, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Saul Message - Negative self-judgment, recrimination, and blame closes you off from the Love that is your true nature. .



Saul Message - Negative self-judgment, recrimination, and blame closes you off from the Love that is your true nature. .

Saul Message

Negative self-judgment, recrimination, and blame closes you off from the Love that is your true nature.


All the apparent ongoing chaos in the world most definitely does have a purpose and that is to encourage and nudge humanity to move forward enthusiastically along the path to awakening. In this context moving forward means to recognize and become fully aware of all the “stuff” that no longer serves you, and then to very consciously intend to release it. The recognition is easy, but the releasing can be very demanding, especially when people attempt to deny and disown what comes into their awareness in this fashion because it is seen as unacceptable, unreal, and shamingly painful. No one enjoys becoming aware either of their inadequacies or of their unkindness in their relationships, and yet there is no one who is free of words or actions that have been driven by these attitudes or behaviors.
However, this “stuff” is, in truth, unreal! Yes, you have memories and awareness of it, but it is part of the unreal game that you have been engaged in for eons, and you need only release it. There is absolutely no need to go into self-recrimination, negative self-judgment, and blame for the words or actions you engaged in that were unloving. Instead, forgive yourselves, and accept that in that moment, in the moment when you engaged in these words or actions, you were doing what you thought was best – even if almost immediately afterwards you realized that this was not so. Negative self-judgment, recrimination, and blame closes you off from the Love that is your true nature, keeping you in the game where it seems that you are separated from Source, and thus draining your energy and exhausting you.
The releasing is not easy because you keep on remembering, reliving, and judging yourselves for stuff that occurred in the past. It’s over! There is only now, so all that you need do is forgive yourselves, love yourselves, and accept that you are, and always have been Love – an aspect or part of Source that is pure, perfect, and unchanging – just as you were created. Holding onto guilt – constant negative self-judgment – as so many do, just drains your energy, exhausts, and depresses you, and it serves no useful purpose! What God creates is perfect and remains perfect, and God in infinite Love and Wisdom created you.
Therefore go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, and open yourselves to the Love that resides there willing and desiring only to embrace you in every moment. As you allow Love to embrace you any feelings of guilt and unworthiness will fall away, and you will experience the knowing, the absolute certainty that you are totally lovable, and that you are indeed loved unconditionally and unreservedly just as you are.
As that knowing arises into your awareness your need to judge will fall away to be replaced by an intense sense of love and compassion for all of life, and peace and contentment will permeate your being. Of course, as humans still in form and having to deal with daily life, events and situations will continue to arise that upset or disturb your inner peace. This is why it is absolutely essential that you go within daily to access the Love that is your true nature and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises. This does not mean that you are in any way responsible for making others happy, or that you have to go against your intuition or inner knowing in order not to upset them. To be only loving means to act with honesty and integrity, and to see through the masks of anger, resentment, bitterness, and even hatred that others wear, to the loving being they truly are but are afraid to reveal because of the pain and suffering they are undergoing.
As you are well aware there is an immense amount of pain and suffering throughout the world, and your task – the receivers of this and similar messages – is to provide the safe spaces into which those who are suffering can relax and feel the love and acceptance that they so desperately desire. Unloving behavior arises when people feel threatened, attacked, or unworthy and unacceptable, because to experience these feelings is terrifying, and so they feel the need to erect a protective barrier around themselves to shut out the pain. If that does not work for them they may well attack others, verbally or physically, because in that state of intense pain they feel an intense and irresistible urge to project it out onto others thus, as they see it, freeing themselves and enabling them to survive.
There are very few among you who have not experienced this need at some time in your lives, so you can understand that when someone attacks it indicates that they are in pain. And of course when you feel under attack strong emotions arise within you encouraging you to counter-attack. However, with the enormous assistance available to you from the spiritual realms, you can choose not to react, and instead pause momentarily, and then reset your intent to be only loving. When you do this the emotional tension in the situation eases, and then whatever has arisen can be peacefully resolved.
Remember, you are not your emotions, your feelings, or your reactions, you are a beloved child of God. Those intense sensations are part or aspects of the human condition, and when they arise they are offering you lessons that you elected to experience when you were so wisely planning your life paths before this incarnation. There are no accidents or coincidences. Accidents and coincidences are just occurrences that you, as limited by the restrictions that being human entails, were unable to either foresee or imagine, and which cause surprise, sometimes extreme surprise, when they occur in your lives.
So, to reiterate yet again, it is absolutely essential for your well-being as humans that you go within daily, to that holy inner sanctuary, and there remake the intent to open your hearts to the Love that resides there, the Love that is your true nature, so that you experience Its warm embrace. Doing so strengthens and comforts you, reawakens your awareness that there is only Love, Source, Mother/Father/God from Whom you are never, even for an instant, separated. Then you can go forth into your day with confidence, knowing that you have the ability to deal with whatever arises because you are not alone, but are constantly supported by all in the spiritual realms.
With so very much love, Saul.

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