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This information is very valuable...
Like any other virus, (COVID-19) has a low vibration with a closed g-circuit structure, with a resonance frequency of approximately 5.5 Hz - 14.5 Hz. in the higher ranges it is not active and from the 25.5 Hz range and above, the virus dies...

For a person who lives in high vibrations, that is, in the Soul, it is no more dangerous than acute respiratory infections, because the body of a healthy man "vibrates" in the higher ranges. Only occasionally, for various reasons, does it slip into lower vibrations.

The reasons for this can be various disorders in the energy balance ... (fatigue, emotional exhaustion, hypothermia, chronic diseases, nervous tension, etc.) ...
The virus in nature, outside the body, is not resistant ...
The total medium frequency resonance of the Earth today is 27.4 Hz, and therefore would be destructive for the virus, but there are places where this frequency is reduced, i.e. naturally or artificially created geopathic zones ... (hospitals, prisons, power lines, subways and public electric vehicles, shopping malls, offices, drinking places, etc.) Where vibrations fall below 20 Hz ...

PAIN - from 0.1 to 2 Hz
FEAR - 0.2 to 2.2 Hz
RESENTATION - 0.6 to 3.3 Hz
IRRITATION - 0.9 to 3.8 Hz;
DISORDER - 0.6 to 1.9 Hz
RABIA - 1.4 Hz;
PRIDE - 0.8 Hz;
PRIDE (megalomania) - 3.1 Hz

foto de Janine Libreros.

On the other hand...
FREE (thank you) - 45 Hz;
HEART GRATITUDE - 140 Hz and above;
Sense of unity with other people - 144 Hz and more;
COMPASSION - 150 Hz and up (but mercy is only 3 Hz);
LOVE (as it is often said with the head), that is, when a person understands that love is a good, bright and strong feeling, but has not yet learned to love with the heart, vibration - 50 Hz;
THE LOVE that a person feels with his heart towards all people without exception and all living beings - from 150 Hz and more;
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - from 205 Hz and up.

For millennia, the frequency of our planet has been 7.6 Hz. Physicists call it the Schumann resonance and it is due to the blow generated by the rays in the space between the earth and the ionosphere, which acts as a wave guide and resonator.
Man was comfortable in these conditions, as the vibrating frequency of his energy field had the same parameters - 7.6 - 7.8 Hz.
However, Schumann's frequency began to increase rapidly. We followed the dynamics:
January 1995 - 7.80 Hz, January 2000 - 9.30 Hz, January 2007 - 9.80 Hz, January 2012 - 11.10 Hz, January 2013 - 13.74 Hz, January 2014 - 14.86 Hz February 2014 - 14.99 Hz; March 2014 - 15.07 Hz; April 2014 - 15.15 Hz.
(We reach 170hz in 2020)
Even if we consider the situation from the scientific point of view, it becomes evident that a person who does not increase his vibrations will soon leave the earth plane in one way or another, and neither the high social spheres nor the accumulated capital will help him.
So we should not be afraid!
You can increase the vibrations by working with yourself and by stimulating behaviors of conscious unity and love...
P.S. Any negative emotion closes the access to consciousness.
Author: Renata Beffa.

***©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and the author is acknowledged as the source and this URL and the copyright notice*** are included


It was necessary to destroy evil large libraries, as these may have contributed greatly to our awakening

The wall of Jose Luis Martinez Garcia 

was necessary to burn all the great libraries of antiquity; It was a necessity for those who control the Matrix Holographic Earth, since otherwise we would have realized that similar myths and hoaxes like many thousands of years contrived done in order to keep us guilty and tied to beliefs repeat that we reduce to almost nothing. It was necessary to destroy them lest we would realize that we are the creators of the stage in which we and the matter that makes up the total scenario.
Whenever we were immersed in conditions of very hard existence and with little means to be able to grow spiritually came to us a few teachers who left his teaching a few lessons in accordance with the Universal Laws, and this occurred for tens of thousands of years. These teachings were collected in books through all ages; chances are that these teachings were distorted by agents of Darkness, as has been happening always someone was deceived and became agent of this, but still had seen some keys that are repeated, similar deceptions.
  It was necessary to destroy evil large libraries, as these may have contributed greatly to our awakening, which is unacceptable for them, for that had escaped them without being able to hold us. If we realize our inner power and the material and spiritual scenario that we find we can change according to our level of knowledge and our level of preparedness in the spiritual, apart from not return to this type of scenario for exceeding the necessary tests, those remaining would be like a sterile field for them, they do not produce something they need in abundance to survive: the vibrations of fear.
This knowledge is hidden also in caves and remote places to which we should find and we realized scams to our control, but the trouble is that when prints are that could us open our eyes, coming soon with the excuse studying them are the bad guys and they are the ones who hide and make them disappear from view. Most of these engravings, from very remote times sometimes contain mostly simple drawings that tell us about the scams of the hidden elite, because the drawings are timeless, while the word may have completely changed over time until it becomes indecipherable, because the various languages ​​are also needed for the hidden scams to separate us and so we understand each other elite.
Clearly, true knowledge is we nixed, at least until we demand, and most of us it is impossible demands it while trapped by nothing, that is, for hobbies, for leisure, for mass sports , by the deceptions of religion, politics *, etc. 

El Libertario
Note: When the Flood try the drawings, this does not mean that there was no flood, as there have been many, and these are repeated in accordance with the large solar cycles (times of Universal Harvest), but the thymus is always telling us that all animals and some of us will be saved in a large barge; but we hide the mountain tops were never meet, much to tell us yes (think: where could leave enough water to cover all the tops of the Earth at once?); They never tell us the preservation of human and animal species by our space brothers, who often help with their ships to preserve life on Earth and which replanted life

* all control the same, both calls right and the left, because they created both capitalism as we know it like Communism, as it was implemented; they buy wills with their wealth and many of us choose to sell and act selfishly, because all forms of selfishness is a betrayal of his fellow result of this lack of knowledge and Universal Laws that characterizes 

Images: various myths, scams elite hidden, found in tablets in caves and remote places (those shown are caves Burrows and tablets of Michigan, all uS and before our era, although, of course, they will say they are not before our era and is something false)

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice



August 25, 2018
Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times
Social media censorship is here and out in the open, and it has become clear that the major tech companies are working together to shut down and silence members of the free press for political reasons. Of course, this has everything to do with Donald Trump being in office, and whether you support him or not, what is being lost in the effort to depose him will eventually affect everyone.
Censorship is not the American way, and while people today may think that the ‘other’ side is dead wrong and shouldn’t be allowed to speak up, it takes a special kind of influence to achieve the level of social media and platform banning that we’ve seen in recent weeks.
It turns out, according to a leaked 49 page document, that this special influence may be none other than George Soros himself, the world’s wealthiest liberal political agitator. Soros has long been known to exert influence, via his immense personal wealth, at the grass-roots level of many political struggles around the world.
“A confidential, 49-page memo for defeating Trump by working with the major social-media platforms to eliminate “right wing propaganda and fake news” was presented in January 2017  by Media Matters founder David Brock at a retreat in Florida with about 100 donors, the Washington Free Beacon reported at the time.

The document obtained by The Free Beacon states that Media Matters and other Soros funded groups have “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites” so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.” [Source]
The full confidential memo, which reads like a subversive political manifesto, was written by American liberal political activist and author, David Brock, also the founder of Media Matters for America.
Entitled, Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action, and composed in early 2017,  it lays out the Democratic plan to oppose Trump’s presidency at all costs by waging a daily media war, and we have been feeling the results of this strategy since Trump took office, and after nearly two years as president, the media landscape is in utter chaos, and the population is more divided than it has been since the American civil war.
Regarding Soros, he is a known financier of Media Matters, of which he has supported since 2010 in an overt effort to counter news organizations like Fox News. Soros has developed the reputation of being the world’s leading agit-prop bankroller.
“Media Matters is one of the few groups that attempts to hold Fox News accountable for the false and misleading information they so often broadcast. I am supporting Media Matters in an effort to more widely publicize the challenge Fox News poses to civil and informed discourse in our democracy.” ~George Soros
The effort to censor social media began in earnest with the election of Trump which saw the rollout of the term ‘fake news,’ and the Brock memo clearly outlines how this plan was intended to bring about the resulting censorship we see today.
From the Brock memo:
Futhermore, the memo discusses how big tech companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter (all of which are openly censoring user accounts today) will be recruited and called upon to collude with the Soros and Brock agenda in order to manipulate the political landscape.
Collusion between Media Matters and social media platforms runs rather deep, as noted by WND:
The document claims Media Matters and far-left groups have “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites” so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”

“The earlier we can identify a fake news story, the more effectively we can quash it,” the memo states. “With this new technology at our fingertips, researchers monitoring news in real time will be able to identify the origins of a lie with mathematical precision, creating an early warning system for fake news and disinformation.”

Final Thoughts

Again, if open censorship of American independent media is allowed to take root, everyone will suffer in the long run. While politics may seem like the biggest game in town, above this spectacle are the values and traditions that have made this country worth living in. Once this is gone, America will be totally unrecognizable, and billionaires like Soros will be become our de facto kings and lords


in what HIDING PRESENT Masonic Elites

If we talk about how to interpret CONSPIRACIONES..y all happening in what HIDING PRESENT Masonic Elites - Iluminatis-CABAL-ROTHSCHILDS👽😈 ... a revelation: It's About PANELS SOLARES..LO it is hidden .. Extensions .ABAJO Earth (underground) PANELS by Kameran Foley: the Illuminati declare war. Planet X in 2016. (Kameran Fally) Part 4/7 
These 10 countries are Leading E World Solar Energy: 👽😈 
👽😈10.- SOUTH KOREA: 
2,398 Megawatts: This image shows a solar power plant in Korea Incheon south 55 miles west of Seoul. 
9. 👽😈 BELGIUM: 
3,156 megawatts; Solar panels are lined on top of a train tunnel alongside a highway in Brasschaat, Belgium.
4,130 megawatts: Rows of solar panels pointing toward the sky in the Greenough Greenough River Solar project, on 10 October 2012. 
👽😈 7. SPAIN: 
5,376 megawatts: Torres belonging to the solar plant Abengoa solar park in Sanlucar la Mayor, on 4 March 2016. 
👽😈 6. FRANCE: 
5,678 Megawatts: wind turbines in the region of Midi-Pyrénées, 30 October 2015. 
18,317 megawatts, "Solar sun flowers" designed by filmmaker James Cameron at the School of MUSE in Malibu, California, on May 19, 2015. designed as pieces of functional art, sun flowers produce between 75% and 90% of the energy required by the campus.
4. 👽😈 ITALY: 
18,622 megawatts: Solar panels are on a farm near the Sicilian town of Castelbuono, Italy, 28 September 2009. 
👽😈 3. JAPAN: 
23,409 Megawatts: Houses with solar energy 'Solar City' in Ota, 50 miles northwest of Tokyo, on 28 October 2008. 
👽😈 2. CHINA: 
28,330 megawatts: Workers walking in a newly built power plant in Hami, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 
👽😈 1. GERMANY: 
38,250 megawatts: Sheep graze between the panels of a solar park in Waghäusel, 21 March 2011.

Renewable Energy
These 10 countries are leading the world in solar energy


Orsini and Rosenberg: crimen de alquimia de la sociedad

La familia Orsini de Roma, la familia Orsini-Rosenberg de Austria y la familia Roseneberg de Bohemia y Baviera controlan el Rosacrucismo que es una sociedad secreta de alquimistas. Todas estas familias usan la rosa en su escudo de armas. La Orden Rosacruz también se llama la Orden de la Rosacruz. La alquimia es la manipulación de la psique humana y la biología a través de productos químicos. La FDA, la American Chemical Society y la mayoría de las compañías de alimentos y medicamentos están controladas por Rosacruces. La familia Merck son hombres de negocios alemanes que fundaron la compañía química y farmacéutica Merck Group. La familia Merck también fundó Merck Finck & Co., un banco privado en Alemania, y el Príncipe Alois Konstantin de Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg fue director reciente de este banco. El escudo de Merck de Darmstadt incluye a un hombre sosteniendo tres rosas. La familia Orsini estaba detrás de la propaganda del Ébola y desarrolló vacunas mortales contra el ébola como la solución al falso Ébola. El creador de Georgia Guidestones, cuyo objetivo es regular a la población de la humanidad, utilizó el nombre RC Christian como alias y fue realmente Robert C. Cook, un genetista estadounidense involucrado en el control de la población y la eugenesia. RCC como la Iglesia Católica Romana y como Rosy Cross. Los rosacruces hicieron un video de YouTube colocando un cubo de tiempo con MM y 16 en él. MM para 2000 y 16 juntos significaban 2016. Tenían la intención de desatar un brote falso en 2016 para derribar a los Estados Unidos y atacar a la sociedad con sus vacunas mortales. Las representaciones que se muestran del virus del Ébola bajo el microscopio parecen dos ochos. 8 + 8 = 16. La película japonesa llamada Virus usó un virus llamado MM88 diseñado por un eugenista estadounidense. Usando películas, medios, y números como este son una forma de hechicería diseñada para manifestar subliminalmente sus agendas. Una vez que todo esto quedó expuesto, la propaganda del Ébola terminó en una semana. Están detrás de la propaganda Zika también.
Las vacunas son una de las herramientas más destructivas que estos tiranos y psicópatas usan en la humanidad y están diseñadas principalmente para atacar el sistema nervioso y debilitar el sistema nervioso y el campo electromagnético de una persona. Esto les permite dirigirse a las personas de manera más efectiva con frecuencias de radio destructivas. Las familias Orsini y Rosenberg también fueron responsables de la peste negra. Contrataron a personas para envenenar el agua de pozo con el fin de propagar la enfermedad. La canción Ring O Roses se remonta a los tiempos de la peste negra. Usaron pétalos de rosa para enmascarar el olor de la muerte. También encontré a dos personas con el nombre Rosenberg que trabajan hoy en puestos de alto nivel en Bayer. La familia Colonna de Roma trabaja estrechamente con la familia Orsini y también está involucrada con productos farmacéuticos. Stefano Colonna desarrolló la Epoxidación Julia-Colonna que hoy usan Bayer y Evonik. La Epoxidación Julia-Colonna se usa para unir químicos tóxicos con enzimas humanas. Estas familias supervisan compañías químicas como Bayer, Evonik, Merck y Serono y usan Rosacruces para infiltrarse y administrar alimentos y compañías farmacéuticas. El príncipe Domenico Napeoleone Orsini, el príncipe Benedetto Orsini y el príncipe Raimondo Orsini son los jefes de esta familia. El príncipe Dominique Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg y el príncipe Alois Konstantin de Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg son miembros austríacos-alemanes de este clan. El Príncipe Alois Konstantin es un Comandante en la Orden Católica Romana del Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalén. Rosenheim usa la rosa en su escudo de armas y es una ciudad en Baviera donde gobernó la familia Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg. El multimillonario Anton Kathrein Jr. es dueño de Kathrein-Werke, una compañía de sistemas de antenas fundada en Rosenheim. Kathrein-Werke está involucrada en atacar a las personas con ondas de radio y piratear la fisiología humana y los sistemas biológicos.
La Casa de Orsini es una antigua línea de sangre de Roma que reivindica ascendencia de la dinastía Julia-Claudiana similar a las reclamaciones de la familia Colonna. La Casa de Orsini es la realeza del Vaticano y comparte una parte de la propiedad de la Santa Sede. El nombre Orsini deriva de la palabra latina Ursa que significa oso y es por eso que el uso de la familia Orsini-Rosenberg lleva en su escudo de armas junto con la rosa. La palabra Ursa realmente se remonta a Siria y al idioma acadio y la palabra Arsu. Están encubriendo esta conexión etimológica desde que fue expuesta por primera vez. Muchos de los linajes de la Nobleza Negra fueron Urartian-Asirios o Scytho-Assyrians que se establecieron en Roma más tarde. Sus linajes de sangre se remontan a la nobleza asirio-babilónica y los clanes escitas al norte de la antigua Irán y Siria. Luigi Ursino ha sido uno de los principales jefes de la mafia Ndrangheta y miembro de La Provincia. Es probable que la familia Orsini sea propietaria de los clanes de la mafia Camorra y Sacra Corona Unita mientras gobernaban en todas las regiones de Nápoles y Apulia. Las familias Orsini y Rosenberg son parte de las mafias israelíes, incluida la operación criminal dirigida por Zeev Rosenstein, un traficante de éxtasis internacional que opera desde Israel. Zeev Rosenstein también operaba en los Estados Unidos y proporcionaba éxtasis a los asociados de Gambino. El éxtasis es una droga sintética creada por químicos que fueron llamados alquimistas en la antigüedad y en la Edad Media. La Fundación Rockefeller celebró una reunión internacional en Bellagio, Italia, y estableció su programa de vacunación infantil para promover la vacunación de los niños. La actriz italiana Isabella Orsini es pariente no oficial de la Casa de Orsini y, debido a su nobleza, se casó con la Casa belga de Ligne. El padrino de Isabella Orsini es también multimillonario y ex primer ministro de Italia, Sivlio Berlusconi. La Casa de Orsini produjo tres papas y docenas de cardenales de alto nivel para la Iglesia Católica Romana. Poseían varios castillos y varios títulos de señorío en los Estados Pontificios e Italia. Las familias Orsini y Rosenberg son una plaga destructiva para la humanidad. La Casa de Orsini produjo tres papas y docenas de cardenales de alto nivel para la Iglesia Católica Romana. Poseían varios castillos y varios títulos de señorío en los Estados Pontificios e Italia. Las familias Orsini y Rosenberg son una plaga destructiva para la humanidad. La Casa de Orsini produjo tres papas y docenas de cardenales de alto nivel para la Iglesia Católica Romana. Poseían varios castillos y varios títulos de señorío en los Estados Pontificios e Italia. Las familias Orsini y Rosenberg son una plaga destructiva para la humanidad.

Orsini and Rosenberg Alchemical Crime Society

The Orsini family of Rome, Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and Roseneberg family of Bohemia and Bavaria control Rosicrucianism which is a secret society of alchemists. These families all use the rose on their coat of arms. The Rosicrucian Order is also called the Order of the Rosy Cross. Alchemy is the manipulation of the human psyche and biology through chemicals. The FDA, American Chemical Society, and most food and drug companies are controlled by Rosicrucians. The Merck family are German businessmen who founded the chemical and pharmaceutical company Merck Group. The Merck family also founded Merck Finck & Co. a private bank in Germany and Prince Alois Konstantin of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg was a recent director of this bank. The Merck coat of arms of Darmstadt includes a man holding three roses. The Orsini family were behind the Ebola propaganda and had deadly Ebola vaccines developed as the solution to the fake Ebola. The creator of the Georgia Guidestones which aim to regulate the population of humanity used the name RC Christian as an alias and was really Robert C Cook an American geneticist involved in population control and eugenics. RCC like Roman Catholic Church and like Rosy Cross. The Rosicrucians made a YouTube video placing a time cube with MM and 16 on it. MM for 2000 and 16 together meant 2016. They intended to unleash a fake outbreak in 2016 to bring down the United States and target society with their deadly vaccines. The depictions shown of the Ebola virus under a microscope look like an two eights. 8+8=16. The Japanese movie called Virus used a virus called MM88 designed by an American eugenicist. Using movies, media, and numbers like this are a form of sorcery designed to subliminally manifest their agendas. Once this was all exposed the Ebola propaganda ended within the week. They are behind Zika propaganda as well.
Vaccines are one of the most destructive tools these tyrants and psychopaths use on humanity and they are primarily designed to target the nervous system and weaken a persons nervous systems and electromagnetic field. This enables them to target people more effectively with destructive radio frequencies. The Orsini and Rosenberg families were also responsible for the Black Plague. They hired people to poison well water in order to spread the disease. The song Ring O Roses goes back to the times of the Black Plague. They used rose petals to mask the smell of death. I also found two people with the name Rosenberg that work in high level positions at Bayer today. The Colonna family of Rome work closely with the Orsini family and are also involved with pharmaceuticals. Stefano Colonna developed the Julia-Colonna Epoxidation which is used by Bayer and Evonik today. The Julia-Colonna Epoxidation is used for binding toxic chemicals with human enzymes. These families oversee chemical companies like Bayer, Evonik, Merck, and Serono and they use Rosicrucians to infiltrate and manage food and drug companies. Prince Domenico Napeoleone Orsini, Prince Benedetto Orsini, and Prince Raimondo Orsini are the heads of this family. Prince Dominique Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg and Prince Alois Konstantin of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg are Austrian-German members of this clan. Prince Alois Konstantin is a Commander in the Roman Catholic Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Rosenheim uses the rose on its coat of arms and is a city in Bavaria where the Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg family ruled. The billionaire Anton Kathrein Jr. owns Kathrein-Werke an antenna systems company founded in Rosenheim. Kathrein-Werke is involved with attacking people with radio waves and hacking the human physiology and biological systems.
The House of Orsini are an ancient bloodline of Rome claiming ancestry from the Julia-Claudian dynasty similar to the claims from the Colonna family. The House of Orsini are Vatican royalty and share a portion of ownership over the Holy See. The name Orsini derives from the Latin word Ursa which means bear and this is why the Orsini-Rosenberg family use bears on their coat of arms along with the rose. The word Ursa really goes back to Syria and the Akkadian language and the word Arsu. They are covering up this etymological connection since it was first exposed. Many of the bloodlines of the Black Nobility were Urartian-Assyrians or Scytho-Assyrians that settled in Rome later on. Their blood lineages go back to Assyro-Babylonian nobility and Scythian clans north of ancient Iran and Syria. Luigi Ursino has been a top Ndrangheta mafia boss and member of La Provincia. The Orsini family likely have ownership over Camorra and Sacra Corona Unita mafia clans as they ruled all over the regions of Naples and Apulia. The Orsini and Rosenberg families have part ownership over the Israeli Mafias including the criminal operation run by Zeev Rosenstein who is an international ecstasy trafficker operating out of Israel. Zeev Rosenstein also operated in the United States and provided ecstasy to Gambino associates. Ecstasy is a synthetic drug created by chemists which were called alchemists in ancient and medieval ages. The Rockefeller Foundation held an international meeting in Bellagio, Italy and established their child immunization program to promote vaccinating children. The Italian actress Isabella Orsini is an unofficial relative of the House of Orsini and because she is of nobility she married with the Belgian House of Ligne. Isabella Orsini’s godfather is also the multi billionaire and former four term prime minister of Italy Sivlio Berlusconi. The House of Orsini produced three popes and dozens of high level cardinals for the Roman Catholic Church. They owned various castles and several titles of lordship in the Papal States and Italy. The Orsini and Rosenberg families are a destructive plague on humanity.

Vatican Death Squad of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus are a Roman Catholic international military order. Knights are defined as military servants. The Knights of Columbus (KofC) take their name from the Genova born Christopher Columbus who was partially funded by the Doria banking family of Genova who are intermarried with the Colonna family of Rome and Savoy family. The names Colonna and Columbus both mean a column and Christopher Columbus was really a relative of the Colonna family. The District of Columbia takes its name from Columbus. The Knights of Columbus use the Roman fasces symbol for their logo and the Roman fasces symbol is also all over federal buildings and seals in the District of Columbia. The KofC are a fascist militant order. The Knights of Columbus are structured like Freemasonic Orders with degrees and initiations. The KofC was developed as an alternative to Freemasonry since Roman Catholics are not supposed to be official members of Freemasonry although that is not always the case. The Knights of Columbus are headquartered in New Haven Connecticut which is also the headquarters for the Yale’s Skull and Bones. Many police officers, lawyers, judges and politicians are members of the Knights of Columbus and are covertly serving the interests of the Vatican. I had a former US army solider and Knight of Columbus that targeted me with poison. I had another Knight gather intelligence on me and slandered my name around town. The KofC endorsed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito who is a suspected member of the KofC. The KofC claims in their endorsement of Samuel Alito that Roman Catholics are not fully accepted in America yet 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic today. Eric Bolling, Bill O’Reilly, and Steve Doocy of Fox News are suspected Knights of Columbus. Rupert Murdoch is a Vatican Knight of St Gregory. Fox News has a historical record of pushing pro war propaganda.
Jeb Bush is a fourth degree Knight of Columbus and his wife’s name is Columba Bush. Dennis Savoie is the Canadian ambassador to the Holy See and has been Deputy Supreme Knight of the KofC and Supreme Treasurer of the KofC. Dennis Savoie like the House of Savoy which ruled Italy and put in the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The fasces symbol used by the KofC is the origin for the word fascism which means a centralization of power. The Knights of Columbus are a secret society directly controlled by the Vatican. They are involved with persecuting those the Pope of Rome has declared as heretics and they carry out this persecution for money. I know of the persecution carried out by members of the KofC from my own personal experiences. The Italian Nobility are the owners of the Vatican, the Society of Jesus, the Knights of Columbus, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and the Italian Mafia. The Italian Nobility use their Knights of Columbus to infiltrate police departments and court systems in the United States which assist the Italian Mafia. The Colonna family are the primary owners of the KofC and they also own the Colombo crime family. Carl Albert Anderson is an attorney who worked under President Ronald Reagan’s administration and is the current Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus. Other top Knights of Columbus in the United States include Archbishop William E. Lori, Patrick E. Kelly, Michael J. O’Connor, Ronald F. Schwarz, and John A. Marrella. The Knights of Columbus receive donations to their charities and a portion is used to finance their knights which spread division and gang stalk people the Papacy has declared as heretics under Canon Law. The fasces symbol with the axe used by the KofC represents fascist tyranny under the threat of force. An axe divides. These knights manipulate both political parties. They use divide and conquer and spread division

Engineers of War (Knights of Malta)

The Sovereign Military Order of the Malta (SMOM) is the oldest knighthood in the world and its headquarters is located in Rome at the Palazzo Malta and Magistral Villa of Malta. The SMOM is considered a sovereign entity under International Law and under the United Nations. The SMOM also has extraterritoriality within Italy similar to an embassy. The Knights of Malta and Orders of Saint John are the engineers of war. Many members of the royal families and heads of constitutional monarchies are members of the SMOM. What makes the SMOM different from all the other knighthoods is that it is a sovereign entity. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has a higher authority than the Vatican which is why most monarchs are members. Members include Juan Carlos the former King of Spain, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Karl von Habsburg of Austria, King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Paola of Belgium, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy the Prince of Naples, Duke Franz of Bavaria, Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia, Prince Louis Alphonse of Bourbon, Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Princess Elizabeth von Thurn and Taxis, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, Prince Mariano Hugo of Windisch-Graetz and Prince Jaime the Count of Bardi. Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg are monarchies ruled by royalty. The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker is a Knight of Malta. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of the island of Malta and she runs the related Protestant branch called the Order of Saint John. The Bailiwick of Brandenburg Order of Saint John also related to the Knights of Malta is run by Prince Oscar of Hohenzollern-Prussia. Peter Freiherr of Furstenberg is the Vice President of the German Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Another Order of Malta connected with the Island of Malta and Spain is headed up by Prince Thorbjorn Paterno-Castello-D’Aragona. The Vatican and Knights of Malta established the Mount of Piety for profit loan-pawn company claiming to be a charity which has become an international institution that has created various banks with it’s headquarters in Valletta, Malta.
Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta and is covertly overseeing the SMOM from Rome. Prince Carlo Massimo is extremely militant and murderous. The Massimo family are part owners of the Holy See and Order of Malta. The Austrian Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein is the current acting leader of the SMOM. Rumerstein is a military commander. The Massimo, Torlonia, Lucchesi-Palli, Pallavicini, and Odescalchi families control the Order of Malta and grant a form of “sovereignty” in society to high level members like the monarchs. The Austrian Nobility are in league with the Italian Nobility and help to manage the Knights of Malta. The Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta is a top military council in the world which engineers wars. Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani-della Rovere was the Grand Master of the SMOM during WWII and his mother in law was a Rochefoucauld. Current administrative members of the SMOM include Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Hospitaller Prince Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel, and the Receiver of Common Treasury Count Janos Esterhazy de Galantha. The Boeselager family were Nazis involved in the fake “failed plot to assassinate Hitler” known as Operation Valkyrie. They made a movie about it with the Knight of Malta Tom Cruise who was knighted when he got married at the Odescalchi Castle in Rome. The Rochefoucauld family is French nobility. The Esterhazy family is a Roman Catholic Austrian Nobility. Richard Fitzalan Howard is President of the British Association of the Order of Malta and Ian Scott is Grand Prior of the Grand Priory of England an ancient British branch of the Knights of Malta. Prince Erich von Lobkowicz is the President of the Association of German Knights and his relative Charles-Henri de Lobkowicz is also a Knight of Malta. The Austrian nobility have always been connected with the SMOM and most of them are Roman Catholic. The Austrian Prince Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein was a former Grandmaster of the Order of Malta.
William F. Buckley Jr. was a Knight of Malta and Conservative political commentator in the United States. Pat Buchanan is another Conservative political commentator and Knight of Malta. J. Peter Grace was an American businessman, politician, member of the Council for National Policy and a Knight of Malta. The Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen was a Knight of Malta. The Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen was a Knight of Malta and he also ran German intelligence for the United States after WWII. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the only officially known Knight of Malta that has been President of the United States. The Knight of Malta Joseph Schmitz was Inspector General for the Department of Defense under George Bush and also an executive for the private military company Blackwater Worldwide renamed Academi which was bought up by Constellis along with Clayton Consultants which was headed up by Jesuit Georgetown educated Armand Gadoury who I believe is a Knight of Malta and adviser working for the DOD through the company Control Risks. Joseph Schmitz was a professor at Jesuit Georgetown and worked as a political adviser for Donald Trump during his election campaign. The founder of Blackwater Erik Prince is a suspected Knight of Malta and referred to his Blackwater mercenaries as Christian Crusaders. Erik Prince has advised Trump. The Jesuits were kicked out of Iraq in 1960’s. Other Knights of Malta include former CIA Directors John A. McCone, William J. Casey, and William Colby who was nicknamed the “warrior priest.” The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has a hidden operation at Georgetown University and its School of Foreign Service and work through the Jesuits in overseeing the US Pentagon. Joel Hellman is Dean of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service. I believe the President of Georgetown University John DeGioia is a Knight of Malta. Joseph Kennedy was a Knight of Malta and married Vatican Countess Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy of the Irish Fitzgerald nobility. Adrian FitzGerald is a Knight of Malta and ran the Irish Association of the Order of Malta. The Knights of Malta run Maritime Law. The Knight of Malta Arvid Pardo developed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
The Knight of Malta Alexander Haig was a US Army General, US Secretary of State under Ronald Regan, and White House Chief of Staff under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Haig was also Jesuit educated from Georgetown University. He was the one covertly running the Pentagon and White House during the 70’s and 80’s and likely a descendant of the British noble family of Haig. George Haig the 2nd Earl Haig who died in 2009 was a British Peer, Royal Scot Grey in the British Army, and Knight of the Order of Saint John which is the Protestant Knights of Malta. His son is Alexander Haig, 3rd Earl Haig. The Vietnam War was nicknamed “Spelly’s War” for Cardinal Spellman because of his support for the war. The CIA was founded by William Donovan who was nicknamed the “father of central intelligence” and he was knighted by two Vatican orders and likely a Knight of Malta. Jesuit educated CIA Directors include Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, Michael Morell, David Petraeus and John Brennan and they are overseen by the Order of Malta. Former CIA Director James Clapper was a professor at Georgetown. The Jesuit Order was established by the Farnese family under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese through the papal bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (Military Regiment of the Church). The House of Farnese lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Caprarola. The Farnese bloodline evolved into the Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parma families. The Vatican and the Knights of Malta are deeply involved with the US military and intelligence. The Knights of Malta oversee the Sacred Constantinian Military Order of St. George headed up by the Knight of Maltas Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma and they oversee the Jesuits. There is an American Association of the Order of Malta with Peter J. Kelly as the President, Richard D. Milone as the Chancellor, and James F. O’Connor as the Treasurer. Margaret Melady is the President of the Federal (Southern) Association of the Order of Malta located in Washington DC.

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