
15 de diciembre de 2018



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I hope you like this dictionary of angelic names.

Aba: one of the angels that are invoked in cabalistic rituals. It is said controls sexuality in humans.
Ababaloi: one of the angels that are invoked in cabalistic rituals, especially in the Solomonic magic.
Abariel: one of the regents angels of the mansions of the moon, who is invoked in lunar magic rituals. His middle name is inscribed on "The second pentacle of the Moon" in The Great Key of Solomon.
Abathur Muzania: among the Mandaeans, this is the Angel of the North Star, governs the balance which is heavy human soul when he dies.
Abbatôn: one of the names of death and one of the guardian spirits of the gates of hell. In the vast Key of Solomon, it is the name of one of the angels of God, who is invoked in ceremonial magic to control spirits.
Abdals: (substitutes) this is a group of seventy spirits, which ensure the continued existence of the world according to Muslims. One God (Allah) knows their secret names. These beings are not immortal, and when one of them dies, God creates another to replace it
Abdia: one of the angels protecting the magic circle in the Solomonic magic.
Abdiel (Servant of God) in The Book of the Angel Raziel, written according to legend, the angel of the name, Abdiel mentioned as one of the angels angelic hierarchy. In Paradise, "Paradise Lost", the poet Milton presents Abdiel as one of the seraphim who rejected the radiant power of Satan, attacking him and knocking him to the edge of his sword.
Abdiziriel: one of the great angels governing the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Abel: one of the angels governing the Fourth Heaven, who always invoked in East Point magic circle in ceremonial magic. According to Gnosticism, Abel is one of the twelve powers judge souls when they get to heaven.
Abelech: According to the Great Key of Solomon, is one of the angels that are invoked to subjugate the infernal spirits during black magic rituals.
Abheiel: one of the angels governing twenty eight mansions of the moon.
Ablati: one of the angels that are invoked in the rituals of the archangel Uriel.
Abrasiel: is the angel who governs the seventh hour of the day, according to grimorio "The Paulino art"
Open: Angel of the summer equinox.
Abriel: one of the angels used in Kabbalistic invocations, which was once part of the Choir of Dominions, or dominations.
Abrimas: is one of the angels that are invoked during the Jewish Sabbath.
Abrunael: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Abuhaza: one of the angels of air, on Monday.
Abuionij: one of the angels of the second heaven.
Abuiori: one of the angels of the Second or Third Heaven, ruler of Wednesday, which is invoked from the north point of the magic circle.
Abuliel: one of the angels of prayer.
Abuhozar: another Angels, rulers of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Achaiah: (problem) one of the seraphim angels, who is in charge of the secrets of nature, and give patience to humans.
Ahcamoth: in Gnosticism, one of the daughters of Pistis Sophia, and mother of the evil God, Ildabaoth.
Achelieah: Angel of the sphere of Venus, in The Great Key of Solomon.
Achusaton: One of the Angels Choir of Thrones.
Aclahaye: Angel players.
Adiel: according to Jewish tradition, one of the angels of the seventh heavenly hall.
Adimus: one of several angels reprimanded during the Council of Rome. Uriel is one of the angels reprimanded by the Council, but not explained why these angels are not well regarded by the Church.
Adirah: one of the angels of the seventh heaven.
Adiriel: one of the angels of the fifth heaven.
Adiririon: angel belonging to the Choir of the Powers, whose name is used in amulets against the evil eye. It is said to be one of the angelic guardians of the First Heaven.
Adityas: a group of seven angels governed by Vedic Varuna, reflecting the divine glory of God, according to the Vedas.
Admael: one of the rulers of planet Earth Angels, who resides in the second heaven.
Adnachiel: also known as Advachiel and Adernahael, ruler of the Choir of Angels, is also ruler of November, one of the guards of Sagittarius.
Adnai: Angel of the sphere of Venus, which is invoked in rituals of love.
Adoil: ( "Hand of God") One of the creatures that God used in creating the universe, according to the Book of Enoch.
Adonael: angel who is invoked to exorcise the demons Bobel and Metathiax.
Adonaeth: the angel who is invoked to exorcise the demon Ichthion.
Adoniel: Regent angel midnight, and one of the angels of Jupiter.
Adoyahel: according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses, is one of the fifteen regents angels, belonging to the Choir of Thrones.
Adrael: angel whose name means "My help is God," ruler of the first heaven.
Adriel: regent angel of the mansions of the moon, and one of the angels of death and the final judgment.
AEBEL: angel with Shetel and Anush, they fed to Adam (Adam) by divine command.
Af: this angel whose name means "Divine Wrath" is one of the angels of the seventh heaven and is formed by chains of fire red and black. It is one of the angels of destruction and death of human beings.
Afafiel: guardian angel lobby seventh heaven.
Affafniel: angel of divine anger, which has 16 faces continuously transformed.
Afkiel guardian of sky lobby on the fifth.
Aftiel: angel dark.
Agad: angel belonging to the Choir of the Powers.
Agaf: according to rabbinic tradition, one of the angels of destruction.
Agbas guardian of lobby fourth heaven. In the talismanic magic, one of the angels of the planet Mercury. Pacelso in the Middle Ages, mistook Saturn instead of Mercury.
Agkagdiel guardian of seventh heaven lobby.
Agla: one of the names of God invoked north of the magic circle. Also, one of the angels invoked in the rituals of exorcism.
Agromiel: one of the guardians of the fifth heaven.
Aha: belonging to the Domains, invoked in cabalistic rituals
Ahaijj: Angel of the sphere of mercury.
Ahariel: Archangel Gabriel assistant, and regent Monday.
Ahiel: Angel Kafsiel assistant, regent Saturday invoked when a woman is in labor.
Aiel: ruler of the sign Aries, and Angel Sunday. Aiel is one of the angels of the air element, and resides in the fourth heaven.
Aishim: known as Ishim, is the group of entities comprising the celestial Choir angels according to cabbala. His name means "Divine Fire" or "flames".
Akatriel: one of the great princes of Seventh Heaven, superior to other angels, often identified as the angel of the Lord, and God Himself. According to Kabbalah, Akatriel is associated with the Glory of the Throne of God.
Aker: according to the apocryphal book of Revelation Ezra, this is one of the nine angels regents of Judgment.
Akraziel: the angel of the last gate Seventh Heaven and Lord Heraldo. According to the book, Legends of the Jews, when Moses asked prolonging his life, God commanded him not to leave Akraziel get your request to Heaven as it had come time to die.
Akriel: the angel of infertility.
Aladiah: one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Alat: one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Alimiel: one of the angels of the first heaven. Alimiel is identified with Dumahel, and is also said to be one of the seven angels guarding the curtain that is before the throne of God.
Almon: one of the guards of the fourth heaven lobby.
Alphariza: one of the angels of the second heaven.
Alphun: the angel of pigeons and one of the regents of the eighth hour.
AI-Zabamiya: according to the Qur'an, one of the nineteen angels guarding Hell.
Amabiel: one of the regents of sexuality in humans and the planet Mars.
Amalek: According to Kabbalah, the twin brother of Samael.
Amaliel: one of the angels of punishment and weakness in humans.
Amamael: one of the guardians of the lobby of the Third Heaven.
Amarzyom: according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses, one of fifteen angels Throne of God.
Amatiel: one of the four angels of spring.
Amatliel: one of the guardians of the lobby of the Third Heaven.
Ambriel: one of the regents of the Choir of Thrones and Angel May.
Amerarat: in Zoroastrianism, the angel of immortality.
Amesha Spentas: Zoroastrian archangels, whose name means "The sacred and immortal beings." These Persian entities are often identified with the sefiroth of the Tree of Life.
Amilfaton: one of the guardians of the Seventh sky lobby.
Amitiel: the Angel of Truth.
Amnixiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Amnodiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
AMRail: among Muslims, a guardian angel invoked in rites of exorcism.
Amtiel: one of the guardians of the hall of the third heaven.
Amwakil: According to Muslims, one of the guardian angels invoked in rites of exorcism.
Anabiel: According to Kabbalah, the angel who cure stupidity.
Anabona: According to the Great Key of Solomon, the name of the angel through which God created the universe.
Anachiel: one of the four angels invoked in rituals of Saturn.
Anael: (also identified with Haniel, Anafiel, Anjyel and Ariel) Anael is the angel of the sphere of Venus and love. It is one of the seven great Archangels of Creation, Prince Regent Choir of Principalities, Prince of the Archangels and ruler of the Second Heaven, from where he receives the prayers coming from the First Heaven. Anael also governs the kingdoms of Earth and is one of the regents of the moon.
Anafiel: Anafiel is the Prince of Waters, keeper of the keys of the halls of Heaven, and one of eight angels of the Merkabah or divine carriage. It is often identified with Anael.
Anahel: despite being one of the rulers of the Third Heaven, Anahel also presides over the fourth heaven, according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses.
Anaireton: in ceremonial magic, the angel who is invoked to exorcise salt.
Anapiel YHVH: according to Enoch, one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, whose glory and majesty spread through all areas of Araboth, the Seventh Heaven.It is also identified with Anafiel.
Anauel: the guardian angel of bankers and traders.
Anazimur: According to the book angel Raziel, one of the seven angels belonging to the Choir of Thrones, residents in the First Heaven who obey the commands of the higher angels.
Anfial: one of the sixty-four guardians of the halls of heaven.
Anfiel: one of the guards of the fourth heaven, whose crown is so majestic that covers the entire celestial sphere.
Anixiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Annauel: one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Anpiel: the guardian angel of the birds and resident of the Sixth Heaven. Anpiel is the angel who is in charge of crowning with sanctification, the prayers of human beings, which then sends the Seventh Heaven, the abode of the Creator.
Anush: one of the angels who served Adam (Adam) by divine command.
Apharoph: an angel identified with Rafael, and said to be the only true name of God.
Arapiel YHVH according to the third Book of Enoch, one of the guardians of the second hall of Seventh Heaven and Great Prince of the Divine Presence.
Arariel: the guardian of fishermen, ruler of the waters of the Earth Angel.
Ararita: one of the names used in Kabbalistic invocations Great Key of Solomon.
Arasbarasbiel: one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.
Aratron: the Olympic spirit of Saturn in the ceremonial magic. Aratron governs the forty-nine hundred ninety six Olympic provinces. It is said to help infertile conceive and teaches the magic of invisibility women.
Arbiel: one attendee Angels Anael.
Archiestratega or Archiestrega: title given to Michael by God Himself, as the Supreme Archangel of the Celestial Battles. Its name means head of the heavenly host.
Arcon: a great angel of the Lord in the Judeo-Christianity.Among the Gnostics, the bunkers were evil entities.
Ardarel: Angel Fire in ceremonial magic.
Ardefiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Arel: one of the angels of the Sun in talismanic magic and one of the fire spirits.
Ariel: un ángel del Coro de las Virtudes, cuyo nombre es identificado por los rabinos judíos con la ciudad de Jerusalén. Ariel es a veces considerado un ángel y otras veces una entidad infernal, pero la mayor parte de las autoridades judías lo consideran uno de los ángeles del Señor, que trabaja con Rafael para curar enfermedades. Su nombre significa “León de Dios” y en la magia ceremonial se visualiza con la cabeza de un león. Ariel es uno de los siete grandes príncipes que rigen las aguas de la Tierra.
Arkhas: una de las criaturas que Dios utilizó para crear el Universo.
Armisael: este ángel se invoca, después de rezar el salmo 20, para que una mujer salga bien de un parto.
Armon: uno de los ángeles del Segundo Cielo.
Arphugitonos: según el libro apócrifo, la Revelación de Esdras, este es uno de los nueve ángeles que rigen el Juicio Final.
Arsyalalyur: según el primer Libro de Enoch, uno de los ángeles mensajeros del Señor, que le avisó a Noé el diluvio universal. 
Arvial: uno de los guardianes del Cuarto Cielo.
Asaliah: uno de los ángeles regentes de la justicia, perteneciente al Coro de las virtudes y asistente de Rafael. Este es también uno de los setenta y dos ángeles de la Shemhamfora.
Asaph: este gran ángel es el que dirige los coros de los ángeles en el Triságono Divino durante la noche. El ángel Jeduthun los guía durante la tarde y Reman durante el día. De acuerdo a la tradición judía este es el ángel de la medicina y escribió el salmo 50 y los salmos del 73 al 83.
Asariel: el ángel del signo de Piscis y uno de los regentes de las veintiocho Mansiones de la Luna. Su nombre significa, “el que Dios ha amarrado con un juramento”
Asasiel: uno de los regentes de Júpiter y junto a Casiel y Sadkiel, uno de los regentes del día jueves.
Asbogah YHVH: según el tercer Libro de Enoch, uno de los grandes Príncipes Regentes del Séptimo Cielo.
Asfael: según Enoch, uno de los ángeles regentes de los meses del año y Príncipe sobre miles de ángeles.
Ashkanizkael: uno de los guardianes del vestíbulo del Séptimo Cielo. En la magia ceremonial, es considerado una entidad infernal.
Ashmodiel: uno de los ángeles regentes del signo de Tauro y muy propicio a ayudar en asuntos amorosos.
Ashriel: el ángel que separa al alma del cuerpo en el momento de la muerte. Se identifica a menudo con Azrael, Azriel y Azariel.
Ashrulyu: uno de los veinte nombres de Dios, residente en el Primer Cielo.
Asimor: uno de los siete ángeles del Poder de Dios.
Asrafil: entre los musulmanes, es el ángel del Juicio Final.
Asoilu YHVH: uno de los grandes Príncipes de la Divina Presencia y director de la academia celestial.
Asiiel: según El libro de ángel Raziel, este es uno de los ángeles que cura las enfermedades.
Ataliel: uno de los regentes de las veintiocho mansiones de la Luna.
Ataphiel: también Atafiel, uno de los grandes ángeles que sostienen el Cielo con tres de sus dedos.
Athanatos: uno de los ángeles cabalísticos usados en invocaciones y uno de los nombres de Dios usados para descubrir tesoros.
Atufiel: uno de los ángeles guardianes del vestíbulo del Sexto Cielo.
Atuniel: un ángel del Coro de las Virtudes, identificado a menudo con Nathanel o Natanael.
Avahel: uno de los Príncipes regentes del Tercer Cielo.
Avriel: uno de los guardianes del vestíbulo del Séptimo cielo.
Azbogah YHVH: one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, and who knows the secrets of the Throne of Glory. The angel who gives eternal life to the Lord's elect.
Azfiel: one of the guards lobby First Heaven.
Azrael: Angel ruler of Scorpio, also identified as Azriel, Gabriel and Azaril. Azrael is one of the angels residing in the Third Heaven death. Muslims identify it with Rafael and say it has seventy thousand feet and four thousand wings, and his body is covered with many eyes and tongues as there are men on earth.
Azriel: According to Kabbalah, one of the Angelic Princes, is in charge of receiving the prayers of the faithful while sixty thousand heads North guardian angels of Heaven.
Bachiel: one of the angels residents of the Fourth Heaven and also one of the regents of the sphere of Saturn.
Baijel: one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Baliel: one of the angels residing in the First Heaven.
Balthial: one of the seven planetary angels who invoked to control or destroy jealousy.
Baraborat: one of the angels of the third heaven and the planet Mercury.
Baradiel: angel controls the hail, and one of the seven great archangels. He resides in the third heaven.
Barakiel: also identified with Barbiel and Barchiel, this is another of the seven great archangels, and Prince of the Second Heaven. This is invoked Angels to win the game.Its name means "Lightning God" and is one of the angels who control the lightning.
Barattiel: one of the great angels holding the Seventh Heaven and the Throne of God with three fingers.
Barbelo: in Gnosticism, it is one of the aeons, and second in rank to the Creator.
Barbiel: ruler of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon, and the month of October
Baresches: in ceremonial magic, this angel is invoked to get the love of the desired woman.
Barsabel: angel regent of Mars.
Bartyabel: another angel of Mars, assistant Graphiel great angel, who is the supreme intelligence of Mars.
Baruch: the angel guarding the Tree of Life, whose name means "blessed."
Baruchiachel: one of the seven great archangels regents, and the only one who conquers the demon of Discord.
Bataliel: one of the regents angels of the Zodiac.
Bazathiel: one of the guardians of the first heaven.
Bazazath: one of the angels of the second heaven residents.
Bazkiel: one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Baztiel: one of the guards lobby First Heaven.
Beatiel: one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Beburos: one of the regents of Judgment angels.
Behemiel: the angel who is in charge of domestic animals belonging to the Choir of Cherubim.
Bene Elohim also referred to as Bene Elim in the original Hebrew, this is the Choir of Thrones according to Kabbalah.
Beshter: the name of Miguel among the Persians.
Bethor: one of the seven Olympic spirits, ruler of the sphere of Jupiter.
Bethuael: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Bezrial: one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Bifiel: one of the guardians of the lobby of the Sixth Heaven.
Blautel: the angel used to invoke the dead.
Boamiel: According to the book Angel Raziel, Boamiel is one of six angels that protect the four cardinal points of Heaven. The others are Gabriel, Scamijm, Dohel, Madiel and Adrael.
Boel: one of the seven angels who stand before the throne of God. His name means "God is in him." According to Kabbalah, Boel resides in the first heaven and is in charge of the four keys of the cardinal points of the Earth.
Burchat. One of the regents of the Fourth Heaven angels and messenger Sun rules also on Sunday.
Butator: the regent angel of calculation in mathematics.
Cabiel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Cabriel one of the regents of the sign of Aquarius angels and guard the four cardinal points of Heaven.
Cael: one of the regents of the sign of Cancer angels.
Cahethel- one of the princes of the Seraphim, regent of agriculture and one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora or name of God
Caila- as the Great Key of Solomon, one of the angels that are used in the invocation of the great Archangel Uriel.
Calliel- one of the angels before the throne of God, a resident of Second Heaven, it is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Calzas- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven and regent on Tuesday.
Camael- is one of the most controversial angels Celestial Hierarchy. This is because his name is often written Samael, who is one of the most powerful infernal spirits, identified with Satan. Camael name means "he who sees God". He is the Prince Regent Choir of Powers and is one of the seven angels of the Divine Presence. Camael is the angel of war and chief ruler of the planet Mars and the sign of Aries. It is said to be in charge of twelve thousand angels of destruction, and tried to prevent God gave the Law (Torah) to Moses, so he tried to destroy Camael. This duality of Camael is making it easy to identify with Samael, who is also a destructive but infernal order entity.Whether as Samael or Camael, this is the entity that symbolizes war, which even in defense, it can never be described as a positive act. Camael is considered in Kabbalah Justice Personified as well as the severity.Among its other names this Khemuel, Camuel and Chamuel.
Cambiel- one of the rulers of Aquarius.
Cameron- one of the regents of the half- day, assistant Angel Beratiel. Some Kabbalistic authorities describe as an infernal entity under the command of Beelzebuth or Astaroth.
Caphriel- one of the regents on Saturday and Saturn.
Capitiel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Caracasa- one of the angels of spring.
Caraniel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Carniel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Carsiol- one of the assistants of the great Anael, and one of the regents of the second hour.
Cassiel- also called Casiel, Angel is the ruler of Capricorn and Saturn. It is also the angel of solitude and tears. It is a prince or Sarim Choir of Powers and Powers and one of the regents of the Seventh Heaven.
Casujoiah- one of the regents of the sign of Capricorn angels.
Cernaiul- one of the angels of the sphere of Venus and the seventh sephireh or sphere of the Tree of Life.
Cerviel- the angel that God sent to help David in his battle against Goliath and head of the Choir of Principalities.
Chamuel- sometimes identified with Camael, it is one of the seven great archangels and head of the Choir of Dominions. His name means "one who seeks God". 
Chamyel- one of fifteen angels before the throne of God, according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses.
Charbiel- the angel dried water after flood.
Charciel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Chasmodai- as Paracelsus, the spirit of the Moon, often identified with Asmodeus.
Chavakiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Chayyiel- or Chayyiliel, chief angels merkabah or divine carriage, also known as Hayyoth or Chayoth identified with Querubines. According to Enoch, Chayyliel is so vast and powerful that if he wanted Earth could swallow in one bite. Chayyiel is also in charge of the heavenly choirs, and punished with lashes of fire angels who did not sing the divine Triságono in due time.
Cheriour- the angel who is in charge of punishing the criminals he pursues and torments.
Chismael- one of the regents of Jupiter angels.
Churchill among the Persians, the angel of the sun.
Chuscha- according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses, one of fifteen angels of God's throne.
Cochabiel- one of the great angels in the Divine Presence and one of the regents of Mercury, according to the Kabbalah.
Cogediel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Coniel- an angel of the Third Heaven and Friday.
Corabael- one of the angels of the first heaven and on Monday.
Ctarari- one of the angels of winter, the other is Amabael.
Dagiel- angel governing and fish belonging to the sphere of Venus.
Dagon a god among the Phoenicians, but an angel fallen by Milton in "Paradise Lost"
Dahariel- one of the angels of the first heaven.
Dahavauron- one of the princes of the Divine Presence and one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Dahaviel- one of the guardians of the First Heaven.
Dai one of the Angels Choir of Powers.
Damabiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora and regent of shipbuilding.
Dameal- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven and Tuesday.
Daniel one of the choir angels principalities whose name means "God is my judge".
Dargitael- one of the regents lobby Fifth Heaven angels.
Darquiel- one of the angels of the first heaven and on Monday.
Degalim- one of the angelic subcoros intoning the divine Triságono under the leadership of the great Archangel Tagas.
Deharhiel- one of the guardians of the sky lobby on the fifth.
Deliel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Delukiel- one of the angels Seventh Heaven.
Deramiel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Derdekea- one of the manifestations of the Cosmic Mother, who descends to earth for the salvation of humanity.
Denmark one of the guardians of the Law (Torah) and wisdom angels, according to the Kabbalah. Dina resides in seventh heaven.
Dirachiel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Will be said one of the guards lobby of the Sixth Heaven.
Domiel- a great Arcón who is also ruler of the four elements and guardian of the Seventh Heaven.
Donquel- an angel of Venus, invoked by a man to achieve the desired love of women.
Drial- one of the guardian angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Dubbiel- the angel Gabriel who replaced twenty days when this was an exile of the Divine Presence and which protected the Babylonians.
Efniel- an angel belonging to the Choir of Cherubim.
Egibiel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Egion- one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Egrimiel- one of the guardians of the lobby of the Sixth Heaven.
Eiael- one of the angels who teaches the occult and prolongs life in humans. To invoke the fourth verse of Psalm 36 prays Eiael is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Eirnilus- the angel of fruits.
EI- one of the secret names of God in connection with the fourth céfira the Tree of Life and Jupiter. He is also the end of most of the names of the angels, whose connotation means "Son of God". He is the plural of the Elohim.
Electors-the seven planetary spirits. Some authorities describe as hellish forces.
Elemiah- according to Kabbalah, one of the Seraphim of the Tree of Life and one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Elimiel- according to the Kabbalah one of the angels of the Moon.
Elion- an angel of the first heaven and the great Archangel Ofaniel assistant.
Eloha- an Angel Choir of Powers.
Elohi- an angel of fire, whose name invoked dry the seas and rivers by God's command.
Elohim the dual aspect of God, male and female at the same time. Elohim is also one of the angelic choirs and is associated with Netzach, the seventh sephireh Tree of Life.
Elomeel- as Enoch, one of the angels of the seasons.
Elomnia- one of the five regents princes of the Third Heaven.
Elubatel- one of the omnipotent angels, which are invoked in spells the beast Leviathan, over which they have power.
Emmanuel according to the Kabbalah, this is one of the angels of the tenth sphere of the Tree of Life. It is also the angel who saved Daniel's companions threw oven where Nebuchadnezzar. His name means "God is with us."
Empireo- Heaven and the abode of God and his angels.
Enendiel- one of the regents of the mansions of the moon.
Misleadingly one of the names of God used in invocations on Monday to Lucifer.
Ephemeras- ephemera or mayflies are angels created by God for one day to intone the divine Triságono.
Erelim- Arelim is also described as Hebrew name Choir of Thrones. The Erelim are formed of white fire and belong to the Third Heaven, although some authorities placed in the fourth or fifth sky. Their numbers amounted to seventy thousand thousands and are the protectors of trees and fruits of the earth. The Erelim are one of the ten classes of angels governed by Archangel Michael.
Eremiel- identified one of the angels Uriel, whose candle is said for souls in the afterlife.
Eregedial- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Esabiel- one of the Angels Choir of Powers.
Eth- an angel who is in charge of it all happen in due time.His name itself means "Time".
Etraphill- Muslims as one of the angels of Judgment. 
Ezgadi- one of the angels invoked for a safe and hazard-free trip.
Famiel- one of the angels residing in the Third Heaven and also one of the regents on Friday and the air element.
Fanuel- sometimes identified with Uriel and Raguel and sometimes with Ramiel, is one of the four angels of the Divine Presence.
Flaef- one of the regents of human sexuality according to the Cabala angels.
Fraciel- an angel of the Fifth Heaven and one of the regents on Tuesday.
Friagne- another angel of the Fifth Heaven and Tuesday.
Gabriel His name means "God is my power." Gabriel is the angel of the Annunciation, death and resurrection, revenge and compassion. But mostly Gabriel is the heavenly messenger who reveals the will of God to humanity. According to Muslim tradition Gabriel has one hundred and forty pairs of wings. This archangel stands in the West, where the sun sets and thus seal the door where evil dwells. Esoteric tradition says that the West is wrong because the door to the Sun, cardinal point, the Earth is covered with the dark cloak of night, which has always been identified with the evil forces set. When the human body perishes, God sends Gabriel to pick up the spirit of that person to take a rest and seek forgiveness of their sins.
According to Muslim tradition, Gabriel, known in Islam as Jibril, was the one who dictated the book of the Koran to the prophet Mohammed, according to Joan of Arc, he was the one who inspired her to fight for the king of France against the English in the "Hundred years' War," a heroic act for which he was burned at the stake.
Gadiel- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Gadriel- sometimes confused with Gadreel, it is one of the regents of the Fifth Heaven angels in charge of the wars on Earth. It is said that when the prayers of the faithful come to heaven must pass through the hands of Gadriel, who is in charge of carrying the sixth heaven.
Galearii- is a group of angels of lower rank in the sky.
Galgaliel- one of the regents of the sphere of the sun.
Galgallim- a group of angels known as wheels or carriage merkabah Divine. In hierarchy are in the same category as the first angelic choir are the Seraphim.
Gallizur YHVH- as Enoch, one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, which reveals the mysteries of the Torah.It is also one of the names of the angel Raziel and Prince Regent of the Second Heaven.
Galmon- one of the guards of the fourth heaven lobby.
Gamaliel- one of the great angels whose mission is to uplift the Lord's elect to Heaven. It is one of the assistants Gabriel. Its name means "God reward"
Gambiel- one of the angels of the Zodiac and ruler of the sign of Aquarius.
Gambriel- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Gamrial- one of the sixty-four guardians of the heavenly halls.
Ganael- According to the Testament of Solomon, this is one of the planetary angels governing the celestial spheres. Ganael is attached to Camael and Apudiel angels in this mission.
Gargatel- with Gaviel and Tariel, this angel governs the summer.
Gatiel- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Gauril Ishliha- the angel who is in charge of the sun rises in the morning at the right time.
Gaveil- with Gargatel and Tariel, one of the angels of summer.
Gavreel- one of the guardians of the second or fourth Heaven. Many authorities identify with Gabriel. The sect known as "The Black Jews of Harlem" believe in the four Great Archangels, whose names for them are Gavreel, Rafarel, Michael and Owreel, who invoked to perform cures, to restore vision and to turn enemies into friends.
Gazardiel- other angels in charge of the sunrise at the correct time.
Geburael- its name means strength. This angel is associated with the fifth sphere or sephireh Tree of Life, Geburah, and belongs to the order of the Angels. Geburiel is often identified with Gamaliel and say that descends from Heaven through the sphere of the planet Mars. It is said to be the angel holding the left hand of God, who is dispensing justice or severity.
Geburathiel- the main guardian of room foyer of the sixth heaven and angel sephireh Geburah on the Tree of Life. 
Gedael- as Enoch, is one of the angels of the four seasons.
Gedaliah- one of the rulers of the Third Heaven Angels, according to the Kabbalah. Crown also the prayers of the faithful ascending the Second Heaven and sends them to the higher spheres.
Gedemel- is identified as the spirit of Venus.
Gediel- one of the angels of the zodiac and Prince Regent of the Fourth Heaven.
Gedudiel- one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Gedudim- one of the angelic choirs singing the Divine Triságono under the direction of Angel Tagas.
Gehegiel- one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.
Geliel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Geminiel- one of the regents of the sign of Gemini.
Germael- according to an ancient tradition God created Adam (Adam) from dust through one of his angels. Some authorities say that this angel was Germael and others was Gabriel.
Gerviel- the guardian angel of David. This is also one of the regents princes Choir of Principalities. It is often identified with Cerviel.
Geviririon- another name sephireh fifth, Geburah.
Geviriyah- one of the seventy-eight names of Archangel Metatron.
Gippuyel- another name of Metatron.
Gmial- one of the sixty-four guardians of the halls of Seventh Heaven.
Gorfiniel- one of the guardians of the Seventh Heaven.
Gradiel- this angel represents the intelligence of the planet Mars when it enters the signs of Scorpio or Aries.
Grasgarben- one of the regents of the sign of Libra.
Grigori eternally silent guardians, residents of Second and Fifth Heaven.
Guriel- one of the regents sign Leo angels.
Guth one of the regents of Jupiter angels.
Gvurtial- one of the guardians of the halls of the Fourth Heaven.
Haaiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora Choir and Domains. It is said to be the ruler of ambassadors and diplomats.
Haamiah- this is the angel that guides those who seek the truth and is also regent of religious cults. It belongs to the Choir of the Powers or Powers.
Habbiel- one of the angels of the first heaven and on Monday, who is asked to help in cases loving.
Habuiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamtora, which also governs the fertility of the fields and agriculture.
Hadraniel- this angel is often identified with Metatron and its name means "Majesty of God." It is said to be one of the guardians of the second heaven and when he proclaims God's voice penetrates two hundred thousand firmaments and every word flowing from his mouth twelve thousand lightning. Other names are Hadriel, Hadarniel and Hadariel. Hadraniel is described as sixty thousand higher parasangs the angel Kemuel and "five hundred years of travel" less high than the angel Sandalphon, the chief ruler of the Earth according to the Kabala. The parasang is equal to approximately three miles Persian measure.
Hafaza- a group of angels between Muslims, which protect against the dark spirits.
Hagiel- Intelligence sphere of Venus in the signs of Taurus and Libra.
Hagios- one of the secret names of God, while one of his greatest angels.
Hagith- the Olympic spirit of the sphere of Venus, ruler of twenty of the one hundred ninety six Olympic provinces. It is said to have under his command four thousand legions of spirits of light and has the power to transmute metals.
Hahael- is the guardian angel of all ministers and missionaries of Christ. It belongs to the Choir of Virtues and is one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Hahaiah- reveals the great divine mysteries and also influences human thought. It belongs to the Choir of Cherubim.
Hahuaih- one of] you seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Haiaiel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Haim- one of the regents of angels Virgo.
Hakamiah- the guardian angel of France, belonging to the Choir of Cherubim, which is invoked against traitors.
Haludiel- one of the Intelligences del Sol resident in the fourth heaven.
Hamabiel- one of the regents of Taurus angels.
Hamaliel- this angel belongs to the Choir of Virtues and is one of the regents August and Virgo.
Hamon- as Enoch, is one of the great princes of the Divine Presence whose voice of thunder makes the other angels shudder when calls sing the praises of the Creator. It is also said to be one of the names of the Archangel Gabriel.
Haniel- this angel is identified with Anael and its name means "He who sees God". It is one of the leaders of the Choir of Virtues and Principalities and is one of the regents of December, Capricorn and Venus. His name is so powerful that only mention acts as an amulet against evil.
Hararel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora, which is also in charge of libraries and archives.
Hariel- the regent angel of sciences and arts. It belongs to the Choir of Cherubim.
Hushmal- the angel speaking fire and principal ruler of the Choir of Dominions.
Hashmallim- according quabbalistic authorities, this is the Choir Domains or dominions, also identified with Hayyoth or living creatures.
Hasmed- one of the five angels of punishment to whom Moses met during his visit to Heaven.
Hayliel YHVH- as Enoch, this is one of the most exalted Prince of the Divine Presence and whose power is such that it can swallow the earth at once. He is in charge of living creatures called Hayyoth, who harasses to intone the Divine Triságono.
Hayyoth- also called Chayoth or Chiva, these living creatures or sacred beasts who carry on his shoulders the Merkabah or Throne of the Creator. Often these angels are identified with the Choir of Cherubim and reside in the Seventh Heaven. According to the principal book of Kabbalah, the Zohar, the Hayyoth are thirty-six and sustain not only the Merkabah, but the entire universe.According to Enoch are only four. Each has two hundred forty-eight faces and three hundred sixty-five wings. Each of these creatures is crowned with a thousand crowns and each crown is like a rainbow, brighter than the sun. These angels are the Shekinah Camp.
Haziel- the angel which is invoked to ask God's compassion. It belongs to the Choir of Cherubim and is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Hechaloth- these are the heavenly halls or palaces. The term also used to describe the seven female or beautiful virgins emanations emanating from the right side of the Creator, according to the Kabbalah.
Heiglot- the angel of snow storms.
Hemah- one of the angels of wrath and destruction and death that governs pets. It is said that Hemah has a height of five hundred thousand parasangs or more than seven hundred miles and was created chains red and black fire.According to the Zohar, Hemah once tried to swallow Moses but God intervened and saved him. When Moses Hemah vomited, he killed him, something difficult to conceive since angels are immortal.
Hismael- the spirit of Jupiter.
Hizkiel- one of the main assistants angelic Gabriel during battles.
Hocus Pocus- Two angelic princes relied on Jewish rituals of the Middle Ages.
Hodniel- the angel cure stupidity in humans. (Very careful with this angel ... it could be several useful to them, "jejeje")
Iachadiel- one of the regents moon angels. 
Iadalbaoth- according to the Hebrew Kabbalah, this is the Demiurgos, which is in second place, under God. Among the Phoenicians, ladalbaoth was one of the seven angels elohims or creators of the universe. According to the philosopher Origen, this was the second name Miguel. For the Gnostics who rejected everything that was Hebrew, this was the first bunker or dark spirit.
Iahhel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and regent of philosophers and those who want to get away from the material world.
Iciriel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Idrael- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Iehuiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and protector of princes of the earth. It belongs to the Choir of Thrones.
Ieiaiel- the angel who governs the future with Teiaiel. It is also one of the 72 angels Shemhamphora.
Ieilael- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Ielahiah- the angel who is invoked in case of trial and controlling judges and magistrates. It is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Ieliel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Ihiazel- one of the angels Shemhamphora.
Indri- angels in the tradition of the Vedas.
Intelligences identified with angels and Sefiros in the Platonic tradition. They are ten Intelligences, the same number of Sefiros in The Tree of Life, and are associated with the planets.
Iofiel- one of the companions of the great Archangel Metatron and one of the seven princes of the Divine Presence. It is also one of the princes of the Torah or Divine Law.
Irin- as Enoch, the twin angels who are part of the celestial Supreme Council. Residing in seventh heaven and are part of the Metatron than eight Hierarchs.
Isda- the angel who provides food for mankind.
Ishim- According to Kabbalah, the choir of angels associated with the sefirah tenth of the Tree of Life, identified with the saints and the souls of the righteous. It is said to consist of snow and fire, and reside in the fifth heaven.
Israfel- among Muslims this is the angel of doom, also called Sarafiel or Isrefel.
Itmon- one of the seventy-eight names of Metatron.
Itqal- the angel of affection, which is invoked when there are discussions among people to bring peace between them.
Ithuriel- one of the princes of the spheres of the Tree of Life, whose name means "discovery of God". It is associated with the area of ​​Mars. The poet Milton identifies it as a cherub, but Kabbalistic sources say that this is a misidentification.
Izrael- according to Muslims, one of the angels of the Resurrection. The other angels are Gabriel, Michael and Israfel. According to Muslim legend, trumpet the Last Judgment will be played three times with an interval of forty years between each touch. The third touches the resurrection of the dead takes place.
Jabniel- one of the regents of the first heaven Jael- one of two carved cherubs guarding the chair of Compassion in the Ark of the Covenant. The other was named Zarall. Jael is also the name of one
Regents of Libra.
Jazeriel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Jehoel- often identified with Metatron and Kemuel, is one of the regents of the Choir of Seraphim yel chief angel
of fire.
Jehudiam- the angel who keeps the keys seventy all the treasures of the Creator.
Jehudiel- one of the angels governing the movement of the spheres, one of the works of Metatron. Some authorities include it among the top seven of the Divine Presence.
Jeliel- one of the Seraphim, whose name is inscribed on The Tree of Life and who is said applies to Turkey. It also ensures the fidelity of a spouse and awakens the passion between men and women.
Jeremiel- one of the names of Uriel and Remiel. Its name means "Compassion of God" and is one of the seven princes of the Divine Presence. It belongs to the Choir of the Archangels.
Jesodoth- angel who transmits the foundation cone and the wisdom of God to human beings between el- one of the two hundred guards tempted by the rebellious angels.
Gabriel Ribril- among Muslims. 
Roel, a variation of Jael, this is the first of the names of Metatron.
Rohiel- one of the angels of Paradise.
Johiel: one of the angels of paradise
Kadishim- one of the angels superior in rank to the Hayyoth or Merkabah angels, residents Seventh Heaven.Its name means "sacred beings". With lrin, it is the Throne of Judgment.
Kadosh- one of the guards of the fourth heaven lobby.
Kafziel- identified with Casiel, is the angel who governs the death of kings and ruler of the planet Saturn. It is one of the attendants for the angelic Gabriel battles.
Kakabel- also identified as Kochbich, its name means "star of God." This is one of the regents Princes of the stars and constellations. Seglln book tíllgcl J ~ Azic /, is a holy angel, but according to Enoch is one of the fallen angels.
Kalmiya- one of the seven celestial Princes who keep the curtain that is before the throne of God. The other six are Gabriel, Boel, Asimor, Paschar, Gabriel and Oziel.
Kedemel-one of the spirits of Venus.
Kemuel- identified with Camael and Seraphiti, its name means Assembly of God. This is the big chest that acts as an intermediary between the prayers of Israel and the Princes of the seven heavens. Kemuel is also the angel of the fifth sephireh and one of the regents of the Seraphim.
Kerubiel YHVH- this is the great ruler of the Cherubim and one of the most exalted Prince of the Heavenly Court.His body consists of burning coals and covered with thousands of eyes. His stature is the size of the seven heavens. His face is made of fire, his eyes are sparks of light and tabs are made of lightning. His mouth go fire with every word and is covered with wings up and down.It is always accompanied by thunder, lightning and earthquakes. The Shekinah glow shines on his face. Not for nothing is one of the most feared and respected in the courts above angels.
Kyriel- one of the regents of the veitiocho mansions of the moon.
Labarfiel- one of the guardians of the seventh heaven.
Labezerin- the angel governing the win. He is invoked at two in the afternoon.
Labiel- the original name of Rafael. It is said that when Rafael accepted God's commandments regarding the creation of man, the Lord changed the name of Labiel Rafael.
Lahabiel- an angel who is invoked to ward off evil spirits and who is said assistant Rafael.
Lahatiel- one of the seven angels of punishment and the angel who presides over the portal of death.
Lamach- one of the rulers of the planet Mars.
Lehahiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora controlling agriculture.
Lehavah- one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Lehalel- one of the angels who govern the arts, science, love and good fortune.
Lelahiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Lemanael- one of the angels of the Moon, according to the Kabbalah.
Leuuiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Levana- one of the names of the moon.
Levanael- one of the angels of the Moon.
Librabis- one of the spirits who discovers the hidden gold.
Lifton- one of the guardians of the Seventh Heaven.
Logos This name means "The Word" and is one of the appeals of God. Both Michael and Metatron have been identified as the Logos, as the Messiah and the Holy Spirit.
Lucifer this name means the giver of light and is erroneously awarded Satan. This is due to a passage in the Book of Isaiah, where the prophet referred to Lucifer cómoo a fallen angel and the son of the morning. Isaiah was referring to King Nebuchadnezzar in this description, according to rabbinical authorities. The name actually refers to the star of dawn or dusk, which relates it to Venus. In Christianity, Lucifer and Satan are the same entity, due to identification by some of the Fathers of the Church, as St. Jerome. (I take the liberty of making this clarification, again within the page)
Lumazi-Ios seven creators of the Universe among the Assyrians.
Machasiel- one of the Intelligences del Sol, governs Sunday and resides in the
Fourth Heaven.
Machator- one of the angels of the air element and Saturday.
Machidiel- one of the angels of the Tree of Life, identified with the tenth sphere, Malkuth, and the planet Earth. The men can invoke to help them get the love of the woman of his dreams.
Mahariel- one of the guardians of the portal First Heaven, which escort purified souls.
Mahasiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mahniel- another name of Azarel, ruler of Scorpio.
Mahzian- the angel who gives sight.
Makatiel- one of the seven angels of punishment, whose name means God's plague.
Malach-Ha-Mavet- the angel of death according to the Kabbalah and identified with Samael and Azrael.
Malakim- in Hebrew, the Choir of Virtues.
Maltiel- one of the Intelligences of Jupiter, a resident of the Third Heaven.
and Satan. It is said to be regent of England.
Manuel- one of the angels of the sign of Cancer.
Marmarao- an angel Sexually transmitted diseases cure bladder.
Maskiel- one of the guardians of the First Heaven, where they first arrive the prayers of the faithful.
Matarel- the angel of rain.
Maymon- ruler of the air spirits and Saturday.
Mbriel- one of the angels who govern the four winds.
Mebahel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mebahiah- is the angel who is invoked when you want to have children and one of the regents of morality and religion. Tampién is one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mehekiel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mehiel- the angel of the authors, speakers and univrrsitarios teachers.
Melahel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Meniel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Messiah- identified with Christ and Metatron, the Messiah belongs to the Choir of Cherubim and is the Guardian Angel of Eden, which protects with a flaming sword.
Metraton- alternating with Miguel, with whom he is often identified as the greatest of all the angels. It is said he is the Prince of the Divine Faz, Chancellor of Heaven, Angel Alliance and the Lord Minor (YHVH). It is the angel who protects humanity more and governs the first sphere of the Tree of Life. It is often identified with the Shekinah, the Glory of God. It is the angel who led Israel in their exodus through the desert and is said to be the twin brother of Sandalphon, the Angel who governs the Earth and the tenth sphere, Malkuth, the Tree of Life. After Anafiel, Metatron is the highest angel of Heaven and when invoked manifests itself in a pillar
fire with the most dazzling face the sun. It is said to be the author of verse 25 of Psalm 37, and instructing in Paradise to little souls of babies who die prematurely.
Miguel is part of the Big Four Archangels. His name means "who is like God" is considered the greatest of all the angels, both Judaism and Christianity and Islam.Miguel is the uncorrupted and incorruptible angel, it is the favorite angel of the Creator and the most powerful.Miguel is one of the three regents princes of the angelic choirs: Seraphim, Virtues and Archangels. It is also regent of the Fourth Heaven, one of six repentance angels, angel of righteousness, compassion, sanctification and Prince of the Divine Presence. It is also the guardian angel of Israel and Germany and is said to
was that gave tablets 10 commands to Moses on Mount Sinai. Michael's name comes from the Chaldean, like Rafael. It is said to be the author of Psalm 85, which says on its behalf to ask for a miracle. In the sacred teachings Miguel is often identified with the Holy Spirit, because of its high purity. Miguel is ruler of the planet Mercury, the sign of Leo, the South and the fire element in the ceremonial magic, and among his titles is: Prince of Light, Prince of Virtues, Prince of the Archangels, Guardian of Peace, Protector divine, Commander in Chief of the heavenly host, guardian angel of the
Catholic Church, Guardian Angel of Israel, Angel of Earth and Prince of God, besides the Archiestratega Divine. It is also the angel who appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush and San Pedro who rescued the
prison and the prophet Daniel from the den of lions.Miguel is said also he who has come down from heaven on Judgment Day with the key to the bottomless pit, where he shut Satan for a thousand years.
Some traditions visualize it in seventh heaven surrounded by angelic hosts. In Christianity Miguel he is venerated as the benevolent angel of death through whom it is possible to achieve God's forgiveness and immortality. It is the angel who guides the souls of the faithful to eternal light and also weighing souls at the Last Judgment.
Honey- one of the angels of the planet Mercury and Wednesday.
Mihael- According to Kabbalah, the angel of fertility and fidelity in marriage.
Mithra- in the Vedas, one of the brightest gods, identified with the angels. According to the Persians, Mithra had a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes and was one of deities surrounding the great Persian god Ahura Mazda.
Mitzrael- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Modiniel- one of the angels of the sphere of Mars.
God's angel Moroni among Mormons, who delivered him to Joseph Smith, founder of this sect, the Gospel of the New Revelation in gold tablets.
Mupiel- the angel who is invoked to grant a good memory.
Muriel one of the regents of the sign of Cancer and July. It is also one of the regents of the Choir of Dominions.
Naaririel YHVH- one of the most exalted Prince of the Heavenly Court.
Nachiel- Intelligence of the Sun in the sign of Leo.
Nadiel- one of the regents December and protector of emigrants.
Nagrasagiel- one of the guardians and angelic princes who watch the entrance of hell.
Nahaliel- the angel governing Arroyos.
Nahuriel- one of the seven regents of the First Heaven.
Nanael- one of the seventy-two angels of the Shemhamphoras.
Naromiel- one of the Intelligences of the moon and regent on Sunday.
Nasargiel- another large angels guarding the cntrada Hell, which is described with lion's head.
Nathanael- is one of the angels governing fire and sixth angel created by God. It is also one of the twelve angels of vengeance.
Nehinah- an angel who is invoked to call the dead.
Nemamiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora belonging to the Choir of the Archangels.
Nuriel- one of the angels of fire and hail. It is also one of the Regents of Virgo and one of the assistants Miguel. It is an angel of great power and great stature under his command fifty thousand angels ide formed of water and fire. Its name means "fire of God".
Och- the Olympic spirit Sun governs the Olympic twenty provinces. It is said that governed thirty-six thousand five hundred thirty-six legions of spirits and gives six hundred years of life in perfect health, as the sphere of the Sun governs the health and life while the heart chakra.
Ofael- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven and Tuesday.In the Kabbalah, the fifth sephireh or sphere of the Tree of Life, Geburah, is ruled by the planet Mars and on Tuesday.
Ofaniel- also Opaniel, is the powerful ruler of the Choir of Thrones and as we have seen before, the highest of all the angels. It is also one of the regents of the moon, which is often identified with Sandalphon. 
Ofanim- also Ophanim, the Choir of Thrones. In Cabal, the Ophanim have a more exalted the Angels position, forming the first chorus angelic, according PseudoDionisio. The Ophanim are associated with the second sephireh, Chokmah, identifi (ada with zodiac wheel. Choir Powers or Powers are Hayyoth (Chaioth has Qades} and are associated with the first sephireh, Keter, and God himself, who is in turn identified with the created universe. beyond the created universe is the AIN, which is nothing, God before manifesting its power and its essence in creation.
Ofiel- also Ophiel, the Olympic spirit of Mercury, ruler of the Olympic fourteen provinces and one hundred thousand legions of spirits. It belongs to the Choir of the Powers.
Ohazia- one of the angels of the Divine Presence and one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Olson one of the regents of the sign of Leo.
Omael- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora, belonging to the Choir of Dominions. It is the regent angel of chemistry and helps perpetuate the species.
Onafiel- one of the regents of the moon.
Opanniel YHVH- identified with Ofaniel, is one of the most exalted Prince of the Divine Presence and ruler of the Choir of Ophanim or Thrones, which continuously polishes and decorate. According to Enoch, Opanniel two hundred sixteen faces and wings, ADE more than eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-six eyes, corresponding to the times of the year.
Orael- one of the Intelligences of Saturn.
Oriel- the angel of fate, identified with Auriel, whose name means "God's light."
Orifiel- one of the regents of Saturn and Saturday. It is said to be one of the princes of the Choir of Thrones, one of the seven great princes of the Divine Presence and one of the seven regents of the Earth.
Orion- the Guardian Angel of San Pedro, identified with the constellation of the same name. Some Kabbalistic authorities identify with Miguel.
Ormazd- also Ormuzd, God in Zoroastrianism, and twin brother Ahriman, the Persian Satan.
Osael- another Fifth Heaven and Angels on Tuesday.
Pabael- one of the angels of the Moon, acting as a messenger dc this mat.
Pachdiel- the main guardian of the Fourth Heaven. His name means fear.
Pahaliah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora, which is invoked for the conversion of heretics to Christianity.
Parasurama- in the Vedic tradition, the sixth of the ten avatars, or divine incarnations.
Parziel- one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.
Paschar- one of the seven angels before the throne of God, who runs the commands of the great celestiajes Powers. It is said that Paschar is standing behind the curtain that keeps the Divine Throne.
Pasiel- one of the rulers of Pisces angels.
Pasisiel- one of the guardians of the Seventh Heaven.
Pathiel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Pazriel- Siriel also identified as one of the great rulers of the First Heaven Archangels.
Peliel- the guardian angel of the patriarch Jacob and Head of the Choir of Virtues.
Penael- one of the messengers of Venus residing in the Third Heaven.
Peniel- is said that this is the angel of the Lord, who wrestled all night with James in the place of the same name. Other authorities appoint Metatron, Samael and other angels as the adversary of the patriarch. Its name means the face of God and is said to reside in the Third Heaven.
Petahyah- an angel who receives the prayers of the faithful who ask for protection from their enemies. If prayer is just, Petahyah the b ~ ay sends to the throne of God.
Phaleg- also Phaleg, this is the Olympic spirit of Mars, ruler of thirty-five hundred ninety six Olympic provinces.
Phanuel- its name means "the face of God." It is one of the angels of penitence, identified as one of the four Grand des Archangels, one of which is Uriel.
Phorlakh- also Forlac, is the angel on Earth. 
Phul- Ful also is the Olympic spirit of the moon and regent of seven of the Olympic provinces. It's regent on Monday and Supreme Lord of Waters.
Poiel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and regent of good fortune and philosophy. It belongs to the Choir of Principalities.
Poteh- the angel of oblivion.
Potentials or also powers-Powers, is the sixth Choir Angelical according Pseudo Dionisio and second chorus according Cabal. Samael or Camael is the main ruler of this choir. The main mission of the Powers is to ensure that order reigns in the ways of Heaven, thwarting the attacks of the infernal forces to bring chaos to the heavenly mansions.
Pravuil- also identified with Vetril, this is the Celestial Escribano, which is in charge of keeping the knowledge of God
and the heavenly books.
Principalidades- is the Seventh Choir as Pseudo Dionisio.These angels are the protectors of princes, kings, presidents and rulers of the Earth, including the Pope and other prelates of the Church, enlightening them to make fair decisions. They also protect religions. Between his
regents are Anael, Requel, Cerviel and Nuroc. Purusha-the First Cause, identified with Ein Sof Kabbalah.
Qaddis- with the angels twin Irin, the two angels called Qaddis form the Council of God's judgment. These four angels are the most exalted among all the angelic choirs, and it is said that only one of them has more power than all the heavenly hosts.
Qafsiel- one of the regents moon angels and guardian lobby
Seventh sky.
Quelamia- one of the seven great angels from the throne of God, resident in the First Heaven where runs the commands of the Powers.
Raamiel- one of the angels of thunder, whose name means tremble before God.
Raasiel- one of the angels of earthquakes.
Ribacyel- one of the three regents of the Third Heaven.
Rachiel- one of the regents spirits of Venus and one of the angels who govern sexuality in humans) according to Kabbalah.
Rachaiel- (the angel of compassion) often identified with Gabriel.
Radweriel YHVH- sometimes identified with Vretil and Pravuil, this is the great Celestial Prince who is in charge of the Book of God. It is said to be the protector of poetry and leader of the Muses. rank
It is superior to Metatron. According to Enoch) with every word that comes from his mouth a new angel is formed.
Rael-i-! one of the angels of the Third Heaven and one of the Si sphere of Venus.
Rafael Rafael is the angel of dawn, ruler of the Second Heaven and one of the Princes regents of the Cherubim and Archangels and head of the choir of Virtues. It belongs to four of the angelic choirs: Seraphim, Cherubim, Powers and Dominions, or Powers. Its name is of Chaldean origin and originally was Labiel. Raphael's name means "God has healed." In the Catholic Church it is known as the Divine Physician and is said to have the power to cure all for more serious illness that is. Rafael is also protector of the earth, which heals. Raphael is the angel guarding the Tree of Life, one of the six angels of repentance, the angel of prayer, joy and light. It is also the angel of science, medicine, wisdom and one of the seven angels of the Apocalypse. When Solomon asked God for help in building the Temple, the Creator gave him a ani1lo on which was inscribed a pentagram, which is a five-pointed star. Rafael was the divine messenger whom God gave this ring to give it to Solomon. It is possible that the practice of using a staff to invoke the archangels comes from this story.
Raguel- one of the angels of the second heaven and also one of the seven great Archangels of Divine Presence. It is one of the angels who punishes the other angels when they commit a sin. In 745 (Christian Era) an ecclesiastical council of the Church in Rome reproved Raguel with other high-ranking angels, including the great Uriel. The reason for this conviction was the determination of the Church in these times than any angel, except those mentioned in the Bible (Michael, Gabriel and Raphael), were venerated.
Rahab- the angel of the deep sea, sometimes identified as a fallen angel.
Rahmiel- or Rhamiel, one of the angels of compassion and love. It is often identified with St. Francis of Assisi, which is said was transformed into an angel upon arrival at Paradise. It is said to be one of the
Angels of the Apocalypse.
Rahatiel- one of the angels of constellations to putting in proper order.
Ramiel- also described as Ramael, often it identified Uriel.It is the angel who gives true visions and is one of the regents of thunder. One of its missions is to bring souls before the throne of God on Judgment Day to be judged.
Rashiel- one of the angels of whirlwinds and earthquakes.
Rathanael- one of the angels of the third heaven, with great power over infernal spirits.
Raziel- this is the angel of mysteries, whose name means "the secret of God." According to Kabbalah, it is the angel of the second sephireh, Chokmah. It is said is the author of The Book of Raziel angel, where all the secrets of Heaven are written. No one really knows who wrote this book, but the safest source is Rabbi Eleazar of Worms who lived during the Middle Ages. According to rabbinic legends, Razielle gave this book to Adam, but the other angels to Adam took him and threw him into the sea. God then ordered Rahab, the angel of the deep sea, to rescue the book. This happened later at the hands of Enoch and Noah it, and then Solomon. It is said that in the middle of angel Raziel's book there is a secret writing that reveals the fifteen hundred keys of the mysteries
The world, which have not been revealed even the most holy angels.
Rehael- the angel of health and longevity, which also inspires respect for our parents. It belongs to the Choir of the Powers or Powers and is one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Reiiel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora belonging to the Choir of Dominions.
Remiel- one of the seven great Archangels of Divine Presence, often identified with Uriel.
Rikbiel YHVH- the great angel governing the Merkabah or divine carriage. It is one of the princes of Divine Council, more exalted than Metatron.
Rochel- the angel who is invoked to find lost things.
Romiel- the angel governing months.
Rubiel- the angel who is invoked to win the game. His name is written on parchment virgin paper.
Ruchiel- one of the regents of wind angels.
Rumiel- one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven, quoted in angel Raziel.
Sabaoth- also Tsabaoth, is one of the names or titles of God, which means Lord of Hosts. It is also one of the angels of the Divine Presence.
Sabathiel- the secret name of Miguel. It is also an Intelligence Saturn sphere, which imparts who divine Light
receiving the Holy Spirit to members of their sphere.
Sabrael- one of the seven great Archangels, belonging to the Choir of Virtues and one of the guardians of the First Heaven.
Sachiel- one of the guardians of the First Heaven, belonging to the Choir of Cherubim angels. It is one of the regentles Monday and sphere of Jupiter.
Sacriel- one of the angels resides on Tuesday in the Fifth Heaven.
Saditel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Sadkiel- one of the seven great Archangels and ruler] Upiter. Also it applies to the sign of Sagittarius.
Safkas- one of the seventy names of Metatron yocho.
Safriel- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven, which protects against the evil eye.
Sagdalon- is the angel who governs the sign of Capricorn with Semakiel.
Saghaffl- is said to be one of the regents angels, along with Seratiel, the sign of Leo.
Sagras: - one of the regents of the sign of Taurus.
Sahariel- one of the regents of the sign of Aries.
Sahriel- one of the sixty-four wardens of the seven celestial halls.
Saissaiel- one of the rulers of Scorpio.
Sulutheel- also Salathiel, this is one of
seven great Archangels governing the movements of the spheres.
Samax- one of the angels of the air element and Tuesday.
Samhiel- one of the angels who cure stupidity. (Very careful with this angel too)
Samuil- one of the angels who govern on earth.
Sandalfon- this is the tenth sephireh Angel Tree of Life, Malkuth, the Kingdom, and which idcntifica with Earth. It is said to be the twin brother of Metatron and one of the highest angels of the heavenly host. It is also said to be the angel who decides the sex of a child while still in the womb. According to Enoch it is regent of the sixth heaven, but according to the Kabbalah, governs the seventh.
Sangariah- the angel governing religious fasts, especially during the Jewish Sabbath.
Sapiel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Saraiel- one of the regents Gemini.
Sarakiel- one of the rulers of the choir of angels who officiate during the Divine prescriptions. It is also one of the regents of Aries.
Sarasael- belongs to the Choir of Seraphim and is one of the angels who preside over the souls of sinners.
Sargiel- one of the angels that lead to hell the souls of sinners. It is also identified with Nasargiel.
Sariel- also identified with Suriel, Serakiel and Uriel. This is one of the seven great Archangels as Enoch, who describes it as different from Uriel. It is one of the regents of Aries and Summer Equinox.
Sarim- this is the plural of Prince in Hebrew. The Sarim are the celestial Princes who are members of the choirs singing the Divine Triságono under the direction of Tagas.
Sasnigiel YHVH- one of the names of Metatron, is also a great Serafin, Prince of the Divine Presence, peace and wisdom.
Saturn ruler of Capricorn. According to Kabbalah it is the angel of the jungle.
Sauriel- one of the angels of death.
It schebtaiel- also identified as Sabathai and is one of the regents
Schleliel- one of the regents of the Twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Schimuel- one of fifteen angels before the throne of God.
Sedekiah- one of the angels who help find treasures.
Seehiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora who is invoked to prolong life and health. It belongs to the Choir of Dominions.
Semeliel- one of the seven princes who are always against God and which has revealed the names of the spirits of the planets.
Serakel- the angel governing fruit trees.
Serapiel YHVH- also Seraphiel, is the great angel who governs the Order of the Seraphim, called the Prince of Peace. It is the most exalted of the Princes of the Merkabah or Carruaje Divine and one of the princes present during the Supreme Council of God. It is said to be also the main spirit of Mercury and regent on Tuesday.According to Enoch, this is the brightest angel of the Lord.His body is all covered with stars. From the feet to the knees flashes with light in the sky, knees to the thighs shines like the morning star, thigh to waist shines like the moonlight, from waist to neck, dazzles as the light of sun and neck to the forehead glows with the light of infinity.
Serafín- the first and highest of the heavenly choirs, as Pseudo-Dionysius and other authorities. Seraphim constantly surround the throne of God, singing his praises. They are angels of fire and govern love and light.They have four faces and six wings and are known as fire snakes. Its main ruler is the great Serapiel, besides Michael, Metatron, and Jehoel.
Shahakiel- one of the seven great Archangels as Enoch and one of the Princes of the Fourth Heaven.
Shamiel- with Tagas, leader of the Choirs Music in Heaven, and God's herald.
Shamshiel- the angel who led Moses through all Paradise when visited him in a vision. Its name means daylight. It is regent of the Fourth Heaven and Prince of Paradise. It is one of the great angels crowning the prayers of the faithful and directs the Fifth Heaven. But according to Enoch it is one of the fallen angels, who taught men the mysteries of the sun. The Kabbalah says that this was one of the angels who attended Uriel during the Great Battle in Heaven.
Shuteiel- one of the angels of silence.
Shekinah the feminine aspect of God according to the Kabbalah, also known as the Bride of the Lord. In the New Testament, the Shekinah is identified as the Glory of God.According to rabbinic sources of Shekinah Glory is Miguel. Metatron is his masculine aspect, as an angel of Liberation. It is the intermediary between God the Father and humanity and is the governing conception of a child and protects the sanctity of marriage and sexuality. 
The Shekinah is identified as the Holy Spirit and the Cosmic Mother and the secret of the Third Person in the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. According to the Torah, the Shekinah is in exile on Earth, separated from her Divine Spouse who is God because of the sin of Adam (Adam ... and I'm getting tired of doing this clarification), and that all the good deeds of human beings they help hasten his return to the heavenly mansions. The Shekinah joins only God the Father Friday at midnight, dawn Saturday, which is the perfect time for sacred union between spouses according to the Kabbalah.
Shinanin- an angelic order that is associated with the Cherubim of the Merkabah. It is identified with the angelic choir associated with the sixth Sephirah, Tiphareth, and is governed by Sadkiel.
Sidkiei- one Regents Choir of Thrones and sphere of Venus.
Sidriell- one of the Princes of First Heaven and one of the seven archangels of the Presence Diviha, according to Enoch.
Simkiel- one of the angels of destruction sent by God to Earth to punish and purify the wicked.
Sithriel- the name given to Metatron when covering human beings with their wings to protect them from the angels of destruction.
Sofriel- also known as Sopheriel YHVH, is the divine scribe who keeps the books of the living and the dead in heaven. According to Enoch and the Kabbala, two angels with the same name, twins, with the same power.
Soqedhozi -YHVH-one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, and weighing the merits of human beings in the balance against the Creator.
Soterasiel -YHVH- also known as Sother Ashiel, is one of the most exalted rank angels in seventh heaven because only through it the other angels can reach the Divine Presence. It is said that his stature is seventy thousand thousand parasangs, each measuring parasang three miles. It is also one of the angels of the Heavenly Court, serving before the throne of God, when it passes judgment.
Sstiel YHVH- one of the most exalted angels of the Lord and one of the 8 Princes of the Merkabah, higher in rank than the same Metatron, which falls at his feet when he is facing. 8 princes of the Merkabah, bearing the sacred name of God, are Sstiel, Anapiel,
Akatriel, Gallisur, Nsuriel, Radweriel and the two Sofriel.
Suriel- this great angel Uriel is identified, Metatron, Ariel, Saraquel and others is one of the angels of death but also of healing and one of the princes of the Divine Presence. It is said that this is the preceptor angel of Moses, from whom he acquired his knowledge, but
other authorities say the angelic teacher Moses was Zagzagel. According to Kabbalah it is one of the regents of the Earth, as it is Metatron.
Suryas- these are the angels of the Vedas of Hinduism.
Tabkiel- one of the names of Metatron.
Taconin- in Islam, a very beautiful angel that protects against negative spirits and reveals the future.
Tafsarim- a choir of angels belonging to the Merkabah, a superior to all others who are angels before the throne of God range.
Taftian- an angel who works miracles, according to the Kabbalah.
Tagriel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon and head of the Guardians of Seventh Heaven angels.
Tahariel- the angel of purity.
Tarshish- the chief ruler of the Order of Virtues.
Tarshishim- Angelic Choir corresponding to the sefirah seventh, Netzach, the Tree of Life. This choir is identified with the Virtues.
Tatrasiel YHVH- one of the most exalted Prince of the Divine Presence.
Tebliel- one of the seven angels who govern Earth.
Teiaiel- the angel governing maritime expeditions and new businesses. It also predicts the future and belongs to the Choir of Thrones.
Teiazel- the angel of writers, artists and librarians.
Temeluch- the angel that protects young children from birth. Also one of the angels who haunts the souls of sinners to die.
Tephros- is an entity that can cure fever or bring darkness and hit fire to the fields, which is said to be part angel and part demon.
Terathel- an angel of light promulgating freedom and civilization. Choir belongs to the Dominions.
Terapiel- one of the Si sphere of Venus.
Tezalel- an angel which is invoked to bring the faithful to a marriage.
Theliel- one of the angels of love which is invoked to get the love of a person.
Tifereth- also Tiphereth, the sixth Sephirah of the Tree of Life. His corresponding angel is Tiftheriel.
Tiriel- Intelligence sphere of Mercury, belonging to the Choir of the Archangels.
Tzadkiel- this is the angel who governs the fourth area of ​​the Tree of Life, Chesed, identifies with the planet Jupiter.It is said to be one of 1os angels of justice.
Tutresiel- one of the great princes of the Divine Presence as Enoch.
Tychagara- another of the seven great Angels Choir of Thrones running the mandates of the top choirs.
Tzafkiel- also TZAPHKIEL, this is the angel who governs the third sephireh, Binah, the Tree of Life, identified with the planet Saturn.
Ubaviel- one of the regents of Capricorn.
Umabel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and one of the regents of physics and astronomy.
Unael- one of the regents of the First Heaven Angels.
Uriel Uriel is one of the regents princes of the Seraphim and Cherubim and is one of the regents del Sol angels. It is also one of
the princes of the Divine Presence and the angel of salvation. Its name means "Fire of God"
Uriel is the angel who protects thunder and terror and governs earthquakes, cataclysms and volcanic explosions.It is said that God sent him to Noah to warn the flood. The poet Milton in his Paradise Lost tells us that Uriel is the angel who has the sharpest vision, he sees better future and to whom nothing is hidden. Maybe that's why your help in eye diseases and calls for more Clari
Mental dad. It is believed that the name was derived Uriel Uriah prophet. Its symbol is a hand holding a flame.Francis Barrett in his work El Mago says Uriel who taught the mysteries of alchemy and Kabbalah humans.
Urizen- according to William Blake, this is one of the regents of England angels. Also governs reasoning.
Urjan- another name Uriel.
Urzla- one of the glorious angels East, according to the Kabbalah, is always ready to reveal the secret mysteries of God to the caller.
Uvayah- one of the names of Metatron.
Uzziel- identified with Usiel, its name means "power of God". It is one of the principal angels in rabbinic tradition that belongs to the Choir of Virtues and Cherubim. It is also one of the Princes of compassion tioned relative to the Merkabah under the command of Metatron.
Vacabiel- one of the regents of the sign of Pisces.
Valnum- one of the Intelligences of Saturn, a resident of the first heaven and one of the regents on Monday.
Varcan- one of the regents del Sol.
Varchiel one of the Regents of Leo.
Varuna- one or vedic suryas luminaires identified judeocristianismo angels.
Vasariah- one of the seventy-two, Ingeles of Shemhamphora.
Vashyah- one of the great angels who have authority over the heavenly host.
Vasiariah- one of the angels governing judges, lawyers and magistrates.
Vehuel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora belonging to the Choir of Principalities.
Vehuiah- governs the first rays of the rising sun and is one of eight seraphim who help realize requests
of the faithful. 
Vel- a resident in the Third Heaven Angel and one of Regents on Wednesday.
Venibbeth- the angel of invisibility.
Verchiel often identified with Varchiel, it is one of the regents of Leo and July. It is also one of the regents of the Choir of the Powers.
Veualiah- the angel who gives power to kings and prosperity to their kingdoms.
Vhnori- one of the regents of Sagittarius.
Vionatraba- one of the three spirits of the Sun, a resident of the Fourth Heaven and one of the regents on Sunday.
Virtues- the fifth Celestial Choir, as Pseudo-Dionysius. Its main mission is to work miracles on Earth. His Prince Regent is Miguel, Rafael, Barbiel, Oziel and Peliel also counted among its regents.
Voel- one of the regents of the sign of Virgo.
Vretil- often identified with Radweriel, it is the Divine Escribano, in charge of the sacred books and the wisdom of God. It is said that this is the wisest of all the angels. It is also identified with Uriel, Dabriel and Pravuil.
Yabbashael- one of the rulers of Earth Angels.
Yahel- one of the regents of the moon and belonging to the Choir of Thrones.
Yahoel- Jehoel and also identified with Metatron, is the preceptor angel of the patriarch Abraham.
Yahriel- one of the regents of the moon.
Yahsiyah- one of the names of Metatron.
Yehudiah- is the beneficent angel of death, and come down to Earth with thousands of angels to collect the souls of beings at the time of his death. It is one of the main divine messengers.
Yehakel- one of the regents of Mercury.
Yerachmiel- one of the seven regents of the Earth, identitlcados with the seven planets.
Yeshamiel- one of the rulers of Libra.
Yofiel- one of the regents of Jupiter when it enters the sign of Sagittarius. Great prince is also up fifty three legions of angels under his command.
Yomael- one of the Princes of Seventh Heaven.
Yurkemi- one of the angels of hail.
Zaafiel- one of the angels of hurricanes and also one of the angels of destruction sent by God to Earth to punish the wicked.
Zabkiel- one of the regents of the Choir of Thrones.
Zacharael- one of the Princes Choir resident Domains
Second Heaven.
Zachiel- the supreme ruler of the Sixth Heaven, identified by Zadkiel.
Zachriel- one of the angels who give good memory.
Zadkiel- also identified with Tzadkiel and Sadkiel, is the angel of benevolence, compassion, regent Jupiter, Sagittarius and Prince Choir Domains. It is also said to bring good memory. It is one of the nine regents of Heaven and one of the seven great Archangels of Divine Presence.
Zafiel- the angel of rain.
Zagzagel- one of the angels of wisdom. Its name means "righteousness of God". It is said to be the angel who appeared to Moses in the burning bush, but other authorities say this was Miguel Angel. Zagzagel is one of the instructors of minors angels, one of the Princes of the Divine Presence and principal regent of the Fourth Heaven.
Zahun- the angel governing scandals.
Zakun- one of the angels of the divine presence. According to legend, when Moses was about to die, he wrote a prayer to God to prolong her life. God sent Zakun and Lahash, another of his great angels not to allow that prayer came into his hands, as it was time that Moses surrender his soul to the Creator. Zakun under Heaven with Lahash and one hundred eighty four thousand angels and intercepted this important letter. Lahash but relented at the last moment, perhaps taking him compassion Moses. For this disobedience received sixty lashes of fire and was exhiliado of the Divine Presence.
Zaksakiel YHVH- one of the Great Princes of the Divine Presence.
Zaniel- one of the rulers of Libra.
Zaphiel- also identified with Iofiel and Zophiel is one of the regents of the Choir of Cherubim and Prince of Saturn.
Zaphkiel- one of the identities of Zaphiel, its name means the knowledge of God. It is the main ruler of the Choir of Thrones and one of the seven great archangels. It is also regent of Saturn and is the angel of the third sephireh, Binah, the Tree of Life under the name TZAPHKIEL.
Zarall- two of the cherubs carved on the Ark of the Covenant.
Zarobi- the angel of precipices.
Zathael- one of the twelve angels of vengeance, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Nathanael counted.The angels of vengeance were the first angels created by God and are also the angels of the Divine Presence.
Zazail- an angel of God, which is invoked in the exorcism of infernal spirits.
Hope this can help you!!
Maria Hartacho
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I hope you like this dictionary of angelic names.
Aba: one of the angels that are invoked in cabalistic rituals. It is said controls sexuality in humans.
Ababaloi: one of the angels that are invoked in cabalistic rituals, especially in the Solomonic magic.
Abariel: one of the regents angels of the mansions of the moon, who is invoked in lunar magic rituals. His middle name is inscribed on "The second pentacle of the Moon" in The Great Key of Solomon.
Abathur Muzania: among the Mandaeans, this is the Angel of the North Star, governs the balance which is heavy human soul when he dies.
Abbatôn: one of the names of death and one of the guardian spirits of the gates of hell. In the vast Key of Solomon, it is the name of one of the angels of God, who is invoked in ceremonial magic to control spirits.
Abdals: (substitutes) this is a group of seventy spirits, which ensure the continued existence of the world according to Muslims. One God (Allah) knows their secret names. These beings are not immortal, and when one of them dies, God creates another to replace it
Abdia: one of the angels protecting the magic circle in the Solomonic magic.
Abdiel (Servant of God) in The Book of the Angel Raziel, written according to legend, the angel of the name, Abdiel mentioned as one of the angels angelic hierarchy. In Paradise, "Paradise Lost", the poet Milton presents Abdiel as one of the seraphim who rejected the radiant power of Satan, attacking him and knocking him to the edge of his sword.
Abdiziriel: one of the great angels governing the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Abel: one of the angels governing the Fourth Heaven, who always invoked in East Point magic circle in ceremonial magic. According to Gnosticism, Abel is one of the twelve powers judge souls when they get to heaven.
Abelech: According to the Great Key of Solomon, is one of the angels that are invoked to subjugate the infernal spirits during black magic rituals.
Abheiel: one of the angels governing twenty eight mansions of the moon.
Ablati: one of the angels that are invoked in the rituals of the archangel Uriel.
Abrasiel: is the angel who governs the seventh hour of the day, according to grimorio "The Paulino art"
Open: Angel of the summer equinox.
Abriel: one of the angels used in Kabbalistic invocations, which was once part of the Choir of Dominions, or dominations.
Abrimas: is one of the angels that are invoked during the Jewish Sabbath.
Abrunael: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Abuhaza: one of the angels of air, on Monday.
Abuionij: one of the angels of the second heaven.
Abuiori: one of the angels of the Second or Third Heaven, ruler of Wednesday, which is invoked from the north point of the magic circle.
Abuliel: one of the angels of prayer.
Abuhozar: another Angels, rulers of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Achaiah: (problem) one of the seraphim angels, who is in charge of the secrets of nature, and give patience to humans.
Ahcamoth: in Gnosticism, one of the daughters of Pistis Sophia, and mother of the evil God, Ildabaoth.
Achelieah: Angel of the sphere of Venus, in The Great Key of Solomon.
Achusaton: One of the Angels Choir of Thrones.
Aclahaye: Angel players.
Adiel: according to Jewish tradition, one of the angels of the seventh heavenly hall.
Adimus: one of several angels reprimanded during the Council of Rome. Uriel is one of the angels reprimanded by the Council, but not explained why these angels are not well regarded by the Church.
Adirah: one of the angels of the seventh heaven.
Adiriel: one of the angels of the fifth heaven.
Adiririon: angel belonging to the Choir of the Powers, whose name is used in amulets against the evil eye. It is said to be one of the angelic guardians of the First Heaven.
Adityas: a group of seven angels governed by Vedic Varuna, reflecting the divine glory of God, according to the Vedas.
Admael: one of the rulers of planet Earth Angels, who resides in the second heaven.
Adnachiel: also known as Advachiel and Adernahael, ruler of the Choir of Angels, is also ruler of November, one of the guards of Sagittarius.
Adnai: Angel of the sphere of Venus, which is invoked in rituals of love.
Adoil: ( "Hand of God") One of the creatures that God used in creating the universe, according to the Book of Enoch.
Adonael: angel who is invoked to exorcise the demons Bobel and Metathiax.
Adonaeth: the angel who is invoked to exorcise the demon Ichthion.
Adoniel: Regent angel midnight, and one of the angels of Jupiter.
Adoyahel: according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses, is one of the fifteen regents angels, belonging to the Choir of Thrones.
Adrael: angel whose name means "My help is God," ruler of the first heaven.
Adriel: regent angel of the mansions of the moon, and one of the angels of death and the final judgment.
AEBEL: angel with Shetel and Anush, they fed to Adam (Adam) by divine command.
Af: this angel whose name means "Divine Wrath" is one of the angels of the seventh heaven and is formed by chains of fire red and black. It is one of the angels of destruction and death of human beings.
Afafiel: guardian angel lobby seventh heaven.
Affafniel: angel of divine anger, which has 16 faces continuously transformed.
Afkiel guardian of sky lobby on the fifth.
Aftiel: angel dark.
Agad: angel belonging to the Choir of the Powers.
Agaf: according to rabbinic tradition, one of the angels of destruction.
Agbas guardian of lobby fourth heaven. In the talismanic magic, one of the angels of the planet Mercury. Pacelso in the Middle Ages, mistook Saturn instead of Mercury.
Agkagdiel guardian of seventh heaven lobby.
Agla: one of the names of God invoked north of the magic circle. Also, one of the angels invoked in the rituals of exorcism.
Agromiel: one of the guardians of the fifth heaven.
Aha: belonging to the Domains, invoked in cabalistic rituals
Ahaijj: Angel of the sphere of mercury.
Ahariel: Archangel Gabriel assistant, and regent Monday.
Ahiel: Angel Kafsiel assistant, regent Saturday invoked when a woman is in labor.
Aiel: ruler of the sign Aries, and Angel Sunday. Aiel is one of the angels of the air element, and resides in the fourth heaven.
Aishim: known as Ishim, is the group of entities comprising the celestial Choir angels according to cabbala. His name means "Divine Fire" or "flames".
Akatriel: one of the great princes of Seventh Heaven, superior to other angels, often identified as the angel of the Lord, and God Himself. According to Kabbalah, Akatriel is associated with the Glory of the Throne of God.
Aker: according to the apocryphal book of Revelation Ezra, this is one of the nine angels regents of Judgment.
Akraziel: the angel of the last gate Seventh Heaven and Lord Heraldo. According to the book, Legends of the Jews, when Moses asked prolonging his life, God commanded him not to leave Akraziel get your request to Heaven as it had come time to die.
Akriel: the angel of infertility.
Aladiah: one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Alat: one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Alimiel: one of the angels of the first heaven. Alimiel is identified with Dumahel, and is also said to be one of the seven angels guarding the curtain that is before the throne of God.
Almon: one of the guards of the fourth heaven lobby.
Alphariza: one of the angels of the second heaven.
Alphun: the angel of pigeons and one of the regents of the eighth hour.
AI-Zabamiya: according to the Qur'an, one of the nineteen angels guarding Hell.
Amabiel: one of the regents of sexuality in humans and the planet Mars.
Amalek: According to Kabbalah, the twin brother of Samael.
Amaliel: one of the angels of punishment and weakness in humans.
Amamael: one of the guardians of the lobby of the Third Heaven.
Amarzyom: according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses, one of fifteen angels Throne of God.
Amatiel: one of the four angels of spring.
Amatliel: one of the guardians of the lobby of the Third Heaven.
Ambriel: one of the regents of the Choir of Thrones and Angel May.
Amerarat: in Zoroastrianism, the angel of immortality.
Amesha Spentas: Zoroastrian archangels, whose name means "The sacred and immortal beings." These Persian entities are often identified with the sefiroth of the Tree of Life.
Amilfaton: one of the guardians of the Seventh sky lobby.
Amitiel: the Angel of Truth.
Amnixiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Amnodiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
AMRail: among Muslims, a guardian angel invoked in rites of exorcism.
Amtiel: one of the guardians of the hall of the third heaven.
Amwakil: According to Muslims, one of the guardian angels invoked in rites of exorcism.
Anabiel: According to Kabbalah, the angel who cure stupidity.
Anabona: According to the Great Key of Solomon, the name of the angel through which God created the universe.
Anachiel: one of the four angels invoked in rituals of Saturn.
Anael: (also identified with Haniel, Anafiel, Anjyel and Ariel) Anael is the angel of the sphere of Venus and love. It is one of the seven great Archangels of Creation, Prince Regent Choir of Principalities, Prince of the Archangels and ruler of the Second Heaven, from where he receives the prayers coming from the First Heaven. Anael also governs the kingdoms of Earth and is one of the regents of the moon.
Anafiel: Anafiel is the Prince of Waters, keeper of the keys of the halls of Heaven, and one of eight angels of the Merkabah or divine carriage. It is often identified with Anael.
Anahel: despite being one of the rulers of the Third Heaven, Anahel also presides over the fourth heaven, according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses.
Anaireton: in ceremonial magic, the angel who is invoked to exorcise salt.
Anapiel YHVH: according to Enoch, one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, whose glory and majesty spread through all areas of Araboth, the Seventh Heaven. It is also identified with Anafiel.
Anauel: the guardian angel of bankers and traders.
Anazimur: According to the book angel Raziel, one of the seven angels belonging to the Choir of Thrones, residents in the First Heaven who obey the commands of the higher angels.
Anfial: one of the sixty-four guardians of the halls of heaven.
Anfiel: one of the guards of the fourth heaven, whose crown is so majestic that covers the entire celestial sphere.
Anixiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Annauel: one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Anpiel: the guardian angel of the birds and resident of the Sixth Heaven. Anpiel is the angel who is in charge of crowning with sanctification, the prayers of human beings, which then sends the Seventh Heaven, the abode of the Creator.
Anush: one of the angels who served Adam (Adam) by divine command.
Apharoph: an angel identified with Rafael, and said to be the only true name of God.
Arapiel YHVH according to the third Book of Enoch, one of the guardians of the second hall of Seventh Heaven and Great Prince of the Divine Presence.
Arariel: the guardian of fishermen, ruler of the waters of the Earth Angel.
Ararita: one of the names used in Kabbalistic invocations Great Key of Solomon.
Arasbarasbiel: one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.
Aratron: the Olympic spirit of Saturn in the ceremonial magic. Aratron governs the forty-nine hundred ninety six Olympic provinces. It is said to help infertile conceive and teaches the magic of invisibility women.
Arbiel: one attendee Angels Anael.
Archiestratega or Archiestrega: title given to Michael by God Himself, as the Supreme Archangel of the Celestial Battles. Its name means head of the heavenly host.
Arcon: a great angel of the Lord in the Judeo-Christianity. Among the Gnostics, the bunkers were evil entities.
Ardarel: Angel Fire in ceremonial magic.
Ardefiel: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Arel: one of the angels of the Sun in talismanic magic and one of the fire spirits.
Ariel: un ángel del Coro de las Virtudes, cuyo nombre es identificado por los rabinos judíos con la ciudad de Jerusalén. Ariel es a veces considerado un ángel y otras veces una entidad infernal, pero la mayor parte de las autoridades judías lo consideran uno de los ángeles del Señor, que trabaja con Rafael para curar enfermedades. Su nombre significa “León de Dios” y en la magia ceremonial se visualiza con la cabeza de un león. Ariel es uno de los siete grandes príncipes que rigen las aguas de la Tierra.
Arkhas: una de las criaturas que Dios utilizó para crear el Universo.
Armisael: este ángel se invoca, después de rezar el salmo 20, para que una mujer salga bien de un parto.
Armon: uno de los ángeles del Segundo Cielo.
Arphugitonos: según el libro apócrifo, la Revelación de Esdras, este es uno de los nueve ángeles que rigen el Juicio Final.
Arsyalalyur: según el primer Libro de Enoch, uno de los ángeles mensajeros del Señor, que le avisó a Noé el diluvio universal. 
Arvial: uno de los guardianes del Cuarto Cielo.
Asaliah: uno de los ángeles regentes de la justicia, perteneciente al Coro de las virtudes y asistente de Rafael. Este es también uno de los setenta y dos ángeles de la Shemhamfora.
Asaph: este gran ángel es el que dirige los coros de los ángeles en el Triságono Divino durante la noche. El ángel Jeduthun los guía durante la tarde y Reman durante el día. De acuerdo a la tradición judía este es el ángel de la medicina y escribió el salmo 50 y los salmos del 73 al 83.
Asariel: el ángel del signo de Piscis y uno de los regentes de las veintiocho Mansiones de la Luna. Su nombre significa, “el que Dios ha amarrado con un juramento”
Asasiel: uno de los regentes de Júpiter y junto a Casiel y Sadkiel, uno de los regentes del día jueves.
Asbogah YHVH: según el tercer Libro de Enoch, uno de los grandes Príncipes Regentes del Séptimo Cielo.
Asfael: según Enoch, uno de los ángeles regentes de los meses del año y Príncipe sobre miles de ángeles.
Ashkanizkael: uno de los guardianes del vestíbulo del Séptimo Cielo. En la magia ceremonial, es considerado una entidad infernal.
Ashmodiel: uno de los ángeles regentes del signo de Tauro y muy propicio a ayudar en asuntos amorosos.
Ashriel: el ángel que separa al alma del cuerpo en el momento de la muerte. Se identifica a menudo con Azrael, Azriel y Azariel.
Ashrulyu: uno de los veinte nombres de Dios, residente en el Primer Cielo.
Asimor: uno de los siete ángeles del Poder de Dios.
Asrafil: entre los musulmanes, es el ángel del Juicio Final.
Asoilu YHVH: uno de los grandes Príncipes de la Divina Presencia y director de la academia celestial.
Asiiel: según El libro de ángel Raziel, este es uno de los ángeles que cura las enfermedades.
Ataliel: uno de los regentes de las veintiocho mansiones de la Luna.
Ataphiel: también Atafiel, uno de los grandes ángeles que sostienen el Cielo con tres de sus dedos.
Athanatos: uno de los ángeles cabalísticos usados en invocaciones y uno de los nombres de Dios usados para descubrir tesoros.
Atufiel: uno de los ángeles guardianes del vestíbulo del Sexto Cielo.
Atuniel: un ángel del Coro de las Virtudes, identificado a menudo con Nathanel o Natanael.
Avahel: uno de los Príncipes regentes del Tercer Cielo.
Avriel: uno de los guardianes del vestíbulo del Séptimo cielo.
Azbogah YHVH: one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, and who knows the secrets of the Throne of Glory. The angel who gives eternal life to the Lord's elect.
Azfiel: one of the guards lobby First Heaven.
Azrael: Angel ruler of Scorpio, also identified as Azriel, Gabriel and Azaril. Azrael is one of the angels residing in the Third Heaven death. Muslims identify it with Rafael and say it has seventy thousand feet and four thousand wings, and his body is covered with many eyes and tongues as there are men on earth.
Azriel: According to Kabbalah, one of the Angelic Princes, is in charge of receiving the prayers of the faithful while sixty thousand heads North guardian angels of Heaven.
Bachiel: one of the angels residents of the Fourth Heaven and also one of the regents of the sphere of Saturn.
Baijel: one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Baliel: one of the angels residing in the First Heaven.
Balthial: one of the seven planetary angels who invoked to control or destroy jealousy.
Baraborat: one of the angels of the third heaven and the planet Mercury.
Baradiel: angel controls the hail, and one of the seven great archangels. He resides in the third heaven.
Barakiel: also identified with Barbiel and Barchiel, this is another of the seven great archangels, and Prince of the Second Heaven. This is invoked Angels to win the game. Its name means "Lightning God" and is one of the angels who control the lightning.
Barattiel: one of the great angels holding the Seventh Heaven and the Throne of God with three fingers.
Barbelo: in Gnosticism, it is one of the aeons, and second in rank to the Creator.
Barbiel: ruler of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon, and the month of October
Baresches: in ceremonial magic, this angel is invoked to get the love of the desired woman.
Barsabel: angel regent of Mars.
Bartyabel: another angel of Mars, assistant Graphiel great angel, who is the supreme intelligence of Mars.
Baruch: the angel guarding the Tree of Life, whose name means "blessed."
Baruchiachel: one of the seven great archangels regents, and the only one who conquers the demon of Discord.
Bataliel: one of the regents angels of the Zodiac.
Bazathiel: one of the guardians of the first heaven.
Bazazath: one of the angels of the second heaven residents.
Bazkiel: one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Baztiel: one of the guards lobby First Heaven.
Beatiel: one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Beburos: one of the regents of Judgment angels.
Behemiel: the angel who is in charge of domestic animals belonging to the Choir of Cherubim.
Bene Elohim also referred to as Bene Elim in the original Hebrew, this is the Choir of Thrones according to Kabbalah.
Beshter: the name of Miguel among the Persians.
Bethor: one of the seven Olympic spirits, ruler of the sphere of Jupiter.
Bethuael: one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Bezrial: one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Bifiel: one of the guardians of the lobby of the Sixth Heaven.
Blautel: the angel used to invoke the dead.
Boamiel: According to the book Angel Raziel, Boamiel is one of six angels that protect the four cardinal points of Heaven. The others are Gabriel, Scamijm, Dohel, Madiel and Adrael.
Boel: one of the seven angels who stand before the throne of God. His name means "God is in him." According to Kabbalah, Boel resides in the first heaven and is in charge of the four keys of the cardinal points of the Earth.
Burchat. One of the regents of the Fourth Heaven angels and messenger Sun rules also on Sunday.
Butator: the regent angel of calculation in mathematics.
Cabiel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Cabriel one of the regents of the sign of Aquarius angels and guard the four cardinal points of Heaven.
Cael: one of the regents of the sign of Cancer angels.
Cahethel- one of the princes of the Seraphim, regent of agriculture and one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora or name of God
Caila- as the Great Key of Solomon, one of the angels that are used in the invocation of the great Archangel Uriel.
Calliel- one of the angels before the throne of God, a resident of Second Heaven, it is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Calzas- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven and regent on Tuesday.
Camael- is one of the most controversial angels Celestial Hierarchy. This is because his name is often written Samael, who is one of the most powerful infernal spirits, identified with Satan. Camael name means "he who sees God". He is the Prince Regent Choir of Powers and is one of the seven angels of the Divine Presence. Camael is the angel of war and chief ruler of the planet Mars and the sign of Aries. It is said to be in charge of twelve thousand angels of destruction, and tried to prevent God gave the Law (Torah) to Moses, so he tried to destroy Camael. This duality of Camael is making it easy to identify with Samael, who is also a destructive but infernal order entity. Whether as Samael or Camael, this is the entity that symbolizes war, which even in defense, it can never be described as a positive act. Camael is considered in Kabbalah Justice Personified as well as the severity. Among its other names this Khemuel, Camuel and Chamuel.
Cambiel- one of the rulers of Aquarius.
Cameron- one of the regents of the half- day, assistant Angel Beratiel. Some Kabbalistic authorities describe as an infernal entity under the command of Beelzebuth or Astaroth.
Caphriel- one of the regents on Saturday and Saturn.
Capitiel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Caracasa- one of the angels of spring.
Caraniel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Carniel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Carsiol- one of the assistants of the great Anael, and one of the regents of the second hour.
Cassiel- also called Casiel, Angel is the ruler of Capricorn and Saturn. It is also the angel of solitude and tears. It is a prince or Sarim Choir of Powers and Powers and one of the regents of the Seventh Heaven.
Casujoiah- one of the regents of the sign of Capricorn angels.
Cernaiul- one of the angels of the sphere of Venus and the seventh sephireh or sphere of the Tree of Life.
Cerviel- the angel that God sent to help David in his battle against Goliath and head of the Choir of Principalities.
Chamuel- sometimes identified with Camael, it is one of the seven great archangels and head of the Choir of Dominions. His name means "one who seeks God". 
Chamyel- one of fifteen angels before the throne of God, according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses.
Charbiel- the angel dried water after flood.
Charciel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Chasmodai- as Paracelsus, the spirit of the Moon, often identified with Asmodeus.
Chavakiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Chayyiel- or Chayyiliel, chief angels merkabah or divine carriage, also known as Hayyoth or Chayoth identified with Querubines. According to Enoch, Chayyliel is so vast and powerful that if he wanted Earth could swallow in one bite. Chayyiel is also in charge of the heavenly choirs, and punished with lashes of fire angels who did not sing the divine Triságono in due time.
Cheriour- the angel who is in charge of punishing the criminals he pursues and torments.
Chismael- one of the regents of Jupiter angels.
Churchill among the Persians, the angel of the sun.
Chuscha- according to the sixth and seventh book of Moses, one of fifteen angels of God's throne.
Cochabiel- one of the great angels in the Divine Presence and one of the regents of Mercury, according to the Kabbalah.
Cogediel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Coniel- an angel of the Third Heaven and Friday.
Corabael- one of the angels of the first heaven and on Monday.
Ctarari- one of the angels of winter, the other is Amabael.
Dagiel- angel governing and fish belonging to the sphere of Venus.
Dagon a god among the Phoenicians, but an angel fallen by Milton in "Paradise Lost"
Dahariel- one of the angels of the first heaven.
Dahavauron- one of the princes of the Divine Presence and one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Dahaviel- one of the guardians of the First Heaven.
Dai one of the Angels Choir of Powers.
Damabiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora and regent of shipbuilding.
Dameal- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven and Tuesday.
Daniel one of the choir angels principalities whose name means "God is my judge".
Dargitael- one of the regents lobby Fifth Heaven angels.
Darquiel- one of the angels of the first heaven and on Monday.
Degalim- one of the angelic subcoros intoning the divine Triságono under the leadership of the great Archangel Tagas.
Deharhiel- one of the guardians of the sky lobby on the fifth.
Deliel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Delukiel- one of the angels Seventh Heaven.
Deramiel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Derdekea- one of the manifestations of the Cosmic Mother, who descends to earth for the salvation of humanity.
Denmark one of the guardians of the Law (Torah) and wisdom angels, according to the Kabbalah. Dina resides in seventh heaven.
Dirachiel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Will be said one of the guards lobby of the Sixth Heaven.
Domiel- a great Arcón who is also ruler of the four elements and guardian of the Seventh Heaven.
Donquel- an angel of Venus, invoked by a man to achieve the desired love of women.
Drial- one of the guardian angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Dubbiel- the angel Gabriel who replaced twenty days when this was an exile of the Divine Presence and which protected the Babylonians.
Efniel- an angel belonging to the Choir of Cherubim.
Egibiel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Egion- one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Egrimiel- one of the guardians of the lobby of the Sixth Heaven.
Eiael- one of the angels who teaches the occult and prolongs life in humans. To invoke the fourth verse of Psalm 36 prays Eiael is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Eirnilus- the angel of fruits.
EI- one of the secret names of God in connection with the fourth céfira the Tree of Life and Jupiter. He is also the end of most of the names of the angels, whose connotation means "Son of God". He is the plural of the Elohim.
Electors-the seven planetary spirits. Some authorities describe as hellish forces.
Elemiah- according to Kabbalah, one of the Seraphim of the Tree of Life and one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamfora.
Elimiel- according to the Kabbalah one of the angels of the Moon.
Elion- an angel of the first heaven and the great Archangel Ofaniel assistant.
Eloha- an Angel Choir of Powers.
Elohi- an angel of fire, whose name invoked dry the seas and rivers by God's command.
Elohim the dual aspect of God, male and female at the same time. Elohim is also one of the angelic choirs and is associated with Netzach, the seventh sephireh Tree of Life.
Elomeel- as Enoch, one of the angels of the seasons.
Elomnia- one of the five regents princes of the Third Heaven.
Elubatel- one of the omnipotent angels, which are invoked in spells the beast Leviathan, over which they have power.
Emmanuel according to the Kabbalah, this is one of the angels of the tenth sphere of the Tree of Life. It is also the angel who saved Daniel's companions threw oven where Nebuchadnezzar. His name means "God is with us."
Empireo- Heaven and the abode of God and his angels.
Enendiel- one of the regents of the mansions of the moon.
Misleadingly one of the names of God used in invocations on Monday to Lucifer.
Ephemeras- ephemera or mayflies are angels created by God for one day to intone the divine Triságono.
Erelim- Arelim is also described as Hebrew name Choir of Thrones. The Erelim are formed of white fire and belong to the Third Heaven, although some authorities placed in the fourth or fifth sky. Their numbers amounted to seventy thousand thousands and are the protectors of trees and fruits of the earth. The Erelim are one of the ten classes of angels governed by Archangel Michael.
Eremiel- identified one of the angels Uriel, whose candle is said for souls in the afterlife.
Eregedial- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Esabiel- one of the Angels Choir of Powers.
Eth- an angel who is in charge of it all happen in due time. His name itself means "Time".
Etraphill- Muslims as one of the angels of Judgment. 
Ezgadi- one of the angels invoked for a safe and hazard-free trip.
Famiel- one of the angels residing in the Third Heaven and also one of the regents on Friday and the air element.
Fanuel- sometimes identified with Uriel and Raguel and sometimes with Ramiel, is one of the four angels of the Divine Presence.
Flaef- one of the regents of human sexuality according to the Cabala angels.
Fraciel- an angel of the Fifth Heaven and one of the regents on Tuesday.
Friagne- another angel of the Fifth Heaven and Tuesday.
Gabriel His name means "God is my power." Gabriel is the angel of the Annunciation, death and resurrection, revenge and compassion. But mostly Gabriel is the heavenly messenger who reveals the will of God to humanity. According to Muslim tradition Gabriel has one hundred and forty pairs of wings. This archangel stands in the West, where the sun sets and thus seal the door where evil dwells. Esoteric tradition says that the West is wrong because the door to the Sun, cardinal point, the Earth is covered with the dark cloak of night, which has always been identified with the evil forces set. When the human body perishes, God sends Gabriel to pick up the spirit of that person to take a rest and seek forgiveness of their sins.
According to Muslim tradition, Gabriel, known in Islam as Jibril, was the one who dictated the book of the Koran to the prophet Mohammed, according to Joan of Arc, he was the one who inspired her to fight for the king of France against the English in the "Hundred years' War," a heroic act for which he was burned at the stake.
Gadiel- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Gadriel- sometimes confused with Gadreel, it is one of the regents of the Fifth Heaven angels in charge of the wars on Earth. It is said that when the prayers of the faithful come to heaven must pass through the hands of Gadriel, who is in charge of carrying the sixth heaven.
Galearii- is a group of angels of lower rank in the sky.
Galgaliel- one of the regents of the sphere of the sun.
Galgallim- a group of angels known as wheels or carriage merkabah Divine. In hierarchy are in the same category as the first angelic choir are the Seraphim.
Gallizur YHVH- as Enoch, one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, which reveals the mysteries of the Torah. It is also one of the names of the angel Raziel and Prince Regent of the Second Heaven.
Galmon- one of the guards of the fourth heaven lobby.
Gamaliel- one of the great angels whose mission is to uplift the Lord's elect to Heaven. It is one of the assistants Gabriel. Its name means "God reward"
Gambiel- one of the angels of the Zodiac and ruler of the sign of Aquarius.
Gambriel- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Gamrial- one of the sixty-four guardians of the heavenly halls.
Ganael- According to the Testament of Solomon, this is one of the planetary angels governing the celestial spheres. Ganael is attached to Camael and Apudiel angels in this mission.
Gargatel- with Gaviel and Tariel, this angel governs the summer.
Gatiel- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Gauril Ishliha- the angel who is in charge of the sun rises in the morning at the right time.
Gaveil- with Gargatel and Tariel, one of the angels of summer.
Gavreel- one of the guardians of the second or fourth Heaven. Many authorities identify with Gabriel. The sect known as "The Black Jews of Harlem" believe in the four Great Archangels, whose names for them are Gavreel, Rafarel, Michael and Owreel, who invoked to perform cures, to restore vision and to turn enemies into friends.
Gazardiel- other angels in charge of the sunrise at the correct time.
Geburael- its name means strength. This angel is associated with the fifth sphere or sephireh Tree of Life, Geburah, and belongs to the order of the Angels. Geburiel is often identified with Gamaliel and say that descends from Heaven through the sphere of the planet Mars. It is said to be the angel holding the left hand of God, who is dispensing justice or severity.
Geburathiel- the main guardian of room foyer of the sixth heaven and angel sephireh Geburah on the Tree of Life. 
Gedael- as Enoch, is one of the angels of the four seasons.
Gedaliah- one of the rulers of the Third Heaven Angels, according to the Kabbalah. Crown also the prayers of the faithful ascending the Second Heaven and sends them to the higher spheres.
Gedemel- is identified as the spirit of Venus.
Gediel- one of the angels of the zodiac and Prince Regent of the Fourth Heaven.
Gedudiel- one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Gedudim- one of the angelic choirs singing the Divine Triságono under the direction of Angel Tagas.
Gehegiel- one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.
Geliel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Geminiel- one of the regents of the sign of Gemini.
Germael- according to an ancient tradition God created Adam (Adam) from dust through one of his angels. Some authorities say that this angel was Germael and others was Gabriel.
Gerviel- the guardian angel of David. This is also one of the regents princes Choir of Principalities. It is often identified with Cerviel.
Geviririon- another name sephireh fifth, Geburah.
Geviriyah- one of the seventy-eight names of Archangel Metatron.
Gippuyel- another name of Metatron.
Gmial- one of the sixty-four guardians of the halls of Seventh Heaven.
Gorfiniel- one of the guardians of the Seventh Heaven.
Gradiel- this angel represents the intelligence of the planet Mars when it enters the signs of Scorpio or Aries.
Grasgarben- one of the regents of the sign of Libra.
Grigori eternally silent guardians, residents of Second and Fifth Heaven.
Guriel- one of the regents sign Leo angels.
Guth one of the regents of Jupiter angels.
Gvurtial- one of the guardians of the halls of the Fourth Heaven.
Haaiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora Choir and Domains. It is said to be the ruler of ambassadors and diplomats.
Haamiah- this is the angel that guides those who seek the truth and is also regent of religious cults. It belongs to the Choir of the Powers or Powers.
Habbiel- one of the angels of the first heaven and on Monday, who is asked to help in cases loving.
Habuiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamtora, which also governs the fertility of the fields and agriculture.
Hadraniel- this angel is often identified with Metatron and its name means "Majesty of God." It is said to be one of the guardians of the second heaven and when he proclaims God's voice penetrates two hundred thousand firmaments and every word flowing from his mouth twelve thousand lightning. Other names are Hadriel, Hadarniel and Hadariel. Hadraniel is described as sixty thousand higher parasangs the angel Kemuel and "five hundred years of travel" less high than the angel Sandalphon, the chief ruler of the Earth according to the Kabala. The parasang is equal to approximately three miles Persian measure.
Hafaza- a group of angels between Muslims, which protect against the dark spirits.
Hagiel- Intelligence sphere of Venus in the signs of Taurus and Libra.
Hagios- one of the secret names of God, while one of his greatest angels.
Hagith- the Olympic spirit of the sphere of Venus, ruler of twenty of the one hundred ninety six Olympic provinces. It is said to have under his command four thousand legions of spirits of light and has the power to transmute metals.
Hahael- is the guardian angel of all ministers and missionaries of Christ. It belongs to the Choir of Virtues and is one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Hahaiah- reveals the great divine mysteries and also influences human thought. It belongs to the Choir of Cherubim.
Hahuaih- one of] you seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Haiaiel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Haim- one of the regents of angels Virgo.
Hakamiah- the guardian angel of France, belonging to the Choir of Cherubim, which is invoked against traitors.
Haludiel- one of the Intelligences del Sol resident in the fourth heaven.
Hamabiel- one of the regents of Taurus angels.
Hamaliel- this angel belongs to the Choir of Virtues and is one of the regents August and Virgo.
Hamon- as Enoch, is one of the great princes of the Divine Presence whose voice of thunder makes the other angels shudder when calls sing the praises of the Creator. It is also said to be one of the names of the Archangel Gabriel.
Haniel- this angel is identified with Anael and its name means "He who sees God". It is one of the leaders of the Choir of Virtues and Principalities and is one of the regents of December, Capricorn and Venus. His name is so powerful that only mention acts as an amulet against evil.
Hararel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora, which is also in charge of libraries and archives.
Hariel- the regent angel of sciences and arts. It belongs to the Choir of Cherubim.
Hushmal- the angel speaking fire and principal ruler of the Choir of Dominions.
Hashmallim- according quabbalistic authorities, this is the Choir Domains or dominions, also identified with Hayyoth or living creatures.
Hasmed- one of the five angels of punishment to whom Moses met during his visit to Heaven.
Hayliel YHVH- as Enoch, this is one of the most exalted Prince of the Divine Presence and whose power is such that it can swallow the earth at once. He is in charge of living creatures called Hayyoth, who harasses to intone the Divine Triságono.
Hayyoth- also called Chayoth or Chiva, these living creatures or sacred beasts who carry on his shoulders the Merkabah or Throne of the Creator. Often these angels are identified with the Choir of Cherubim and reside in the Seventh Heaven. According to the principal book of Kabbalah, the Zohar, the Hayyoth are thirty-six and sustain not only the Merkabah, but the entire universe. According to Enoch are only four. Each has two hundred forty-eight faces and three hundred sixty-five wings. Each of these creatures is crowned with a thousand crowns and each crown is like a rainbow, brighter than the sun. These angels are the Shekinah Camp.
Haziel- the angel which is invoked to ask God's compassion. It belongs to the Choir of Cherubim and is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Hechaloth- these are the heavenly halls or palaces. The term also used to describe the seven female or beautiful virgins emanations emanating from the right side of the Creator, according to the Kabbalah.
Heiglot- the angel of snow storms.
Hemah- one of the angels of wrath and destruction and death that governs pets. It is said that Hemah has a height of five hundred thousand parasangs or more than seven hundred miles and was created chains red and black fire. According to the Zohar, Hemah once tried to swallow Moses but God intervened and saved him. When Moses Hemah vomited, he killed him, something difficult to conceive since angels are immortal.
Hismael- the spirit of Jupiter.
Hizkiel- one of the main assistants angelic Gabriel during battles.
Hocus Pocus- Two angelic princes relied on Jewish rituals of the Middle Ages.
Hodniel- the angel cure stupidity in humans. (Very careful with this angel ... it could be several useful to them, "jejeje")
Iachadiel- one of the regents moon angels. 
Iadalbaoth- according to the Hebrew Kabbalah, this is the Demiurgos, which is in second place, under God. Among the Phoenicians, ladalbaoth was one of the seven angels elohims or creators of the universe. According to the philosopher Origen, this was the second name Miguel. For the Gnostics who rejected everything that was Hebrew, this was the first bunker or dark spirit.
Iahhel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and regent of philosophers and those who want to get away from the material world.
Iciriel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Idrael- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Iehuiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and protector of princes of the earth. It belongs to the Choir of Thrones.
Ieiaiel- the angel who governs the future with Teiaiel. It is also one of the 72 angels Shemhamphora.
Ieilael- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Ielahiah- the angel who is invoked in case of trial and controlling judges and magistrates. It is also one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Ieliel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Ihiazel- one of the angels Shemhamphora.
Indri- angels in the tradition of the Vedas.
Intelligences identified with angels and Sefiros in the Platonic tradition. They are ten Intelligences, the same number of Sefiros in The Tree of Life, and are associated with the planets.
Iofiel- one of the companions of the great Archangel Metatron and one of the seven princes of the Divine Presence. It is also one of the princes of the Torah or Divine Law.
Irin- as Enoch, the twin angels who are part of the celestial Supreme Council. Residing in seventh heaven and are part of the Metatron than eight Hierarchs.
Isda- the angel who provides food for mankind.
Ishim- According to Kabbalah, the choir of angels associated with the sefirah tenth of the Tree of Life, identified with the saints and the souls of the righteous. It is said to consist of snow and fire, and reside in the fifth heaven.
Israfel- among Muslims this is the angel of doom, also called Sarafiel or Isrefel.
Itmon- one of the seventy-eight names of Metatron.
Itqal- the angel of affection, which is invoked when there are discussions among people to bring peace between them.
Ithuriel- one of the princes of the spheres of the Tree of Life, whose name means "discovery of God". It is associated with the area of ​​Mars. The poet Milton identifies it as a cherub, but Kabbalistic sources say that this is a misidentification.
Izrael- according to Muslims, one of the angels of the Resurrection. The other angels are Gabriel, Michael and Israfel. According to Muslim legend, trumpet the Last Judgment will be played three times with an interval of forty years between each touch. The third touches the resurrection of the dead takes place.
Jabniel- one of the regents of the first heaven Jael- one of two carved cherubs guarding the chair of Compassion in the Ark of the Covenant. The other was named Zarall. Jael is also the name of one
Regents of Libra.
Jazeriel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.
Jehoel- often identified with Metatron and Kemuel, is one of the regents of the Choir of Seraphim yel chief angel
of fire.
Jehudiam- the angel who keeps the keys seventy all the treasures of the Creator.
Jehudiel- one of the angels governing the movement of the spheres, one of the works of Metatron. Some authorities include it among the top seven of the Divine Presence.
Jeliel- one of the Seraphim, whose name is inscribed on The Tree of Life and who is said applies to Turkey. It also ensures the fidelity of a spouse and awakens the passion between men and women.
Jeremiel- one of the names of Uriel and Remiel. Its name means "Compassion of God" and is one of the seven princes of the Divine Presence. It belongs to the Choir of the Archangels.
Jesodoth- angel who transmits the foundation cone and the wisdom of God to human beings between el- one of the two hundred guards tempted by the rebellious angels.
Gabriel Ribril- among Muslims. 
Roel, a variation of Jael, this is the first of the names of Metatron.
Rohiel- one of the angels of Paradise.
Johiel: one of the angels of paradise
Kadishim- one of the angels superior in rank to the Hayyoth or Merkabah angels, residents Seventh Heaven. Its name means "sacred beings". With lrin, it is the Throne of Judgment.
Kadosh- one of the guards of the fourth heaven lobby.
Kafziel- identified with Casiel, is the angel who governs the death of kings and ruler of the planet Saturn. It is one of the attendants for the angelic Gabriel battles.
Kakabel- also identified as Kochbich, its name means "star of God." This is one of the regents Princes of the stars and constellations. Seglln book tíllgcl J ~ Azic /, is a holy angel, but according to Enoch is one of the fallen angels.
Kalmiya- one of the seven celestial Princes who keep the curtain that is before the throne of God. The other six are Gabriel, Boel, Asimor, Paschar, Gabriel and Oziel.
Kedemel-one of the spirits of Venus.
Kemuel- identified with Camael and Seraphiti, its name means Assembly of God. This is the big chest that acts as an intermediary between the prayers of Israel and the Princes of the seven heavens. Kemuel is also the angel of the fifth sephireh and one of the regents of the Seraphim.
Kerubiel YHVH- this is the great ruler of the Cherubim and one of the most exalted Prince of the Heavenly Court. His body consists of burning coals and covered with thousands of eyes. His stature is the size of the seven heavens. His face is made of fire, his eyes are sparks of light and tabs are made of lightning. His mouth go fire with every word and is covered with wings up and down. It is always accompanied by thunder, lightning and earthquakes. The Shekinah glow shines on his face. Not for nothing is one of the most feared and respected in the courts above angels.
Kyriel- one of the regents of the veitiocho mansions of the moon.
Labarfiel- one of the guardians of the seventh heaven.
Labezerin- the angel governing the win. He is invoked at two in the afternoon.
Labiel- the original name of Rafael. It is said that when Rafael accepted God's commandments regarding the creation of man, the Lord changed the name of Labiel Rafael.
Lahabiel- an angel who is invoked to ward off evil spirits and who is said assistant Rafael.
Lahatiel- one of the seven angels of punishment and the angel who presides over the portal of death.
Lamach- one of the rulers of the planet Mars.
Lehahiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora controlling agriculture.
Lehavah- one of the guards lobby Seventh Heaven.
Lehalel- one of the angels who govern the arts, science, love and good fortune.
Lelahiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Lemanael- one of the angels of the Moon, according to the Kabbalah.
Leuuiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Levana- one of the names of the moon.
Levanael- one of the angels of the Moon.
Librabis- one of the spirits who discovers the hidden gold.
Lifton- one of the guardians of the Seventh Heaven.
Logos This name means "The Word" and is one of the appeals of God. Both Michael and Metatron have been identified as the Logos, as the Messiah and the Holy Spirit.
Lucifer this name means the giver of light and is erroneously awarded Satan. This is due to a passage in the Book of Isaiah, where the prophet referred to Lucifer cómoo a fallen angel and the son of the morning. Isaiah was referring to King Nebuchadnezzar in this description, according to rabbinical authorities. The name actually refers to the star of dawn or dusk, which relates it to Venus. In Christianity, Lucifer and Satan are the same entity, due to identification by some of the Fathers of the Church, as St. Jerome. (I take the liberty of making this clarification, again within the page)
Lumazi-Ios seven creators of the Universe among the Assyrians.
Machasiel- one of the Intelligences del Sol, governs Sunday and resides in the
Fourth Heaven.
Machator- one of the angels of the air element and Saturday.
Machidiel- one of the angels of the Tree of Life, identified with the tenth sphere, Malkuth, and the planet Earth. The men can invoke to help them get the love of the woman of his dreams.
Mahariel- one of the guardians of the portal First Heaven, which escort purified souls.
Mahasiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mahniel- another name of Azarel, ruler of Scorpio.
Mahzian- the angel who gives sight.
Makatiel- one of the seven angels of punishment, whose name means God's plague.
Malach-Ha-Mavet- the angel of death according to the Kabbalah and identified with Samael and Azrael.
Malakim- in Hebrew, the Choir of Virtues.
Maltiel- one of the Intelligences of Jupiter, a resident of the Third Heaven.
and Satan. It is said to be regent of England.
Manuel- one of the angels of the sign of Cancer.
Marmarao- an angel Sexually transmitted diseases cure bladder.
Maskiel- one of the guardians of the First Heaven, where they first arrive the prayers of the faithful.
Matarel- the angel of rain.
Maymon- ruler of the air spirits and Saturday.
Mbriel- one of the angels who govern the four winds.
Mebahel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mebahiah- is the angel who is invoked when you want to have children and one of the regents of morality and religion. Tampién is one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mehekiel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Mehiel- the angel of the authors, speakers and univrrsitarios teachers.
Melahel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Meniel- another seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Messiah- identified with Christ and Metatron, the Messiah belongs to the Choir of Cherubim and is the Guardian Angel of Eden, which protects with a flaming sword.
Metraton- alternating with Miguel, with whom he is often identified as the greatest of all the angels. It is said he is the Prince of the Divine Faz, Chancellor of Heaven, Angel Alliance and the Lord Minor (YHVH). It is the angel who protects humanity more and governs the first sphere of the Tree of Life. It is often identified with the Shekinah, the Glory of God. It is the angel who led Israel in their exodus through the desert and is said to be the twin brother of Sandalphon, the Angel who governs the Earth and the tenth sphere, Malkuth, the Tree of Life. After Anafiel, Metatron is the highest angel of Heaven and when invoked manifests itself in a pillar
fire with the most dazzling face the sun. It is said to be the author of verse 25 of Psalm 37, and instructing in Paradise to little souls of babies who die prematurely.
Miguel is part of the Big Four Archangels. His name means "who is like God" is considered the greatest of all the angels, both Judaism and Christianity and Islam. Miguel is the uncorrupted and incorruptible angel, it is the favorite angel of the Creator and the most powerful. Miguel is one of the three regents princes of the angelic choirs: Seraphim, Virtues and Archangels. It is also regent of the Fourth Heaven, one of six repentance angels, angel of righteousness, compassion, sanctification and Prince of the Divine Presence. It is also the guardian angel of Israel and Germany and is said to
was that gave tablets 10 commands to Moses on Mount Sinai. Michael's name comes from the Chaldean, like Rafael. It is said to be the author of Psalm 85, which says on its behalf to ask for a miracle. In the sacred teachings Miguel is often identified with the Holy Spirit, because of its high purity. Miguel is ruler of the planet Mercury, the sign of Leo, the South and the fire element in the ceremonial magic, and among his titles is: Prince of Light, Prince of Virtues, Prince of the Archangels, Guardian of Peace, Protector divine, Commander in Chief of the heavenly host, guardian angel of the
Catholic Church, Guardian Angel of Israel, Angel of Earth and Prince of God, besides the Archiestratega Divine. It is also the angel who appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush and San Pedro who rescued the
prison and the prophet Daniel from the den of lions. Miguel is said also he who has come down from heaven on Judgment Day with the key to the bottomless pit, where he shut Satan for a thousand years.
Some traditions visualize it in seventh heaven surrounded by angelic hosts. In Christianity Miguel he is venerated as the benevolent angel of death through whom it is possible to achieve God's forgiveness and immortality. It is the angel who guides the souls of the faithful to eternal light and also weighing souls at the Last Judgment.
Honey- one of the angels of the planet Mercury and Wednesday.
Mihael- According to Kabbalah, the angel of fertility and fidelity in marriage.
Mithra- in the Vedas, one of the brightest gods, identified with the angels. According to the Persians, Mithra had a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes and was one of deities surrounding the great Persian god Ahura Mazda.
Mitzrael- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Modiniel- one of the angels of the sphere of Mars.
God's angel Moroni among Mormons, who delivered him to Joseph Smith, founder of this sect, the Gospel of the New Revelation in gold tablets.
Mupiel- the angel who is invoked to grant a good memory.
Muriel one of the regents of the sign of Cancer and July. It is also one of the regents of the Choir of Dominions.
Naaririel YHVH- one of the most exalted Prince of the Heavenly Court.
Nachiel- Intelligence of the Sun in the sign of Leo.
Nadiel- one of the regents December and protector of emigrants.
Nagrasagiel- one of the guardians and angelic princes who watch the entrance of hell.
Nahaliel- the angel governing Arroyos.
Nahuriel- one of the seven regents of the First Heaven.
Nanael- one of the seventy-two angels of the Shemhamphoras.
Naromiel- one of the Intelligences of the moon and regent on Sunday.
Nasargiel- another large angels guarding the cntrada Hell, which is described with lion's head.
Nathanael- is one of the angels governing fire and sixth angel created by God. It is also one of the twelve angels of vengeance.
Nehinah- an angel who is invoked to call the dead.
Nemamiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora belonging to the Choir of the Archangels.
Nuriel- one of the angels of fire and hail. It is also one of the Regents of Virgo and one of the assistants Miguel. It is an angel of great power and great stature under his command fifty thousand angels ide formed of water and fire. Its name means "fire of God".
Och- the Olympic spirit Sun governs the Olympic twenty provinces. It is said that governed thirty-six thousand five hundred thirty-six legions of spirits and gives six hundred years of life in perfect health, as the sphere of the Sun governs the health and life while the heart chakra.
Ofael- one of the angels of the Fifth Heaven and Tuesday. In the Kabbalah, the fifth sephireh or sphere of the Tree of Life, Geburah, is ruled by the planet Mars and on Tuesday.
Ofaniel- also Opaniel, is the powerful ruler of the Choir of Thrones and as we have seen before, the highest of all the angels. It is also one of the regents of the moon, which is often identified with Sandalphon. 
Ofanim- also Ophanim, the Choir of Thrones. In Cabal, the Ophanim have a more exalted the Angels position, forming the first chorus angelic, according PseudoDionisio. The Ophanim are associated with the second sephireh, Chokmah, identifi (ada with zodiac wheel. Choir Powers or Powers are Hayyoth (Chaioth has Qades} and are associated with the first sephireh, Keter, and God himself, who is in turn identified with the created universe. beyond the created universe is the AIN, which is nothing, God before manifesting its power and its essence in creation.
Ofiel- also Ophiel, the Olympic spirit of Mercury, ruler of the Olympic fourteen provinces and one hundred thousand legions of spirits. It belongs to the Choir of the Powers.
Ohazia- one of the angels of the Divine Presence and one of the guardians of the Third Heaven.
Olson one of the regents of the sign of Leo.
Omael- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora, belonging to the Choir of Dominions. It is the regent angel of chemistry and helps perpetuate the species.
Onafiel- one of the regents of the moon.
Opanniel YHVH- identified with Ofaniel, is one of the most exalted Prince of the Divine Presence and ruler of the Choir of Ophanim or Thrones, which continuously polishes and decorate. According to Enoch, Opanniel two hundred sixteen faces and wings, ADE more than eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-six eyes, corresponding to the times of the year.
Orael- one of the Intelligences of Saturn.
Oriel- the angel of fate, identified with Auriel, whose name means "God's light."
Orifiel- one of the regents of Saturn and Saturday. It is said to be one of the princes of the Choir of Thrones, one of the seven great princes of the Divine Presence and one of the seven regents of the Earth.
Orion- the Guardian Angel of San Pedro, identified with the constellation of the same name. Some Kabbalistic authorities identify with Miguel.
Ormazd- also Ormuzd, God in Zoroastrianism, and twin brother Ahriman, the Persian Satan.
Osael- another Fifth Heaven and Angels on Tuesday.
Pabael- one of the angels of the Moon, acting as a messenger dc this mat.
Pachdiel- the main guardian of the Fourth Heaven. His name means fear.
Pahaliah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora, which is invoked for the conversion of heretics to Christianity.
Parasurama- in the Vedic tradition, the sixth of the ten avatars, or divine incarnations.
Parziel- one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.
Paschar- one of the seven angels before the throne of God, who runs the commands of the great celestiajes Powers. It is said that Paschar is standing behind the curtain that keeps the Divine Throne.
Pasiel- one of the rulers of Pisces angels.
Pasisiel- one of the guardians of the Seventh Heaven.
Pathiel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Pazriel- Siriel also identified as one of the great rulers of the First Heaven Archangels.
Peliel- the guardian angel of the patriarch Jacob and Head of the Choir of Virtues.
Penael- one of the messengers of Venus residing in the Third Heaven.
Peniel- is said that this is the angel of the Lord, who wrestled all night with James in the place of the same name. Other authorities appoint Metatron, Samael and other angels as the adversary of the patriarch. Its name means the face of God and is said to reside in the Third Heaven.
Petahyah- an angel who receives the prayers of the faithful who ask for protection from their enemies. If prayer is just, Petahyah the b ~ ay sends to the throne of God.
Phaleg- also Phaleg, this is the Olympic spirit of Mars, ruler of thirty-five hundred ninety six Olympic provinces.
Phanuel- its name means "the face of God." It is one of the angels of penitence, identified as one of the four Grand des Archangels, one of which is Uriel.
Phorlakh- also Forlac, is the angel on Earth. 
Phul- Ful also is the Olympic spirit of the moon and regent of seven of the Olympic provinces. It's regent on Monday and Supreme Lord of Waters.
Poiel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and regent of good fortune and philosophy. It belongs to the Choir of Principalities.
Poteh- the angel of oblivion.
Potentials or also powers-Powers, is the sixth Choir Angelical according Pseudo Dionisio and second chorus according Cabal. Samael or Camael is the main ruler of this choir. The main mission of the Powers is to ensure that order reigns in the ways of Heaven, thwarting the attacks of the infernal forces to bring chaos to the heavenly mansions.
Pravuil- also identified with Vetril, this is the Celestial Escribano, which is in charge of keeping the knowledge of God
and the heavenly books.
Principalidades- is the Seventh Choir as Pseudo Dionisio. These angels are the protectors of princes, kings, presidents and rulers of the Earth, including the Pope and other prelates of the Church, enlightening them to make fair decisions. They also protect religions. Between his
regents are Anael, Requel, Cerviel and Nuroc. Purusha-the First Cause, identified with Ein Sof Kabbalah.
Qaddis- with the angels twin Irin, the two angels called Qaddis form the Council of God's judgment. These four angels are the most exalted among all the angelic choirs, and it is said that only one of them has more power than all the heavenly hosts.
Qafsiel- one of the regents moon angels and guardian lobby
Seventh sky.
Quelamia- one of the seven great angels from the throne of God, resident in the First Heaven where runs the commands of the Powers.
Raamiel- one of the angels of thunder, whose name means tremble before God.
Raasiel- one of the angels of earthquakes.
Ribacyel- one of the three regents of the Third Heaven.
Rachiel- one of the regents spirits of Venus and one of the angels who govern sexuality in humans) according to Kabbalah.
Rachaiel- (the angel of compassion) often identified with Gabriel.
Radweriel YHVH- sometimes identified with Vretil and Pravuil, this is the great Celestial Prince who is in charge of the Book of God. It is said to be the protector of poetry and leader of the Muses. rank
It is superior to Metatron. According to Enoch) with every word that comes from his mouth a new angel is formed.
Rael-i-! one of the angels of the Third Heaven and one of the Si sphere of Venus.
Rafael Rafael is the angel of dawn, ruler of the Second Heaven and one of the Princes regents of the Cherubim and Archangels and head of the choir of Virtues. It belongs to four of the angelic choirs: Seraphim, Cherubim, Powers and Dominions, or Powers. Its name is of Chaldean origin and originally was Labiel. Raphael's name means "God has healed." In the Catholic Church it is known as the Divine Physician and is said to have the power to cure all for more serious illness that is. Rafael is also protector of the earth, which heals. Raphael is the angel guarding the Tree of Life, one of the six angels of repentance, the angel of prayer, joy and light. It is also the angel of science, medicine, wisdom and one of the seven angels of the Apocalypse. When Solomon asked God for help in building the Temple, the Creator gave him a ani1lo on which was inscribed a pentagram, which is a five-pointed star. Rafael was the divine messenger whom God gave this ring to give it to Solomon. It is possible that the practice of using a staff to invoke the archangels comes from this story.
Raguel- one of the angels of the second heaven and also one of the seven great Archangels of Divine Presence. It is one of the angels who punishes the other angels when they commit a sin. In 745 (Christian Era) an ecclesiastical council of the Church in Rome reproved Raguel with other high-ranking angels, including the great Uriel. The reason for this conviction was the determination of the Church in these times than any angel, except those mentioned in the Bible (Michael, Gabriel and Raphael), were venerated.
Rahab- the angel of the deep sea, sometimes identified as a fallen angel.
Rahmiel- or Rhamiel, one of the angels of compassion and love. It is often identified with St. Francis of Assisi, which is said was transformed into an angel upon arrival at Paradise. It is said to be one of the
Angels of the Apocalypse.
Rahatiel- one of the angels of constellations to putting in proper order.
Ramiel- also described as Ramael, often it identified Uriel. It is the angel who gives true visions and is one of the regents of thunder. One of its missions is to bring souls before the throne of God on Judgment Day to be judged.
Rashiel- one of the angels of whirlwinds and earthquakes.
Rathanael- one of the angels of the third heaven, with great power over infernal spirits.
Raziel- this is the angel of mysteries, whose name means "the secret of God." According to Kabbalah, it is the angel of the second sephireh, Chokmah. It is said is the author of The Book of Raziel angel, where all the secrets of Heaven are written. No one really knows who wrote this book, but the safest source is Rabbi Eleazar of Worms who lived during the Middle Ages. According to rabbinic legends, Razielle gave this book to Adam, but the other angels to Adam took him and threw him into the sea. God then ordered Rahab, the angel of the deep sea, to rescue the book. This happened later at the hands of Enoch and Noah it, and then Solomon. It is said that in the middle of angel Raziel's book there is a secret writing that reveals the fifteen hundred keys of the mysteries
The world, which have not been revealed even the most holy angels.
Rehael- the angel of health and longevity, which also inspires respect for our parents. It belongs to the Choir of the Powers or Powers and is one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora.
Reiiel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora belonging to the Choir of Dominions.
Remiel- one of the seven great Archangels of Divine Presence, often identified with Uriel.
Rikbiel YHVH- the great angel governing the Merkabah or divine carriage. It is one of the princes of Divine Council, more exalted than Metatron.
Rochel- the angel who is invoked to find lost things.
Romiel- the angel governing months.
Rubiel- the angel who is invoked to win the game. His name is written on parchment virgin paper.
Ruchiel- one of the regents of wind angels.
Rumiel- one of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven, quoted in angel Raziel.
Sabaoth- also Tsabaoth, is one of the names or titles of God, which means Lord of Hosts. It is also one of the angels of the Divine Presence.
Sabathiel- the secret name of Miguel. It is also an Intelligence Saturn sphere, which imparts who divine Light
receiving the Holy Spirit to members of their sphere.
Sabrael- one of the seven great Archangels, belonging to the Choir of Virtues and one of the guardians of the First Heaven.
Sachiel- one of the guardians of the First Heaven, belonging to the Choir of Cherubim angels. It is one of the regentles Monday and sphere of Jupiter.
Sacriel- one of the angels resides on Tuesday in the Fifth Heaven.
Saditel- one of the angels of the third heaven.
Sadkiel- one of the seven great Archangels and ruler] Upiter. Also it applies to the sign of Sagittarius.
Safkas- one of the seventy names of Metatron yocho.
Safriel- one of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven, which protects against the evil eye.
Sagdalon- is the angel who governs the sign of Capricorn with Semakiel.
Saghaffl- is said to be one of the regents angels, along with Seratiel, the sign of Leo.
Sagras: - one of the regents of the sign of Taurus.
Sahariel- one of the regents of the sign of Aries.
Sahriel- one of the sixty-four wardens of the seven celestial halls.
Saissaiel- one of the rulers of Scorpio.
Sulutheel- also Salathiel, this is one of
seven great Archangels governing the movements of the spheres.
Samax- one of the angels of the air element and Tuesday.
Samhiel- one of the angels who cure stupidity. (Very careful with this angel too)
Samuil- one of the angels who govern on earth.
Sandalfon- this is the tenth sephireh Angel Tree of Life, Malkuth, the Kingdom, and which idcntifica with Earth. It is said to be the twin brother of Metatron and one of the highest angels of the heavenly host. It is also said to be the angel who decides the sex of a child while still in the womb. According to Enoch it is regent of the sixth heaven, but according to the Kabbalah, governs the seventh.
Sangariah- the angel governing religious fasts, especially during the Jewish Sabbath.
Sapiel- one of the angels of the Fourth Heaven.
Saraiel- one of the regents Gemini.
Sarakiel- one of the rulers of the choir of angels who officiate during the Divine prescriptions. It is also one of the regents of Aries.
Sarasael- belongs to the Choir of Seraphim and is one of the angels who preside over the souls of sinners.
Sargiel- one of the angels that lead to hell the souls of sinners. It is also identified with Nasargiel.
Sariel- also identified with Suriel, Serakiel and Uriel. This is one of the seven great Archangels as Enoch, who describes it as different from Uriel. It is one of the regents of Aries and Summer Equinox.
Sarim- this is the plural of Prince in Hebrew. The Sarim are the celestial Princes who are members of the choirs singing the Divine Triságono under the direction of Tagas.
Sasnigiel YHVH- one of the names of Metatron, is also a great Serafin, Prince of the Divine Presence, peace and wisdom.
Saturn ruler of Capricorn. According to Kabbalah it is the angel of the jungle.
Sauriel- one of the angels of death.
It schebtaiel- also identified as Sabathai and is one of the regents
Schleliel- one of the regents of the Twenty-eight mansions of the moon angels.
Schimuel- one of fifteen angels before the throne of God.
Sedekiah- one of the angels who help find treasures.
Seehiah- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora who is invoked to prolong life and health. It belongs to the Choir of Dominions.
Semeliel- one of the seven princes who are always against God and which has revealed the names of the spirits of the planets.
Serakel- the angel governing fruit trees.
Serapiel YHVH- also Seraphiel, is the great angel who governs the Order of the Seraphim, called the Prince of Peace. It is the most exalted of the Princes of the Merkabah or Carruaje Divine and one of the princes present during the Supreme Council of God. It is said to be also the main spirit of Mercury and regent on Tuesday. According to Enoch, this is the brightest angel of the Lord. His body is all covered with stars. From the feet to the knees flashes with light in the sky, knees to the thighs shines like the morning star, thigh to waist shines like the moonlight, from waist to neck, dazzles as the light of sun and neck to the forehead glows with the light of infinity.
Serafín- the first and highest of the heavenly choirs, as Pseudo-Dionysius and other authorities. Seraphim constantly surround the throne of God, singing his praises. They are angels of fire and govern love and light. They have four faces and six wings and are known as fire snakes. Its main ruler is the great Serapiel, besides Michael, Metatron, and Jehoel.
Shahakiel- one of the seven great Archangels as Enoch and one of the Princes of the Fourth Heaven.
Shamiel- with Tagas, leader of the Choirs Music in Heaven, and God's herald.
Shamshiel- the angel who led Moses through all Paradise when visited him in a vision. Its name means daylight. It is regent of the Fourth Heaven and Prince of Paradise. It is one of the great angels crowning the prayers of the faithful and directs the Fifth Heaven. But according to Enoch it is one of the fallen angels, who taught men the mysteries of the sun. The Kabbalah says that this was one of the angels who attended Uriel during the Great Battle in Heaven.
Shuteiel- one of the angels of silence.
Shekinah the feminine aspect of God according to the Kabbalah, also known as the Bride of the Lord. In the New Testament, the Shekinah is identified as the Glory of God. According to rabbinic sources of Shekinah Glory is Miguel. Metatron is his masculine aspect, as an angel of Liberation. It is the intermediary between God the Father and humanity and is the governing conception of a child and protects the sanctity of marriage and sexuality. 
The Shekinah is identified as the Holy Spirit and the Cosmic Mother and the secret of the Third Person in the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. According to the Torah, the Shekinah is in exile on Earth, separated from her Divine Spouse who is God because of the sin of Adam (Adam ... and I'm getting tired of doing this clarification), and that all the good deeds of human beings they help hasten his return to the heavenly mansions. The Shekinah joins only God the Father Friday at midnight, dawn Saturday, which is the perfect time for sacred union between spouses according to the Kabbalah.
Shinanin- an angelic order that is associated with the Cherubim of the Merkabah. It is identified with the angelic choir associated with the sixth Sephirah, Tiphareth, and is governed by Sadkiel.
Sidkiei- one Regents Choir of Thrones and sphere of Venus.
Sidriell- one of the Princes of First Heaven and one of the seven archangels of the Presence Diviha, according to Enoch.
Simkiel- one of the angels of destruction sent by God to Earth to punish and purify the wicked.
Sithriel- the name given to Metatron when covering human beings with their wings to protect them from the angels of destruction.
Sofriel- also known as Sopheriel YHVH, is the divine scribe who keeps the books of the living and the dead in heaven. According to Enoch and the Kabbala, two angels with the same name, twins, with the same power.
Soqedhozi -YHVH-one of the great princes of the Divine Presence, and weighing the merits of human beings in the balance against the Creator.
Soterasiel -YHVH- also known as Sother Ashiel, is one of the most exalted rank angels in seventh heaven because only through it the other angels can reach the Divine Presence. It is said that his stature is seventy thousand thousand parasangs, each measuring parasang three miles. It is also one of the angels of the Heavenly Court, serving before the throne of God, when it passes judgment.
Sstiel YHVH- one of the most exalted angels of the Lord and one of the 8 Princes of the Merkabah, higher in rank than the same Metatron, which falls at his feet when he is facing. 8 princes of the Merkabah, bearing the sacred name of God, are Sstiel, Anapiel,
Akatriel, Gallisur, Nsuriel, Radweriel and the two Sofriel.
Suriel- this great angel Uriel is identified, Metatron, Ariel, Saraquel and others is one of the angels of death but also of healing and one of the princes of the Divine Presence. It is said that this is the preceptor angel of Moses, from whom he acquired his knowledge, but
other authorities say the angelic teacher Moses was Zagzagel. According to Kabbalah it is one of the regents of the Earth, as it is Metatron.
Suryas- these are the angels of the Vedas of Hinduism.
Tabkiel- one of the names of Metatron.
Taconin- in Islam, a very beautiful angel that protects against negative spirits and reveals the future.
Tafsarim- a choir of angels belonging to the Merkabah, a superior to all others who are angels before the throne of God range.
Taftian- an angel who works miracles, according to the Kabbalah.
Tagriel- one of the regents of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon and head of the Guardians of Seventh Heaven angels.
Tahariel- the angel of purity.
Tarshish- the chief ruler of the Order of Virtues.
Tarshishim- Angelic Choir corresponding to the sefirah seventh, Netzach, the Tree of Life. This choir is identified with the Virtues.
Tatrasiel YHVH- one of the most exalted Prince of the Divine Presence.
Tebliel- one of the seven angels who govern Earth.
Teiaiel- the angel governing maritime expeditions and new businesses. It also predicts the future and belongs to the Choir of Thrones.
Teiazel- the angel of writers, artists and librarians.
Temeluch- the angel that protects young children from birth. Also one of the angels who haunts the souls of sinners to die.
Tephros- is an entity that can cure fever or bring darkness and hit fire to the fields, which is said to be part angel and part demon.
Terathel- an angel of light promulgating freedom and civilization. Choir belongs to the Dominions.
Terapiel- one of the Si sphere of Venus.
Tezalel- an angel which is invoked to bring the faithful to a marriage.
Theliel- one of the angels of love which is invoked to get the love of a person.
Tifereth- also Tiphereth, the sixth Sephirah of the Tree of Life. His corresponding angel is Tiftheriel.
Tiriel- Intelligence sphere of Mercury, belonging to the Choir of the Archangels.
Tzadkiel- this is the angel who governs the fourth area of ​​the Tree of Life, Chesed, identifies with the planet Jupiter. It is said to be one of 1os angels of justice.
Tutresiel- one of the great princes of the Divine Presence as Enoch.
Tychagara- another of the seven great Angels Choir of Thrones running the mandates of the top choirs.
Tzafkiel- also TZAPHKIEL, this is the angel who governs the third sephireh, Binah, the Tree of Life, identified with the planet Saturn.
Ubaviel- one of the regents of Capricorn.
Umabel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora and one of the regents of physics and astronomy.
Unael- one of the regents of the First Heaven Angels.
Uriel Uriel is one of the regents princes of the Seraphim and Cherubim and is one of the regents del Sol angels. It is also one of
the princes of the Divine Presence and the angel of salvation. Its name means "Fire of God"
Uriel is the angel who protects thunder and terror and governs earthquakes, cataclysms and volcanic explosions. It is said that God sent him to Noah to warn the flood. The poet Milton in his Paradise Lost tells us that Uriel is the angel who has the sharpest vision, he sees better future and to whom nothing is hidden. Maybe that's why your help in eye diseases and calls for more Clari
Mental dad. It is believed that the name was derived Uriel Uriah prophet. Its symbol is a hand holding a flame. Francis Barrett in his work El Mago says Uriel who taught the mysteries of alchemy and Kabbalah humans.
Urizen- according to William Blake, this is one of the regents of England angels. Also governs reasoning.
Urjan- another name Uriel.
Urzla- one of the glorious angels East, according to the Kabbalah, is always ready to reveal the secret mysteries of God to the caller.
Uvayah- one of the names of Metatron.
Uzziel- identified with Usiel, its name means "power of God". It is one of the principal angels in rabbinic tradition that belongs to the Choir of Virtues and Cherubim. It is also one of the Princes of compassion tioned relative to the Merkabah under the command of Metatron.
Vacabiel- one of the regents of the sign of Pisces.
Valnum- one of the Intelligences of Saturn, a resident of the first heaven and one of the regents on Monday.
Varcan- one of the regents del Sol.
Varchiel one of the Regents of Leo.
Varuna- one or vedic suryas luminaires identified judeocristianismo angels.
Vasariah- one of the seventy-two, Ingeles of Shemhamphora.
Vashyah- one of the great angels who have authority over the heavenly host.
Vasiariah- one of the angels governing judges, lawyers and magistrates.
Vehuel- one of the seventy-two angels Shemhamphora belonging to the Choir of Principalities.
Vehuiah- governs the first rays of the rising sun and is one of eight seraphim who help realize requests
of the faithful. 
Vel- a resident in the Third Heaven Angel and one of Regents on Wednesday.
Venibbeth- the angel of invisibility.
Verchiel often identified with Varchiel, it is one of the regents of Leo and July. It is also one of the regents of the Choir of the Powers.
Veualiah- the angel who gives power to kings and prosperity to their kingdoms.
Vhnori- one of the regents of Sagittarius.
Vionatraba- one of the three spirits of the Sun, a resident of the Fourth Heaven and one of the regents on Sunday.
Virtues- the fifth Celestial Choir, as Pseudo-Dionysius. Its main mission is to work miracles on Earth. His Prince Regent is Miguel, Rafael, Barbiel, Oziel and Peliel also counted among its regents.
Voel- one of the regents of the sign of Virgo.
Vretil- often identified with Radweriel, it is the Divine Escribano, in charge of the sacred books and the wisdom of God. It is said that this is the wisest of all the angels. It is also identified with Uriel, Dabriel and Pravuil.
Yabbashael- one of the rulers of Earth Angels.
Yahel- one of the regents of the moon and belonging to the Choir of Thrones.
Yahoel- Jehoel and also identified with Metatron, is the preceptor angel of the patriarch Abraham.
Yahriel- one of the regents of the moon.
Yahsiyah- one of the names of Metatron.
Yehudiah- is the beneficent angel of death, and come down to Earth with thousands of angels to collect the souls of beings at the time of his death. It is one of the main divine messengers.
Yehakel- one of the regents of Mercury.
Yerachmiel- one of the seven regents of the Earth, identitlcados with the seven planets.
Yeshamiel- one of the rulers of Libra.
Yofiel- one of the regents of Jupiter when it enters the sign of Sagittarius. Great prince is also up fifty three legions of angels under his command.
Yomael- one of the Princes of Seventh Heaven.
Yurkemi- one of the angels of hail.
Zaafiel- one of the angels of hurricanes and also one of the angels of destruction sent by God to Earth to punish the wicked.
Zabkiel- one of the regents of the Choir of Thrones.
Zacharael- one of the Princes Choir resident Domains
Second Heaven.
Zachiel- the supreme ruler of the Sixth Heaven, identified by Zadkiel.
Zachriel- one of the angels who give good memory.
Zadkiel- also identified with Tzadkiel and Sadkiel, is the angel of benevolence, compassion, regent Jupiter, Sagittarius and Prince Choir Domains. It is also said to bring good memory. It is one of the nine regents of Heaven and one of the seven great Archangels of Divine Presence.
Zafiel- the angel of rain.
Zagzagel- one of the angels of wisdom. Its name means "righteousness of God". It is said to be the angel who appeared to Moses in the burning bush, but other authorities say this was Miguel Angel. Zagzagel is one of the instructors of minors angels, one of the Princes of the Divine Presence and principal regent of the Fourth Heaven.
Zahun- the angel governing scandals.
Zakun- one of the angels of the divine presence. According to legend, when Moses was about to die, he wrote a prayer to God to prolong her life. God sent Zakun and Lahash, another of his great angels not to allow that prayer came into his hands, as it was time that Moses surrender his soul to the Creator. Zakun under Heaven with Lahash and one hundred eighty four thousand angels and intercepted this important letter. Lahash but relented at the last moment, perhaps taking him compassion Moses. For this disobedience received sixty lashes of fire and was exhiliado of the Divine Presence.
Zaksakiel YHVH- one of the Great Princes of the Divine Presence.
Zaniel- one of the rulers of Libra.
Zaphiel- also identified with Iofiel and Zophiel is one of the regents of the Choir of Cherubim and Prince of Saturn.
Zaphkiel- one of the identities of Zaphiel, its name means the knowledge of God. It is the main ruler of the Choir of Thrones and one of the seven great archangels. It is also regent of Saturn and is the angel of the third sephireh, Binah, the Tree of Life under the name TZAPHKIEL.
Zarall- two of the cherubs carved on the Ark of the Covenant.
Zarobi- the angel of precipices.
Zathael- one of the twelve angels of vengeance, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Nathanael counted. The angels of vengeance were the first angels created by God and are also the angels of the Divine Presence.
Zazail- an angel of God, which is invoked in the exorcism of infernal spirits.
Hope this can help you!!
Maria Hartacho
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