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- Q: 'Más allá de la corrupción política / la sedición'

Sierra (NZ) 

Fuente: Dinar Chronicles. La publicación número 2672 describe la naturaleza seria de las actividades de Deep State ...

 'D Enfoque de la casa en POTUS = extensión de "seguro" de MUELLER a House.

 Testimonio de GJ (Gran Jurado) en curso en varios estados. Los intentos de BLOQUEAR / PROTEGER se fallarán. 

Mucho más allá de la corrupción política / sedición.¿Ley que rige la destitución de un senador (hombre / mujer) del senador? 
Luces encendidas'. 

Lisa Mei Crowley analiza esta publicación de Q en su tweet ...

Los demócratas hacen todo lo posible para prolongar la investigación de Mueller para protegerse. 

El testimonio del Gran Jurado en curso contra muchos de ellos en sus respectivos estados por delitos superiores / posteriores a la corrupción / sedición. 

Muchos congresistas / mujeres y senadores serán destituidos una vez acusados ​​de delitos '. 

(El tweet de Lisa Mei Crowley.Finalmente, vea un post de Anon que explica por qué el presidente Trump se está enfocando en la pared. 

Como otro Anon comentó a continuación de este post: 'POTUS tiene un cinturón negro en judo político' ... https: // voat .co / v / QRV / 2970551

El cierre del gobierno continúa ... 

Cada día que los demócratas se mantienen alejados de la Casa Blanca es una prueba más de sus conexiones con Deep State. 

Este enfrentamiento terminará en VICTORIA para el Presidente Trump y la Alianza - y paz y prosperidad para la humanidad.

Donde vamos uno vamos todos Amor y Luz Sierra (NZ)

Rinus Verhagen -- Transformation of the UN into the Counsel of Free Earth

In order to give world peace a fair chance, we must replace the UN.

The UN is Deep State related, so not compatible with GESARA.

The UN was founded by the FED shareholders, their task was very misleading and destructive to the Earth and all life Humanity, Animals and Nature.

To fairly represent the interests of all this, a group of people per continent would need to include 30 people as the council of wise men who watch over the earth and for their own continent in this session on Honour title, to exclude corruption.

Divided into different task groups of disciplines, Trade, Health, Nature, Nutrition, Engineering, Science. Welfare and prosperity. Environmentally Conscious Industry, Space Development, Global Defense, Galactic Cooperation, World Bank, World Independent Fair News Media.

They represent their continent, for coordinating on voluntary independent cooperation.

Eurasia (comprising the continents of Asia and Europe), Africa, America (North and South America), Antarctica and Australia.

From the continents, people will have to be nominated to serve as representatives for their continent for a certain period of time.

Where the utmost transparency is required in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

Religion or life views should not influence a jointly-determined policy proposal for mutual continents, doing justice in respect of different cultures or races.

With the aim of ensuring a peaceful society on Earth, and combating conflicts through cultural differences and religion.

We must learn the lessons of history, in which an attempt has been made deliberately to provoke tensions over religion.

In this way, through mutual cooperation and mutual support in development and prosperity will come to rest, whereby the evolution of the whole of humanity will progress by leaps and bounds towards a balanced society in relation to Galactic powers, which are now far ahead of us in this consciousness status.

When we begin to think about this, we can jointly shape it further to create an optimal consultative organ for our planet.

Kind Regards

Rinus Verhagen.


Imploding Wall Street in the week of 24, 27, 28 December 2018? By Rinus Verhagen

Rinus Verhagen -- Imploding Wall Street in the Week of 24, 27, 28 December 2018?

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | 

The checkmate for the Deep State puppets has entered its final phase through inborn stupidity of the Democrats.

The government has now been deactivated by the breaking point to get the cost of the wall approved., so all signals are on deep Blood Red.

The Temporary Military Law will make it possible to continue the plan, investors will try to sell their shares and masse, so the stock market can easily drop between 10 and 25% or more further.

All politicians who are not in active service lose their immunity over the period that they have done damage to the US and world population.

This Christmas time will be very special, everyone is at home with his family, and so to be picked up by the US Marshals, there will be no chance to escape, as these people are constantly under surveillance.

The long awaited dismissal of Netanyahu will work like a fire accelerator thanks GESARA.

For us, these are the signs that the NWO is losing ground, the remaining NWO structure in the unelected corrupt UN and EU, making frantic attempts to further destroy Europe, pushing through the climate lies based on false foundations.

The unelected EU fascists are now admitting to deliberately replacing Europe's population to demolish the sovereign states and demanding that the European population pay taxes to the criminals in Brussels.

The European people do not give agreement with an unelected EU, paying a tax to this mafia is therefore no legal basis that would justify this.

To turn the tide, GESARA will prevent the destruction of the economy, free the populations from the game of bankers and politics.

The joke of the whole story is, by fear, the Democrats have put their own demise into operation, everything will be revealed, paedophile, corrupt and Satanists among the worldwide 66,568 indictments.

An Audit of the FED will immediately mean the end of the FED, because their books can never be correct as their money consists of hot air, the Petrodollar is completely worthless to Multinationals and the world trade organization.

All criminals will be expropriated from their stolen wealth, Soros, Fake Kings, Vatican, and their political accomplices.

These are beautiful prospects in this time of reflection, December 25 is a day to celebrate the birth of dark to light, but has nothing to do with the actual birth date of Christ.

This deception was caused by the introduction of the Roman Catholic Church by Emperor Constantine in 325 n.C. in Constantinople which became Christian several hundred years later.

The biblical Jesus is 2 years younger than the historical Jesus. He was not born on December 25 in the year 0, but on June 17 in 2 BC. Conclusion: our era started 2 years too late. And moreover, we celebrate Christmas in the wrong season.

We see that there is a constant lie to keep power and to keep the population stupid, in favour of a small core of rulers.

All this will now be changed by the implosion of the FIAT debt money system.

For the Christian population December 25th will be a feast of peace and tolerance, for other religions and atheists only as a turn of the century.

Crime against the world's population will stop.

I wish all people a peaceful time of reflection and a Merry Christmas holiday.


VERY IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE - STOP THE GLOBALIZATION Abuse of a mandate received under false pretexts

Abuse of a mandate received under false pretences.

Every 4 years political parties promise golden mountains that are never kept because they have to exchange to get a coalition.

What remains is political self-interest that is at odds with the interests of the people.

The mandate that has been obtained is reversed, without the consent of the voters.

The interests of Bankers, Multinationals, and foreign interests, weigh more heavily for the political scammers as the interests of their own population.

Politics has made it a perverse sport, how far can they go in plundering their own population. These vipers live outside society in their own dream world, MAKE YOUR WAKKER BY CARE.

Without our consent, the Dutchman has been robbed of his inlaid pension funds thanks to PVDA Communist Jetta Klijnsma an amount of €1,400,000,000,000 in management of an unelected EU transferred.

If we are to believe politics we are EU citizens instead of sovereign people of sovereign states, and must accept their communist superstrate.

The European population is repressed at its own expense to protect the Politically Parasite from the emerging popular anger.

It is time then for the Police and the Army, what is left of it to join the population in chasing this politics away.

This will not be easy as some police officers are so brainwashed that they think they have a privileged position, and think that the monopoly on violence is a merit for their function rather than service to society.

It is the whole population that makes up society, and not just a few thousand corrupt politicians and civil servants.

The Migration Pact of Marrakech is not legally valid, since it was not drawn up in consultation with the population, politics has deliberately excluded its own population from it.

What cares us to do the same with politics, stop paying any kind of tax, put all rural traffic to one side, if migration is a human right for only Muslims, is our right for the politics that committed the betrayal to try for land and people's betrayal.

PVDA Communist Frans Timmermans demands from countries that do not accept migrants an amount of € 250.000 per not admitted migrant, he really believes in his own delusions that the corrupt EU will exist for a long time to come.

All over the world people are coming up to speak out against the new forced world government their disgust and betray the betrayal by their well-paid politicians.

The NWO will not come about as a world communist government of destruction, countries are forced to go along in the transition to a new system.

Wars to keep the debt money system alive will stop or have already stopped, by forcing world peace the world population can recover from all crimes committed against them.

Before the end of this year, the revaluation of all world currencies will take place, from then on central banks will have been completely side-lined, and their political personnel cannot stop this.

All corrupt globalists, Satanists, paedophiles, CEO of multinationals and or their owners will have to answer for their crime against humanity.

Anyone who works against is excluded from the new money system, as are the entire EC, EU, EP crooks who, as unelected professional gangsters, wanted to hold the European population hostage with their communist dictatorship.

If the Revaluation of Global Currency has been, GESARA will be proclaimed, so that all constitutions around the world will be reinstated, in a universal law.

The government will be deprived of all financial resources, so that the overpriced popular theatre of its own will stop.

All over the world multinationals will be expropriated, all treaties that are incompatible with human rights will expire, money and value will go back to the world population.

All migrants can return to their own country of origin, and receive a basic income there, Europe will not become an Islamic state.

Kind Regards



(Video) Dauntless Dialogue -- SSP Disclosure: The Galactic Trade Economy | Galactic Slave Trade

Published on Nov 27, 2018

You may have heard of breakaway civilizations, the Secret Space Programs, or the "20 and Back." Tony Rodrigues joins us in Breakaway, a series where we speak with whistleblowers who claim to have worked in various aspects of the SSP.


Disruption is the Cabal's game while confusion is the Alliance's game

RV/Intelligence Alert: "London" -- November 25, 2018

Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - November 25, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

Disruption is the Cabal's game while confusion is the Alliance's game.
Every geopolitical event that occurs is a coordinated plan to meet the conditions needed to bring a major economic transition.

One of these geopolitical events is Brexit.

After an agreement was made over Gibraltar yesterday, EU leaders have agreed to approve of Brexit.

The approval of Brexit marks the end of London's status of being the financial capital of the world -- meaning, the Cabal's control over the financial world has finally come to an end.

This now means the transition can begin at any moment.

First, a private currency redemption event (RV) will take place.

Second, after the RV is complete -- the stock market will crash and the fiat financial system will be exposed as a slavery system of debt.

A new and fair (quantum) financial system will be introduced -- resetting all currencies and saving the global economy.

GESARA will also be announced to prevent the world from plunging into chaos.

Once the dust settles, humanity will be brought into a new age.




Rinus Verhagen -- Globalists EU Swamp

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen

Globalists are in Panic.

Heavily disturbed criminals demand from the population that they give up their right to self-determination.

Governments must give up their sovereignty to give the EU dictatorship the chance to make Europe a third world country.

The goal is to massacre its own population through migration grabs.

You and I must be silenced to save the collapsing NWO.

Populism / Nationalism is used as a negative expression, to want to destroy one's own culture and to completely expropriate one's right to exist and accumulated rights, with Satanism (Islam) as the barbaric world religion.

Their tool is Climate Change, Sustainability, Greening, and Migration from 3rd world countries to destroy our accumulated wealth and social system, for which we have all paid ourselves and been heavily fought for over the past 80 years.

All attacks by Chemtrails, Haarp, 4G, 5G, smart meter, Direct Energy Weapon, are used to stop the demise of the CABAL and destroy Europe.

If only a small problem, the 500,000,000 inhabitants of Europe will not accept this.

The cry for a European army, to protect the Globalists, where soldiers from other Member States must put down insurrections against The EU Fascists.

All this ends with a wet fart when GESARA is proclaimed, then all the accounts of the traitors of the European population will no longer have access to bank accounts.

The traitors do not realise that they have dig their own graves, no one can take another's sovereignty away by order of an artificial entity such as the EU or corrupt national dictatorship under the name of sham democracy.

Donald J Trump cannot wait and see whether European Cabal will stop with its proposed Agenda.

Then, in the shortest possible time, the US would once again be ruled by a shadow government, and that will be ruled out.

The Globalist Cancer will have to be completely cut out, and we, as a population, should not walk in the footsteps of the US, Russian and Chinese army in order to prevent victims among the population.

Today, 23 November 2018 will be a memorable day if indeed the whole stock market will collapse deceptions.

We are already seeing a shift in power relations in the Middle East, Africa, South America, Brazil, Asia, and European countries that grabs the Migration are not going to sign, the division and fear among the globalists is increasing day by day.

Kind Regards

Rinus Verhagen


Rinus Verhagen -- The Time for Change is Now

The confusion there is about the imminent implementation of a value covered new global monetary system and restoration of laws known as GESARA. 

From multiple sources we hear conflicting voices, RV/GCR vs Manna World Trust-trade with our birth certificates.. 

This makes the confusion only big ones where people want to choose a camp because they think they are safe and not empty-handed when GESARA is a fact. 

Rest assured, everyone will participate in the prosperity funds, which makes Migration among other things totally superfluous as an economic migrant unsolicited western countries wants to flood. 

All migrants and refugees can safely return to their home country to help build their own country and make it an oasis. 

The RV/GCR vs Manna World Trust, are two tools to make the transition possible. 

Trump's visit to England showed that the Queen agreed and the City of London actually fell. 

All state and private debts are paid off from the Manna World Trust fund, this fund has been able to grow only by the fraud fiat money system. 

This means that stock exchanges that will crash based on a Fiat money system have now ordered Trump to stop the manipulation of Wall Street. 

As a result, all companies will lose their value, and will be worth almost nothing, especially considering the mega claims that will come for their share in the crime and oppression of the world's population. 

This means that these bankrupt companies will be treated as bankrupt by a receiver, who will look for takeover by new owners. 

This is where the RV/GCR funds and their humanitarian owners come into view, they can buy these companies cheaply and then dismantle them by decentralization, and make them available again for the needs of the customers. 

Big Pharma, Healthcare, Telecom companies, Energy companies, Insurance companies, Banks, all will become the property of the population, without the need for a revolt. 

The Globalist Politics that has acted as an accomplice of the banks and multinationals is then powerless in one fell swoop, hence within 120 days a new, albeit temporary, transition government must be elected to eliminate existing corruption and party cartel against the population. 

Power comes where it belongs to the population through direct democracy. 

This definitively means the end of the globalists in all Western politics. 

The Unelected EU with all its unjustly claimed privileges and monies will no longer receive money from anyone, as a result of which the seizure of their accounts, are automatically dissolved through bankruptcy. 

The value of € 140,000,000,000,000 Pension monies stolen from the Dutch is claimed back immediately. 

It would be a crime to transform the EU into a new organization with the same corrupt players. 

That is why a joint Chamber of Commerce for sovereign European countries will have to be set up to enable the trade of the member sovereign states among themselves. 

Enjoy the Show that is now taking place before our eyes, the intention declaration for migration will also have no legal force just like the unelected corrupt UN. 

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice


The Betrayal of the Satanic Globalists -- Kalergi Plan, GESARA, Problems with Solutions

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen

The betrayal of the Satanic globalists. 

The Kalergi Genocide Fascists on the white race are in the Brussels and our Bilderberg Mafia politics. I am not writing this piece to speculate but to make it clear that we can change it by working together. 

A picture says more than 1000 words. 

The Hypocrite Satan Reformed Party? Will the Gert Jan Segers from the SGP sacrifice his own family and the Netherlands on the altar of Islam and satanic Elite, for 30 losses of silver to the Genocide Kalergi plan on their own race? Or does she drop the Rutte 3 to save the Netherlands from a flood of Islam Migrants, so that the UN Immigration Pact cannot be signed in Marrakech. 

Matteo Salvini in Italy is a nationalist just like Victor Orban of Hungary, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Denmark, who protect their people from Islam. The Immigration Pact of Marrakech has a long history. 1945 Oil in exchange for Islamization: 

The Barcelona Convention: 

All this looks hopeless, but it is not. 

My post of 3 / 4 November 2018 I refer to my invention that makes oil and gas far superfluous, we are not dependent on oil from the Middle East: where you can find a tool to apply for projects yourself. All this will be paid for by the announcement and implementation of the GESARA Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. 

The more than 60,000 sealed indictments against Cabal Globalists, Pedophiles, Corrupt administrators, Drug traffickers, money laundering criminals will be arrested worldwide. Many if not all Bilderberg criminals will be tried before a tribunal for their crime against humanity. 

Trump has already been asked to take the Chemtrails planes out of the air, Putin and Xi Jinping will help here to make this possible all over the world. 

Alternative Energy will make us completely independent of fossil fuels within 2 to 3 years. 

We will stop harmful projects for humans, animals and nature. By government terror, Smart meters, 5G network, Chemtrails, Haarp, Cern. 

It is therefore sensible and necessary for people who receive funds to coordinate with each other in order to discuss and implement a joint action plan. 

We are shortly before the RV/GCR so that the funds will be released. 

I suspect that existing politics are not so positive about our plans. If you do not want to hear or listen, you just have to feel, they become unemployed together and will experience for themselves what they have done to us. 

That is why I have thought of the following so that we can never be ignored again. 

We have all the expertise in-house, and you are all indirect investors through your individual projects and objectives. 

We hire many people who are unemployed and who work for companies. To force and awaken the government. 

1, We start a project elderly care and needy, where we offer people without a job to help and guide elderly and needy people in their household, they have earned it 100%, because it is our parents and weaker people from our society, that we can treat with love and respect. 

This means that we create hundreds of jobs at local level where we do not receive income, but do provide employment and social services. 

2, To force the local authorities to join us, we will apply for personnel to perform maintenance work in the municipality, we will buy these people away from public works, and we offer our service for free. 

3, We are going to start a training program, in which we will teach general social knowledge and history, but also technical and or manual knowledge in several areas. Here too there is room for people who are without work. 

4, We will approach all entrepreneurs from the region to employ their personnel who will continue to work for this entrepreneur, who receive the salary from us, for which we have to pay yellow wage tax under GESARA, so the entrepreneur has no risk and if no work the employee can be deployed elsewhere. As a result, being a company can be much cheaper to work for, so the VAT will be much lower. 

5, We are going to buy large buildings in the region that will be used for the above mentioned activities, where also people who have now been excluded from society, will get shelter and a right to exist again, so no homeless person will have to survive on the streets anymore. 

6, If the prototype of the Hydrobooster can be produced, this will also create many jobs, we will do this throughout the Netherlands and the world and take over the working method we are now going to start with. 

7, They will offer us the necessary land to provide employment there as well, municipalities will take the plunge to come into our favor for our employment plans and job creation. 

8, This means that schools and existing care institutions will contact us to survive themselves, and we can then use their infrastructure and system if this fits in with our story. 

9, This requires a lot of work, which will also create jobs, this can be filled by people who become complete in municipalities about. 

10, We are going to buy land all over Europe to start projects, which means that we can share knowledge with people who live and work there. For this purpose, people we train ourselves first will add to these projects on a voluntary basis with a supplement on their salary. 

11, Everyone who goes to work with us will then be free of risk, and will indirectly be able to propose an investment project, just like the first team members. 

12, For this we need people who will also act as project couch to support and to ensure that funds and resources are used as agreed. 

13, We can adjust this way of approach at any time according to needs and process development. We regularly consult with other investors who are working on such projects around the world, in order to achieve optimal results. 

Think that this will bring a storm of positive developments, because who wouldn't want to be part of a winning team? 

This will ensure that the changes come from the bottom up, and make old politics completely powerless and out of the way, because they do not have access to funds that are used against the population. 

With this letter, I hope to unlock the action, and wait for your reaction, so that we can interactively start the whole program together. 

Look in your own network for people who want to help shape these plans at the first hour. 

The setup is so simple that it can be introduced anywhere without governments being able to sabotage it. 

I am giving the first move here to set this change in motion, you push more to get to speed, the group that is going to work with will grow like coal and accelerate the total process. 

The Globalists never expected this, they can't change it or stop it with their state propaganda because of lack of money, who doesn't cooperate through the QFS and CIPS outside closed also the EU, Nato, UN and many criminals. 

The strength lies in connecting and taking action together. 


Reader: Stop this Shit -- GESARA Cannot be Ignored

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen

Transition communication.

Dear reader of this proposal, I would like a reaction that allows us to act interactively for the survival of our own entity, sovereignty, with its own democratic interpretation from the population instead of following corrupt technocrats from National politics.

If politics does not listen to us, it is up to us to look after our own interests without the traitors from The Hague and the Royal Family.

We have to fill in the picture ourselves instead of being relegated to slave to a communist EU for an NWO agenda.

This affects 99% of the population, so it should not be too difficult to do things well together in our interest.

Even before 11 December if Rutte, on behalf of Multinationals, Royal House and Political gangster MEP, wishes to sell our interests, we must have the plan ready.

Fortunately, GESARA will be a fact before 11 December, which will allow us to take action ourselves.

1. Through the AIIB we are giving a request to freeze accounts of the whole government.

2. Multinationals and institutions as well as royal family property and political figures will be seized.

3. Now immediately issue an application for border control for borders and airports.

4. Existing government personnel to give the opportunity to serve the population with their work, such as Police, Army, Customs, Fair Non Corrupt Officials, Teachers and service providers such as hospitals and medical personnel.

5. Immediately all medical care, free of charge, do not take out a new health insurance policy but cancel your old insurance policy that has been created by deceit and deceit.

6. Recruit staff immediately to restore elderly care.

7. We will have to change the whole governance structure, Judiciary will have to be completely overhauled to stop the crime for their part.

8. Send a letter to the UN until Rutte is not an authorised interlocutor for their organization, we immediately cancel membership and do not want or will not submit to their will.

9. Instruct the Army and Nato to arrest the Political, royal, and corrupt individuals in anticipation of a tribunal, which Donald J Trump has organized.

10. Let the EU know that we are no longer members of their Fascist organisation as of now and will again introduce the Dutch guilder as legal tender, any form of coercion or threat is seen as an act of aggression that will include sanctions.

11. The introduction of an unconditional basic income for everyone in the Netherlands, refugees and status holders will also receive this basic income, but with a limitation, to move them back to their country of origin to help build their own country.

12. End of double passport, one will have to make a choice of which country one wants an income from and if one also accepts the culture of our country, if not back to country of origin if one does not want to adapt to our way of life and customs.

13. From GESARA all costs necessary for a peaceful transition will be paid.

14. Abolish all taxes except a limited VAT.

15. How are we going to do it and possibilities do we have:

GESARA (Global Economic Security And Reform Act) for 209 Sovereign Countries.

Beyond a new financial system, what does it mean in practice and how does it relate to politics, oligarchs and the appearance of democracy that we have been promised?

Libertarianism is a political philosophy with the main goal of maintaining freedom through individual sovereignty and the principle of non-aggression.

Sovereign is completely independent of others; no one is entitled to give orders to the sovereign. The core of libertarianism is that every individual is sovereign. No one may/can force him to do something that he does not voluntarily choose.

The concept of sovereignty is also used in the relationship between states; no other state has anything to say about a sovereign state. Even if in a state the government acts as if it has something to say about sovereign citizens.

Individual sovereignty is guaranteed in a class Liberal and Libertarian society. It also guarantees the sovereignty of the area under the control of the government and parliament.

Each region or place has the same sovereignty over its own powers and responsibilities. Moreover, each region or place has the freedom to separate itself from the national government.

This also applies, of course, to the Dutch provinces or regions, and by extension to this the Dutch state vis-à-vis the European Union.

Conclusion by GESARA will change a lot, nothing like it was will continue if it is not in the interest of the population.

Since bankers no longer have power and influence to create money, multinationals return their power to the population, politics in its present form will have to be completely reformed.

The power will lie with the population, where local governments, through direct democracy, implement the will of the population.

Municipalities work together through county representatives who implement the will and interest of their affiliated municipality, in turn providing counties a council of wise men who act internationally to serve the interests of their country.

The Dictatorship politics that exists now will not exist under the new GESARA law, nor will it gain access to the new money system if one does not serve the interests of the population.

This means that the EU will have to be dismantled in its present form, and the group of wise men per country will agree how they want to cooperate on the basis of sovereign states among themselves.

GESARA cannot be ignored if the current debt system implode money system, which means that current politics do not want to cooperate in order not to lose their power.

Therefore there will be a cleansing action to arrest and try corrupt politicians for their crimes against their own and world population as accomplices of bankers and multinationals.

We the population will decide how we in peace without wars with respect to each other and how we will live. This will also bring about a landslide in religion and different cultures.

No one should be forced against his or her will to live a way of life that affects his or her personal freedom and undermines the respect of the individual.

Financial freedom rather than hostage-taking in particular by the abuse of power by a corrupt Elite who have never represented our interests and have only been able to act of division and deceit and deceit.

16. We bless politicians to resign immediately, forbid them any longer to sign treaties in our name, or to invent laws to keep their corrupt system alive.

17. Left, Right, Black and White, Brown and White, are all tools to distribute the population, here it seems useful to make clear agreements about how to resolve disputes.

18. Army, Police and new government as previously described acting in service of the interests of the population, not the old power structure or new rulers.

19. There will be a prohibition for political parties that can again commit cartels because of their corrupt abuse of power.

20. A new constitution will have to be approved by the population in a referendum, so that it is GESARA compliant.

21. A Council of Wise Men will help shape a transition government, and then through a referendum as already discussed in this document will look after the wishes of the population.

22. This council will be appointed on a job application basis to do their job as described, on a salaried basis, in case of incapacity or corruption they will be dismissed immediately and replaced by a job application.

23. We will not patronise anyone and will not tolerate any more discrimination, both positive and negative.

24. Existing laws and regulations at this time are no longer enforceable if they conflict with the sovereign interest of us as individuals.

25. Let us set up a timeline to shape our aspirations.

Warm regards

Rinus Verhagen


(Video) 60 Minutes on the UK Gov. Pedophile Ring Network

Published on Mar 17, 2017


60 Minutes on the case of High Level Child Abuses. 

Satanic Pedophile Cabal’s Iron Grip of Evil
By Preston James, Ph.D on December 4, 2016

Note: This article is based on police investigatory reports… personal documented tes-timony of enraged policemen and women. The story itself has major credibility; and the facts presented here have been corroborated by hundreds of investigators, and private in the USA, UK and other nations.

Australian 60 Minutes published a story that 60 Minutes (America) would never dare touch. In America and the UK, the Pedophile Network controls high ranking Pedophile politicians, the Major Mass Media, FBI, the CIA and top Law Enforcement.

Those editors of the major mass media and elected or appointed officials that are not part of it or compromised by it realize that to try and expose it results in an im-mediate loss of their job, their retirement, and they will be blacklisted and perhaps even have their lives threatened.

This has made it almost impossible to get the truth out to the populace about the presence and penetration of this world-wide Satanic Pedophile Network.

Notwithstanding all these strong suppres-sion forces in the past, not only was the CIA’s Franklin Credit Union pedophile scandal exposed by the Washington Times, but the finders scandal was expo-sed by US News and World Report. 

And, despite those highly public exposu-res, the Major Mass Media failed to pro-mote those important stories; and the sto-ries died out, with no corrective actions by federal LE, which we now know is dirty to the core, because its own leaders are fully compromised by this Pedophile Network


RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 8, 2018 Gentle

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Gentle" -- August 8, 2018

Operation Disclosure

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

The Cabal-MIC have been defeated and all that remains are remnants.

"If we can't have the world, then no one will."

The remainder of the Cabal know that they are beyond the point of ever fulfilling their agenda to enslave us.

All they wish now is to bring us down with them.

They will not succeed.

The restoration of the Republic is occurring in real time.

The 2nd Civil War is being discretely and effectively fought.

A gentle transition is being made for the masses to let go of the old way of life which the Cabal designed for us to keep us in debt slavery.

Zimbabwe is now on course to becoming the most wealthiest nation in the world.

Zimbabwe will have the most valuable currency in the world backed by abundant rare earth materials.

The RV is currently on track to release and can be expected at any moment (ideally between 11:58 PM EDT and 12:01 AM EDT any day of the week).


Queen of England Surrendering the Cabal to the Alliance?

Does this VIDEO of the Queen and President Trump indicate, “The Queen of England Surrendering the International Cabal to the Alliance”?

Posted on 2018/07/14

Source: Kauilapele

Taken at about 7:25, just as the Queen traded places with the President

[Kp update: I did find this RMN link to the text, but that is the only one I’ve seen.]

I certainly am not able to confirm if this actually is true, but it would be great if it were. I have no idea if there is a link to this text, but below is what was sent to me by C.O. It does rather “ring true” for me. I did notice in a short RT video that on the first half of the reviewing the troops walk, the Queen and President DJT were standing side by side, then when they turned and walked back, she appeared to point to the President to take the lead, and go in front of her.

Anyway, read on and see how this resonates with you. Guaranteed, we are in fascinating times, that’s for sure!!


The Queen of England Surrendering the International Cabal to the Alliance

This video shows yesterday (7/13/2018) the queen of England surrendering the international cabal to the Alliance (via POTUS) at the 7:20 mark.

Before that mark it shows the British military band play ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ then Trump and the Queen inspect the Troops.

At one point you’ll see the queen step back and walk behind POTUS for the complete inspection.

When they return to the stage the queen surrenders being in the middle to POTUS.

This was to show respect for the Alliance and they (the Alliance not the USA) taking the lead in leadership of the world.

The British press was all aghast when this happened calling Trump arrogant for walking in front of the queen…but the symbolism (like Q’s cryptic codes) got the message across to those who broke the code.


Abel Danger -- Franchising the Truth, Rothschild MK Ultra Patents, SERCO's Pig Farm Con Air Swat



July 4, 2018

General John F. Kelly
White House Chief of Staff
Washington, D.C. 20528

Open letter from the Cloud Centric Crime Scene Investigators of Abel Danger

July 4, 2018

Dear General Kelly:

Please accept this Independence Day Brief 308 from Field McConnell – United States Marine Corps whistle-blower and Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – wherein he describes our proposal to ‘Franchise the Truth’ through a network of ‘Cloud Centric CSI Theater Clubs’ where injured communities can stage the real/true story behind the funding of the MKUltra mind control program by Serco‘s (formerly RCA GB 1929) investment banker NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd. and the associated development of various patent-pool devices to elicit rage patterns and hallucinations in victim with Eli Lilly and Co Ltd (GB)’s Lysergic Acid Amide US2997470A (1961-08-22) Priority date 1956-03-05; to deploy contract killing Con Air SWAT Teams with Jerome H. Lemelson’s Prisoner tracking and warning system and corresponding methods US 6054928 A; to kill up to 100 First Nations prostitutes at B.C. pig raves between 1983 and 2002 with Darren Rubin’s Dum Dum-derived Biological active bullets, systems, and methods US9200877B1 and to destroy evidence of an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States on 9/11 with MagicFire Inc’s Precision pyrotechnic display system and method having increased safety and timing accuracy US9400159B2 Priority date 1998-03-30 2016-07-26 Grant.

We refer you to the Abel Danger Patreon page outlines our invitation to donors for funds needed to prepare presentation treatments for up to five injured-community theater clubs and we list below the names of individuals whose roles at selected crime scenes will be played by actors based on information and belief of the Cloud Centric Crime Scene Investigators of Abel Danger.

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