
25 de diciembre de 2018


Greetings my dear, speaking Sakiel. 

I come to convey the news You ask, and yet we do not intend to declare a future in a concrete way. 
I come to offer what are the odds that occur in space -time of your year 2017 to 2023. 

These probabilities depend entirely on the vibrating ratio higher rate of mankind. This means that your vibration as a whole, is partially delimiting the event horizon that ye aproximáis.

There is a vortex of cosmic energy that will feature prominently in the coming years. His influence will be catastrophic part and benevolent side. Many of you perceive as a blinding light that will burn everything in its path, or even destroy it The part of humanity that believes in human beings and divine nature, he interpreted as a sign of coming. 

Good news that will accompany them in their planetary transit, the whole of humanity, and that will inspire and strengthen them. 

You should not feel fear, it's just a change, my words do not speak of large - scale natural disasters. If this is what you expect, this is not your channel information. 

In your evolution as humanity, you are passing the threshold from childhood to finally enter puberty.

 This means you no longer believe fairy tales, but you dedicate yourself to seek corroborating information.That's what has been done so far, but as you're not the same person when you're 15 years when you turn 18, now comes this change just for you. 

The new humanity will begin to draw on their intuitive side, no longer follow so closely the news, because in his heart of hearts, you will notice the deception. Humanity as you have been in a global deception, which many already you were tired. Inside you sentíais like something was wrong, and indeed it was.

NEW THIS CHANGE IS THAT I CAN SPEAK ON THEONE HAND THE DOWNFALL OF RELIGIONS IN BULK, and others feel like the growth of fanaticism of those religions. I tell you , fear not, because the coletea also fish when fish. And FBOs become more NOISE THAN EVER, AND APPEAL TO YOURS "decency and humanity , " RESPECT OF TRADITIONS, THAT NO OS DESPEGUÉIS. 

Ye really been glued and attached to a multitude of lies, that far from being pious, just much of your power of decision will detracted. 

And here we come to the next important point, many groups begin to separate from the rest. Again for some will be the apocalypse, AS THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE ABOVE, WILL FALL TO SIMPLY never to rise.

You remember when the Berlin Wall fell, for the vast majority of people was an aberration, and yet had to spend cmucho time, until finally ceased hostilities. Now you are again at this time. 

It is now and over the next 20 years, where you can check the signal drop mass DICTATORSHIPS, RELIGIONS AND fanaticisms. During these years , who leave their new forms of government, it WILL NOT BE RIGHT AWAY, BUT CHANGE THINKING OF ENTERING NEW GENERATIONS ARE INCREASINGLY STRONG.AND POLITICAL absenteeism DECISIONS OF THE MASSES WILL TRANSITION TO A NEW COLLABORATIVE AND ACTIVELY FOR NEW ROADS AND OFFICERS diferentesa, which ultimately will cause ROADS OFFICIALS ARE REPLACED BY NEW FORMS.

There will be a time when it will appear that there is no light, only darkness, for the side that wants to keep you in ignorance, will make every effort to implement new and painful forms of control. Many areas of society will feel subjugated by the possibilities that new technologies bring, and these areas are precisely the banner of fighting them back.

THE FIGHT AGAINST MEDIA CONTROL RELEASED TO SERVE, AND WILL NOT BE AS ONE OR WAR CONFLICTS IN THE STREETS, be waged in information technology. That will be the way destroy the "world order" that wanted to implement. You will do through their own means and that magic act, where the opposite releases first create an energy impact will be felt in many distant lands to you, but close in terms of your genetics. 

Although I have spoken to fight, not sintáis as a conflict, but as a necessary step in the process, since the peace of inner conviction, will provide freedom.

When the inner feeling you speak, listen, because therein lies the revolution. NOT ALL they will feel that call, because there are literally big differences in the human race, and there are NOT HAVING HUMAN GENE INTUITION. Therefore do not be insistenete with your brothers, not everyone will feel it as you. THEY HAVE ONLY AS A TOOL FOR INSIGHT logic. 

There are some human beings who do not feel compassion, because in their genetics have less than primordial human than you, and more than one pasdao reptile, speaking their brain dominance. 
They certainly feel these changes as a catastrophe and you hear words like "This at times ... this did not happen.

Contus Be patient brothers because they chose toincarnate at this time in the most complicated branch, branch of the human mind. 
You chose the path of divine primordial branch, one that comes from the source. Therefore be true to your feelings and intuitions, and is fully confident that in the end, the process will be beneficial for you and for later generations. 

Are you ready to awaken true spirituality? 

Toting some peace to your heart, Shakiel.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...