and elsewhere are waking up to the fact that the so - called refugee crisis in fact is a Muslim invasion. This is no exaggeration, since over 60% of the nearly five million refugees arriving in Europe since 2013, are male. In other words, an army of three million Muslims of military age invaded Europe by stealthy means. These statistics come from Eurostat, via Wikipedia.

This is not just a random instance. "Refugees" are getting false documents; for example, Afghan and Pakistani men are getting for their travel expenses and allowances, as well as false Syrian passport of autonomous social engineers P2 Freemasons, who are behind this crisis. As mentioned earlier, when we visited the P2, in Italy, a few years ago, they said their plan was to force Islam and Christianity to battering each other, to merge the two into a single world religion controlled by them.
This is the backdrop of a series of news events that emerged last week when warm weather began in earnest. First, we have the new Italian government entering into a war of words with France after admitting decide to stop boatloads of refugees.
Then we have the government of Austria driving magnet and mobilizing its border police, while a wave of about 80,000 immigrants to the border.
In addition, as mentioned last week, Sweden, for the first time in 40 years, mobilized his guards to deal with lawless zones and governance, created in Swedish territory by these predominantly Muslim men.
This crisis is likely to collapse the two regimes- from France and Germany that are still with plans to increase the flow of refugees. Members of the government of pro-refugee German Chancellor Angela Merkel, are now saying that "within a week" will be replaced, because of its position in favor of refugees.
It is expected that the situation reaches the summit of NATO / NATO, planned for 11 and 12 July 2018.
On this occasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with US President Donald Trump, according to sources from the Russian government. In short, this is linked to the meeting in Finland on 10 June, between senior US general Joseph Dunford and Chief of Staff Military District, General Valery Gerasimov, where "European security issues" discussed, "Syria [Israel] "and other issues.
"Someone" knowledgeable "and is directly involved with the talks between Kim Jong-un, [Chinese President] Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump said," Look carefully Vladimir Putin during the World Cup, especially its movement chess, to be held on July 15 in which he will participate in the event, which will change the geography around Crimea. As agreed, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump will not allow their governments involved "in the matter.
If Putin and the people behind them are serious, it is a good guess that they will formally annexing the territories of Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine.
This movement, too, can be accompanied by a change of regime in the rest of Ukraine, as the khazariano, criminal and Nazi regime will be overthrown, Russian sources said the FSB.
Russians can also force the other avenger khazariano regime, Israel to remove its dictator, the worshiper of Satan, Benjamin Netanyahu or then face a Russian / Iranian / Turkish - scale invasion. It is in this context that we recall that NATO has already said he will not defend Israel. Jews and others living in Israel will be freed and protected as a result of any such movement.
Now, let's turn our attention to the situation in East Asia. At present, we are seeing an active planning to revive the Manchurian or Mongolian state that goes from Mongolia, through Northeast China to Korea and Japan, as heirs of the Qing dynasty (Manchu), members of the cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, CIA sources and others.
At first glance, this is not as absurd as it seems. It was so a CIA source, based in Asia, he puts the moderate version of this plan: "It 's all about energy.  A natural gas pipeline will be built through the Koreas, originated on the Russian side and through Vladivostok, where North Korea will become the Switzerland of theEast.  at the moment, discussions are underway to see if Japan, too, will be a consumer of the natural gas. "As a result, he said, it is that" Pyongyang will become the new Singapore ".
A member of the Abe Cabinet confirmed that negotiations between Japan and North Korea were happening and that the revival of Manchuria was part of those discussions.
Recalling that when Xi Jinping met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, on April 6, 2017, Trump made it clear that China had limited power over North Korea. What he really meant was that the military district of northern China, dominated by ethnic-monks, in fact, was largely autonomous. So even though Xi, at therequest of Trump later announced sanctions against North Korea, they were not applied at a lower level.
For its part, the Manchu royals insists that the G7 funded the Marshall Plan with gold stolen from her. If the Americans and the Russians are in agreement with them, suddenly, control over much of the money that helped develop the G7 and then to China, will fall into new hands - that say a military alliance between Mongolia / Russia / EE .S ..
This could be the real reason why the other G6 countries were throwing cold water on the meeting Dome North Korea / USA and their newfound friendship. So in July, it will be interesting to see what Putin and Trump, will have the rest of NATO controlled by Khazarian.
In addition, last week, to support the contention of this writer, he ran a story that nuclear weapons North Korea really be Japanese nuclear weapons. After Kim / Trump summit there was a statement from the Japanese government that it would reduce its stock of plutonium, due to US pressure.
Produce Plutonium is the biggest obstacle to nuclear weapons and that it has basically have nuclear weapons. For example, if you poured 10 kg of Pluto from the top of a ladder to 10 Kg of Plutonium at its base, a nuclear explosion will occur. Japan has enough Pluto to produce 6,000 nuclear weapons and also rockets (missiles) that can reach anywhere on the planet. As once noted President Boris Yeltsin, Japan had the habit of saying world leaders that it was a nuclear power, while maintaining a non - nuclear public stance.
Then, as this article suggests, ask North Korea to get rid of nuclear weapons would be tantamount to asking Japan to get rid of their nuclear weapons.
Another sign that this alliance US / Russia / Mongolia (Japan + Korea, etc.) is emerging is that for the first time since 1916, a member of the Japanese royal family is visiting Russia. These things do not happen by chance.
Another piece of the puzzle is that this news about the King of Thailand announced that assume control of Thai real assets:
"The king is moving away from the Board, knows she is controlled by the khazariana Zionist cabal, the value of 30,000 million dollars is extremely conservative, is 10 times the amount and the amount of the CIA in Asia," In other words it is a good guess that the legendary gold royal Thailand, gold is added to the Qing (Manchu) a change to take over the global financial system, far from reality the khazariana mafia.
In this context we must look at Trump's statement of a trade war with the EU and China. Pentagon sources say the move is intended to force the restart of the financial system after the war and out of control that same khazariana mafia.
In addition, the removal of controls of US power continues. The greatest novelty, ignored by corporate propaganda media controlled by Khazarian was an announcement made by the Department of Justice on 11 June (11/06) of more than 2,300 pedophiles had been arrested.
In addition, AT & T was authorized to take over Time Warner, which, according to Pentagon sources, means that CNN will be forced to stop its blatant propaganda and really start again, to tell real news.
On a final note this week, although generally avoid market commentary, we would like to draw your attention to the following news:

"Just remember the saying that" the trend is your friend "(that equals also says: follow the sheep before him)., That only works until the whole herd has fallen into the cliff  then no say you were not warned.


Translation:   Starseeds   / Candido Pedro Jorge

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