
8 de diciembre de 2018

---- "Markets run currency and political risks": EU urges rejection stimulate the dollar


 5 December 2018 21:09 GMT 
According to a statement from the European Commission, encourage the international role of the euro would help the EU both international affairs and domestic.                                                

  The European Commission adopted on Wednesday "a recommendation to promote wider use of the euro in international agreements and energy transactions" and invited the leaders of the European Union to discuss the international role of the single currency during the next European Council and Euro next Summit to be held this December, according to a statement posted on the website of the Commission. 

Image ilustrativaMoscú: "Confidence in the dollar falls because of US sanctions"
"Despite its position as major buyers and important manufacturers, European companies still trade in US dollars in key strategic markets, often even among themselves , " the statement said. 

This situation "exposed to markets currency and political risks, such as unilateral decisions that directly affect transactions denominated in dollars." 

According to the statement, the reinforced role of the euro would help both international affairs and within the European Union. 

In addition, the European Commission intends to hold consultations to promote the use of the European currency in the oil and gas transactions. The results of these consultations will be presented in the summer of 2019.

Currently the dollar is the most used in the world, followed by the euro currency. However, countries like Russia, Venezuela, Turkey, China and India pose abandon the use of the US currency.                                             

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