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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Geopolitics. Mostrar todas las entradas

10 de mayo de 2019

Sorcha Faal -- Putin Prepares Russia for Trump-QAnon Military Takeover of the United States

May 9, 2019

Putin Prepares Russia For Trump-QAnon Military Takeover Of United States

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

A heart-stopping new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin’s vow this morning to continuing strengthening Russian military defences is a needed action in light ofPresident Trump having just accused his National Security Advisor John Bolton of trying to start a war against Venezuela without his knowledge—a fearful fact placing into stark relief that Trump may not be in full control over his own military forces—and as further exampled by Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff, and retired US Marine general, John Kelly having just issued a threat stating “Trump’s family needs to be dealt with”—a frightening statement for any former career US Naval officer to make (US Marines are part of US Navy) against a sitting civilian President, and comes at the same time the US Navy, also, shockingly fired its top non-commissioned officer Command Master Chief Jonas Carter because he jokingly asked his sailors aboard the USS Harry Truman to “clap like we’re at a strip club” when Vice President Mike Pence visited their warship—but whose apparently in rebellion US Navy forces have just been met by Trump’s former National Security Advisor, and retired US Army general, H.R McMaster who has just warned that rebellious White House officials surrounding Trump have now become “a danger to the Constitution”---a danger US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley is preparing to meet by his ordering deployed this week highly-specialized US Army military forces that can only be likened to assassination teams—who now join the US Army forces preparing to put under siege rebellious American cities—and about which theSecurity Council noted this past December-2018 when they identified General Milley as being the leader of the secretive QAnon military organization supporting Trump and preparing to place the United States under total martial law[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

QAnon leader US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley (above) prepares for establishment of martial law rule in United States

According to this report, in the days just prior to his taking office, President Trump started to learn about the “Deep State” coup plot against him and began asking questions—but were questions Democrat Party leader US Senator Chuck Schumer warned Trump to stop asking about because America’s corrupt and secretive intelligence organizations “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”—a beyond shocking threat to make in a nation that supposedly prides itself on the rule of law—but whose intelligence agencies’ lawlessness Schumer still supports—and whose rage has now turned on Trump’s supporters he calls “despicable” while stating that this is “one issue that eats at me”.

In order to counter this “Deep State” coup plot threat to America, this report continues, the Security Council hadpreviously noted that veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, had revealed that a group of generals told him that Trump had been recruited by a mysterious and secretive US military intelligence unit called “QAnon” to run in the 2016 Presidential Election, and subsequently help remove corrupt “Deep State” officials from positions of power—that threw Dr. Corsi into a battle with Special Counsel Robert Muellerwhom he refused to even talk to—with the Security Council also revealing that the unmistakable power of “QAnon” forced even the leftistTime Magazine to name it as one of the top 25 most influential “people” on the internet for 2018.

This past December-2018, this report notes, then White House communication director Anthony Scaramucci stunningly opened up to loyal Trump supporters about who the leader of “QAnon” was with his declaring “when you find out who he is, you're not going to believe it”—a declaration that, in turn, allowed Russian intelligence analysts to quickly determine that the only US military leader having met the most times with President Trump and Scaramucci was US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley, who was being considered to become the next Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs—and whom, just last month, on 9 April, was officially nominated by Trump to become the second most powerful military leader in America subordinate only to the President—a powerful military post General Milley will assume command of on 1 October 2019 giving him full power and control over all American military forces—and whose open declaration of war against the “Deep State” he’s already issued orders for by telling his military forces and vowing to the American people:

The duty of soldiers and officers is to the US Constitution, not any political party or figure.

We are the only military in the world…that does not take an oath to a king, a queen, a dictator, a president.

We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe or a piece of dirt.

The very core essence of the Army is that we are committed to you, the citizens.

We are willing to die, to give our life, for an idea.

QAnon leader US Army General Mark Milley (second from left) gathers all top US military leaders around President Donald Trump in show of loyalty

The “idea” QAnon leader General Milley has committed the lives of the entire America military to dying for, this report explains, is the Constitution of the United States—that is now under the greatest threat of destruction in its entire history by leftist-socialist “Deep State” operatives, the mainstream propaganda media and the Democrat Party—all of whom have now pitted themselves against over 2 million highly trained and motivated American military forces whose solemn oath states:

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

President Donald Trump orders all US Army troops back into their World War II uniforms (above) as they prepare to uphold their oath

With the First Amendment of the US Constitution now under attack by leftist “Deep State” forces, that joins thealready under continuous assault Second Amendment, this report details, further attacks (most particularly by Democrat Party forces) have been launched against the US Constitution’s mandated system for choosing Presidents called the Electoral College—an attack against the US Constitution’s mandate for three co-equal branches of government of Executive, Legislative and Judicial that now sees leftists wanting to pack the Supreme Court to make it more powerful than the other two—and the outright shredding of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution that protects the American people from illegal government surveillance

The most noteworthy current victim of the Fourth Amendment’s outright shredding by the “Deep State”, this report states, is President Trump—who was illegally spied upon by the US intelligence agencies Democrat Party leader Senator Schumer warned would destroy him—the latest shocking evidence of which is the just discovered US State Department memo wherein Hillary Clinton bought and paid for British spy Christopher Steele urged the releasing of his Trump-Russia lies before the 2016 election to destroy Trump—thatshockingly the FBI then retroactively ordered classified—and afterwards saw FBI Director Christopher Wray comically telling Democrats in the US Congress that Trump wasn’t spied on—that now puts Wray on the opposite side of US Attorney General William Barr who not only says Trump was spied on, but has opened multiple criminal investigations into—and, likewise, places him against former US Attorney General Jeff Sessions who agrees with Barr that Trump was illegally spied on

With full internecine (mutually destructive characterized by great slaughter) open political warfare now consuming Washington, this report concludes, the Democrat Party led “Deep State” has begun an all-out investigative assault against President Trump—that ranges from their comically dropping what they call a bombshell on Trump exposing that he lost billions-of-dollars 30-years ago, but they didn’t need a New York Times article to reveal as old videos of his Apprentice television programme shows Trump “freely admitting he lost billions”—to the more serious effort by theDemocrats in the US House holding Attorney General Barr in contempt for his not releasing an un-redacted Mueller Report, that if he had done would have made him a criminal—and, most dangerously of all, just one day after Republican Party US Senate leader Mitch McConnelldeclared “case closed” on the Mueller investigation, stunningly saw Republican Senate intelligence committee leader Richard Burr attacking Donald Trump Jr. with a subpoena demanding he testify about “Russia matters”—but who, instead of listening to former career US Marine-Naval officer General Kelly’s cry to “deal with Trump’s children”, would be better advised to listen to one of President Trump’s and US Army General Milley’s top civilian advisors named Kevin Brock—the powerful former Assistant Director of Intelligence for the FBI and Principal Deputy Director of the US National Counterterrorism Center—and whom, in his just published article titled “James Comey Is In Trouble And He Knows It”, lays out the precise roadmap for the “Deep State’s” coming destruction by detailing their crimes—and who, if failing to accept their fate peacefully, will see them all descended upon by General Milley’s martial law military forces—with October-2019 being the coming month to dread, not only for the American people, but everyone else in the world, too. 

The American people can never say they weren’t warned about what is going to happen in 2019—only that they didn’t listen!

May 9, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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14 de enero de 2019

Rinus Verhagen -- Transformation of the UN into the Counsel of Free Earth

In order to give world peace a fair chance, we must replace the UN.

The UN is Deep State related, so not compatible with GESARA.

The UN was founded by the FED shareholders, their task was very misleading and destructive to the Earth and all life Humanity, Animals and Nature.

To fairly represent the interests of all this, a group of people per continent would need to include 30 people as the council of wise men who watch over the earth and for their own continent in this session on Honour title, to exclude corruption.

Divided into different task groups of disciplines, Trade, Health, Nature, Nutrition, Engineering, Science. Welfare and prosperity. Environmentally Conscious Industry, Space Development, Global Defense, Galactic Cooperation, World Bank, World Independent Fair News Media.

They represent their continent, for coordinating on voluntary independent cooperation.

Eurasia (comprising the continents of Asia and Europe), Africa, America (North and South America), Antarctica and Australia.

From the continents, people will have to be nominated to serve as representatives for their continent for a certain period of time.

Where the utmost transparency is required in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

Religion or life views should not influence a jointly-determined policy proposal for mutual continents, doing justice in respect of different cultures or races.

With the aim of ensuring a peaceful society on Earth, and combating conflicts through cultural differences and religion.

We must learn the lessons of history, in which an attempt has been made deliberately to provoke tensions over religion.

In this way, through mutual cooperation and mutual support in development and prosperity will come to rest, whereby the evolution of the whole of humanity will progress by leaps and bounds towards a balanced society in relation to Galactic powers, which are now far ahead of us in this consciousness status.

When we begin to think about this, we can jointly shape it further to create an optimal consultative organ for our planet.

Kind Regards

Rinus Verhagen.

25 de diciembre de 2018

Imploding Wall Street in the week of 24, 27, 28 December 2018? By Rinus Verhagen

Rinus Verhagen -- Imploding Wall Street in the Week of 24, 27, 28 December 2018?

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | 

The checkmate for the Deep State puppets has entered its final phase through inborn stupidity of the Democrats.

The government has now been deactivated by the breaking point to get the cost of the wall approved., so all signals are on deep Blood Red.

The Temporary Military Law will make it possible to continue the plan, investors will try to sell their shares and masse, so the stock market can easily drop between 10 and 25% or more further.

All politicians who are not in active service lose their immunity over the period that they have done damage to the US and world population.

This Christmas time will be very special, everyone is at home with his family, and so to be picked up by the US Marshals, there will be no chance to escape, as these people are constantly under surveillance.

The long awaited dismissal of Netanyahu will work like a fire accelerator thanks GESARA.

For us, these are the signs that the NWO is losing ground, the remaining NWO structure in the unelected corrupt UN and EU, making frantic attempts to further destroy Europe, pushing through the climate lies based on false foundations.

The unelected EU fascists are now admitting to deliberately replacing Europe's population to demolish the sovereign states and demanding that the European population pay taxes to the criminals in Brussels.

The European people do not give agreement with an unelected EU, paying a tax to this mafia is therefore no legal basis that would justify this.

To turn the tide, GESARA will prevent the destruction of the economy, free the populations from the game of bankers and politics.

The joke of the whole story is, by fear, the Democrats have put their own demise into operation, everything will be revealed, paedophile, corrupt and Satanists among the worldwide 66,568 indictments.

An Audit of the FED will immediately mean the end of the FED, because their books can never be correct as their money consists of hot air, the Petrodollar is completely worthless to Multinationals and the world trade organization.

All criminals will be expropriated from their stolen wealth, Soros, Fake Kings, Vatican, and their political accomplices.

These are beautiful prospects in this time of reflection, December 25 is a day to celebrate the birth of dark to light, but has nothing to do with the actual birth date of Christ.

This deception was caused by the introduction of the Roman Catholic Church by Emperor Constantine in 325 n.C. in Constantinople which became Christian several hundred years later.

The biblical Jesus is 2 years younger than the historical Jesus. He was not born on December 25 in the year 0, but on June 17 in 2 BC. Conclusion: our era started 2 years too late. And moreover, we celebrate Christmas in the wrong season.

We see that there is a constant lie to keep power and to keep the population stupid, in favour of a small core of rulers.

All this will now be changed by the implosion of the FIAT debt money system.

For the Christian population December 25th will be a feast of peace and tolerance, for other religions and atheists only as a turn of the century.

Crime against the world's population will stop.

I wish all people a peaceful time of reflection and a Merry Christmas holiday.

14 de diciembre de 2018

VERY IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE - STOP THE GLOBALIZATION Abuse of a mandate received under false pretexts

Abuse of a mandate received under false pretences.

Every 4 years political parties promise golden mountains that are never kept because they have to exchange to get a coalition.

What remains is political self-interest that is at odds with the interests of the people.

The mandate that has been obtained is reversed, without the consent of the voters.

The interests of Bankers, Multinationals, and foreign interests, weigh more heavily for the political scammers as the interests of their own population.

Politics has made it a perverse sport, how far can they go in plundering their own population. These vipers live outside society in their own dream world, MAKE YOUR WAKKER BY CARE.

Without our consent, the Dutchman has been robbed of his inlaid pension funds thanks to PVDA Communist Jetta Klijnsma an amount of €1,400,000,000,000 in management of an unelected EU transferred.

If we are to believe politics we are EU citizens instead of sovereign people of sovereign states, and must accept their communist superstrate.

The European population is repressed at its own expense to protect the Politically Parasite from the emerging popular anger.

It is time then for the Police and the Army, what is left of it to join the population in chasing this politics away.

This will not be easy as some police officers are so brainwashed that they think they have a privileged position, and think that the monopoly on violence is a merit for their function rather than service to society.

It is the whole population that makes up society, and not just a few thousand corrupt politicians and civil servants.

The Migration Pact of Marrakech is not legally valid, since it was not drawn up in consultation with the population, politics has deliberately excluded its own population from it.

What cares us to do the same with politics, stop paying any kind of tax, put all rural traffic to one side, if migration is a human right for only Muslims, is our right for the politics that committed the betrayal to try for land and people's betrayal.

PVDA Communist Frans Timmermans demands from countries that do not accept migrants an amount of € 250.000 per not admitted migrant, he really believes in his own delusions that the corrupt EU will exist for a long time to come.

All over the world people are coming up to speak out against the new forced world government their disgust and betray the betrayal by their well-paid politicians.

The NWO will not come about as a world communist government of destruction, countries are forced to go along in the transition to a new system.

Wars to keep the debt money system alive will stop or have already stopped, by forcing world peace the world population can recover from all crimes committed against them.

Before the end of this year, the revaluation of all world currencies will take place, from then on central banks will have been completely side-lined, and their political personnel cannot stop this.

All corrupt globalists, Satanists, paedophiles, CEO of multinationals and or their owners will have to answer for their crime against humanity.

Anyone who works against is excluded from the new money system, as are the entire EC, EU, EP crooks who, as unelected professional gangsters, wanted to hold the European population hostage with their communist dictatorship.

If the Revaluation of Global Currency has been, GESARA will be proclaimed, so that all constitutions around the world will be reinstated, in a universal law.

The government will be deprived of all financial resources, so that the overpriced popular theatre of its own will stop.

All over the world multinationals will be expropriated, all treaties that are incompatible with human rights will expire, money and value will go back to the world population.

All migrants can return to their own country of origin, and receive a basic income there, Europe will not become an Islamic state.

Kind Regards


27 de noviembre de 2018

Disruption is the Cabal's game while confusion is the Alliance's game

RV/Intelligence Alert: "London" -- November 25, 2018

Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - November 25, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

Disruption is the Cabal's game while confusion is the Alliance's game.
Every geopolitical event that occurs is a coordinated plan to meet the conditions needed to bring a major economic transition.

One of these geopolitical events is Brexit.

After an agreement was made over Gibraltar yesterday, EU leaders have agreed to approve of Brexit.

The approval of Brexit marks the end of London's status of being the financial capital of the world -- meaning, the Cabal's control over the financial world has finally come to an end.

This now means the transition can begin at any moment.

First, a private currency redemption event (RV) will take place.

Second, after the RV is complete -- the stock market will crash and the fiat financial system will be exposed as a slavery system of debt.

A new and fair (quantum) financial system will be introduced -- resetting all currencies and saving the global economy.

GESARA will also be announced to prevent the world from plunging into chaos.

Once the dust settles, humanity will be brought into a new age.



25 de junio de 2018

República Restaurada a través de un GCR a partir del 25 de junio de 2018

(Descargo de responsabilidad: La siguiente es una descripción general de la situación actual basada en rumores / filtraciones de varias fuentes que pueden ser o no veraces o precisas.) 

Todas las fuentes están anticipando el lanzamiento de la RV en cualquier momento antes de la apertura de los bancos en Hong Kong . 

B. 24 de junio de 2018 9:59 a.m. EST, High Alert, Bluwolf:"¡La mayor cantidad de alertas!" - Actualización de Bluwolf 6-24-18


C. 24 de junio de 2018 3:30 a.m. EST Planes, Zap: "Bancos, cortafuegos y planes inmediatos" - Actualización de ZAP - La Oficina de POOFness - 6.24.18 

1.He hablado con las personas que instalaron los nuevos sistemas en la industria bancaria

2. El nuevo sistema fue atacado por los sospechosos habituales, pero ninguno de los hacks se solucionó. La seguridad de los fondos ahora estaba asegurada en sus movimientos. 

3. Recibí documentos de confirmación del Fideicomiso y del Banco con respecto a nuestros primeros fondos. 

4. Nos aseguraron que los primeros fondos se mostrarían en nuestras cuentas antes del  miércoles. 27 de junio . 

5. Muchas cosas comenzarán la próxima semana.Además de que nos volvamos operativos, muchos de ustedes se volverán bastante ricos. 

D. 25 de junio de 2018 12:04 a.m. EST, Zap: "Long Train a Running" - ZAP semanal - The Office of POOFness - 6.24.18 = 101745 

1.  Zap: EL nuevo sistema no depende de paquetes de datos para la transmisión de fondos, sino de un nuevo sistema láser. 

2. Desde la semana pasada, han intentado hackear esto. No pueden entrar. Esto significa que nuestro dinero está seguro en el sistema y no puede ser robado por sifón. 

3. Esta es una gran noticia, ya que significa que los lanzamientos van a salir. 

4. Prepárate para los fondos de RV. 

5. Tal vez fue esta nueva implementación del sistema la que ha sido el último mecanismo de demora de nuestros fondos. 

6. Grandes cantidades de fondos están listos para ser enviados a nivel mundial para hidratar a muchas buenas organizaciones. 

7. Se acerca el 4 de julio y si todo va bien tendremos buenas noticias para compartir. 

8.  Susan: En el frente del PP, las noticias sugieren que las entregas comenzarán la primera semana de julio inmediatamente después del cierre de los libros en el tercer trimestre a fines de junio. 

9.  Poof: el  movimiento está presionando hacia adelante. Todavía es dudoso el momento de todo esto si puedes reconocer los juegos que se jugaron en el pasado, ¿por qué crees que no van a intentar continuar estos hasta hoy?

6 de mayo de 2018

Sorcha Faal: US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back to Court to Face Russians

May 6, 2018

US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back To Court To Face Russians—While Thousands Of American Bikers Head To Washington To Shut Down His “Sham” Investigation

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

In what can only be described as a stunning blow against the “Deep State” coup d'état against President Trump, a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a few hours ago (Saturday evening US time/5 May), US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrichrejected a plea from Special Counsel Robert Mueller to delay court proceedings against a Russian company he had filed a “joke indictment” against—with her ordering Mueller back to her courtroom this coming Wednesday to begin his case—with this, also, not being the only headache Mueller will be dealing with this coming week as thousands of pro-Trump bikers are now reported to be traveling to Washington D.C. to shut down his “sham” investigation[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Pro-Trump bikers head to Washington D.C. to confront “Deep State” leader Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As detailed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, on Friday afternoon (4 May), a team of Special Counsel Mueller attorneys begged Federal Judge Friedrich to postpone their case against the Russian companyConcord Management and Consulting whom Mueller had comically charged with interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—with Mueller’s lawyers claiming as their excuse to delay this case being an outright lie that “maybe” this Russian company hadn’t been notified of the charges against it yet—but that stood in stark and laughable contrast to Mueller’s lawyers sitting right next to Concord’s attorneys from the global legal law firm of Reed Smith LLP—and who, obviously, knew that their client had been charged, otherwise they wouldn’t have been sitting in Judge Friedrich’s courtroom to begin with.

To the real reason that Special Counsel Mueller didn’t want to face this Russian company in a US federal courtroom, this report explains, is that under American law, a company, even a foreign one, has “corporate personhood” that enables them to have the same rights as an individual—and that Mueller hadn’t fully thought out before filing his “joke indictment” that he believed no Russian citizen would ever come to the United States to face.

In facing a global legal giant representing the rights of a Russian company, instead of a lowly Russian citizen, however, this report continues, Special Counsel Mueller got the shock of his life when Reed Smith LLP lawyers buried him underneath an avalanche of what are called discovery motions that would reveal the entire secret workings of Mueller’s probe into Trump-Russia collusion for all the world to see. [UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Crim. No. 18-cr-32 (DLF)—scroll down to ATTACHEMENT A]

Going from just shock in his having to contemplate handing over to Reed Smith LLP lawyers the entire secret workings and evidence of what he is actually doing, this report further notes, Special Counsel Mueller, without a doubt, became downright terrified when Reed Smith LLP lawyers filed additional discovery motions [scroll down to ATTACHEMENT B] demanding all documents and information relating to the United States’ most closely guarded secrets, to include:

From 1945 to present, each and every instance where any officer, employee and/or agent of the United States Government engaged in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country; including but not limited to information relating to whether any such activity utilized propaganda in any format, including but not limited to the use of social media.

This disclosure should include any and all information regarding the use of computer infrastructure inside and outside of the United States, false foreign identities, goals to sow discord in a foreign political system, assistance to a foreign elected official or candidate, attacks on a foreign elected official or candidate, assassination or conspiracy to assassinate a foreign elected official or candidate, buying political advertisements, posing as foreign persons and/or failure to honestly identify to foreign voters the involvement of any officer, employee or agent of the United States Government.

Important to understand about the discovery motion demands being made on Special Counsel Mueller by Reed Smith LLP lawyers, this report details, is that it points to what is known in American law as an “affirmative defense” strategy being used to defend the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting—that, in essence, means that if it can be proven that the United States has interfered in the elections of another country (US secretly interfered in Israeli election and French election most recently) , attempted to assassinate, or assassinated a leader of another country (US has long history of assassinating leaders of foreign countries), or overthrew the government of another country (US has overthrown the governments of Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Dominican Republic, South Vietnam, Brazil, Chile), then no one could be held liable for their defending themselves against the same thing happening to them. 

Obama secretly spends $350,000 to overthrow the elected leader of Israel—private Russian company spends $46,000 on Facebook ads during 2016 US presidential election favoring both Trump and Clinton, as opposed to Trump and Clinton spending $81 million—and Putin’s the bad guy?

So obscenely distorted and dysfunctional, in fact, has America become today because of Special Counsel Mueller’s so-called “investigation”, this report continues, former Secretary of State John Kerry has now been revealed to be conducting secret negotiations with Iran—while at the same time, forces loyal to President Trump have been revealed to have hired Israeli spies to dig up dirt on Secretary Kerry and anyone else in the former Obama administration who made the original nuclear deal with Iran—while in the meantime, French President Macron is warning that the “Pandora’s Box” of this Iranian nuclear deal is leading to war—and whose dire assessment is supported by no less than UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who has just issued a chilling message to the world that: “The risk of World War III breaking out in the Middle East is intensifying at an alarming rate”.

With the “Deep State” aligned NSA now reported to have tripled its surveillance of Americans’ phone chatter, collecting over 534 million phone call records and text messages last year, Special Counsel Mueller’s investigative tactics now being described as an “Orwellian Grotesque Violation of Civil Liberties” that will soon be turned against everyone in the US, and the Atlantic Council now explaining why the American people need to be propagandized against “for their own good”, this report concludes, what is called “The Resistance” in the United States is showing the entire world what national suicide actually looks like—but that Russia hopes President Trump can stop before this once great nation’s heartbeat ends forever—and that President Putin showed was possible to do, at least for a nation willing to stand up for its religious values, families and national heritage. 

May 6, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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