
3 de diciembre de 2018

Archangel Zadkiel: The Power of Silence

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Greetings Beloved,
WE ARE THE Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst archangels, and greet you with love. Today we want todiscuss the power of silence.
The highest vibrational energy continues to reach your planet while you advance in your ascension path. You are making great strides in determining what their next step and how you want to display.
Pause and take the time to observe silence can produce many benefits at this point in your way.
As you incorporate the higher vibrational energy, you're getting innermost your decisions rather than listening to the many voices and opinions in the outside world. You're leaving out the outside noise for your own inner council.
Outside noise could be things like television, radio, the opinions of friends and even your own thoughts about what was once important to you. It has reached a point of his journey that is evaluating his next move, and outside noise may have become a distraction rather than a help.
While in the past may have found great comfort in external situations, you may be experiencing an internal message that would otherwise be needed at this time.
You may feel you need to take a temporary break from these things to regain his spiritual balance and determine the next step for you.
If you experience this internal indicator, you may want to evaluate what is right so you can change temporarily. After temporary pause external situations, you can evaluate what you want to re-add.
Often, outside noise can prevent your attention receive what their guides and inner guidance give you. If youalways have activity and noise around you, focus can sometimes be a challenge. May your own internal cues can not reach.
To eliminate outside noise, you can start in the way that suits you. What works for others may not be appealing to you, so choose your own method is crucial. You can choose to take time off from external noise, such as television, the opinions of others or any activity defined as external noise.
You can consciously decide to book an hour or several times a day when totally silent.
While doing this, consciously evaluate how you feel. You are more calm? Can you easily tune your own inner guidance and your guides?
Sometimes, you realize that your thoughts are playing on your mind in a continuous cycle. Thank thoughts and let them pass. They eventually fade away when theydiscover that not capture their attention.
Then you can experience inner stillness and outer stillness that surrounds you. You are experiencing the power of silence.
You feel the peace that resides there in the stillness. Your body and mind begin to relax. You may notice the smooth entry and exit of your breathing, and relax even more. You feel one with all that is. You recognize yourself as a spiritual being who you are.
You are aware that you have a divine role in the cosmos and you're in the right place at the right time for this awareness occurs.
In the silence, you can determine what is right for you. There is no judgment. Are you with your own inner guidance, your guides and their connection with Source.
When you relax on this knowledge, the power of silence is your friend. It is there to guide, assist and comfort him in his ascension journey.
Beloved, we are happy that the time to experience the power of silence is taken. We are with you at this time of rest, relaxation and guidance.
You know you're very loved.
WE ARE THE Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst archangels,
... and we surround ourselves with love.
And so it is.
Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson,  . All rights reserved. The publication on websites is permitted aslong as the information is not altered, removed or added, and authorship credit is given, including my name and my website. Linda M. Robinson,  . This information can be published in journals, magazines or public publications only with written permission. Email:

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...