
7 de diciembre de 2018

The Council: Three more questions

Council eraoflightdotcom light

Today we will address three questions. Two of them require fairly short answers and need more explanation. Please do not interpret this to mean that any question is less important. In considering the relative importance of any issue, we chose based on the widest readership at that time need.
If we decide to talk about a topic that already has a deep understanding, please read it anyway. At least, your understanding will be confirmed and 'cemented'. But, generally, the fact itself further consideration will provide more knowledge.
" It seems that some people see through some very tough tests through the ascension process, and some seem not to. Does this mean that the worse is suffering means more has to learn and less enlightened?
No one person on your planet who does not have proof. You value the accumulation of things. So who has more things should have no problems. We promise that this is not so. Looking for things outside the self to which the blame for a condition. Therefore, it must be because he or she has done. Or maybe it's because he or she is more or less worthy. We say that the fighting with tattered clothes, sleeping in the street, just may have agreed to give the most important lessons. Some among you might see these reasons. Most of you do not. So we will suggest a different approach.
Learn all you see are a divine aspect of All that is. Everyone is on a journey that may not see the path. Neither one is worth more or less than another. God lives in the chest of each. Yours is just learning to serve and love.
Their struggles, indeed, are the struggles to face the fact that this includes yourself. When you see this divinity in yourself, they will see it at all. I thank you for this opportunity to explain these things.
"Why light workers lose contact with their family land? Why light workers are poor? Why do lightworkers feel so alone?
Light workers are people who are in relationships. Being a Lightworker, as you called, it does not give preferential special status and privilege. And once again, the presumption is that one understands what's going on the other. It is rarely the case.
If you see a family driving a vehicle with all their possessions and piled on top of him, have struggled suppose. But the fact they might be thrilled with the opportunity to finally move to the seashore. True, some may rise to a 'higher vibration' and others may not feel comfortable around them. It is also true that perhaps have agreed to show them the way those others who may never see without the example. We now turn to the feeling of loneliness.
Many have always preferred to spend large amounts of time away from others. You are not alone even if they are alone. Why is that? It is because they are quite comfortable spending time with your inner self. If you learn the true value of self, find that you are never really alone. You find the peace that this can bring.
"Greetings, friends, with the assumption that the event is already underway and completion" physical "will be clear to everyone when you are in the most beneficial maturity and benevolent space-time to" happen "on the following.: it seems overwhelmingly obvious that 'boots on the ground' has been a clear and unmistakable "polarization" of humanity into two groups of very different human beings who no longer socialize witheach other (at least voluntarily), and most of whom not even communicate with each other (apart from its most basic need for it to carry out its "business" day required).  it no longer seems to be any 'middle ground' or 'gray area' between these two populations.  So, please said What is the justification, its highest broader perspective on why these two groups of incarnated souls are not allowed to simply take their separate ways this particular Now, when it seems so improbable that somehow ... so they can join again in a Unified?¿Set, a single collective harmonious? Is not it logical that the intense amount of suffering and turmoil that is occurring at this time seems to be alleviated by the GREATLY divine free will of each group to enable them to move to the kind of worlds passionately yearn toexperience? And do it without the constant 'resistance' and 'reverse' the polar opposite equally passionate group of people who try to coerce them into your favorite reality? Cosmically clarification on this important matter would be greatly appreciated <3 " when it seems so ... improbable that somehow can merge again into a unified whole, does a single collective harmonious?  Is not it logical that the intense amount of suffering and agitation that is happening now seems to be largely alleviated by the divine free will of each group to enable them to move to the kind of worlds who yearn passionately experience?  what do without the constant 'resistance' and 'reverse' the polar opposite group of people equally passionate attempting to coerce your favorite reality?  Your clarification on this cosmically important issue would be greatly appreciated <3 " when it seems so ... improbable that somehow can merge again into a unified whole, does a single harmonious collective? Is not it logical that the intense amount of suffering and turmoil that is occurring at this time seems to be alleviated by the GREATLY divine free will of each group to enable them to move to the kind of worlds passionately yearn toexperience? And do it without the constant 'resistance' and 'reverse' the polar opposite equally passionate group of people who try to coerce them into your favorite reality? Clarification on this important matter would be greatly appreciated cosmically <3 "  A single harmonious collective? Is not it logical that the intense amount of suffering and turmoil that is occurring at this time seems to be alleviated by the GREATLY divine free will of each group to enable them to move to thekind of worlds passionately yearn to experience? And do it without the constant 'resistance' and 'reverse' the polar opposite equally passionate group of people who try to coerce them into your favorite reality? Clarification on this important matter would be greatly appreciated cosmically <3 "  A single harmonious collective? Is not it logical that the intense amount of suffering and turmoil that is occurring at this time seems to be alleviated by the GREATLY divine free will of each group to enable them to move to thekind of worlds passionately yearn to experience? And do it without the constant 'resistance' and 'reverse' the polar opposite equally passionate group of people who try to coerce them into your favorite reality? Cosmically clarification on this important matter would be greatly appreciated <3 "  ¿allowing them to move to the kind of worlds passionately yearn to experience?  What do without the constant 'resistance' and 'backward' Clarification on this cosmically important issue would be greatly appreciated <3 "  ¿allowing them to move to the kind of worlds who yearn passionately experience?  What do without the constant 'resistance' and 'reverse' the equally passionate polar opposite group of people trying to coerce in your favorite reality?  Your clarification on this cosmically important issue would be greatly appreciated <3 "
First, we can say that "these two groups of souls incarnate" can take any path they can choose at any time, as it is each of you. God never interferes with the free will of God. Why is she / he?
The problem for you is in your limited perception, as you know. That's what motivated your question.
It will help to see humanity as a unit and not as groups or individuals. When you have questions seemingly unsolvable, always level up and looked down. That's what your scientists are learning.
Humanity has decided it had enough of the "game" played with herself over the past thousands of years. "Let's pass this , " she said and accepted. But first there must be a recognition of what has been buried deep in the subconscious. "This is what I am and who I am. I forgive  and heal me now. " Then, think about the societies on Earth as sofas therapists.
On the one hand, you have a group, a facet of all, who said: "Someone should show us what we have repressed. It will not be fun, but we will. " On the other hand, there is a group to be the witness and, hopefully, forgiveness. If you're not one of the first, maybe you'd want to be the last. None of the options will be easy, see? Why?
'Why' it is that it has progressed to a point where some things are far below where they now choose to be. But you have also been conditioned to think that some things are unforgivable. At this point, you need to see that every living thing, every person, is as divine as any other. They may have done things that you have determined that never again should do, but the act is not the person. If you had done those things, and there is a high probability that at some time and place you have done, would not you want to be forgiven? That is the lesson that man has chosen to learn. And forgiveness leads one to forgive all, including me.
There, you know, places and times in which beings are far from being as evolved as you. And, of course, there are places and times when these lessons, these states of consciousness, are very ancient history.
Therefore, the short answer to your question is that youmight want to see things around them from a different perspective. Agitation and suffering are actually the collapse and restructuring that is occurring at this time truly amazing evolution.
How will you choose to contribute?
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that 's me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available  HERE  , and the second is It True Rings, available  HERE
Copyright © Ronald Head. All rights reserved. You can copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not modify in any way the content remains complete and include this copyright notice and link

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...