, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : HIDDEN SATANIC MESSAGES - NEW YORK YANKEES LOGO - PEACE SYMBOL - EIFFEL TOWER




When we look at the Eiffel tower from the side it looks like an "A," it also looks like a FALUS (PENIS), complete with the ejaculated semen leaving the end.  The bottom of it also represents the ARCH of BAAL (Arch of Satan), which is the arch that Pagans had to walk through in order to go and sacrifice their little babies and children unto SATAN, by burning them alive.  And if we looked at the tower from an angle, we'd see an inverted "W" which means "OMEGA."  So both the ALPHA and the OMEGA are present, which means, "beginning and the end."
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But when we look at the Eiffel tower from the diagonal of its 4 base uprights, it looks like a "PEACE SYMBOL."

THE PEACE symbol is a Satanic symbol which represents the ANTI-CHRIST, DEATH, and DESTRUCTION, and dates back to ANCIENT TIMES, it represents the THREE CLAWS of the DRACONIAN LIZARD as well.

Here is more information about the SATANIC origins of the PEACE SYMBOL, I have not vetted this, so please use your discerning.  But I have confirmed that the PEACE SYMBOL is a SYMBOL OF DEATH and DESTRUCTION used by the OCCULT since ANCIENT TIMES.

 Here we have the NEW YORK YANKEES LOGO.  If we focus on the "N" we see the typical SATANIC SYMBOLISM of the "TWO U's" or the "TWO V's" which represents the ANGEL and DEMON trapped in our prison of the flesh the moment the EGG is fertilized by the SPERM, and a flash of lightening can be seen under the microscope as the chromosomes of the sperm and egg penetrate each other (this is the moment the angel and demon are trapped in the flesh.  The deeds you do in your life give POWER unto the DEMON or the ANGEL, and if you are living a life of SIN, you eventually become A PRISONER to a DEMON and you do not even know it.
 Next, we see when we INVERT the NEW YORK YANKEES LOGO, that we see the EIFFEL TOWER.  Which is also an "A."  Remember that the "Statue of Liberty" was a gift from France and represents a "Man" holding a "chopped off penis lit on fire," which we know is SATANIC because the DEVIL wants to destroy everything that GOD created, including "Manhood," which is why the FAKE GOVERNMENTS (crime syndicate) are promoting "A sexual-ness" and promoting "cross dressers reading to our kids in schools," which is why the FAKE GOVERNMENTS are promoting for health care to pay for sex changes, and all that JAZZ.  So below, the upside-down "Y" becomes an "A."  (If you do not see it, scroll back up to the Eiffel tower and see the "A."  So, the "A" represents the ALPHA = THE BEGINNING, WHEN the sperm hits the egg, and a demon and angel are trapped int he flesh.

When we lay the NEW YORK YANKEES logo on its side, we see the 'N' becomes a "Z," which as the last letter in the our english alphabet, represents "THE END" so we can translate that into "OMEGA," which in the phrase from the BIBLE, "I am the ALPHA and the OMEGA," as in "I am the beginning and the end," which is what GOD says in the Bible.  So this "N" which laid upon its side, is a "Z" represents, "OMEGA," = THE END, which represents when the body dies or, the END OF DAYS.
And now again, we see that the "Y" by inversion, has turned again into the "Eiffel tower."

The "Y" and the "N" also represent, "YES," and "NO," which represents, "SIN," and "NOT SIN."


IN THE BEGINNING, when the sperm hits the egg, there are two U's in you, an angel, and a demon, and at the end, and if you cannot tell the difference between "SIN," and "NOT SIN," then at THE END, you will be DESTROYED, as your soul will be cast into HELL.  (remember, the peace symbol means the ANTI-CHRIST, and EVIL, and DEATH and DESTRUCTION, and the BIBLE tells us right where the ANTI-CHRIST is going, he's gonna burn in the "Lake of Fire and Brimstone, for all eternity, eternal torment,"  The Peace Symbol physically is called, "THE DEATH & DESTRUCTION RUNE, or "SYMBOL."

 The House of David say:
"Almost every logo of all the FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES, all the PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES, logos and symbolism for FAKE GOVERNMENTS ENSLAVING THE PEOPLES OF EVERY NATION, almost all of this stuff is SATANIC LINKED WITH SATANIC SYMBOLISM.  It is disgusting once you wake up to it.

Upon finishing this article, I asked GOD if GOD had anything to add.  The time was 9:55pm.  By searching the Biblical Concordance of this number, 955, we see that GOD is telling us an important message regarding the NEW YORK YANKEES LOGO, we get the message from GOD by searching the internet for, "Strongs 955" and we get:

for the GREEK bible we get:
for the HEBREW bible we get:

Now that I have added GOD's previous "THOUGHTS regarding the NEW YORK YANKEES" i pray to GOD again, and ask GOD if this article is now ready for POSTING and is ACCEPTABLE unto GOD.  And the time upon saying, "SO BE IT, AMEN," the time reads, 10:08pm, and GOD is saying:

The House of David say:
"For those of you just now tuning in, in order to receive the UN-BRIDLED WISDOM FROM GOD, as GOD giveth information FREELY, you must AS THE BIBLE SAYS, "ASK WITHOUT DOUBT," for GOD is "YAH" which means, "I AM" which represents that GOD IS IN EVERYTHING, truly I say unto you, THE COSMOS is THE TEMPLE, and because GOD is in everything, GOD can manifest anything anytime, as you are literally made OF GOD, so is your neighbor, so is the roof over your head, so GOD can manifest anything anytime, GOD CAN HAVE YOU ASK THE QUESTION AT THE NECESSARY TIME, so that you have THE NECESSARY ANSWER!  In this way, GOD teaches us RABBINIC WISDOM and WISDOM in GENERAL.  BUT as the HOLY BIBLE says, you MUST ASK FOR THE WISDOM, WITHOUT DOUBT, for if you doubt, then you PHYSICALLY CAST YOURSELF AWAY FROM GOD, and there shall be no MYSTERY MAGIC MANIFESTATION FOR A NON-BELIEVER, just as JESUS would heal people by their own faith, GOD will only give you the answers IF YOU BELIEVE.  And I will be honest with you about myself, often times, as GOD is FIRMLY PRESSING DOWN ON ME, to make me righteous, because suffering begets perseverance, and perseverance begets character, and character begets righteousness, and so during this process, I will only be eating a handful of food each day for a couple weeks, and i will only be allowed 4 or 5 hours of sleep for a couple weeks, and I BREAK DOWN, and as my fatigue and weariness comes upon me, i will start to doubt, JUST LIKE MOSES STRUCK THE ROCK TWICE WHEN HE WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO STRIKE THE ROCK ONCE (to make water come up for the thirsty ISRAELITES in the wilderness after EXODUS OUT OF EGYPT.  And when i doubt, for even a moment, GOD WILL DIVORCE ME, physically GOD will say, "I DIVORCE YOU, I ISSUE YOU BILL OF DIVORCE, I THROW YOU AWAY," and I am not even joking.  BUT it is not GOD throwing us away, it is us throwing ourselves away, because we FORGOT, it was our fault, NOT GOD'S.

The House of David,
formerly known as "The Son of Man,"
formerly known as "Sun Tzu."

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