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7. Egypt - The tree spreads its branches

Resultat d'imatges Egypt
When, after much trial and error, and records described impressively in antiquity
a "perfect model" was reached, Ninharsag him up and shouted:  
"! My hands have achieved"
Many people identify ancient Egyptian religion with the worship of animals. This type of veneration was unknown, however, during the early period of Egyptian civilization, according to Professor James Henry Breasted:
"... the hawk, for example, was the sacred animal of the sun god, and as such a living hawk might have a place in the temple, where he was fed and treated kindly, as it could be any pet, but it was not worshiped, nor was the subject of an elaborate ritual as later.  "the portrait of the gods with the heads of certain related animal  masks were often used to hide their true features  and symbolize in the minds of those characteristics that animal".
One of the most famous ancient Egyptian texts is  The Book of the Dead  , the common name by which this sacred volume is known. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the name is written: Per-m-hru. Egyptologists translate 'per' as 'come', 'hru' and 'day' and 'm' is a preposition meaning "from", so usually subtitled "  The coming of the day  " and refers to a time that the gods would come out of their temples,  before his 'game' in  3500 BC

The  Book of the Dead  is a large collection of funerary texts of various dates, containing magical formulas, hymns and prayers that the ancient Egyptians believe that guide and protect the soul (Ka) on his trip to the region of the dead (Amenti) . The Egyptians believed that knowledge of these texts enabled the soul repel the demons that tried to block their progress and pass the tests set by the 42 judges in the Hall of Osiris, god of the underworld. These texts also indicated that happiness in the afterlife depended on the deceased has led a virtuous life on Earth (the origins of the Christian belief in heaven and devil in hell  ).

Funeral () earliest known religious texts were found cut in hieroglyphs on the inner walls of the pyramids of the kings of the 5  th  and 6  th  dynasties of the Old Kingdom; These were known as  the Pyramid Texts  . A famous example is found in the pyramid of Unas (reigned 2428-2407BC), the last king of the 5th  th dynasty.

In the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom, individuals had these texts painted on coffins, from which  is derived  the name alternative  texts Casket  . On the 18  th  Dynasty texts they were enrolled in papyrus placed in the coffin; these scrolls often have a length of 15 to 30 m (50 to 100 feet) and are illustrated in color.

The title "  Book of the Dead  " is misleading; texts not form a single piece and connected non period. However, given its extraordinary antiquity, it seems strange that are no more known to the public. Most people have heard of  the Dead Sea Scrolls  , which are of a much later period (c. 100BC) and much less interesting documents. According to one researcher, the fact that  the texts of the Pyramid  have been so neglected by most people is a mystery in itself. Again, facts like these make one suspect concealment of history for some increasingly apparent reason.

The  own  pyramid texts  are full of references to the seed of Ra-Atum:
"... To which answered the king Osiris," I who am the "seed" of God that is within you [PT 1416-7] ... the king Osiris is an imperishable star, son of the goddess of the sky [1469] ... Oh Ra-Atum, the Osiris-king comes to you, an undying spirit ... your son comes to you ... [PT 152].
Here again we have an indicator of something amazing for the modern man  who  has been programmed to believe differently  , but quite acceptable in ancient days, the literal seed of Lucifer manifested here on Earth. Not only was his seed, but also the sower, Lucifer himself. The purpose? Remember the comment in The Island of Dr. Moreau. ¿On the cause of the problem, the gene Lucifer? The idea of Lucifer was to plant their seed in the population here on Earth, hence its seven incarnations of which we have already had one. Seven is the number of time, and time after seven different and significant incarnations, his seed would spread in almost all of us. King of Osiris is not only speaking figuratively when he says he is "  the Son of God is within you  " but also  literally  .

Remember the children 's game of  Chutes and Ladders,  better known in the English version as  Snakes and Ladders  . For the upward path in the  Tree of Life  , there is also a downward momentum. One of the first dreams that had in relation to this work was one in which a book, a history book with a brown paper cover, the only problem that the book inside the cover was read upside down. As we shall see, the story that the 'drivers' wanted us to see, especially  related to Lucifer and his intentions for this planet and its people. It consists of nothing more than 'smoke and mirrors' and has overturned. Egypt was the source of the first important to change and conceal our true history steps.

A very good example of this is in  the Tarot  , where we are learning a new language. A language is as accurate as the meanings of each word. The language of Tarot, our words are upright and inverted meanings we give to each card. Meanings are assigned to Tarot cards for modern phenomena, such as high technology, meditation and psychotherapy. These meanings give the unconscious the tools to speak in our modern, everyday language. 
The work of  Laurence Garner  and  Zecharia Sitchin and other shows to the modern world how different history can appear if the words of the ancient texts and interpreted correctly only apply to a modern level of understanding.

Time and false science

The  Great Pyramid  , besides being a  conveyor  an  initiation chamber  a  rather  obvious  healing  and transmitter and receiver power  was also a time machine.

Remember the words spoken by his omnipotent Thoth guide  The Emerald Tablets:
"Know ye, O man, that all that exists has been only by Law.  Know the law and be free, you never are bound by the chains of the night.

"... Seek ye and learn that  Time  is the secret by which you can be free of this space."
Understand time  has been the key to controlling the future and establish the New World Order Agenda. Why do so many people enslaved both to establish an agenda for a date and so distant date in the future, one that, in one lifetime, would not get the benefits? The answer is in the  manipulation and control of both time reincarnation cycle  , which in effect are the same.

Because of its importance to better understand how we have been manipulated us and our history, we will take a brief respite from our journey to take a quick look at how it was done through the "false science" and possession by certain groups . the ancient mystical knowledge of  how it works  exactly  the Creation  .

Remember, when reading this section, who were the scientists and technologists who took control of Atlantis and caused its eventual decline. It is these same scientists and technologists, along with others, who now control the destiny of humanity through the manipulation of Creation and processes.

How is  a time machine  ? Kryon explains the basics of how this and some of the associated phenomena related to spacecraft and how they travel both through space and over time it works:
"Gravity is an absolute product attributes mass and time, one of which can change. (Time is a factor in antigravity spacecraft). Gravity  is related to  time  . The whole issue of  gravity  , the mass  and the  time is not linear.

"Density is the key to real measure mass. Most of the universe is made of elements that support simple proportions of size / density. It is when scientists find objects that do not behave this way so sure they are baffled. Remember this: your observations are restricted to your own time frame.

"Magnetism and electricity play a key role in determining the actual attributes of mass, and magnetic variables that determine the product mass, often work in very small particles to create the density of an object and your time frame! Mechanisms are small particles which actually determine the attributes of an object 's mass and therefore gravity and time frame surrounding the object. (Therefore, the microcosm actually creates the macrocosm, like individual cells of our body make up the body as a whole, and also the time frame in which it exists). Can you imagine an object with  zero density? No matter what size? Very little in the universe exists in this condition, but can be artificially created simply using mechanical density that determines the actual mass of an object.

"While you're considering, also considers  the mass negative  ,  negative energy and gravity  is reversed.

"Experimenting with the lines of influence of a magnetic field running at right angles to another electric field will bring gratification in your quest to alter the mass of an object. These are the mechanisms for temporarily changing the behavior of polarity of small particles, which results in density, lack of it or its inverse (negative density). Be careful, as it will also create a small time shift, which can be dangerous for you physically until you understand how objects interact properly altered time shifts (one of the difficulties associated with  the Philadelphia Experiment  ).

"Do not make assumptions about the form of electric and magnetic fields that interact, or what should be the means to bring polarity properties in a system of this type. However, remember that the gas and liquid metals can also be used effectively to carry a load. Do not be surprised if water pressure also plays an important role in this system.

"A true  object  without  mass  no longer obeys the laws of physics in your time frame. Starts and stops wild, speed and turns are well within the scope of a massless object as it creates its own influence energy. Due to the slight shift of the time, it tends to change the number of electrons within the atoms directly in contact with it. This is a clue about  how to detect an object without mass  , even if you can not see it. This now should also explain the magnetic anomalies around the UFO experiences you've documented (many UFO in the film are "fuzzy" or blurred because of the time differential associated between the UFO and other things that surround it in our time) ". 

" gravitational anomalies on Earth can create chaos in a system like this, and that is why sometimes vehicles crash (as in  Roswell after nuclear tests had altered the system of magnetic grid of Earth in that area).

"Much of the technical progress in this field will apply attributes of high density and low to increasingly smaller material quantities, and understanding of polarity and the behavior of small particles which is the key to all this" .
One of the best sources in disguise of scientific knowledge is  The Suppression of Vital Data in Physics  by Byron Weeks. Weeks  describes how continuously manipulates the public and our evolution and progress are substantially restricted by the removal, destruction and / or alteration of important and important information.

It relates in particular to an alteration of  the equations  of  Maxwell  that resulted from extensive research Maxwell on electromagnetism. These changes drastically affected the course of science and the "general" physics ever after; In particular, the information made available to scientists and physicists of the time as Einstein, as well as the subsequent conceptual framework that Einstein arrived. To cut to the chase,
The missing link that would provide the key to the unified field theory was  deliberately removed from Maxwell's equations for quite a sinister group of scientists before Maxwell's work was presented to the scientific community and the world.
Of course, his original work and its implications were and are now known by the covert world government, as are the resulting advanced science and applications of this knowledge to a very high tech.

All this technology is being implemented to promote  agendas and objectives  unquestioningly  dark; with consequences that are certainly destructive for almost all significant aspects of human life here on the planet and beyond. According  to Val Valerian  , this, in part, is due to:
"... a general state of mind that does not understand, nor respects and relates to nature and the earth with its multitude of life forms; a mood that is the product of our current dehumanized, mechanical existence and massively controlled by the mind (through all available means) at thehands of the secret world government and its high - tech arsenal to manipulate the mind. "
Valerian  considers that the information is extremely relevant to what is known about the work of  Wilhelm Reich  , who will reappear during our trip, especially with regard to energy what he called "orgone"; Some characteristics which are of "electromagnetic" nature but are outside the  framework  "  EM  "  commonly understood  Both work  Weeks  like  Valerian  confirm what Kryon suggested and make it obvious that  the machines against gravity and time machines are very likely, if not definitely possible  .

Book of weeks:
"For thousands of years, many discoveries have been suppressed populations of the planet to keep them in captivity. Burning libraries Alexandria is an example of how information can be suppressed. Another example is the common technique of suppression of scientific information by altering the information itself.

"Perhaps the most blatant and far - reaching alteration of the data was  altered Maxwell's equations  . James Clerk Maxwell was a mathematical genius who lived in the late 19  th century. His original work, available for scientific departments hidden in government, had the potential to radically alter the entire course of our civilization.

"Certainly, for most of you it is clear that the human population can be easily manipulated by electronic means  using various methods developed through the military industrial complex. What may not be clear to you is that many of the effects of MS can be starting from outside of what is normally considered the electromagnetic spectrum.  as a magnetic field in a cable is straight with respect to current flow angle, there are other fields and waveforms that are an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but They exist in a number of rotations of right angle (orthogonal rotations) away from Normally we are used to the components of the electromagnetic field.

If these  hyperspace components  , which are not subject to the usual electromagnetic constraints of time and space, are generated and manipulated in turn can generate  EM effects that have the ability to influence biology and human consciousness  . "
Then Weeks briefly discusses how and who  changed  the equations of Maxwell  .
"To make impossible the subsequent open scientific development that have influenced positively in civilization."
The next section of Valdamar Valerian, his book  Matrix III, Volume One  contains information on deception and massive manipulation of scientific concepts that affect both our vision of "reality" in today 's materialistic culture:
"In late 1864,  James Clerk Maxwell  published his epic material on electromagnetic waves. Its material is not only of the electric and magnetic waves, but also the relativistic / ethereal psychoactive component of these waves (representing electromagnetism second order and higher). The equations also included changes that allowed the change of inertial frames of reference to non - inertial reference frames. Maxwell's original equations were written in the Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at the time before Oliver Heaviside introduced the vector analysis. Widespread equivalent of today quaternions is Tensors.

"In short, the original work of Maxwell provided the information necessary for gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere recognized this, since shortly after his death, the mathematician  Oliver Heaviside  , chemist Willard Gibbs and physicist Heinrich Hertz decided to "edit" or "interpret" the famous Maxwell 's equations, which were, in its original form,  the foundations of electromagnetic and unified field theory  (UFT).

This "unholy trio" especially  Heaviside  , ignored quaternions or Scalar Maxwell equations original components, because they represented no potential and fields. He thought potentials were similar to the "mysticism" because "everyone knows" that the fields contain mass, and that mass can not be created from apparently  nothing  ,  which is what are the potential  , both literally and mathematically; They are an accumulation or reservoir of energy.

In addition, they not only eliminated the  gravitational component with quaternion / Clambering, but also postulated that  gravitation  and  electromagnetism  were mutually  exclusive  , not interdependent. That was the fatal subsequent efforts of scientists for a unified field theory that works blow. Because of this act, the  electromagnetism  was reduced from its  original five dimensions  only four: X, Y, Z and time. Element G was removed  .

"Because of this deliberate act, there are now twenty - two errors in electromagnetic theory. The concepts of force, mass and charge are poorly defined, and quantum mechanics has discovered that the "static" static load  is anything but static  , but moves rotationally under quantum mechanical spin. Finally, adding insult to injury, called "imaginary components" of the original equations of Maxwell and the crippled version of the equations, they have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error,  the door closed hyperspace domains  to  always , So that current mathematics and physics of electromagnetic theory does not allow  hyperspace domains(domains outside of three dimensions),  superluminal signals  (signals that exceed the speed of light or speed are endless) and a  unified field theory  .
"The edited version of the work of Maxwell, physicist and engineer everything has had to face, rule electrography, and  prevents the unification of gravitation and electromagnetic  . It also prevents direct engineering of gravity, space-time, the flow of time, free energy devices and quantum changes that are seen in the altered equations are based on a statistical change vectors. The  approach quaternion  capture the ability to use electromagnetic and produce a local curvature of spacetime. Heaviside  wrote a subset of Maxwell's equations where  excludes  this capacity  .

"Dr.  Henry Monteith has discovered independently that  the theory of original quaternion Maxwell  was a unified field theory  .  Einstein assumed, because only had access to the altered equations, the curve of space-time could only be achieved through weak gravitational force due to the mass, the local framework would always be a  part of Lorentz  , which would mean that all operations would be Limited to "conservation laws of physics".

"In the 1960s,  the Hertz  (Hz) replaced the cycles per second  . Since then, everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertz. Only the top of the spectrum before the infrared contains airwaves. ELF and ULF are not; Waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not of terrestrial nature. "
Why do we continue to tolerate this manipulation and control over every aspect of our lives? Why the media and the school system should educate and inform, people should discuss these ideas, surrender to their suppression? Due to the loss of our history and grooves and patterns that have been excavated in our minds and our ancestors for thousands of years without.

Those of us who have chosen to live at this time are the forerunners of almost  a new species  . It is human, but at the same time we are manifesting heaven on Earth. We are receiving extra help from masters and extraterrestrials, angelic beings, and we are learning to go inward. The more we can get in and listen to that still quiet voice within us, the more we are in tune with the changes that are happening around and free of the latter form our control. As one writer says,
"These incredible crimes have been committed in the ridiculous idea that man has dominion over everything ... So I went through the whole range of emotions, from sad to mad, to sobs of pure pain."
The  Keys of Enoch  , though  the Book of Enoch  is obviously Nibiruan source, can be considered one of the most scientific treatises on the transformation of the land and the ascension process and the role of the hierarchy and aliens teachers.

The chronology of ancient Egypt

Egyptian traditions hold that long before the modern era of Egypt, the country was ruled by gods and demigods. Manetho says that "time immemorial"  Gods of Heaven  "came to Earth from the Celestial Disk after a great flood had inundated Egypt.  " A big God who came to Earth in the earliest times "raised earth from under the water by ingenious dams, dikes and land reclamation works.

Since the early days of  Zep Tepi  , the chronology of ancient Egypt begins, as Sitchin says, circa 3200 BC, when "a dynastic race" came to Egypt and a man named Menes he ascended the throne of Egypt. Archaeological sources also indicate the emergence, around 3200 BC, a dominant political force that would become the consolidating element in the first united kingdom of ancient Egypt. It was then that the gods (as they had in Sumer) awarded the civilization of Egypt and what we now call  religion. The first known hieroglyphic writing also dates from this period.

The word "  hieroglyph  " refers to the sacred writings Egyptian or encrypted secrets, "hiero" which means "gods", of which the Greeks called "gods" to their gods. 'Glyph' means 'symbols' or 'write', therefore '  writing of the gods  ' as '  hierogamus  ' means '  marriage to the gods  ' (what some like to call games 'gods'). Runes of ancient Germany and Scandinavia were very similar, the word "runa" means "secret". Like the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, 

Odin, however, could only get this wisdom having exchanged one eye in exchange for it. The eye that would have changed it if the left of the right would have the right, the feminine energy was then subjugated to the Right or the male eye. It is said that  Odin sought knowledge of the  Eye of Horus  , and it was this secret knowledge that Odin gave control over the other gods and symbolic government on the morphogenetic grid of the planet. Then Odin distributed knowledge of runes to mankind so they could keep under control the archetypal powers. All runic symbols match angles and precise geometric relationships.

Soon, during these early days of the "modern era" of Egypt, the names of the rulers began to appear on monuments. This period began with a 0 Dynasty, which took up  13 rulers  , ending with Narmer (about 3100 BC), followed by the  dynasties  1st  and  2nd (about 3100-2755 BC), with at least 17 kings. Some of the first mass burial structures (called predecessors of the pyramids) were constructed in saqqarah, Abydos and elsewhere during the  1st  and  2nd  dynasties. 

Like  Moses  , whose body was taken to a secret place of burial, the tomb of  Imhotep, Vizier of Pharaoh Zoser and much later revered as a god of medicine, is one of those burial places of famous Egyptians who have not yet found. Imhotep, (circa 2650 BC), was a former priest and builder Egyptian official who is credited as the architect of the first of all Egyptian pyramids. Some scholars assert that this engineering feat would earn Imhotep, who served Pharaoh Djoser during the  3rd  Dynasty, the honor of being the oldest known scientist. In the centuries after his death, the memory of Imhotep was linked increasingly with much larger (and more dubious) achievements in medicine, the arts and other fields. It was one of the few ancient Egyptian born outside of royalty which was later elevated to divine status.

Imhotep  was born a commoner near the ancient city of Memphis, located along the River Nile south of Cairo today,  and became an influential official, sculptor and carpenter in the court of Zoser. Records also indicate that it was an important priest and scholar.

Imhotep's greatest achievement was undoubtedly the construction of the pyramid complex at Saqqara  , called the first stone building on a large scale in the world by the "experts" today. Before the time of Imhotep, such graves were covered by large rectangular low buildings called  mastabas  . However, in Saqqara, Imhotep designed the first pyramid structure showing a mastaba topped by six levels, each of decreasing size. Around this monument 200 feet high, known as  the Step Pyramid  , a resort complex of buildings including temples, a burial chamber, Zoser sculptures and pavilions. Much of the stone expansive complex was connected by a system of underground passages.

The step pyramid and some of the surrounding stone buildings, which were built around 2630 BC, still stand today; Archaeologists are working to restore more complex.

Although the design and construction of the pyramid were certainly great feats, the name of Imhotep has also been linked to other monumental achievements, much less certifiable. Egyptian kingdoms held after the famous architect skills as a poet, scholar, physician and religious leader. Driven by its impressive posthumous reputation, Imhotep was deified some 2,000 years after his death by Egyptian dynasty. Few Egyptians born outside of royalty were honored with such a distinction. Later still, the Greeks idealized Imhotep, particularly promoting their divine powers as a healer. During the Roman period, it was believed that his tomb in Sakkara was a sanctuary where many people made pilgrimages from afar to seek cures for their pains.

In the 1960s, researchers discovered a new ruin in Sakkara that is believed to be the burial place of Imhotep. You can never answer with certainty if scientists can verify this claim, as some of the greatest achievements in medicine, art and philosophy credited to Imhotep.

Walter Emery, who worked for the  Exploration Society of Egypt  , made an excavation between 1965 and 1970 in search of it. He chose a site in northern Saqqara, west of  the 3rd. Dynasty Tombs, which was believed to be the center of a popular healing cult in later times. Excavation revealed burials of wells and a network of underground catacombs dating back to the Roman era. Mummified ibis (Thoth) and hawks (Ra) stacked rock from the bed to the ceiling were found. Ibis birds were wrapped in clay jars, and some of its wrappings were beautifully decorated with images of deities. He also found stems containing mummified baboons and cows Cemetery (Hathor), who were the mothers of the sacred bull Apis; A skull was intact in a housing plaster decorated clay.

These  days,  few visitors of  Saqqarah will  realize that  the tombs of the Apis is  located at the end of a processional avenue, known as the Serapeum Road, in the Greco - Roman era stretched from the lands cultivated near the mortuary temple of Teti west to the Serapeum; the avenue was full of sphinxes and chapels, and when visitors were heading west to leave votive offerings in the Serapeum, they passed statues of Greek philosophers.

The avenue had been buried for a long time under landfills and modern buildings, but in 1976/77 the Egypt Exploration Society, under the direction of Professor Harry S. Smith, conducted an inspection and subsequent excavation of the funerary temple of the  pyramid Teti.  . The aim was to examine the temple precincts Late Period and the catacombs where the deified animals were buried. A cemetery cat (Bast) and one for the jackal (Anubis), the animal associated with Anubis, the god concerned about mummification was discovered.

He kept the  cats  and  jackals  to ward off the  astral entities  "  unwanted"  , also called  modifiers forms  , whose intention could be to steal the astral spirit of the dead and prevent them from reaching the afterlife. Since cats and jackals often hunt at night, it is assumed that their vision includes the ability to see astral entities. This is one of the reasons why they were kept in Egyptian temples to ward off unwanted negative forces. (The 1999 film  The Mummy  explains well the use of cats to ward off the 'undead').

Each of these animals was brought to this planet by its particular spatial god of their home planet, like  the Anunnaki brought the  sheep  and  grain  to ancient Mesopotamia. The genes of particular animal god used to create an image that God wanted to show his followers in a holographic or mass hypnosis form, as was done later when "  God  "  appeared between two angels at the top of the Ark Covenant  . That is the reason for the large number of mummified animals and birds, as each animal has been used for a single appearance in "the coming days" of the gods.

Imhotep is important for our history because in later incarnations was also  Paul  (  Saul  ) who was responsible for making  Christianity  what later became and Brigham Young, who was responsible for making the  Mormonism is  what it is today. One can see in your life as  Imhotep  features that became so important to their past incarnations, especially his vast knowledge of what we call "  technology temple  ."

Cylinder seals  , and certain artistic and architectural motifs in Egypt that have their prototype in Mesopotamia, raise the question of how far Egypt was inspired by Mesopotamia, and how the dubious theory of a "dynastic race" emerged, the builders of the royal tombs conquer and rule over the native people, the builders of the tombs subsidiaries. 
Zecharia Sitchin, in his discussions of  the Anunnaki of ancient Mesopotamia  , suggests that much of the history of Egypt was linked to the participation and influence of  the Anunnaki  . The fact is that they had very little to do with each other. Each had its own area of influence, which sometimes overlapped because of its proximity.

The Anunnaki  were a "subordinate", although somewhat rebellious group of followers of  the Sirian and Orion races  , as already explained. However, the main race are responsible for creating double helix strand of DNA that created the slave race of human beings in which we have now become. His influence is still with us on many levels, which is the only of the  dark forces of Sirius and Orion  , especially in the form of people  without an appointment  ,  puppeteers extradimensional  , and  incarnated  as embodied beings.

Unfortunately, in Egyptology when he was still young academics would do the same as  Sitchin  attributing evidence of cultural contact to conquer.

For example, the discovery of ceramic pre-dynastic Lower Egypt Upper Egypt was interpreted as subjecting the Upper Egypt by tribes of Lower Egypt; Evidence of the  clan Horus  , traditionally settlers in the Delta, who established settlements as far south as Edfu, also attributed to the conquest. Therefore, when extracted  Gebel Arak  elements like the handle of a knife ivory  , style unknown art Egypt revealed when they left the seals light cylindrical doubtful mesopotámico origin, and when the coating opened the first monumental architecture.Egypt showed similarities with that of Mesopotamia, the idea of  conquest.  He took root. Like many other imaginative but historically unsupported theories, the notion defies efforts explosion simply because our history has been so confusing it's been a great project to decipher.

The fact attribute the beginning of the dynastic history to conquer gives a distorted image of thousands of years of development and cultural diffusion during which the inhabitants of the Nile valley gradually moved from primitive society to what we call civilization. There is no doubt that Egypt's contacts with Mesopotamia led to a faster towards the end of the pre-dynastic period advance. However, if the inhabitants of the Nile valley had not felt the increasing need to record data, they would have remained unreceptive to the Mesopotamian writing method. Borrow from another culture is a natural process of cultural growth. In addition, this type of loan should not be interpreted differently from the way 2,

This is an important concept because it explains  the layout of the Hebrew nation  in its early years training to seek help in Egypt and as a place of relief when times were difficult.

The ancient Ugarit (  Ra '  Shamra  ) was in the middle of these two nations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, located in what today is the  western Syria  . From 1929 to the present, the excavations of the French in  Ra's Shamra  have produced thousands of tablets belong to the period between 1400 and 1200 BC, written in Ugaritic. Many of these are literary, describing the exploits of the gods of the Canaanite religion, including the storm deity Baal (title  Hadad  ) that is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. Baal  is the shortened version of a longer name that is used specifically to describe Lucifer  ,  Ba'al Zebub or  Belezebub  . In addition, the poetry of Ugarit has strong affinities with that of the Bible. They share much vocabulary, structure and use of figures of speech and other literary devices.

Reflecting the influences of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and extrapolating the idea that kingship on earth is related to a direct or traceable to the gods, kings of Ugarit as lineage  Keret  , at least it was thought that somehow were divine. J. Gray (  Kingship Sacro in Ugarit , Ugaritica VI p.293) suggests, however, that we should not overestimate the significance of this exclamation, which takes rather as an illustration of the development of the popular reverence for the king. If indeed there was such identification between the king and god, as is sometimes suggested, we should expect to find any textual or registration evidence suggests. However, a possible indication of such a belief is in the list of the kings of Ugarit mentioned in a historical study. Each of the names of kings is preceded by the word "  god " and  Ugarit is also a former outpost of Atlantis  , but only one survived.

Excavations at Ugarit, a total of eleven campaigns had preceded the outbreak of World War II and until 1935 the excavations continued in the region of  Minet el-Beida  , as well as on site. On the mound itself, especially excavations revealed the Temple of Baal, the Temple of Dagan and the house of the high priest, which included a library with numerous texts.

The design was so obviously atlante with the temple in the center. And who he was also dedicated the temple? Ba'al  ,  Ba'al-zebub  or  Belezebub  , whom we know as  Lucifer  .

In a review of the book,  Ugarit and die Bibel  by Oswald Loretz, the reviewer,  Marvin H. Pope  , mentions the treatment by Loretz of the relationship between Ugarit and Canaan, among other things, their literature, their writing systems, misunderstood and mistranslated. words in the Bible that have been clarified by,
  • Ugaritic
  • psalms
  • Ugaritic and biblical gods
  • The Assembly of the Gods in Ugarit and the Bible.
  • Gods, goddesses and demons
  • The world as Creator and Father of Mankind.
  • BA 'l as the god of storm and rain
  • Ba'l enemies; YW = YHWH?
  • the hero danel
  • Enthronement of Ba'l and Yahwe from the temporal to the eternal Kingdom of Yahwe
  • from the scapegoat (Lev 16) to the words of Paul, "women should be silent in church"
  • Ugarit and Israel sacrifice
  • Alcohol and sex in Ugarit and the Bible.
  • Necromancy and holding Marzih.
  • Future research and monitoring, omenología.
  • The art of enchantment and medicine.
  • Extispicy of the law of Moses
  • Future research through inspection of the liver in Ugarit and Israel preexilic.
  • astronomy and astrology
  • medicine, nature and world
  • the origin of the world
  • El-Yahwe, ¿Creator of the world?
  • ¿Ba 'l-creator god beside or after it?
  • The winner palace on the sacred mountain.
  • Ugaritic texts and history of the patriarchs.
  • Habiru in Ugarit of the Hebrews in the Bible
  • Reed Sea (Red Sea) and the Song of Miriam
  • Art in Canaan and Israel
  • Was there a statue of the Lord?
  • wisdom of life - human destiny
The brief final chapter, entitled "  Von der Ugarit-texten zur Bibel  " discusses the results and prospects and the overall impact of discoveries in Ugarit on biblical studies and the nature of Israel's debt with the Canaanites. The central issue here is the nature and degree of Cananea influence on the religion of Israel. The last two sentences of the book briefly explains the current state of the question:
"The opening of the Canaanite background of the biblical writings through  the Ugaritic texts allows us to recognize that our reconstruction of the past is based only on fragments of a much richer tradition and, therefore, are still far from a historical anthropology an anthropological history. of the Canaanites and the people who produced the Bible.  However, the Ugaritic texts help us in a pleasant way to measure the strangeness of the past of the Canaanites, Israelites and Jews, and our cultural distance from them is better than before. "
Lucifer, as Ba'l (Baal), had a great influence on  Ugarit, it becomes evident the importance of the  Temple of Baal by its location in the central mound of Ugarit, the source of energy or focus point where are the energies of heaven and earth Mixed in the form of Atlantean temple. Their worship was an aspect of the first Ugarit and Canaan also suggested by the various mentions of practices related to witchcraft and black magic. And finally, there is a strong suspicion that Ba'l and gods known as The Yahwe and (h),  are in fact one and the same god, better known as  Lord  .

Amenhotep IV / Hebrews

Ancient land now comprising Israel, were also a land that was between the two powerful nations of ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia and attracted the influence of both, including the election of the gods. As we shall see, it was also the area and the nation which inherited power that had flowed through these two mentors in the millennia before his promotion. 
In 1936-1937, the Egyptian archaeologist Selim Hassan dug a brick wall adobe around the Sphinx, apparently built to contain the drifting sand. He found bricks with the "Thutmose IV" seal and dozens of small stelae with inscriptions that invoke  Hor-em-akhet . Six of them show a statue of a king who advances to the Sphinx, further evidence of a statue supposedly of Ra, who once thought he was there.

As explained masterfully in his monumental work, The  Bloodline of the Holy Grail  , Laurence Gardner describes the relationship with ancient Egypt of several of the founding fathers of the Hebrew nation, an important next step to follow the power structure Atlantean and called "Ancient mysteries in the modern world, the power of Lucifer here on Earth.

Joseph  and  Moses are  not mentioned in any Egyptian text with those names, but the Bible says that both are great in the land of Egypt. Moses in Exodus appointment positively (2:19) as "an Egyptian". In  Antiquities of the Jews  , Josephus says that Moses was commander of the Egyptian army in the war against Ethiopia. Only after he left, the rest of the Israelites were taken into captivity. Tracing the events narrated in the Old Testament through Egyptian texts, however,  Gardner  discovered that it was during the reign of Ramses II (1304-1237 BC) when the Semites settled in the land of Goshen, having left Canaan for lack of food.

That was in the 15  th  century BC, not 18  °  as suggested in the standard Bible chronology, Joseph was appointed Chief Minister to Pharaoh, Thothmosis IV (c. 1413-1405) under the name of  Yuya  . Israel / Jacob had taken his family to Egypt to avoid hunger, and multiplied there until it was brought by Moses. It was a period of about 400 years between Joseph the son of Israel, and  Joseph the vizier  known as Yuya. They are not one and the same person.

However,  Joseph the vizier  also became the father of a pharaoh: "  God  has made me father of Pharaoh" (Genesis 45: 8). His mummy, which has been found in the Valley of the Kings, is unusual. Its powers include the "  Father of the Lord of the Two Lands  " (Egypt, Pharaoh and Israel-Moses). His son, the Pharaoh Akhenaten  , was responsible for initiating the concept of "One God" in Egypt, a concept brought directly from Ugarit  and Canaan whence they came.

His eldest son became Chancellor of Lower Egypt, High Priest of Heliopolis and Divine Father of the Nation. But it was his youngest son, Aye, who had the special distinction of "Father God" and became Pharaoh in 1352 BC, like other descendants of  Yusuf-Yuya  , including the now famous  Tutankhamen  .

Thothmosis Pharaoh IV was responsible for cleaning the sands of the Sphinx, as he indicated he did in a dream. Then it was followed by Amenhotep III. Amenhotep, as tradition holds, he married his sister, but also married the daughter of Joseph, Tiye. Fearing the growing power that the Israelites were winning in Egypt, however, it was decreed that no son of Tiye could be the Pharaoh. So when  Tiye  had a son, it was decreed that killed him at birth if it were a child. Tiye arranged to have the girl in his summer palace in Zarw, and as a child, made arrangements with the midwives to carry the baby down the river in a reed basket, as described inthe Bible, to the house half of his father, Joseph. brother,  levi  . 
The boy,  Aye  or  Amanda  (born about 1394 BC), was a day known as  Moses  . He was educated by the Egyptian priests of Ra, and went to live at Thebes when he was a teenager, taking the name of  Akhenaten because he believed in one god,  Aton  , instead of believing in the pantheon of Egyptian gods. By then, her mother had won more power than the queen who was unable to have children, only one daughter,  Nefertiti  .

Pharaoh Amenhotep suffered a period of ill health and had no direct heir to the throne.

To rule as coregent during this difficult time, Akhenaton (  Adminadab / Moses  ), married with its sister Nefertiti. Akhenaton drew his power from his wife Nefertiti, the heiress

The anointing of King was an Egyptian custom inherited even in ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, and was the prime duty of the semi - divine brides Pharaoh. Crocodile fat was the substance used in the anointing because it was associated with sexual prowess. (In fact, the word for "crocodile" in Egyptian was  messeh  , which corresponds to the Hebrew word  Messiah  , "Anointed One"). Akhenaton  was able to succeed to the throne as Amenhotep  Amenhotep IV  . Akhenaten and Nefertiti had six daughters and one son, Tutankhaten.

In his new role as Pharaoh Amenhotep IV changed its official name he had chosen as a teenager, Akhenaten, and closed all the temples of the Egyptian gods, building new to Aten a  God  Almighty  who had no image, the equivalent of  Adonai  (  Lord  ). Akhenaton was the last important ruler of the  18th  dynasty and was the first historical figure to establish a religion based on the concept of  monotheism  . He established the cult of Aton or Aten, the sun god or solar disk, I thought was a universal, omnipresent and the sole creator of the universe spirit. 

AkhenatonIt was strongly rejected, especially by the priest of the ancient gods, and there were many threats of armed insurrection. Finally, he was forced to abdicate in favor of  Smenkhkare  , who in turn was succeeded by the son of Akhenaten, Tutankhaten, who took the throne at age 11, but was forced to change its name to Tutankhamen to reflect the loyalty to the ancient gods of  Ammon.  Instead of  Aten  . His he reigned for only nine or ten years. No Egyptian record of the death of Akhenaten or Smenkhare.

Akhenaten himself was banished from Egypt and fled with some of his retainers to Sinai, "carrying his royal scepter topped with a brass serpent." To his supporters he was still regarded as the true heir:  Mose  ,  Months or  Mosis  , which means 'beloved', 'heir' or 'born' as in Thuthmosis (born thuth) and Ramses (created from Ra).

Translation of James Henry Breasted an ancient Egyptian stele known as the "Stele of Sheshonk" Paynozem II's reign recounts how this matter of  "son of Sudaimon" Moses  stood before Ra, who acquitted him:
"This great god appeared on the pavement silver in the house of Amon to the morning. The High Priest of Amun-Re, king of the gods, Paynozem triumphantly appeared before this great God. This great god waved wildly. He placed two tables writing before the great god; a letter saying, "Oh Amon-Re, king of the gods, my good lord; it is said that there are issues to be investigated in the case of Thutmose triumphantly son Sudiamon (Sw-dy-ymn) triumphantly the major-dome; "The other written [said:" O, Amon-Re, king of the gods], my good lord; it is said that there are no issues to be investigated in the case of Thutmose, triumphant, son of Sudiamon triumphantly Majordomo. "The [High Priest] of Amun-Re, king of the gods, Paynozem triumphantly repeated before this great God,


"These two writing tables were placed before the [great god]. The great god took the script that said, "Oh Amun-Re, my good lord; it is said that there are issues [should] be investigated in the case of Thutmose, triumphant, son of Sudiamon, triumphant, the Majordomo "The great god [rejected another letter saying." Oh Amon-Re, king of the gods ], my good lord; it is said that no matters to be investigated in the case of [Thutmose. Triumphant, the son of Sudiamon, triumphant, Major-domo ".

"[Then the High Priest of Amun-Re, king of the gods, was again] this great, great God to put his two writing tables the second time before the great god.  [The Great God] took [the same written before] - - they testified, saying, "there are no matters to be investigated [in the case of Thutmose, triumphant, son of Sudiamon triumphantly the] Majordomo"
Evidence from Egypt indicates that Moses (  Akhenaten  ) led his people southward through Sinai to the marshy territory of Lake Timash where it was difficult for horses to follow. Among the servants who fled with Moses were the children and families of Jacob (Israel). Others followed in waves of exodus out of Egypt.

And so it was like Moses and the Israelites arrived at the foot of the mountain. Sinai  

The Egypt which  Moses / Akhenaten  had fled was a country  that had worshiped gods of the dark space of Sirius and Orion  , and the remnants of Atlantis. Above all, they had placed  Lucifer  as  Amun  , or  Ra  , or Amun Ra  , as the highest god.

Elaine Pagels argues in his book,  The Origins of Satan  , that Satan  is "virtually absent" from the Hebrew Bible. Knowledge of  Lucifer  and perhaps more than a passenger known him and his story, however, makes this assertion is wrong. This is evident in the works of another of the Old Testament prophets Isaiah (14: 12-14).

The Hebrew poet directs a song mocking the king of Babylon, whose military power and arrogance had led him to commit the crime of arrogance (arrogance):
"I do like the Most High" (verse 14).
In the mocking parody of the king of Babylon, the author calls "  Helelo  , Son of Dawn". The Hebrew word helel  means "  shine  ". This is an obvious comparison with  Lucifer  , an affront to the most serious nature. The "bright, the Son of Dawn" are epithets related to Lucifer, like the mythological example found in the Greek legend of Phaeton. Phaethon in Greek history, the "brilliant" son of Helios who tried to drive the golden chariot of his father but could not control the enormous power of his horses was. The parallel is obvious, since, like Phaeton, the king of Babylon tried to assert powers that were too big for him; its failure would result in its destruction and attempted Lucifer ultimate supremacy also end in failure.

Similarly,  the main epithets of  Baal  reflect its prominent position among the gods, achieved as a result of the conflict, and its powers that give fertility, reflecting its true nature as Lucifer. Baal / Lucifer is called "victor ... Prince ... King ... judge ... the highest ... lord of the land ... rider of the clouds ..." and also gives the name of Hadad  , a storm god known ancient Near East. In its conquest of the planet, Lucifer has made its presence felt in all major cultures and in all major religions. That's why the  religion It was "downgraded" the planet as an intercessor to lead mankind away from the true God who had within them all the time. It is as miraculous as the right to intercede to  God  and the right to forgive sins with the assurance that  God will adhere to the judgment of the priest, that distinguishes it from all other men. And, despite all divisions and protests, the dedication of the church to the role of the church and its priests has not diminished over the centuries.

The fact is that although the historical aspects of the Old Testament are treated and taught from a Hebrew originally Mesopotamian view with a base, there was also a significant impact on Egyptian culture that has been strategically ignored. This comes to light through research Laurence Gardner, specifically from the time of the incident Sinai and proves to be the reason why the important  book of Jasher  was excluded from the canon. Show where they come from the origins of some Christian thought. Exclusion, like many other works included in  the Gnostic Scriptures. It shows the depth to which religion is manipulated for not providing true to historical questions of who these gods answers.

It was on Mount Sinai that Jehovah first announced his presence to  Moses  . As a supporter of Aton, Moses asked this new lord and master who he was, and the answer was "I am who I am" in phonetic Hebrew became  Yahweh  (Jehovah). However, for a long time later, the Israelites were not allowed to pronounce the name of  the Lord  , except the high priest who was allowed to whisper in private once a year. The problem was that it was supposed that the prayers were directed to this new divinity, but how he they were for him if his name was not mentioned know? While the  deaths of other gods in the Sumerian story 

Gods as Timat, Mummu, Apsu and Dumu-zi, recorded this new god  Lord  , on the other hand, it is said that itis "  from everlasting to everlasting  ." (Ps 90: 2)

According to Gardner, the Israelites exiled from Egypt knew that Jehovah  was not the same as  Aton  (the Adon  or  Lord  Traditional  ), so assumed it must be the equivalent of the  great state god of Egypt  , although not the same. Therefore, it was decided to add the name of the god of the State to all subsequent sentences, and the name of that god was  Amen  . Until today, the name of  Amen  still recited at the end of sentences. Even the famous  prayer of the Christian Lord (As contained in the Gospel of Matthew) was transposed from an Egyptian original began, "Amen, Amen, who art in heaven ..."

As for the famous  Ten Commandments  , which are said to have been  transmitted to Moses by God  on the mountain, these are also of Egyptian origin, and are derived directly from Spell Number 125 in the  Egyptian Book of the Dead  . They were not invented new codes of conduct for the Israelites, but they were just newly established ritual confessions of the pharaohs versions. For example, the confession "I have not killed" was transposed to the decree "Thou shalt not kill"; "I have not stolen" became Thou shalt not steal; 'I have not told lies "became not bear false witness, and so on.

The  Ten Commandments  were not only  taken out of the Egyptian ritual  , but also the  Psalms  (which are attributed to King David) were rewritten from Egyptian hymns. Even the  book of Proverbs in  the Old Testament  , the so - called  wise words of Solomon  , almost literally translated into Hebrew from the writings of an Egyptian sage named  Amenemope . These are now held in the British Museum, and verse after verse from the book of Proverbs can be attributed to the original Egyptian. Now it has been discovered that even  the writings of Amenemope They were extracted from a much older work called  The Wisdom of Ptah-Hotep , which comes from more than 2000 years before the time of Solomon.

In addition  the Book of the Dead  and the ancient  Wisdom of Ptah-Hotep  , other Egyptian texts were used to compile the Old Testament. These include the  texts of  the  pyramids  and the  texts  of the  coffin  , which references to Egyptian gods simply transposes to relate to the Hebrew God  Jehovah  .

What is particularly interesting is that, historically, this was not fully developed at the time of Abraham, even in the later time of Moses. It did not happen until 6  th  century BC, when tens of thousands of Israelites were held captive by  Nebuchadnezzar  of Babylon. Until then, the Jews and Israelites records related to any number of gods and goddesses by individual names, and under  a general plural classification of  the Elohim.

Over 500 years from captivity, scripts existed only as a series of quite separate documents and it was not until after the time of  Jesus  these were grouped into a single volume. Jesus would never have heard of the Old Testament or the Bible, but the Scriptures to which access had included many books that were not selected for compilation we know today. Yet, strangely, some of these still mentioned in modern text of the Bible as relevant to the original culture, including the enigmatic  book of Jasher.

Jasher was the son of  Caleb  born in Egypt  It was the first Israelite brother and uncle judge Othneil Bezalel, the master craftsman, besides being the designated spokesperson Moses. In general, it is considered that  the book of  the position  of Jasher  in the Bible must be among the books of  Deuteronomy  and  Joshua  , but was rejected by publishers because it sheds a different light on  the sequence of events on Mount Horeb in Sinai  .

The  story  family of  Exodus  explains that  Jehovah  instructed Moses about masters and servants, greed, behavior of neighbors, crime, marriage, morality and many other issues, including the fundamental rule Saturday, together with the  Ten Commandments . But in  Jasher  (which predates the writings of Exodus), these laws and ordinances are not transmitted to Moses by  Yahweh  . In fact,  Jehovah is not mentioned at all . The new laws, says  the book of Jasher They were communicated to Moses and the Israelites by Jethro, High Priest of Midian and Lord of the Mountain. Indeed,  Jethro. (Whose daughter, Zipporah, Moses married) was the governor general of Temple Sinai.

Canaan, the title of  Lord  (or  Lofty One  ) of the Mountain, was defined as  El Shaddai  , and this is particularly significant because, as mentioned earlier, this was precisely the name related to Moses when he asked the Lord  to reveal his identity. The  Lord  said, 'I am who I am (YHWH); I am called El Shaddai that Abraham '.YHWH will  eventually be transposed to the name of  the Lord  but, as told in Jasher (and as confirmed in Exodus when read correctly), the  Lord  was not a god godlike at all; He was Jethro  El Shaddai., The great vulcan and master craftsman temple of Hathor.

In the translation of  the Book of Jasher  by Flaccus Albinus Alcuin, Abbot of Canterbury (Longman, London, 1929, Testimonials and notes section, 14: 9-33) says no mention of  the Lord  .

Another very important aspect of the  book of Jasher  is explaining it was not Moses who was the spiritual leader of the tribes who left Egypt for Sinai; their spiritual leader and chief minister was Miriam, the sister of Moses receives only passing mentions in the  book of Exodus  . In fact, as detailed in Jasher, the position of Miriam posed a problem for Moses in his attempt to create an atmosphere of  male domination  that imprisoned as a result of which the Israelites rose up against Moses to secure their release.

There is no doubt that despite the manipulation of ancient texts by scribes, Miriam (  Meryamon Egypt  ) emerges outside the canonical Bible as a key figure of the era but, like  Mary Magdalene  at the time New Testament, has been ignored and forgotten. By ecclesiastical establishments founded as  institutions dominated by men  . Miriam, the  book Aaron (credited to Hur, the grandfather of Bezalel) refers to:
"Miriam from there became the admiration of the Hebrews; Each language sang his praise. She taught Israel; she tutelaba the children of Jacob and the people called by way of eminence, the Master. She studied the good of the nation, and Aaron and people listened. She leaned people; it reached the afflicted. "
For  Gardner  , the real significance of  Miriam  , however, is that she was a Dragon Queen recognized the bloodline of matrilineal Grail. It was mainly dynastic line that came to culminate in the  Royal House of David  , which owes its real origin of  the Pharaonic Miriam ancestry  , rather than to any patriarchal inheritance of Abraham  , as generally makes us believe. He is the son of Abraham,  Isaac,  that  the Lord  establishes his covenant.

This line of succession (from Cain and the Mesopotamian dynasties, through the first pharaohs of Egypt, to King David and even  Jesus  ), in his words,
"It was created to be the earthly suppliers of Light. Were the true 'sons of gods', who were fed first with Anunnaki Star Fire  from about 3800 BC and later with metal supplements high effect from 2000 BC ".

Source: Library pleyades

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