
17 de diciembre de 2018


The ECB stops buying PUBLIC DEBT .. BYE, BYE 

already confirmed what we all knew, the ECB stops buying government bonds next January 1, 2019 ...Which is an important issue for Spain (for Italy) we are covering. 

When talking about it, many Catalans Unionists, ignorantly oblivious pass the subject and do not see the crudeness of reality, which is why we'll explain in a simple way what it means for Spain ... 

Spain has spent 10 years with balance negative primary, that is, your income is less than their debt without spending ... to understand it , it is as if we charged less than what we spend and above the mortgage and loans that we have we need ...No need tobe very smart to see that this is not feasible and ruin us. 

The ECB to allow countries like Spain could recover the situation (enter more than they spend but with payment of debt included), created the QE, ie, various support schemes, within which was the purchase of debt public. 

We would leave money to someone 10 who can not repay their debts does and does not reachend ofmonth? ...course not (who thinks it does buy a beret to go to play)

But things change ifappears a third actor, a bank, and tells us that it will buy all the debt appears that individual, that is, that if we do not pay us, we know that the bank itself that it will ..... to understand it is like an endorsement.

The ECB action also was done with very low rates of interest, so investors also acted with low interest rates, even negative (another day I can explain why), which was of great help to ... and so states have improved their situation Ireland and Portugal, Greece has stabilized, it has not taken advantage of Italy ...... and she has taken advantage of to stay in Spain but as bottom club because it is the only state EU under the excessive deficit procedure .. Neither Greece is in this situation (continue to take note unionists). 

The 01/01/19 the ECB stops buying government bonds, the Spanish also andwe find a reality: Spain now hasmore than 3 times (care because the debt issued is not real to be under the excessive deficit procedure) that when he could not repay the debt ... And on top will face the year with more debt maturities in its history, 140.000 million euros ... to which must be added a minimum of 50,000 million euros extra funding over ...

the state budget does not reach 330,000 million euros and we see that they require a minimum of 190,000 million euros to address the debt and financing ... Obviously no choice but to tryrenew the debt.

I always think that people have a modicum of intelligence ... We would leave us money to someone who has spent 10 years without being able to pay their debts and who just retired him an endorsement by the ECB? ... Whoever says that has not passed the test intelligence because that is what you will find Spain. 

How and when you see ?. 

Cognizant of this problem, Spain made most emissions in the month of November as I was watching the market and he fled from his debt, so now the risk premium is stable because, for more than a week ago, not make, or cause more debt issues ... The ECB tube buy ...

It is expected that the first two debt issues falsify using banks to see if any incautious "pica" ... issue a lot of debt, and Spanish banks will offer a higher amount, giving the impression that the market Spanish debt is tempting ... 

But that can not do it too often, Spanish banks have their problems .... 

the point is that what matters is not what day or what month ... the point is that the ransom is book, and if someone is an unintelligent, after the explanation it will be understood perfectly ..

In every science, when someone says something, if there are opposing voices, always appear ... Search the archive ... Many we spoke openly rescue Spain, many who are silent ... But not one denies that ransom. .. Just because you can not deny. 

Some unionist manipulated try to make a victory that pass in February rather than December, which should be a sign of profound reflection on maturity ... It is very unwise to forget that what matters is the ruin that represents a ransom and if not today or tomorrow (I say the attacks has received Niño Becerra). 

A rescue involves the progressive end of all social coverage, health, education, etc ... Just as down more than 50% pensions (see Greece) ... and tax increases

Now let's be sensible and look at our family .... Let's count the seniors would receive 50% of what they see, so we should help them (and not vice versa as it is now), we will have to pay more taxes (subtract an amount 5% to 10% of our payroll), you have to pay school children (400 euros per month compulsory school age, 22,000 euros per year for at least career), and health insurance will be three or four times more expensive than not come now where we all .....

Think we can survive this situation (70% of the middle class can not) ..... And we find we have to operate a family member something that is not covered (appendicitis costs 11,000 euros). ... we do not have resources to do .... a track .. in US about 42% of deaths occurred so before Obama Care .... And how curious .... all that, the rescue all Spaniards, is avoided independence, agreed (without agreeing not), Catalonia .... Perhaps some begin to be more sensible .. Jordi Mas Font PASS. NO MORE LIES

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