July 3rd, 2018
By Jenny Brown
Writer at Shareably Have
you ever been close to your dog and you wonder what is thinking or feeling? You've probably caught your dog doing something strange that made you question your state of mind. Here are 50 of the most common canine behaviors explained in human terms.
1) Eyes Puppy
One of the cutest things your dog does is put those big puppy eyes. While most people melt and reward this tenderness with a gift, this is the way your dog says he loves you and trusts you (I'm sure you will also appreciate the tasty sandwich you give!) ADVERTISEMENT

3) Squinting or blinking
This means that your pet wants attention and is ready to spend quality time with you. If you notice this behavior, ask yourself. You have been too busy to show some love today? If so, take some time. It's good for both!

4) Staring
notice that even low maintenance dogs need your attention. Again, the intense gaze is not his way of being creepy. They just want your love.

5) loving Language
If you caught the opposite sex doing this to you , youcould call the police. When a dog does this, it is a sign that they are relaxed, happy and mellow. This is usually your expression after getting the attention they crave!ADVERTISEMENT

6) intense eye contact
Who does not want to be the center of attention of a loved one? If you have a dog and he is making intense eye contact with you, it is focused on you and only you.He is very attentive to your expressions and what you want from him.

8) Straight tail and pointy ears forward and
in this situation, your best friend is curious about something in their environment. Maybe you are listening to a new sound or smells something interesting. Either way, he's ready to play detective.ADVERTISEMENT

9) Language pendant
If your dog is doing this is a sign that nothing is wrong in your world and everything is perfect.

10) Showing teeth, ears back and snarling
This is obvious; however, it never hurts to remind people how an angry and aggressive dog. If you find this, your dog feels threatened and alert the enemy. Do not go near a dog in this state. If you are angry about something else, even run the risk of being bitten.ADVERTISEMENT

11) Increase barking
It's time to play! If your dog starts with a low bark that is becoming stronger, it can not contain his excitement and wants to play with you!

12) Howl
Have you ever noticed dogs howling at the most annoying moments? Usually when a dog hears a sharp sound, like a siren or whistle train howled again. It is unclear whether this is because they are angry or cause them discomfort in the ears.

13) Growl Low
If a dog is growling little anxious and fearful. Any frightened animal is unpredictable. Do not be surprised when your nerves are upset.

14) Crazy Legs / Insect dead
If your dog is sleeping with all his limbs in the air (it resembles a dead insect), are submissive and vulnerable. Not all dogs sleep well, but if yours does is an independent and relaxed puppy feel safe in their environment.

15) Side Sleeping
Dogs generally do not sleep long side, but it is a typical nap position for them. Dogs who do this often have strong family ties and a lot of confidence in his "herd".Probably a dog happy and carefree.

16) Superman
When a dog is lying on his stomach, is likely to be an energetic animal that has finally calmed down. Very often puppies sleep well because it allows them to get up quickly and resume playing time when you wake up.

17) Thanked
When a dog faints completely lying on his back with limbs falling on your body, there 's a good chance that itis superheated. This is the best way to cool off . If both legs are crossed on his chest, he is saying "leave me alone". The dogs also need their beauty sleep!ADVERTISEMENT

18) on its belly
A dog sleeping upside down with the legs under him or sides are not sleeping well. In this position, dogs can not reach REM sleep because your muscles can not relax completely. Timid and gentle dogs usually sleep well.

19) The fox
When the legs of a dog under it and its tail is wrapped around your face, you probably have cold. This position allows you to keep as much heat as possible. If you visit a den of lions (I do not recommend!) And you'd see sleep as well. If the dog is not cold, you might feel apprehensive.

20) Back to back
It's so cute when you see two dogs sleeping back to back! It's even sweeter when sleeping back to back with their owners! A dog will only do this with one of the members of his "pack" you trust 100%.

21) feet in the air as if nothing matters
if your dog is standing or sitting and has raised both legs, cares! You're probably doing everything possible to concentrate.

22) Giving gifts
If your dog brings you a gift, either a dead animal or your shoe, they try to make you happy. If your reaction is "iugh" but smile, I doubt offense.

23) Snuggle up after dinner
when a dog wants to curl up after a big meal, you feel very comfortable.

24) Licking
Some people allow your pet to lick their faces, while others gives them suck if even lick their hands. Either way, when a dog licks, is being submissive. He is relieving some of the stress and showing you love.

25) Enloquecer when you get home
"Finally, you're here! I missed you all day! "If he could talk, this is what I would be saying or rather screaming.The more wild get when you walk through the door, themore excited to see you.

26) Go to your bed
Have you ever come home to find your dog lying in your empty bed? This is a sign that he wanted to feel close to you when you were not there. Your bed has your scent, and well, it 's pretty comfortable.

27) Leaning against you
Leaning against you is a cry for attention. Probably you feel neglected and want a little extra love.

28) Tilting head
This must be the nicest thing any dog can do. Dogs do not know how cute they are when they do this, they are trying to listen. When nod, they are adjusting their external ear, so they can better focus on the source of the noise. They're being curious!

Source: Find A Dogminde r
29) Sniff rear
Come from the lovely nod to the rear disgusting sniff.Why do this? A dog sniffing a back is the equivalent of a human shaking hands. They're saying, "Hello, nice tomeet you ". They are also trying to meet the other dog or person they are sniffing.

30) chasing its tail
can laugh your puppy to chase something that probably will not catch. Moreover, if caught, It will be painful!Puppies do this because they do not realize that what they are chasing is already his. Other dogs do this when they are in a confined space or feel bored. Check if your dog has fleas or do review their anal glands if done regularly, it could be a sign of a problem.

33) Washing sofa
If ever you come home and your sofa has been completely destroyed, your puppy has separation anxiety. Most dogs will eventually outgrow this, but in the meantime, take the time to walk and take some of their energy before they leave him alone.

34) Front low, open mouth and wagging tail
If this happens when you two are playing, it really means is having fun a lot. He bows to you as a thank you !

35) Rocking Horse
Likewise, when your dog behaves like a rocking horse and moves forward and backward, is enjoying the current activity and wants to continue.

36) Showing empathy
Your dog knows when you're upset, and most likely want to comfort you . They have their own ways of doing this , but if you're upset and he's sitting next to you watching you , licking or resting his head on you, you are letting them know that he is there for you. Dogs can read our body language and do not like when we are angry!

37) eating grass
All dog owners have wondered why dogs do this and if it is normal. The good news is that it is normal. The bad news is that they lack a specific nutrient in your diet, and are trying to improve your digestion or fight intestinal worms (the worst). If it's a hot day, you can become dehydrated.

38) Eating feces
This is very repulsive, but do not worry, you willsurvive! Dogs do this to keep their clean "territory".They can eat the feces of other dogs or yours because they will not defecate where they eat. Mothers dogs eat poop their puppies to keep them clean. The fact that no sick does not mean you should let them do it .

Source: Veterinary Secrets via YouTube
39) Drag back
This is fun until you are doing on the carpet! If you see your dog dragging his butt on the ground, it might just be a dirty ass trying to clean. This could be an indication of a problem worms or anal gland, so watch him.

Source: IFeelTheSpoops via Imgur
40) leaned out the car window
This is very common. It is taking in his surroundings and enjoying the many new odors.

Source: BarfWorld
41) Follar
Another habit worth apprehension dog: fuck someone or something. Feel comfortable knowing that there is nothing sexual about it , dogs do this to show dominance.

Source: DogsSplendor
42) Taking possession of your bed
When your dog joins you and your partner in bed and try to occupy the entire space, try to feel like part of the herd. I promise not intentionally try to be annoying!

43) Sit on your feet When yousit at your feet is essentially marking his territory. It might be acting because of insecurity and trying toconvince yourself that you are there for him.
Source: Animal Channel
44) Crouched
This is a common behavior of a dog previously abused or attacked. The slouching is being small and imperceptible. Be sure to be patient and gentle with him.
Source: Animal Channe
45) Fast wag of the tail with a short range of motion
needs to be comforted if its tail is moving very fast with a short range of motion. You feel anxious and mild discomfort.
Source: Animal Channel
46) Fast wag of the tail with a wide range of movement
if its tail is going crazy but has a range of motion, youprobably want to exercise And has a lot of energy to burn!
Source: Animal Channel
47) Excavation
This is a sign of boredom Protect your garden making sure your dog exercise every day looking objects or walking!
Source: Animal Channel
48) ears forward
If a dog's ears point forward, is focused on something that is right in front of him. You might be feeling a variety of emotions; curiosity, fear, excitement or something completely different.
Source: Animal Channel
49) by lifting one leg
Sometimes when a dog sees something that interests you, raise one leg. You may also be hungry or in themood to play.
Source: Animal Channel
50) Yawning
Dogs yawn for the same reason that people. They may be bored, tired or may have "infected" with your yawn.
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Source: Animal Channel
never know 100% what our furry friends, but with some luck, you are now a little closer to understanding the subtle and not so subtle clues you get.
Source: Animal Channel
Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice

44) Crouched
This is a common behavior of a dog previously abused or attacked. The slouching is being small and imperceptible. Be sure to be patient and gentle with him.

45) Fast wag of the tail with a short range of motion
needs to be comforted if its tail is moving very fast with a short range of motion. You feel anxious and mild discomfort.

46) Fast wag of the tail with a wide range of movement
if its tail is going crazy but has a range of motion, youprobably want to exercise And has a lot of energy to burn!

47) Excavation
This is a sign of boredom Protect your garden making sure your dog exercise every day looking objects or walking!

48) ears forward
If a dog's ears point forward, is focused on something that is right in front of him. You might be feeling a variety of emotions; curiosity, fear, excitement or something completely different.

49) by lifting one leg
Sometimes when a dog sees something that interests you, raise one leg. You may also be hungry or in themood to play.

50) Yawning
Dogs yawn for the same reason that people. They may be bored, tired or may have "infected" with your yawn.
Please share this with your friends and family.

never know 100% what our furry friends, but with some luck, you are now a little closer to understanding the subtle and not so subtle clues you get.
Source: Animal Channel
Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice
2) Awaiting Approval
If you find your dog watching you when you are about to do something, it means that respects you and wants your opinion. You understand that you are in charge and does not like to bother you . ADVERTISEMENT

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