
15 de julio de 2019

Angels in White ~ This Is The Final Stage Of The Show

via Karen Vivenzio

Angels in White via Karen Vivenzio
Dearest Children, Holy Blessings are being bestowed upon you while you sleep at night. Into our chambers of healing your souls have gone and rested and rejuvenated and before long, you will see the fruits of your labors manifesting in the 3D world you see. Before you there is an endless road of opportunity – to recreate the life that you see and bring it into the higher dimensions thoughtfully. Allow yourselves to rest, for it is not through effort that the changes will commence but through the tending of your inner spirit / your holy light that you will begin to shine and effortlessly the stars will begin to align. For your soul groups are being called forth to gather in harmony and peace and allow the light of your collective group to begin to shine. For in the evenings, in the dreamtime, the chambers are alight with activity from your souls’ minds and together you are planning the event to come to you where the stars align and the souls come together as one group, one light, one mission to fulfill. Helpers will be found all around you. And the still small voice that beckons from within will sing the harmony and the balance to draw the others in. And together you will stand tall, one voice from the mountaintop calling them all – drawing them near to you, sweet hearts and minds, and together you will move forward in delight – a sacred and holy tribe of one heart and one mind to make a difference whichever way that you decide.
For in the evenings when you are resting, you are planning and your soul is rejuvenating and the ideas are flowing, everything appears in ease and grace and that is how it will come to be on this land of yours – it will be filled with ease and grace and the support will appear when you are most in need and the rest of your days spent coasting along with symphony of angels, helpers, masters, and guides to travel with you, by your sides.
Open the winds of change.
Allow the floodgates to wash away the fear of your own demise.
Look at the world with surprise in your eyes.
For what you thought was lost has now been found.
Ancient relics emerging from the ground.
To learn and teach and speak that which you have come to know.
This is the final stage of the show.
Open your hearts and take a bow, we are moving into the future now.
Bright and cheerful and full of bliss. Yes, this world is transforming.
Let it be and soon you will be in symphony – walking slowly into the way of light, showing the others the way out of their current plights.
For you are the masters come to the earth this day to show all who are open, another way.
With love in our hearts, we bow with you, as the final stages of the curtain closes and another opens for you.
We are the Angels in White and we have enjoyed connecting with you at this time.
Blessings and Light dearest Children of Light – For You are the Beacons, Get Ready, Set, Take Flight!
With love, light, and blessings – Karen 

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