
26 de diciembre de 2018

5 'City of the Gods' discovered in Giza

Resultat d'imatges Egypt

The 'City of the Gods' discovered in Giza

An exclusive update for members of the Assembly of Stargate
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince

Since  completed  the final manuscript of  The Stargate Conspiracy  , it has emerged a new affirmation of a discovery of wonders in Egypt. It is particularly interesting when compared with the findings of our book. What we call the Stargate conspiracy may seem at first glance some of  the nightmares  of  Chris Carter  , but even more appalling is the fact that this is real.

Although various intelligence agencies are involved, the main driver is the  CIA  , indoors, the plot began just a few years after its formation. Briefly, the plot involves manipulating symbols and powerful archetypal ideas to create what is essentially a new global religion. The concepts have stolen include the true mysteries of ancient Egypt, the so - called Monuments of Mars and belief in extraterrestrial contact in the distant past.

The last message you are pushing relentlessly is that the gods of ancient Egypt were actually advanced extraterrestrial beings, and they are back. And certain selected individuals believed to be in psychic communication with them and are preparing humanity for the reopening of direct contact.

One of the key pillars of  the conspiracy of Stargate  is promoting the belief in the imminent discovery of hidden wonders beneath the Giza plateau: a discovery that, somehow, will link all the threads and essentially demonstrate the reality of gods of space. One of the greatest difficulties in investigating The Stargate Conspiracy was in assessing the many stories of secret searches of hidden cameras in Giza, either within the monuments themselves or below ground.

On the one hand, there is undeniable evidence that such a search has been performing for almost 30 years and, at least in the 1970s, government agencies in the United States actively participated in it. More recently, the search has been carried out by individuals and organizations with a more esoteric agenda as  John Anthony West  and the  Association for Research and Enlightenment  (ABE), Edgar Cayce organization.

On the other hand, although there have been abundant rumors discoveries, either by excavation or remote sensing (hard science, not to be confused with remote viewing), all have proved to be insubstantial (for example, the claim that the cameras below they entered the Sphinx in the summer of 1998) or simply less sensational exaggerations of findings (eg, the chamber below the water well that has received much attention recently).

Given these conflicting data, we could only conclude that either you are performing a highly secret search in Giza, but is hiding behind a smokescreen of disinformation, or (which seems increasingly likely) that certain parties want think that there is. In the latter case, the real purpose of the exercise is to foster a belief not only in the upcoming revelations of Egypt, but also a privileged few already know that there is something to find.

A new book by  Ian Lawton  and  Chris Ogilvie-Herald  ,  Giza: The Truth  , to be published in August, should contribute greatly to clarify the conflicting claims about hidden findings in Egypt.

It is against the latest esta background That claim Needs to be placed. One of the major figures in our investigation is Dr.  James J. Hurtak , the Californian mystic and polymath Who has played a key role in all the major aspects of the emerging belief system.

I was Involved in explorations at Giza in the 1970s, was one of the major Proponents of  the Face and Pyramids of Mars  (and Their Connection with Egypt), and, since 1973, has Claimed to be in psychic contact With highly-evolved extraterrestrial intelligences , Including  the Council of Nine  (WHO Proclaim Themselves the  gods of ancient Egypt ).

I is the Author of  The Keys of Enoch , Which is based on the revelations Given to him by His otherworldly source. Two years ago, the rumor That Began to circulate Hurtak HAD discovered, and Entered, a vast underground complex in  the Giza area .

This was protected by some kind of force field, but Hurtak Knew the correct acoustic key for disabling it. Then I was privileged to see a subterranean city virtually Including, Among other marvels, the body of Osiris.

These stories Were Reported first in lectures by the New Age leader  Drunvalo Melchizedek.

This individually. has a considerable international following in New Age circles, and is the head of a movement Known as  the Flower of Life . Melchizedek claims to be  a walk-in  (One Who has Agreed for Their body to be possessed by a higher spirit entity) of an angelic being.

Nelchizedek's teaching Incorporates Such concepts as Communication with the inhabitants of a planet orbiting Sirius B - citing  Robert Temple 's  The Sirius Mystery  evidence as - and the fall of Atlantis around 11,000 BC.

Drunvalo Melchizedeks With Dr Hurtak relationship is unclear. Hurtak has disavowed any ,Although 'official' connection With him, there is a suspicious resemblance Melchizedeks Between teaching and That of  The Keys of Enoch .

Melchizedeks choice of alias is suggestive Also - the significance of the Old Testament character of That name and the modern  Order of Melchizedek  is Discussed in Chapter 6 of The Stargate Conspiracy.

In His 1997 lectures, Melchizedek Described the opening of the Giza 'underworld' but did not name the single concerned. Shortly afterwards, Dr Hurtak issued statements denying rumors on the Internet That I was the anonymous person.

However, in 1998 and early 1999, in lectures in Australia and Europe, Hurtak Essentially the same story Told, But This Time Acknowledged himself as the One Who Had found the way into esta Subterranean City of the Gods, as it is now called.

The full story was posted on the  Library of New On-Line Australia  by  Paul White . (White is a documentary producer and director Who has championed recent claims of a link Between ancient Egypt and Australia.)

It Claimed That is the complex was discovered by remote sensing in 1978, and as a result That a secret agreement was made (presumably by the United States) With  President Anwar Sadat  to allow exploration of the system. Dr Hurtak is Described as One of the key scientists Involved In This top-secret project.

In His lectures, Hurtak Showed video footage of the halls and chambers. That I have promised will be released footage esta esta year later, in time for the Millennium. Those Who Have Seen That it claim it shows vast, underground colonnaded halls the size of cathedrals, underground waterways and even a kilometer-wide lake, all deep beneath the Giza Plateau.Also Hurtak Claimed records and other artifacts That Have Been discovered in sealed chambers.

Obviously, we hope the public release of this material with considerable interest. Until then, we can only make some preliminary observations. The idea that there is a  network of chambers and tunnels under Giza  is not new. It is, for example, explored  the  gods of Eden Andrew Collins (1998).

Collins and others have pointed out that such a system should exist underground because Giza is a limestone plateau and caves and underground rivers are characteristic of such characteristics.

In ancient Egyptian evidence there are suggestions that the corridors and paths of the Duat are  descriptions  literal  rather than  symbolic  , of what lies beneath  Rostau  , the ancient name of Giza  . If the ancient Egyptians had agreed and built a network of this type, this would, of course, an important and exciting discovery.

But while there may be some kind of network of tunnels under Giza, we should treat other claims Hurtak more cautiously. For example, he says it has 15.000 years old and was built by the civilization of  Atlantis  , which he describes as the fourth root race (thus linking the discovery with hidden racial ideas of the nineteenth century that influenced, among others, the Nazis) . ). How do you know?

And this really discovery, as suggested, confirms the quasi - religious scheme described in The Keys of Enoch  (a book that, as  they will know the  readers of  The Stargate Conspiracy , in our opinion contains some very disturbing ideas):  Hurtak  also links the discovery of the impending global changes and the return of superior beings who guided humanity in the distant past.

He says that we are currently at the end of a cycle that began 13.000 years (medium precession cycle) ago, and this will be a time of great upheavals and catastrophes that mark the passage of the human race (or at least part). it) in a new developmental stage.

This, of course, is based on ideas popularized by  Robert Dauval  and  Graham Hancock  in Keeper of Genesis  (1996). Hurtak also presents evidence of a lost civilization gathered by Hancock in  Fingerprints of the Gods  in support of their claims.

In the final chapter of  The Stargate Conspiracy  , we predict that some sort of event or transcendental revelation related to Giza well could be achieved on stage to match the Millennium, and that this would have the effect of crystallising the various elements of the new belief. system.

This can be promoted from the back of a genuine discovery or could be completely fabricated.

We hope the developments in this story with great interest. Anyone with more information, comments or observations can send an email to  Stargate Assembly. 

© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a,  as a source of it  and include this URL  and Copyright notice

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