Dear friends there is much in the way of important news coming from Kryon, and we need to awaken our awareness to the changes that herald the commencement of a new cycle that is going to take us far beyond the limitations of the old one. We are heading for a new area in Space that will take us into higher vibrations. It will finally see the end of the dark Ones as they simply cannot exist in them, and will remain in a level that resonates with their present one. Meanwhile you are gradually being introduced to Quantum Energy that you will need to understand as soon as possible. A parting of the ways is coming so play your part in helping the New Age to continue manifesting, and all will be assured as going well and proceeding as expected.
The following message is welcome news where the future is concerned, as it clearly indicates that major changes are coming and in general Mother Earth can handle the bigger ones. All in all, awareness already exists regarding future changes, and they will cause little if any of a catastrophic nature. It may seem that the Human Race is expected to face the changes alone, but help is already on hand to deal with any problems that may arise. There is a plan for Humanity that is destined to succeed and absolutely nothing will prevent its successful completion.
I want to give a fact just to think about, because I was here a long time ago. There was a time before you were here when the Oceans were constantly having oil spills, guess where they came from, they came from oilfields beneath the Ocean’s surface that was ruptured and would spill unbelievable amounts of oil naturally from the Ocean floor, and that’s where you drill for it now, so figure it out and connect the dots. Spill after spill after spill and there were no ships around spilling oil. Where is it today and did it ruin the environment, and the answer is no, and what happened to it. There is a system and there always has been where the Ocean scrubs itself and takes care of this in ways you do not know. Figure it out and connect the dots, you are not the first ones to spill oil in the Oceans it is a natural occurrence, ask a geologist what is down there right now if there are spills bubbling up and there are, it’s a natural occurrence – the Ocean knows about it, recognises it and takes care of it. The planet is fast tracking by cleaning itself up. Gaia is a friend of Humanity and sees what is going on and is working the issue with you.
You are moving into another kind of radiation and it’s going to affect your Sun. You are already starting to see it. Meteorologists are reporting it, it’s part of the shift in the weather, the radiant cycle of the Sun itself will be different, the amount of sunspots will be different because the radiation you are moving into as a Solar System, you have never seen before – not as humans, and you are afraid and you are not looking at it and some are saying this is the end. There are ways of neutralizing and changing it you have no idea about it and it’s already happened one time and can you not see that and figure it out and not be afraid, be circumspect, take a look at what is going on and stay away from the hot areas as measured, but understand the Ocean is going to work it all out.
Others are saying it’s going to be dangerous, and here’s what I am going to tell you, this radiation is going to move right into your magnetic grid, and it’s going to change your DNA and you are going to get another 10% efficiency, its right on time, it’s right on schedule, its benevolent physics that knows what you were doing. What others will fear is going to be your evolution of consciousness, what is going on is a benevolent system. Our clock is not your clock, we see this coming and when it does you might say “Well it took longer than I thought” the timing as you would say, it’s not anything we are aware of – we know about your clock. We see how you are impatient because things do not happen on schedule, that is in three dimensions but what difference is it, it will arrive when it arrives and you are going to be here now.
Some of you may not be the same age or of the same gender, but you will be here. What difference does it make you are going to see its invention. When a planet moves into what we would call a fast track inventions start to even increase beyond what you thought was high technology, but the technology you were about ready to receive is beyond third dimensional technology, and it will be quantum technology, and it starts slow but just like the evolution of so many inventions that you have had in technology that you have had in the past, it has a ramp up that is slow at first then lightning fast in the end.
One thing leads to another and starts to show something else, and I will give it to you one more time. Planets that move into Ascension states, must have an eventuality of understanding quantum energy, and the beginning of understanding quantum energy is the ability to measure it and see it even if you cannot produce it or alter it or work with it, you have got to be able to see it. When you can see quantum energy in any form you start to understand how to see it in a better form. You will see the patterns contained in it, and when you start seeing those you will have a million questions that cannot be answered but it will start a progress of invention as you discover one thing after another of what you are seeing, that you never saw before and the colours will be outstanding, and that is a metaphor for second sight. It is going to bring physics into a brand new perspective and you will see the missing laws.
Get ready for medicine to change forever, get ready for the elimination of one kind of healing and the opening of another. Get ready for intelligent quantum healing to occur. I have no way of describing a healing paradigm that you cannot see, you cannot imagine and that marries you and the Innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own DNA – that’s as far as I can go.
The two big Western Powers play games to manipulate matters to bring a desired outcome, and eventually you will see that progress is being made that will enable countries to move on. Be assured that no matter how highly positioned a person may be, they can still be motivated and inspired by those beings who oversee their progress. Knowing what is expected in the near future they can lead people in such a way, that they are feel prompted to do things that ultimately can be seen as most appropriate for continuation of the plan for Mother Earth and her people.
The outworking in many countries of plans for their future well-being is proceeding well, even if outwardly it appears shambolic now. At the right time a turn of events will lead to a new step forward being taken, that leads along the path to desirable change and a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that all actions are intended to bring about an end to confrontation and the path to endless problems. In the past karma has played a big part in what has taken place, but as the new vibrations take effect so a peaceful end to hostilities is possible. You will gradually see that where leadership changes have taken place, a more settled outlook is achieved. It is time now for peaceful transitions that will ultimately lead to permanent peace. It is your planned destiny, and greater powers than those on Earth will ensure that the bright future ordained for you will manifest in good time when it is appropriate.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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