
15 de diciembre de 2018


Depending on when we are born we have a guard or another angel.
The guardian angels are 72, for different months of the year  Guardian Angel Depending on the day you were born  , and each of us can say we have one that accompanies us throughout life, taking care of us and putting us in touch our purpose and our mission in life.
All this apart from the group of angels or angelic forces who have joined us as well.


angels according to your date of birth


governing to a birthday between December 28 and January 1.
It is an archangel who brings to his proteges how to understand the meaning of their existence and the course have to take their steps. He was associated with the red and orange colors and gemstone which has the beautiful name the ruby.
Nememiah puts us in touch with our Karma, with the baggage q ue bring even unknowingly in most cases, from past lives. Those who are under his gaze especially will discover the invisible connections that move in life. In addition, these individuals have an extraordinary fighter character that gives them courage and strength against injustice.
the angels as your date of birth

Yeialel, which governs those born between 2 and 6 January, provides its protected special strength not to collapse before difficult situations or be swayed by intense negative feelings. This Archangel is associated with the red and orange colors, like the ruby ​​gemstone name.

These guys have great control over himself, which can be a virtue but also become a defect if it prevent them show their weaknesses or even come to feel their own emotions of human beings. Sometimes they are so logical that seem cold and inaccessible. Yes, their natural tendency is to be fair and completely honest.
the angels as your date of birth

Harahel, Archangel caring especially those born between 7 and 11 January, has the color associated bright gold and precious stone and diamond emblem of eternity. This divine being especially provides a rare intellectual vivacity.

Those who are under their protection have the characteristic of those who know how to get ahead and at the same time, always keep our feet on the ground intelligence. And they know how to use their qualities to advance but not to abuse others or overcome their own limits. 
the angels as your date of birth

 Mierael, which belongs to the hierarchy of the Archangels, cares for those born between 12 and 16 January, which provides ability to rebound after committing major errors, but may also cause some type of mental decline due an unresolved karma which we now have to put solution. He was associated with the color of gold, gold, and the diamante, famous for its incredible hardness.

People born under the protection of Archangel Mierael, as already mentioned, may suffer some kind of mental problem during his lifetime, but this divine being precisely helps them overcome impressively. You can also help release poorly commitments or disappear those that beset us, so you can go to him if you need.
angels according to your zodiac date

Umabel applies to those born between 17 and 21 January and also belongs to the hierarchy of the Archangels, senior among these messengers of God. It is associated with the color green gemstone that represents it is the emerald gem that is able to convey peace and tranquility. Provides its protected a special feeling to partnerships, both friendly and otherwise.

It is characteristic of those who are under the gaze of Umabel your passion for travel and research in general.They deepen know every step they take and, above all, make and maintain friendships.

Iahhel, Archangel governing those born between 22 and 26 January, gives birth and grow in them a keen desire to know, to know the world and what lies beyond its limits. Associated with the green, it is symbolic stone to stone that gives you calm, beautiful emerald.

Iahhel causes in their protected a need to know that even can lead them to live only for this, for example, in the case of philosophers or thinkers. So you may leave everything around them to get into their own universe. They do not give value to material possessions and yet rarely are in a state of helplessness.
angels according to your date of birth

Anauel governs the existence of those born between January 27 and February 1, which gives it a strong feeling that leads him to defend before the world that we are all equal and we must live in harmony. This Archangel is associated with the colors green, white and gray as stone or gem is related to aquamarine.

Those found n under the watchful eye of Anauel, and receive his divine gifts, enjoy a deep - rooted spirituality and try to share it with others. They wish above all things that the world is a just and peaceful place. On the other hand, they have a special ability to exchange goods and services, ie for trade.
ANGEL by your date of birth

Mehiel, which governs those who came to this world between 2 and 6  February, is one of the archangels of the great kingdom of heaven. Associated with green, gray and white, is the representative stone aquamarine stone is able to open our minds.

Mehiel, on the other hand, provides its protected the ability to live intensely the emotions inside them without their behavior to others of control. Thus, they will appear as wise and balanced people know to share with those around her knowledge of life and the divine spirit
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Damabiah, which especially protects those born between 7 and 11 February, belongs to the hierarchy of Angels and brings to those who are under his watchful eye a natural tendency to love others and to deepen within each one.Damabiah is associated with white and silver, and the beautiful and mysterious pearl.

Damabiah provides its protected generosity and altruism and strength to resist the attack of those who are not their beloved spiritual heights. In addition it is associated with everything that has to do with travel or movement across the sea, perhaps in analogy with its power over deep emotions.
the angels as your date of birth

Manakel, caring under their loving wings those born between 12 and 16 February, belongs to the Hierarchy of divine Angeles, and its related colors white and silver, and as magic mineral pearl. This angel gives his proteges a strong ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, so they will know at all times distinguish between the  good work and what is theresult merely of an irrational and negative half momentum and long term.

Thus, those born under the gaze of Manakel are virtuous and caring people who know how to behave properly and always eager to follow the right path in any situation that comes their way. Remember that, although you are in this case, you can go to LA so you will also contribute to you what do you need at a time
your angel by date of birth

Eiael, or Eyael, applies to a birthday between 17 and 21 February. This Angel, who belongs to the same hierarchy as Manakel, is representative intense violet color and as a gemstone associated with amethyst.

Eiael brings to those who influence a special ability to see concrete details and to study in depth any matter that  is put into your hands. Thus, these subjects tend to devote himself to the study of any science that involves research and deep meditation. Restless by nature, they seek time alone and so lost in his thoughts and in his eagerness to advance the field they have chosen as a target.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Habuhiah, which governs those born between 22 and 26 February, belongs to the hierarchy of the Angels, and provides its protected love for nature and healthy living, which leads to care for them your health shape natural as possible. Associated with the violet color, esoteric stone is the amethyst represents.

Habuhiah gives birth in those who influence a special ability to live in harmony with the natural environment around them and know how to be fruitful, and continue the cycle of nature, and live respecting the environment but taking at the same time, best out of it.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Rochel, who keeps under his protective halo those born between February 27 and March 3, gives them the constant opportunity to help others, and themselves, to recover what was lost unfairly and repair the damage that has fact. It tied with blue color, it is also associated with gemstone sapphire leading by name.

The essence of Rochel, which belongs to the Hierarchy of Angels, is restitution. Go to him if you feel you have taken something that was yours and you long to get it back, or if you yourself have caused an unjust situation that has caused distress to another person. Ask Him to help fix it.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Jabamiah is an angel who belongs to the hierarchy of the Angels and governing those born between 4 and 8 March.Associated with blue sapphire is the stone with which it is identified. His proteges gives them a special gift that makes them stand out from others and be seen as wonderful beings.

Jabamiah provides the ability to be reborn, to become someone better, to transform something ordinary into the extraordinary. And so they are those who are born under their influence and know how to follow the right path that allows them to realize their full potential.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Haiaiel, who lovingly watches over those born between 9 and 13 March, also belongs to the hierarchy of the Angels and its associated colors to red and orange. Gemstone to which it is attached is the beautiful and enigmatic ruby, jewel able to strengthen the spirit and unlocks emotions.

Haiaiel provides that protects those fighting ability and courage worthy of admiration. It also protects them, like the rest of us, in case we would be involved in conflicts and wars, helping them achieve victory and, of course, the long-awaited peace.

Mumiah is the angel who brings completion and rebirth, governed from 14 to 19 March and their colors are red and orange. Its gemstone is the ruby.

Mumiah helps you move from one state to another, from one cycle ends another begins, representing the transition, although it is soft, yes must be complete. Commend him every time you come to a major change in your life. Those born under its influence have an amazing ability to complete everything they undertake and to help others to accept and cope with the changes.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth


It is the seraph of will and self-discipline, rules from 20 to 24 March and also colors orange and red. Its gemstone is ruby.

Those born under their protection have inside a large force that motivates them to new adventures and relentlessly pursue their dreams. Huyen routine and can not keep still without feeling like they're wasting their time.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Jeliel is the angel of the hierarchy of seraphim, symbolizing the universal love and the ability to be an example to follow, guide those who are lost, governed from 25 to 29 March:

orange and red are the colors and the precious stone is ruby. 
Its ability to deliver affection has no limits and always seek the happiness of those around them and share these characteristics with those born under their wings. They love to be accompanied and often have a very large family.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth
Sitael is the guardian angel building, which maintains order, which is capable of being responsible for his surroundings.

Sitael Governs from 30 March to 3 April, belongs to the hierarchy of seraphim, its color is gold and diamond stone.

Those born under its influence will undertake and sustain large companies and always seek the truth about all things. They are not afraid of hard work. Commend him when you feel that you have lost eLEdirección and you do not know how to go your way.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth


It is a wonderful seraphim that puts divine power that helps you build your way and rebuild what falls while walking on your hands. Also see what is hidden. Its color is gold and diamond stone, and you can go to it when you need to correct something wrong done, as long as love be your guide and your intentions are pure.

If you were born under its influence, ie between 4 and 8 April Elemiah sustains you.

You have capacity to realize new ideas, to invent, and to undertake and lay the groundwork for major companies.In addition, they also enjoy a special intuition to uncover the hidden intentions of others.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Mahasiah Governs those born between 9 and 13 April, and is a seraph whose color is green and emerald stone.

This angel helps each individual to follow the Divine plan drawn up correctly and are great spiritualists and mystics. 
Those born under its influence have great ability to learn and develop humility, and adapt and, most importantly, to understand what happens around them or. Transcendent thought, and they evolved usually stand out from others even by the profession they choose.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

especially protects those born between 14 and 18 April:

Like Mahasiah, its color is green and emerald stone. The Lehahel Seraphim sheds light on what needs, bringing understanding and opening minds. It may even cure ailments and disorders.
Those ruled by him with its own light shine and enjoy a great artistic sense. Talent and brightness will make them be admired and followed by others. They are celebrities in their community.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth
Whose colors are white, gray and green and aquamarine stone, it is the seraphim who brings patience and thanks to her great capacity for observation and analysis.
Exerts its influence over those born between 19 and 23 April, which are able to draw important conclusions based on their talent to see even the smallest details.Business, practices, curious and active, these people are born discoverers then wait until grasp what others do not see.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The angel is with those born between 24 and 28 April, it brings strength of spirit and desire to serve God. This seraph color white, but green and gray and aquamarine stone, which brings calm and happiness to the wearer. 
Those ruled by Cahetel are blessed by God both for its human simplicity and the greatness of their dedication to him.Tireless and endowed with the gift of fertility workers, these people always know to thank the good that comes to your life and share it with others know.

the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The angel who governs to a birthday between April 29 and May 3.

This cherub, whose essence is divine mercy, is adorned with silver and white and stone is the pearl, which helps absorb negative energy.
Haziel helps you to forgive, to put aside rancor and move forward with a heart full of love. Those born under their wings are people able to overcome any problems with another person as his good faith believe helps them make peace whenever possible and also the best way. Sincere, you can always rely on them and their good intentions.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The angel who protects those born between 4 and 8 May and belongs to the hierarchy of the cherubim.

The silver and white colors and pearl like stone are symbols of their presence. Aladiah brings serenity in bad times and strength to the anger subside.
Those ruled by this cherub know how to forgive offenses without leaving a trace of them and know learn from their mistakes without falling into victimism. They enjoy good fortune and a great health, and like cats, always standing fall.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The cherub that helps to overcome in adversity, applies to those born between 9 and 13 May.

Its representative color is violet and amethyst stone, which transforms the negative and positive and drives to overcome emotional potholes.
Those who are under their direct influence possess a strong spirit that protects them against decay and becomes his greatest ally never to surrender. They get so thanks to his strength and talent are proposed, but should not use his divine luck or to pass over others or to get what is not theirs.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Hahaiah governs those born between 14 and 18 May:

It provides protection against evil thoughts and evil deeds. It is the refuge protected from those who have access to the spiritual world. This angel, belonging to the hierarchy of cherubim, is colored violet as amethyst stone.
Those who came to this earthly world under its halo are able to understand what escapes others, which is in the air, and also help others know how to ride a straight path.They are also people who convey peace and love.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Lezalel, which protects those born between 19 and 23 May:

It is a cherubic angel who brings loyalty, fidelity and great capacity to surrender. Belonging to the hierarchy of cherubim, Lezalel has the color blue as sapphire stone, which helps to follow in the footsteps of truth. Go to him if you need help reconcile yourself with your partner.
Those who are under the beneficent influence of this angel share with others to join them unabashedly. They know how to be friends and overcome the frictions that cause enmity or marital separation. They also possess an enormous capacity to receive the information they seek and to keep it in memory.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Mebahel, which takes under his wing to those born between 24 and 28 May:

It is a cherub that conveys the feelings of justice, freedom and truth, feelings, very linked, they help us grow as people. Its color is blue and sapphire precious stone, trigger emotional wisdom.
Those ruled by Mebael always seek the fairest decision and lawyers will be treated unfairly, trying at all times to shine the light of truth. Go to him when you feel unprotected against abuse of power or when you do not get the reality of the facts is exposed.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Hariel:  governs the way of celebrating his birthday between May 29 and June 3.

Its colored red and orange as red ruby gemstone. This cherub helps you to purify, cleanse your interior. 
Those born under their influence have a special ability to dig inside and eradicate the evil influences that are installed on the soul. These subjects can help others to free themselves from that which harms them and not allow them to follow the right path
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Hekamiah especially protects infants from 4 June 8:

It gives them a deep sense of loyalty and helping to fight any kind of betrayal. The colors associated with this angel are red and orange and ruby stone. 
The lucky ones who are governed by this cherub possess qualities such as openness, ability to be faithful unabashedly and a sense of honor and the word given very strong. In addition, they are people who know mediate to end conflicts.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Lauviah rules the destinies of those born between 9 and 13 June.

and lights to be able to understand the truth of what surrounds us all. The color of this angel who belongs to the hierarchy of the Throne of God is the golden stone of the Sun and is the unshakable and brilliant diamond. 
Lauviah helps to know the answers, the key to the mysteries. Thus, those born under its influence will enjoy revelations, premonitions and visions that can only see the elect. They are transcendent beings seeking enlightenment of the soul before his body.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth
Caliel, which also belongs to the hierarchy of Thrones, is colored gold and diamond like stone.
Caliel provides assistance to problems and ability to discern between what is right and what is not.

Applies to those born between 14 and 18 June, but you can go to him if you need to shine and justice is imparted.

People influenced by him know how to be fair at all times, even though they may themselves be harmed. With a deep respect for the truth, they stand out for their need for everything to be as it should be.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Leuviah, which applies to a birthday between 19 and 23 June:

It is one of the angels belonging to the hierarchy of Thrones, and its green color as the beautiful emerald stone. Leuviah provides capacity for understanding and creativity that bears fruit. 
Those born under his direct gaze have a formidable memory, remembering even lived in previous reincarnations. His keen intelligence helps them withstand the loads and resignedly to wait for the right time.
This is the angel who governs those born between 24 and 28 June and belongs to the elect to take the throne of God.  Its color is green, the emerald stone and gift the ability to always know to act properly and tranquility at all times.  Illuminated with the light of Pahaliah always try things take the right course, not out of control and, above all, are met at all times the important rules dictate good behavior.  They feel so intensely the need to follow God's guidelines will spend much of their time, or all, to share with others their ideas and convictions.

This is the angel who governs those born between 24 and 28 June:

It belongs to those chosen to carry the Throne of God. Its color is green, the emerald stone and gift the ability to always know to act properly and tranquility at all times. 
Illuminated with the light of Pahaliah always try things take the right course, not out of control and, above all, are met at all times the important rules dictate good behavior. They feel so intensely the need to follow God 'sguidelines will spend much of their time, or all, to share with others their ideas and convictions.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

This angel takes care of those born between 29 June and 3 July.

Belonging to the hierarchy of Thrones, accompanying colors are white, gray and green and aquamarine stone.This angel brings desire to learn, to discover, to evolve spiritually.
Those who are under their supervision are angelic they stand out for their ability to advance to undertake studies and to apply what they learned, it is even more important.Guide intellectuals and scholars from any field, you can go to him to bring clarity to projects or studies that will be difficult to move forward.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The angel who protects BIRTHDAYS between 4 and 8 July:

and it is located in the hierarchy of Thrones. This angel, whose colors associated with white, gray and green, is aquamarine stone, which brings good luck and happiness.Leliel provides ability to lead and push for it.
Those born accompanied by Leliel know immerse yourself in what interests them to become the best in the field.With great communication skills, they can become very efficient and productive, hard worker as being an example for others. Now, they have to avoid focusing only on one thing or your life will be decompensated.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The angel guarding the backs of those born between 9 and 13 July and gives them the power to heal others, to know cures for which few are aware.

Melahel color is white and silver and stone beautiful pearl.
Those who are under their influence are passionate about the study of natural medicine and have real talent to implement the healing magic of nature. In addition they feel the need to heal those who suffer and do, largely guided by the love stored inside.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Hahiuiah specifically it protects those born between 14 and 18 July:

and it belongs to the hierarchy of those who have the honor of carrying the Throne of God. Its color is white and silver and stone sweet pearl. This angel takes care of those who need more protection, those who suffer oblivion and solitude. 
Hahiuiah provides that the virtue of being honest in word and deed born under his rule, so they will love anything that involves truth demonstrable and demonstrated. And precisely because the truth always go ahead they get forgiveness for others if one day they are wrong and some kind of conflict occurs.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Nith-Haiah brings divine wisdom to all who target him, especially if they were born between 19 and 23 July.

Belonging to the dominance hierarchy, (thus carry a sword with him), its color is violet and amethyst stone. 
Nith-Haiah communicates with its protected mainly through dreams, thanks to which they have access doors that are closed in the waking state, a hidden mysteries that only the elect can get. Perhaps that is why they like tobe alone.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Haaiah applies to those born between 24 and 28 July, to which gives them a special ability to lead others to organize society or environment in which they live.

Its color is, as in the previous case, violet and amethyst stone, which helps channel the mental energy. It belongs to the dominance hierarchy. 
Those born on these dates have lighting provided by this angel as to be guides and other guardians of the social order. Often devoted to politics, Haaiah teaches them how to get to carry out the projects they have in mind 
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Ierathel, angel of light belonging to domination, protects those born between July 29 and August 2.

This divine soldier has the color blue as sapphire stone (the stone of truth and wisdom), and brings knowledge as a gift avoiding injustice and negative attacks. 
Ierathel provides means to defend themselves from those who would harm us conscientiously and without reason.In addition it gives his chosen talent for writing and to convey her feelings of peace and harmony.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Especially it protects those born between 3 and 7 August.

Belonging to the dominance hierarchy, their color is blue and serene stone sapphire, which strengthens our health and fitness. This angel health care in general and seeks the life of his proteges is long and gentle.
Those who have their presence nearby usually have the gift of healing and, thanks to this beneficial influence, they know how to apply correct judgments guided by prudence.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Also known as Reiyel, this angel keeps those born between 8 and 13 August:

It is located within the Choir known as Dominions. His colors are red and orange and ruby ​​stone.
Reuiel provides the search for truth through meditation to obtain spiritual freedom.
This angel protects from enemies, from bad influences and harmful intentions. Guided meditation helps him see the reality and escape what they should not.
A Reiiel is invoked to get rid of internal enemies. Give us inspiration in prayers and speeches. Clarity of expression to be adversaries. Enhance religious feelings and meditation.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

It is a chorus that also belongs to the Choir of the Domination and its color is orange like red. Its associated stone is the ruby ​​and is an angel who brings peace of mind to wait patiently and if necesario.En As for people who are under the halo, are those who were born between 14 and 18 August.

Omael ask if you need serenity to undertake a period of your v way or simply to await what is to come. Those who are under his gaze often emphasize in medicine and chemistry, especially in surgery and research. These people, moreover, are also able to transmit tranquility to others.
A Omael is invoked to protect the animal kingdom. Be patient when we are very anxious. Having good relationship between parents and children. To guide our doctor or surgeon
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Applies if you celebrate your birthday between 19 and 23 August. This angel, who is among those belonging to theChoir Domination, is colored gold and diamond like stone linked. LECABEL provides ability to reason in any circumstance that arises, even before which significantly affects the emotions. 
Those born these days tend to study exact sciences because they arepassionate about solving problems requiring the use of the intellect. That if sometimes should avoid reasoning is imposed on the heart.

the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Vasariah, which belongs to the dominance hierarchy, directly saves those born between 24 and 28 August.

His stone is the diamond, its color is golden rays of the sun and gives the gifts are justice and compassion for the mistakes of others. 
Which under his direct protection are have the ability to be pious with others but not by simple sentence, but to find a way that all have the same right. Vasariah helps you to be humble in your appreciations and judgments and be tolerant of weaknesses and failures of others.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Yehuiah governs those born between August 29 and September 2.

Belonging to the group called Power, it is linked color green as emerald stone. This angel reminds us that God is everywhere and knows all our actions and thoughts and letting us know your advice through intuition does not err. 
Thus, those who live under his direct protection well aware of the importance of everything in every given moment and know how to act with humility and patience.In addition, they are selfless people. Ask him to make you dowry of these virtues.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Lehahiah cares for a birthday between 3 and 7 September and fits into the hierarchy of power.

His influence gives the person ability to meet the standards without more, in always act righteously. Its color is green and beautiful emerald stone to which it is associated. 
Those who are under the halo are people rooted principles and where you can always rely. Ask for help when youneed to control your impulses and your temper to allow you to act consistently according to your principles despite the anger.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Chavakiah, which is also among the angels who belong to Power, as a gift has the power to overcome what has passed and to move forward from scratch.

His colors are white, gray and green and aquamarine stone. Applies to those born between 8 and 12 September, which have the gift to fix the problems that arise between people, helping them to establish new normal communication. Go in search as necessary to family conflicts by major disagreements fixed.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The menadel angel protects especially those born between 13 and September 17 and provided with a special ability to work and succeed in any adverse situation.

Belonging to the Powers or powers that angels are divine warriors army, as colors associated with white, gray and green as aquamarine stone, good luck charm.
Those ruled by menadel are very active, always ready to fulfill their duties and thus develop and grow as human beings. However, they must also try not to forget that must be cared inner life and much needed spiritual meditation.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

This is an angel spreads its wings especially on a birthday between 18 and 22 September:

that will constantly face decisions that involve leaving things behind to evolve on further steps. also framed in the hierarchy of the Powers, it has the colors white and silver, and as elegant pearl stone.
Those born under the regenci to choose will have throughout his life for one thing or another, as if he were on his way riddled with evidence that must be overcome to advance. Now this is not a disadvantage if they appreciate what we do worthwhile and overcome their fears of the unknown. Aniel ask when you find yourself at any crossroads.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Haamiah name means "God, the hope of the creatures of the earth" applies to those who came to this world between 23 and 27 September and is part of the Hierarchy of Powers.

With their silver and white colors and pearl like stone, Haamiah provides its protected capacity and the need to follow the rites established, and are methodical and organized people. 
Thus we speak of subjects who are fully aware of their surroundings and can share with others their gift and wisdom. They yearn to be teachers and drivers of the work and miracle of God.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Rehael is the angel that ranges from September 28 to October 2, belongs, like the above, the order of powers or Powers.

Associated with the violet and having as amethyst stone (which provides physical, mental and emotional energy), this angel provides a great respect for the father figure and all the teachings that come from him.
NACI two under the guard of Rehael then be docile and obedient to the father figure and probably will continue their work when it disappears. Now if the subject chooses not to follow his vital impulses that relationship can turn into the opposite, ie, a continuous struggle between father and son. (No error in the date of the photograph. It is from 28 to Oct. 2).
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth
This is the angel who helps us to finish stages, especially the sad, to start again with a new and better.

It is an angel who belongs to the hierarchy of the Powers, cares for those born between 3 and 7 October.

He associated with its violet color and amethyst stone, which provides peace and quiet.
Ieiazel ask if you have trouble overcoming something you should leave behind him find it easy to be born again, to regenerate. A BIRTHDAYS under his halo, moreover, they will thrill art, whether writing, painting, etc, it is a means of communicating feelings and emotions.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

The angel who protects especially those born between 8 and 12 October is Hahahel.

It belongs to the hierarchy of virtues.This angel, whose color is blue and whose stone is the sapphire, reminds us that there is always a reason to walk again, to go our way, despite the difficulties that arise.

Hahahel proteges have a special ability to encourage and make others feel good. They are capable of great sacrifices and saved itself a great love for humanity.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth
The angel whose name means "house of God" and also belongs to the hierarchy of virtues.

He is the angel who watches over those born between 13 and 17 October.

He was associated with the color blue and beautiful gemstone is sapphire, which stimulates wisdom and truth-seeking. Mikael brings the message of the need to respect authority so that order is maintained.
Which is under their care are people able to lead others, to remain in the top position that requires the care and direction of the community, which will take on the right track and light, ultimately.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

This is the angel of prosperity, protects a birthday between 18 and 22 October.

Framed within the hierarchy of Virtue, he is associated with the colors orange and red with gemstone ruby ​​bears the name, which provides mental agility and success in what is undertaken.

Those who are born under the influence of this angel is usually never be lacking anything, they always find a way to meet your needs and then some. They are positive people who come forward and share with those around him.

the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Ylahiah protects especially to those born between 23 and 28 October.

Belonging to the Choir of Virtues, this angel has the colors associated with orange and red, as related to red ruby ​​stone, and provides its protected the opportunity to evolve in life through the struggle against adversity.
Those born on these dates come into the world with outstanding debts to pay off and will therefore have the strength and drive of Ylahiah. Now, the subject must be aware that it must always have justice can end guide or carried away by violent ideals. It is important to control their impulses.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Sealiah governs those born between October 29 and November 2.

Those who gives a strong and unalterable will that allows them to overcome any circumstance or obstacle.Belonging to the hierarchy of virtues, this angel is related to the color gold and diamond stone is eternal.
Those who are under the influence of Sealiah will always be able to move forward, whatever the obstacle that is on the way. They also have a special ability to make you feel better, even recover from an illness, those who are close to them.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Ariel is the angel who takes care of a birthday between 3 and 7 November.

that provides the unique ability to see beyond what others see, you have at your fingertips the most sought answers and possess a wisdom that makes them stand out over others. Its associated color is the color of the sun, gold, and precious stone diamond.
Those born under the guardian angel Ariel have a special intuition and dreams contain large realities. Now, they must strive to interpret their dreams in order to make others get important messages to be transmitted.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Asaliah, which governs those who have come to this world between 8 and 12 November.

He is an angel who falls within the choir of Virtues and is associated with the green and fascinating emerald stone that bears the name. Asaliah provides its protected supernatural power that makes them stand out most, especially those resulting aura are illuminated  by divine light.
This angel protects and saves those who are intended to be guides in the world, to know the divine message and transmit it. These are people of great empathy are able to easily delve into the human soul and should seek to be above material things.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Mihael especially protects born between 13 and 17 November.

to which it gives them a life full of feelings and important events. This angel of the hierarchy of virtues is associated with the green and the beautiful emerald stone.
Those ruled by the Angel Mihael have at their disposal a lot of creativity and inner drive, which will help you get the advances necessary to enable them to evolve and enrich their lives. In addition, this divine being flying the flag of fertility so no wonder that his proteges end up having large families.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Vehuel, encountered within the hierarchy of Asturias, governs born between 18 and 22 November.

People who brings spirituality and transcendence to rise between materialism that exists in society. Associated to white, green to gray and this angel is related to the stone known as aquamarine.
The angel Vehuel granted to those born under the regency of a special sensibility and an innate goodness that will be recognized by those around him. These subjects are more concerned about feeding his soul that his body and love righteousness and good deeds.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Daniel governs those born between 23 and 27 November and is situated in the area of ​​principalities.

It is the angel who brings a special way to express themselves and communicate with others. It is associated with the colors green, gray and white and gemstone known as aquamarine.
Those who are under their direct protection will have the ability to convince others through word of eloquence worthy of admiration. That is why among these subjects are great personalities of the art of speech and communication. Daniel goes to the angel when you want to find ways to express and convince those who do not want to hear.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Hahasiah care especially those with a birthday between November 28 and December 2.

Associated with white and silver colors, and the beautiful pearl, this angel helps uncover the causes of everything and how to change things.
This angel comes when you want to discover the origin of what happens. Hahasiah provides its protected intense love for science and for everything that requires study and research for your understanding. Creative, passionate about the arts and nature, also you like to be able to settle conflicts arising communication between people.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Imamiah handles born between 3 and 7 December.

subjects in their present life shall compensate errors of past lives, karma dragging. Belonging to the hierarchy of principalities, its related color is silver, but also white, and stone, as in the case of Hahasiah, Pearl.
Imamiah brings the message that we can repair the damage we have done before. They also have the ability to choose the right path, by which steps will be guided by the noble sentiments and desire to amendment. This also serves as a faithful angel protecting all of us when we make long trips.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Nanael, which is in the chancel of the rulers, governs born between 8 and 12 December.

that which gives the taste for transcendental meditation and a tendency toward introversion. This angel has the associated color purple as precious as the amethyst stone, which helps achieve a state of calm and peace of mind.
Nanael provides ability to elevate the spirit through the light that comes from the innermost and deep thought.Those who are under its auspices often tend to be teachers or engage in religious world. His character leads them to be, in a way, hermits in society.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Nithael is your guardian angel if you were born between 13 and 17 December.

also it belongs, as in previous cases, the hierarchy of principalities, and its color is purple, color which in turn has its associated stone, amethyst.
Nithel provides ability to distinguish between what is true and what is not, between what is part of what is legal and what violates the provisions, between what is right and what is wrong. Thus, their proteges can live a life whose main characteristic is the stability and reputation have people with good judgment.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Mebahiah cares especially those born between 18 and 22 December.

He was associated with the distinguished blue and sapphire. This angel, which fits into the hierarchy of principalities, gives mortals an important clarity of his intellect. Those ruled by Mebahiah understand what is important and what is not, and will always try that the common good is above any preference. They are having as guide their beliefs and their sense of morality, know how to see and understand reality as few in this world. They have a lucid intelligence.
the angel who corresponds to you as your date of birth

Poyel, (Poiel), angel within the chorus of the rulers, especially loving monitored with those born between 23 and December 27 eyes.

Those who brings health and good fortune and humility in its passage through this life. Associated with the blue gemstone with which it relates is sapphire.
Those born under the regency of Poyel l appeal to luck and know to share with those around them They also enjoy a good sense of humor and have the ability to soothe and moderate the minds of others should be near a source of conflict. In large part, this is due to their ability to understand and express clearly what is happening at that time.
I hope you like it!

Maria Hartacho.

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