
16 de diciembre de 2018

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message,

December 16, 2018 


From Mike Quinsey:
Please note errors in my last message:

I misheard the name "Soros" that should have read "Source", and unbelievably I read the date "9/11" as English that was the 9th November instead of 11th September that it was meant to be.
My apologies to all concerned, I rarely make errors, but when I do it is really in style.

In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

Nancy: See corrections in the parts of the messagebelow:

"The Illuminati planned the Twin Tower attacks to take place on the 9th of September 2001 because it was the date of the birth of Christ exactly 2000 years earlier. The Twin Towers came down within a ten minute window of it. "

The Mayan Calendar End Date of 2012 was when 100 very large Spheres with advanced technology entered our Solar System – they were of three different sizes, as big as the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter. The Sphere Beings are the Blue Avians of the Alliance, and would not respond to signals for contact to be made. They are 8 feet tall and have a human body covered with blue feathers, some of which are violet and purple. The face resembles a bird but the eyes are closer to the front, and they have a beak that has flexible movement and they speak telepathically. They appear to be the same group as identified in “The Law of the One” as Ra, and in it they describe themselves as Brothers and Sisters of Source, and have come here to help us out. The Blue Avians made a deal or treaty with the Solar Warden people to clear up the mess that they created. They have the technology to make metal expand to stop armaments being used, and when turned off they go back to the original size and are reformed.

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