, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : ​Rinus Verhagen


Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ​Rinus Verhagen. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ​Rinus Verhagen. Mostrar todas las entradas


Rinus Verhagen -- Transformation of the UN into the Counsel of Free Earth

In order to give world peace a fair chance, we must replace the UN.

The UN is Deep State related, so not compatible with GESARA.

The UN was founded by the FED shareholders, their task was very misleading and destructive to the Earth and all life Humanity, Animals and Nature.

To fairly represent the interests of all this, a group of people per continent would need to include 30 people as the council of wise men who watch over the earth and for their own continent in this session on Honour title, to exclude corruption.

Divided into different task groups of disciplines, Trade, Health, Nature, Nutrition, Engineering, Science. Welfare and prosperity. Environmentally Conscious Industry, Space Development, Global Defense, Galactic Cooperation, World Bank, World Independent Fair News Media.

They represent their continent, for coordinating on voluntary independent cooperation.

Eurasia (comprising the continents of Asia and Europe), Africa, America (North and South America), Antarctica and Australia.

From the continents, people will have to be nominated to serve as representatives for their continent for a certain period of time.

Where the utmost transparency is required in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

Religion or life views should not influence a jointly-determined policy proposal for mutual continents, doing justice in respect of different cultures or races.

With the aim of ensuring a peaceful society on Earth, and combating conflicts through cultural differences and religion.

We must learn the lessons of history, in which an attempt has been made deliberately to provoke tensions over religion.

In this way, through mutual cooperation and mutual support in development and prosperity will come to rest, whereby the evolution of the whole of humanity will progress by leaps and bounds towards a balanced society in relation to Galactic powers, which are now far ahead of us in this consciousness status.

When we begin to think about this, we can jointly shape it further to create an optimal consultative organ for our planet.

Kind Regards

Rinus Verhagen.


VERY IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE - STOP THE GLOBALIZATION Abuse of a mandate received under false pretexts

Abuse of a mandate received under false pretences.

Every 4 years political parties promise golden mountains that are never kept because they have to exchange to get a coalition.

What remains is political self-interest that is at odds with the interests of the people.

The mandate that has been obtained is reversed, without the consent of the voters.

The interests of Bankers, Multinationals, and foreign interests, weigh more heavily for the political scammers as the interests of their own population.

Politics has made it a perverse sport, how far can they go in plundering their own population. These vipers live outside society in their own dream world, MAKE YOUR WAKKER BY CARE.

Without our consent, the Dutchman has been robbed of his inlaid pension funds thanks to PVDA Communist Jetta Klijnsma an amount of €1,400,000,000,000 in management of an unelected EU transferred.

If we are to believe politics we are EU citizens instead of sovereign people of sovereign states, and must accept their communist superstrate.

The European population is repressed at its own expense to protect the Politically Parasite from the emerging popular anger.

It is time then for the Police and the Army, what is left of it to join the population in chasing this politics away.

This will not be easy as some police officers are so brainwashed that they think they have a privileged position, and think that the monopoly on violence is a merit for their function rather than service to society.

It is the whole population that makes up society, and not just a few thousand corrupt politicians and civil servants.

The Migration Pact of Marrakech is not legally valid, since it was not drawn up in consultation with the population, politics has deliberately excluded its own population from it.

What cares us to do the same with politics, stop paying any kind of tax, put all rural traffic to one side, if migration is a human right for only Muslims, is our right for the politics that committed the betrayal to try for land and people's betrayal.

PVDA Communist Frans Timmermans demands from countries that do not accept migrants an amount of € 250.000 per not admitted migrant, he really believes in his own delusions that the corrupt EU will exist for a long time to come.

All over the world people are coming up to speak out against the new forced world government their disgust and betray the betrayal by their well-paid politicians.

The NWO will not come about as a world communist government of destruction, countries are forced to go along in the transition to a new system.

Wars to keep the debt money system alive will stop or have already stopped, by forcing world peace the world population can recover from all crimes committed against them.

Before the end of this year, the revaluation of all world currencies will take place, from then on central banks will have been completely side-lined, and their political personnel cannot stop this.

All corrupt globalists, Satanists, paedophiles, CEO of multinationals and or their owners will have to answer for their crime against humanity.

Anyone who works against is excluded from the new money system, as are the entire EC, EU, EP crooks who, as unelected professional gangsters, wanted to hold the European population hostage with their communist dictatorship.

If the Revaluation of Global Currency has been, GESARA will be proclaimed, so that all constitutions around the world will be reinstated, in a universal law.

The government will be deprived of all financial resources, so that the overpriced popular theatre of its own will stop.

All over the world multinationals will be expropriated, all treaties that are incompatible with human rights will expire, money and value will go back to the world population.

All migrants can return to their own country of origin, and receive a basic income there, Europe will not become an Islamic state.

Kind Regards



Rinus Verhagen -- Globalists EU Swamp

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen

Globalists are in Panic.

Heavily disturbed criminals demand from the population that they give up their right to self-determination.

Governments must give up their sovereignty to give the EU dictatorship the chance to make Europe a third world country.

The goal is to massacre its own population through migration grabs.

You and I must be silenced to save the collapsing NWO.

Populism / Nationalism is used as a negative expression, to want to destroy one's own culture and to completely expropriate one's right to exist and accumulated rights, with Satanism (Islam) as the barbaric world religion.

Their tool is Climate Change, Sustainability, Greening, and Migration from 3rd world countries to destroy our accumulated wealth and social system, for which we have all paid ourselves and been heavily fought for over the past 80 years.

All attacks by Chemtrails, Haarp, 4G, 5G, smart meter, Direct Energy Weapon, are used to stop the demise of the CABAL and destroy Europe.

If only a small problem, the 500,000,000 inhabitants of Europe will not accept this.

The cry for a European army, to protect the Globalists, where soldiers from other Member States must put down insurrections against The EU Fascists.

All this ends with a wet fart when GESARA is proclaimed, then all the accounts of the traitors of the European population will no longer have access to bank accounts.

The traitors do not realise that they have dig their own graves, no one can take another's sovereignty away by order of an artificial entity such as the EU or corrupt national dictatorship under the name of sham democracy.

Donald J Trump cannot wait and see whether European Cabal will stop with its proposed Agenda.

Then, in the shortest possible time, the US would once again be ruled by a shadow government, and that will be ruled out.

The Globalist Cancer will have to be completely cut out, and we, as a population, should not walk in the footsteps of the US, Russian and Chinese army in order to prevent victims among the population.

Today, 23 November 2018 will be a memorable day if indeed the whole stock market will collapse deceptions.

We are already seeing a shift in power relations in the Middle East, Africa, South America, Brazil, Asia, and European countries that grabs the Migration are not going to sign, the division and fear among the globalists is increasing day by day.

Kind Regards

Rinus Verhagen

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