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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Archons. Mostrar todas las entradas



This information is very valuable...
Like any other virus, (COVID-19) has a low vibration with a closed g-circuit structure, with a resonance frequency of approximately 5.5 Hz - 14.5 Hz. in the higher ranges it is not active and from the 25.5 Hz range and above, the virus dies...

For a person who lives in high vibrations, that is, in the Soul, it is no more dangerous than acute respiratory infections, because the body of a healthy man "vibrates" in the higher ranges. Only occasionally, for various reasons, does it slip into lower vibrations.

The reasons for this can be various disorders in the energy balance ... (fatigue, emotional exhaustion, hypothermia, chronic diseases, nervous tension, etc.) ...
The virus in nature, outside the body, is not resistant ...
The total medium frequency resonance of the Earth today is 27.4 Hz, and therefore would be destructive for the virus, but there are places where this frequency is reduced, i.e. naturally or artificially created geopathic zones ... (hospitals, prisons, power lines, subways and public electric vehicles, shopping malls, offices, drinking places, etc.) Where vibrations fall below 20 Hz ...

PAIN - from 0.1 to 2 Hz
FEAR - 0.2 to 2.2 Hz
RESENTATION - 0.6 to 3.3 Hz
IRRITATION - 0.9 to 3.8 Hz;
DISORDER - 0.6 to 1.9 Hz
RABIA - 1.4 Hz;
PRIDE - 0.8 Hz;
PRIDE (megalomania) - 3.1 Hz

foto de Janine Libreros.

On the other hand...
FREE (thank you) - 45 Hz;
HEART GRATITUDE - 140 Hz and above;
Sense of unity with other people - 144 Hz and more;
COMPASSION - 150 Hz and up (but mercy is only 3 Hz);
LOVE (as it is often said with the head), that is, when a person understands that love is a good, bright and strong feeling, but has not yet learned to love with the heart, vibration - 50 Hz;
THE LOVE that a person feels with his heart towards all people without exception and all living beings - from 150 Hz and more;
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - from 205 Hz and up.

For millennia, the frequency of our planet has been 7.6 Hz. Physicists call it the Schumann resonance and it is due to the blow generated by the rays in the space between the earth and the ionosphere, which acts as a wave guide and resonator.
Man was comfortable in these conditions, as the vibrating frequency of his energy field had the same parameters - 7.6 - 7.8 Hz.
However, Schumann's frequency began to increase rapidly. We followed the dynamics:
January 1995 - 7.80 Hz, January 2000 - 9.30 Hz, January 2007 - 9.80 Hz, January 2012 - 11.10 Hz, January 2013 - 13.74 Hz, January 2014 - 14.86 Hz February 2014 - 14.99 Hz; March 2014 - 15.07 Hz; April 2014 - 15.15 Hz.
(We reach 170hz in 2020)
Even if we consider the situation from the scientific point of view, it becomes evident that a person who does not increase his vibrations will soon leave the earth plane in one way or another, and neither the high social spheres nor the accumulated capital will help him.
So we should not be afraid!
You can increase the vibrations by working with yourself and by stimulating behaviors of conscious unity and love...
P.S. Any negative emotion closes the access to consciousness.
Author: Renata Beffa.

***©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and the author is acknowledged as the source and this URL and the copyright notice*** are included


false flags, by deceit, lies, impersonations, usurpations, from the beginning of time, from the first creations, of all forms, from all areas of our lives | 

Saturday, April 14, 2018 

Friends, minds, beings, consciousnesses have always been manipulated by false flags, by deceit, lies, impersonations, usurpations, from the beginning of time , from the first creations, from all forms from all areas of our lives. We live in a complete deception and plot against humanity. We live in a constant self -suggestion program and graphed pain in our subconscious in various ways, movies, music, etc . We forcibly to be here the opposite of what essentially are. We have been abducted, we have been completely duped for ego, no consciousness or being .Those who interfere minds seek to change energy states, vibrational states, emotional states, this changes timelines and allows them to create parallel realities thus creating dimensions and energy working for his plan of manipulation and control , especially if we do not realize the deception, we fall and we work for them without realizing it. Everything for them is business, interfere and distort projections beings, know how, they always knew, since the land was taken , this creates power in their favor.Create fear, is your business, people get sick, fall into depression, create problems in families, discussions, lower the vibration of the planet with truth or lie to them it is part of the same . Every problem happens and often do not see where the problem is, just forget, we avoided. Sometimes itis almost imperceptible, subtle, delicate, if emotional intervention is higher, the better for them little emotional changes. They know very well that changing emotions of planetary collective consciousness, changing realities, means are provided and sold for this, some are deceived . Anywaysuch plans every time they work less, because more people are aware purifying the earth, mankind, delivering truth, clarity and transparency, we only can thus protect, even if it costs, although it is difficult to digest, although initially not believe us . Truth and can not hide for much longer, its time and theend is approaching. Corruption is falling, the days of those mafias that are presented today in full view of the world without shame have their days. Many are disappearing, but do not say, it's happening. The only power theyismake us believe thatstill have power, do show, do circus, no more, yet the illusion can become strong.They have lost most of the support, behind the scenes, almost no or very few support this macabre plan because they see coming to an end, he was no longer profitable to wake people stopped being business because we saw the truth. Yet we must be vigilant, because the land is under attack in various ways, some acts of vandalism are true, some are false, those who are true try to hide them so they do not see or we attend so that we do not pay attention to them, the false try to put them in full view for sugestionemos us to increase the illusion, both add to your plan . They want to destroy the earth, they want to subdue humanity , creation, more than they have already done.They do not mind damaging, they feel that technology can solve everything, but it is not and they know it Karma dragging and cunning control comes from other universes. People here falls because they make them feel that technology is the ultimate, robotics, electronics, is the true evolution for them, but this is created to make us lose our essence, our being, our energy and our emotions, theywant to become obedient robots, which do not reflect, people who just follow orders, complex and difficult . But above all this what can we do?many people feel helpless and think they can do nothing, but the reality is that everything is held by projections on earth, the same human projections that until recently were being interfered with, being released today,but we have to protect the earth and humanity, as guardians we are and we should always be.Since your being, ideally in meditation projects that would destroy this whole plan, it expects its same forces are going against and stop supporting them , ask the universe in consciousness that all lawyers in the world to come together to put them in jail, I am today is happening, but on your important and conscious projection for earth / humanity is important that sumes and do itevery day, it is very simple, it is a smalldetail, but immensely effective, brand and mark much difference. Interior work in conscious justicedeliver the results we require at this time,nobody will do it for us, it is our duty as citizens and we have every right to do it , especially if bought their own laws leave them unpunished. As humans we have to decide the future of our planet, the planet 'sfuture that will occupy our children. We need to support, collaborate, wake up beings and thus ask them to help. He feels that each passing day we are more free as a society!Wake up to this conviction and in addition to your daily work, works to fulfill this purpose.We are living really important, momentous, times change, we struggledlotget to this point, at this point,If we can push release and deworming earth forever !. Consciousness, nature, purity charge will only need to see the truth. You project, you ask him daily. 
Diego Alexis Durand

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...