
13 de julio de 2018


"The principles of truth are seven: the one who understands this perfectly possesses the magic key before which all the doors of the Temple will be opened wide."

The seven universal principles of the cosmos do not differentiate between nations, races, or creeds and subject without distinction, rich and poor, ignorant and wise, adults or children. Knowing these principles and the

knowing how to use them brings us spiritual and physical benefits for humanity.

Hermes Trismegisto has established the secret of knowledge through 7 keys or principles. Centuries later, some esoteristas captured them in a work that brought together several hermetic concepts: The Kybalion.

Hermes Trismegisto, which means "three times great", was a character of great wisdom who took his knowledge of the Egyptians, and who is credited with being the creator of alchemy and developing a system of metaphysical beliefs that is now known as hermeticism .

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus enjoyed great credit and were popular among alchemists. The hermetic tradition, therefore, is associated with alchemy, magic, astrology and other mystical and occult themes.


For its part, The Kybalión -of anonymous authors- is a twentieth century document that contains and brings together the set of teachings of alchemical philosophy and that synthesizes the seven hermetic principles, adapted to the thinking of that time and that open the doors to the great wisdom to those who know how to interpret them and put them into practice.

The seven principles are:

Mentalism The All is mind; the universe is mental. We are what we think and our present is governed by it.

Correspondence. As above, so below; as it is below, it is above. He affirms that this principle manifests itself in the three Great Planes: the Physical, the Mental and the Spiritual.

Vibration. Nothing is immobile; everything moves; everything vibrates.

Polarity. Everything is double, everything has two poles; all, its pair of opposites: the like and the antagonists are the same; the opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; the ends touch; all truths are half truths, all paradoxes can be reconciled.

Rhythm. Everything flows and flows back; everything has its periods of advance and retreat, everything ascends and descends; everything moves like a pendulum; the measure of its movement to the right is the same as that of its movement to the left; the rhythm is the compensation.

Cause and effect. Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; luck or chance is nothing more than the name that is given to the unrecognized law; There are many planes of causality, but nothing escapes his domain.

Gender. The genre exists everywhere; everything has its masculine and feminine principle; the genre manifests itself in all planes. On the physical plane is sexuality.

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