
2 de diciembre de 2018

Why MSM finally cover Epstein? Former Greek FM exposes the diplomatic child trafficking and the attack on Syria

Welcome to  The Daily Wrap Up  a concise program dedicated to providing the most relevant independent news, as we see, in the last 24 hours (30/11/18).

Diplomatic visas issued to minors, covered organ trafficking

In October, Nikos Kotzias, former Foreign Minister of Greece, revealed that some of the Greek diplomats were involved in a scheme to smuggle children 'sorgans. During an interview on November 20, Kotzias said the investigation of organ trafficking offense continues and diplomats who issued visas to minors before are already in jail. Kotzias said that for now there are 93 cases involving officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue visas to unaccompanied minors.
Kotzias mentions the case of a baby of 14 months received a visa without parental consent. He said that Greek diplomats  had  hidden this fact  and that the press had refused to write about it.
During an event on the island of Crete on October 22, Kotzias provided some of the details, according to 247 News a  means of communication Greek  :
"We sent 93 cases to the Prosecutor, highly respected ambassadors went to jail,  but the press did not write about them.  A visa for a baby unaccompanied by 14 months and tried to cover for him. "
According   to a report  published by a Greek newspaper, there are thousands of unaccompanied children in Greece, who were brought illegally into thecountry and national authorities have ignored. In addition, there are 3,050 unaccompanied migrant children, almost half of whom live in unfamiliar places or have no place to live.
In 2016, criminal intelligence agency of the EU reported that at least 10,000 unaccompanied refugee children who have disappeared after coming to Europe. Brian Donald, Chief of Staff of Europol noted that 5,000 children had disappeared only in Italy, therefore, the number of missing children exceeds 10,000.
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and investigate yourself and draw your own conclusions. Anyone  that  you  say  what is the truth, or  say  you have  the answer  , is likely to lead you astray, for one reason or another. Remain vigilant.

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