
22 de diciembre de 2018

The Bilderberg Club is committed citizens to avoid "a patriotic and insurgency against the world elite party -" The European Union will not tolerate insurgency of anti-globalization party in Spain ".

Prevent Greek exit from the euro, discrediting the British campaign for his release from the European Union and channel the Citizens Party the growing disaffection of Spanish voters towards the traditional parties, were three of the main issues agreed during the annual meeting of the Club Bilderberg held in Austria.

"The European Union will not tolerate insurgency of anti-globalization party in Spain". The words of the former Secretary General of NATO and Bilderberg member, Javier Solana, were revealed by a journalist expert in managing elitist club. Members of the organization are against the identity or contrary to that European countries give up their sovereignty to a supranational institution "parties. 

RC.- Prevent Greek exit from the euro, the British campaign to discredit his departure from the European Union and the Citizens Party channeling the growing disaffection of Spanish voters towards the traditional parties, were three of the main issues agreed during the meeting annual Bilderberg Club held in Austria.
"The European Union will not tolerate insurgency of anti-globalization party in Spain". The words of the former Secretary General of NATO and Bilderberg member, Javier Solana, were revealed by a journalist expert in managing elitist club. Members of the organization are against the identity or contrary to that European countries give up their sovereignty to a supranational institution "parties.
Bilderberg considers that "patriotism are dangerous". Hazardous ¿for what?Proposal for Javier Solana, former secretary general of NATO and Bilderberg member: "Europe can and should be a laboratory of what could be a kind of world government."
So when the current chairman of Citizens, Albert Rivera, received last July an invitation to join the "meetings" of Bilderberg, he was being chosen to represent the interests of the selective club in the middle of the troubled Spanish political arena. Spain to build a measure of the global elite and not the Spaniards, is one of the objectives of the club. That intention recalls the approach of David Rockefeller (founder of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission), who, in the mid-1990s, said: "Something must replace governments and private power seems the most appropriate entity to do so ".
Bilderberg plans for Spain passed however by the influence of parties that are closely targeted by those with economic power. The risk that public disaffection towards inefficient democratic institutions were channeled by training in the orbit of the extreme right led to Bilderberg members to launch operations promoting citizens and we as potential replacements to the hegemonic party from 1982. to block any patriotic-identity exit to the loss of credibility of the oligarchy of parties, as well as a risk approach Spain to Russia, Club members agreed to relaunch the electoral options Albert Rivera. They are the ones who decide who to promote and who not. The partners have the major banks, what they do and undo what they want because they have money and power. The Club consists of the powerful and wealthy of the world, from heads of government to European royalty. Also the big media. Among the Spanish Austrian attending the meeting included the heiress of Santander, Ana Patricia Botin. And, of course, the ubiquitous Juan Luis Cebrian. Indeed, the near banker Botín declared last June that advocated the creation of "a kind rightist Podemos", in clear reference to citizens. Among the Spanish Austrian attending the meeting included the heiress of Santander, Ana Patricia Botin. And, of course, the ubiquitous Juan Luis Cebrian. Indeed, the near banker Botín declared last June that advocated the creation of "a kind rightist Podemos", in clear reference to citizens. Among the Spanish Austrian attending the meeting included the heiress of Santander, Ana Patricia Botin. And, of course, the ubiquitous Juan Luis Cebrian. Indeed, the near banker Botín declared last June that advocated the creation of "a kind rightist Podemos", in clear reference to citizens.
"The EU and the common currency is the pet project of Bilderberg club and if this pillar of global governance begins to fall apart, will undermine the rest of the architecture of global governance," said journalist Paul Joseph Watson.Hence the importance of "having tied and well tied" to all parties with options for governance. For Citizens, after the last summit of Bilderberg, its leaders seemed to get the message and began to mark differences with the more conservative Spanish sectors on issues like indoctrination gender, acceptance of abortion, support for marriages the same sex and unlimited support for the arrival of Syrian refugees, among others. It was what was expected of them.That or economic marginality and media.
There was a key event to understand how much the party Rivera is ready to fight any opinion that challenges the 'dogmas' of social engineering. The leader of Citizens blocked the candidacy of Alfredo Perdiguero, Deputy Inspector of Police collaborator 'The Mousetrap' and union secretary SIPE, which had plans to integrate the list of training in the Community of Madrid, by stating on Twitter that "many women put false allegations "of domestic violence and complain that" bad as physical or mental abuse is alleged is sent to arrest the couple.
In addition to issues concerning Spain, the group agreed to try to further isolate Russia, supplying weapons to the Ukrainian army and encouraging broad engagement with NATO.
This would be one of the steps to disable the BRICS in challenging the unipolar system.
The invitation to Jim Messina, CEO of Messina Group, one of the organizations behind the Obama re-election campaign in 2012, evidence that the choice of Bilderberg 2016 presidential Hillary Clinton is also among the guests.
Daniel Estulin, one of the leading experts in this club that was formed from 29 to 31 May 1954, at a hotel in a Dutch town, the Bilderberg, hence its name.
"At the first meeting, it was agreed that it was based, to address the complex relationships in the world since it was discovered that USA and Western Europe were not working in coordination, hence regular and confidential discussions were agreed on for a better future of West, after the difficult post-war period. The founder was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Jesuit priest and 33rd degree Mason, Joseph Rettinger, one of the most important members of the Club, said it was in fact his true founder. key members "of two of the most powerful families in the world, personally chose 100 participants from the world elite with the secret purpose of changing Europe". These discussions come up with some ideas of common consensus for all, hence the policies of countries, despite being of different ideologies, are the same for everyone. Even if someone wants to buy an invitation to attend a meeting of this club, it is totally impossible. The attendant must go alone, without family or anything, and their safety can not attend conferences and should eat in a separate room.Attendees are prohibited from offering interviews to journalists. For each meeting is rented complete, which is reviewed by CIA and Mossad hotel; the building plans and also reviews the suspects are sent to their homes during 3-4 days of the congress ... the country where the meeting is held, deployed military, secret services, local and national police and private guards; anything for the security of the most powerful, is little. All attendees expenses are included, as are paid by the Club. As we read, "on 2,003 phone bill of David Rockefeller it amounted to € 14,000 in 3 days." Chefs are the best in the world. One of these meetings 4 days costs about ten million euros, ie more than it costs to pay for a trip of Pope or US President clear that these two are less important than Club members.
The group organizes four daily sessions, 2 every day, except Saturday it is only early afternoon because there are leisure activities such as golf, helicopter ride, etc. Each country usually sends a delegation 3 representatives: an industrialist, a minister or a senator and an intellectual or editor; who else is sending USA, it is the largest country; small countries send fewer delegates. The maximum number of delegates is 130, two-thirds of Europe and the rest of the US and Canada. Most of the delegates speak English, although the second working language is French.
The Chatham House Rule is that the meeting participants may disclose information that is generated in it, but they keep silent about the identity or affiliation of those who have provided ..., thus people can talk at the individual level without having to say where you heard it or who has said it. Participants say they attend as private citizens, not as representatives with a charge.
Club members can sell weapons and drugs to other countries and interfere with the policies of other countries. Bilderberg has always been managed by a small number of persons appointed by a committee of wise men of the Club itself.Members do not always agree on the topics covered, so for example in the war against Iraq, there is controversy, because the real reason was the gratuity of oil and natural gas to the US and some said that should not mean what they said why it invaded, but the real reason. For example, as Tony Blair did not include Britain in the single currency was changed by a more malleable: John Major. John Williams said some of the Western elite are going to put pressure on him from "what is good for banks and big business is good for everyone. It is inevitable and reverses the benefit of humanity. "One of the founders of the Club, Otto Wolff von Amerongen, he is credited with starting trade relations between Germany and the former Russia, but also Nazi ties and participated in the robbery shares Jews during World War II; it was said that was Nazi spy in Portugal; His job was to sell the looted gold from central banks and the shares stolen from the Jews; also he traded with tungsten, which was used to make rifles and artillery. but also has links Nazis and participated in the theft of shares Jews during World War II; it was said that was Nazi spy in Portugal; His job was to sell the looted gold from central banks and the shares stolen from the Jews; also he traded with tungsten, which was used to make rifles and artillery. but also has links Nazis and participated in the theft of shares Jews during World War II; it was said that was Nazi spy in Portugal; His job was to sell the looted gold from central banks and the shares stolen from the Jews;also he traded with tungsten, which was used to make rifles and artillery.
There are a number of rules to participate in meetings, as the number of participants in each group and time of participation of each (5 or 3 or 2 minutes). participants to prepare their interventions are recommended; the few documents that distributes Club (just so there is no record of what is discussed in these meetings) put: " 'Personal and confidential. Prohibited publication '.There are approximately 80 active members attend each year of continuous meetings, and then a variable number of people invited; some are for example, experts in any material on which it is desired to know, etc. Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and George Roberston Romano Prodi attended the Club and shortly afterwards were named presidents of their countries. Other attendees were Esperanza Aguirre and Jordi Pujol (who did not work at the meeting and brushed definitely thereof). Mitterrand, after repeated failures, was raised by order of the "Committee of 300" (the older brother of Bilderberg); they changed the image and auparon to power, and that a few days earlier was rejected by the party of Le Pen and much of his own party. Involved in the great movements and changes of president and government, as in Turkey in 1996, 2,004 in Italy, etc. Before these changes, there were meetings of the leaders in the conferences of the Club. " they changed the image and auparon to power, and that a few days earlier was rejected by the party of Le Pen and much of his own party. Involved in the great movements and changes of president and government, as in Turkey in 1996, 2,004 in Italy, etc. Before these changes, there were meetings of the leaders in the conferences of the Club. " they changed the image and auparon to power, and that a few days earlier was rejected by the party of Le Pen and much of his own party. Involved in the great movements and changes of president and government, as in Turkey in 1996, 2,004 in Italy, etc. Before these changes, there were meetings of the leaders in the conferences of the Club. "

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