
19 de junio de 2018

Russian Pedophile I send pictures to Hillary Clinton now linked to COMPLOT FBI trying to unseat President TRUMP

... June 18, 2018 ... By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers .... In the saga of uncleanness and decay that seems Never Ending and exposes the entire political establishment in the United States more like a sink that a government ... An Astonishing report of the Federal Security Service (FSB) circulating in the Kremlin today said that a new investigation has been opened into the crimes of pedophilia Russian rights activist Yuri Dmitriev -.... and this is because of "new circumstances" be discovered by computer forensic experts showing that during 2016 had been in email communication with Russian justice escaped the master-criminal Gennady Vostretsov -... .

Breaking! FBI New Effort To Compromise Trump Revealed 
VIDEO - and who, in the last hours, the Allied Trump, Roger Stone has revealed surprising that was used by the FBI in his plan to overthrow President Trump, ... with the Washington Post revealing surprising about Gennady Vostretsov who has been living in America since his escape from Russia under the assumed names of "Henry Greenberg" and "Henry Oknyansky" .. . and whom the FBI gave special permission for entry into the US secret. UU. , And who he is now spying.  

[Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations English language words / Russian phrases that do not have an exact counterpart.] According to the report, in 2016, Yuri Dmitriyev was the head of the Karelian branch Memorial, which is intended to be a researcher of Soviet communist crimes committed during the 1930s and 1940s, .... but in 2013, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ)) labeled as a "foreign agent" by the reception foreign funding of political organization financed by George Soros Open Democracy ... ..and the supposed charity called Clinton Hillary Clinton Foundation.

In October 2016, this report continues, President Putin received a strange phone call from President Obama, who said that the United States would consider any interference in their presidential elections as a serious matter, .... that Putin was "surprised / upset "hearing just a few weeks before he and Obama had held many private meetings at the Summit of G20 Leaders, where this issue was not even raised, but that made Putin, however, ordered the FSB to conduct a investigation. In research conducted by the FSB, about this report, it was discovered that the Russian rights activist Yuri Dmitriyev had emailed the Clinton Foundation numerous files ....

The most disturbing of which was labeled "Health Diary" and contained hundreds of nude photographs of her youngest daughter Natasha stepdaughter, and why the FSB Yuri Dmitriyev Arrested on 15 December 2016. Activist for the rights of Russians Yuri Dmitriyev (left files) detained by FSB in December 2016 on charges of pedophile In defense of pedophile charges brought against him by the FSB, the report says Yuri Dmitriyev testified during questioning the "health Journal" ... file containing hundreds of nude photographs of her young daughter less Natasha started because I wanted to record your progress (their weight gain, for example), ...
and she did until she was nine years old, and had been sent "inadvertently / accidentally" the Clinton Foundation had asked photographs of mass graves Soviet Communists he had discovered ... and FSB experts forensic officially recognize that these photos are not pornographic, and a special meeting of psychiatrists who concluded that it was not a pedophile and is sane, pedophiles charges against Yuri Dmitriyev were removed, .... Although he was convicted of illegally possessing a weapon not registered, but only received a sentence of being under police supervision for two and a half years. Unknown to Yuri Dmitriyev, however, it was that the FSB continued to investigate pedophile case against him ..
and it was because they were "disconcerted / worried" about why the Western media left were making their arrest a 'cause celebre "-... With some of the headlines that proclaim" The case Yuri Dmitriev is, perhaps, the most important thing in Russia now , ".. and Hillary Clinton and George Soros aligned political organization highly distorted Open Democracy publishing articles on this case as" the first steps to exonerate the Russian historian of the Gulag "Yuri Dmitriyev" .. and " historian who dug too deep ".. and that Russian intelligence analysts said was the first time in history that these Western leftists ever came to the defense of people facing charges of pedophilia.

As for why Western leftist media came out in defense of Yuri Dmitriyev, this report points out that was recently discovered by computer experts found surprisingly FSB .... That the "Health Journal" file nude images of stepdaughter Dmitriyev, Natasha, not only was sent to the Clinton Foundation, ... but also the criminal mastermind known Russian Gennady Vostretsov, which is why officials of the Republic of Karelia (a federal subject of Russia) just rule on Dmitriyev "the court has canceled both absolution and conviction ... the case was sent for retrial to the Court of the city of Petrozavodsk".

The fugitive criminal criminal Russian Gennady Vostretsov (above) lives in Floriday works as a spy for the FBI under the alias of Henry Greenberg and Henry Oknyansky  the fugitive criminal Gennady Vostretsov, about this report, was arrested by the FSB in December 2002 for defrauding victims of millions of dollars on both sides of the Atlantic .... and when he was captured he was living under the name of his wife, actress Yelena Arzhanik, whose roommate in Moscow was the British film producer John Daly, .. .. whose films include "the Terminator," "Hoosiers" and "the Last Emperor", .... and whose close friends and business partners are Hillary Clinton ... Supporting leftist Hollywood directors, Steven Spielberg and Oliver Stone.

Known for being "very intelligent" and having "powerful sponsors , " continues this report .. 
the same FBI who had worked with the FSB in 2002 to capture the international criminal mastermind Gennady Vostretsov, then turned his back to Russia by giving "special access" to return the United States who had been deported for crimes he had committed there -... with his then take the names of Henry and Henry Greenberg Oknyansky while working for the FBI as a "confidential informant" which is what US intelligence agencies call their spies.

In late May 2016, rather than stick to the INTERPOL RED NOTICE to stop and return to Russia international fugitive criminal mastermind Gennady Vostretsov, this report concludes ... now "He bent and broken off " the FBI, Instead, he unleashed on the Trump campaign .... Part of his plan to discredit the President Trump with everything they could in Russian, .... in an operation led by the principal chief of counterintelligence FBI, Peter Strzok, who vowed to prevent Trump became president ... and that Trump has now been labeled a "sick loser" - but whose effort failed when Trump ally Roger Stone refused to "take the bait" ... and Vostretsov pay for alleged dirt on Hillary Clinton - ..

Vostretsovlo with Stone saying that everyone in the world should have known then , " You do not understand Donald Trump, he pays nothing." "Sometimes your best investments are the ones that do not." 45 ° President Donald J. Trump laEstados States June 18, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked to its original source in WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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