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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Plots and conspiracies. Mostrar todas las entradas


👉BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

 January 24, 2021

👉BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued 

The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history.  The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe Biden.

Then, as the President and his team attempted to address the fraud and alleged abnormalities, the courts refused in any case evidence to be brought before a court of law.

We’ve heard over and over from Big Media that President Trump and his team lost numerous court cases linked to the 2020 election.  But this is not accurate.

Here’s what we identified from our research of an accurate and updated list of court cases:

There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election

In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff

In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff

In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant

In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged

In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented

30 cases remain active

In the 2020 election:

Thousands of instances of fraud were alleged

Multiple states changed laws to provide for absentee ballots and the remedy is alleged to be not legal

The FBI to date has done nothing to review the alleged fraud

The DOJ denied any alleged material instances of fraud

The Democrats are accused of the alleged election fraud

The state legislatures certified their results with millions of ballots in question

The US Congress accepted these certified results which ignored the thousands of instances of election fraud

VP Mike Pence accepted the results despite state legislatures asking him to examine the results

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.

The patriots are now setting the stage for public opinion. Trump declassified the cross fire hurricane investigation, information is being dripped out, to prepare the public for what is coming. The memo is just the beginning, more is on its way. This will set the narrative and make the [DS] players feel pain at each step of the way. Biden and his administration have a SC lurking in the background, impeachment papers have been filed and Durham will most likely begin to unseal indictments to make arrests, just like Mueller. Sometimes you must show the people so they wake up.



When you discover a lie hidden for years, what do you say?


The moon is an inorganic structure and does not come from our solar system.

The moon is an artificial satellite, it was brought here during the last war between the humans of the Pleiades and the reptilians of Orion.

The moon is a warship that was stolen and stripped for its current use as a base for the reptilian and gray races.

The moon has technology that keeps the connections open to the wormholes these races have created, to monitor and modify the Earth's magnetic fields and link frequencies from the planet

Selene: Code name of this base, what we see in the skies is a holographic projection of this stationary ship or moon base.

Zaphiel Elohim



This is why we are really in lockdown... wake up people ffs... 🙏


▪️ The entire world is in lockdown.
Let that sink in..
(If it hasn’t already)

▪️5G is being rolled out world wide conveniently at the same time....
(Research health effects of 5G)

▪️Prince Harry and Megan leave the royal family.
(I would too if I found out my own family had my mother killed, and were satan worshipping, child traffickers)

▪️Prince Andrew is now a convicted pedophile and was extremely close with Jeffrey Epstein.
(Another convicted pedophile)
Research Epstein Island
(if you have a strong stomach)

▪️Research Pizzagate
(if you can handle it)

▪️Wikileaks exposed Hillary Clinton for being a child sex trafficker (along with Obama, Podesta and many other people in power) and she conveniently deletes over 300,000 emails, and destroys a laptop and mobile phone she used while in office... and gets away with it??

▪️Trump gets elected.

▪️Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s biggest germ was finally arrested for sex crimes (another elite pedo)... all of a sudden he gets the “virus”...?

▪️Prince Charles & now also the Queen conveniently have the “virus”, yet the queen fled the palace to self isolate weeks ago...?

▪️All of your Hollywood favorites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here, research it.

▪️Bill Gates is pushing vaccines and global depopulation, and he conveniently owns 15% of the WHO (World Health Organisation). Yes, the WHO is a business, go figure. Which is also owned by George Soros and the Rockefeller's. Don’t know them? Research them. (This information alone should make your stomach churn).

▪️Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information. (Why now?)
Whilst you’re there, keep googling “Adrenochrome” and start to follow the trail...

▪️An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting...?
(Connecting the dots yet?)

▪️US has deployed 30,000 troops to Europe. “for training”. Without masks or any hand sanitizer...

▪️600 Mexican drug cartels have recently been arrested, one of the biggest busts in history by the U.S... why didn’t we hear about that?
Trump openly speaks about this more and more in his daily press releases as the days roll on, speaking about winning the ‘war', and barely mentioning the actual virus in his ‘Coronavirus’ briefings.

▪️ 298 Saudi royals, billionaires, lawyers and judges were recently arrested for crimes and corruption.

▪️3 Chinese, including 1 Harvard professor, were prosecuted for economic espionage a few weeks ago.. which is all extremely relevant to Wuhan, Covid-19 and everything that’s going on right now. Research this.

▪️Trump crashed the Federal bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold backed currency, removing the fiat. The Fed and Treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for the global banking system with the people’s money. Not the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Soros, Goldman's, the list goes on.. this is HISTORIC.

▪️For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better way to re-distribute the money back to the people on government grants, paying refunds for business and ato offsets.. making sense yet? No longer will 99% of the worlds wealth be owned by an evil, greedy and corrupt 1%.

Believe what you want. Take what I say with a grain of salt... but open your eyes beyond the virus... and gosh.. just do some research! It’s all happening.

▪️Dozens of the worlds most powerful CEO’s have stood down.. why? Disney, Microsoft, Groupon and over 1300 of the top CEO’s.. gone. This was before the crash mind you... what are they running from???

▪️ Thousands of arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that... what are they hiding? Nurses are coming forward speaking publicly about the fact they’re treating hundreds of children in hospitals right now.. not for Coronavirus but for malnutrition, some extremely deformed, and all with extreme psychiatric damage due to trauma.

▪️ It’s widely known there are underground tunnel systems (research D.U.M.B ) that have been used for decades to traffick people for sex slaves and organ harvesting, across the globe. There is currently a monumental military operation going down, lead by POTUS to uncover these children, arrest those involved, and stop this evil once and for all.

What you are seeing is a war. An invisible war that Trump keeps taking about...

It’s a war between Trump and his Secret Service against the elites, bankers and mainstream media.

A war between good and evil.

Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world... but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream media (George Soros funded media) make out that he’s a moron...

Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks.

There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollars, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes.. we have been living as slaves to the system for long enough.

You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you won’t want to believe it.


The list goes on and on and on.

If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly Cessnas, which then magically turned into Boeing’s and flew aluminium planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 Navy Seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas).... you’re in for a wake up call...

Some of the big banks WILL go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax WILL go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.

It’s time to PRAY!


Don’t believe me? Do the research for yourself.
Personally, I would read the Clinton emails on Wikileaks. Once you read that you’ll believe the rest. Many of the most powerful people are more sick and evil than you could ever imagine.

Start listening to Trumps daily press briefings.
Read between the lines

Ty lauren jane


The Corona Virus creates: “A Time For Pause”

Mushaba Platinum Light

Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba

Dr. Wise and Dr. Fu Man Lu: March 18, 202

Dr. Wise: I am Dr. Wise. I am the one; the entity that spoke through the man in your world known as Edgar Casey the “Sleeping Prophet”. I worked with Edgar for a very long time giving him health directives that helped so, so many people of earth during his time. I return again with Dr. Fu Man Lu and other Doctors like Dr. Fredrick Fischer, Dr. Rife and Dr. Shultz, and many teachers and masters of the ancient arts of health, healing, and well beingness. As we look around your world, we see such a tremendous fear and panic going on everywhere. Grocerey shelves are being emptied and people are living in fear. People are operating and making choices from the perspective of fear. I would like to ask all of you that read these words to please do not fear and do not panic. There is no need for it. It is time to simply PAUSE! Let’s get the fear and panic out the way then we can look at the good in this so-called Corona Virus pandemic.
When people go into mass fear and panic, they make things much worse than they actually are. Then the feeding of this panic by your media is exaggerating the issues and so many people for the most part believe what they are being told by your media. Many times everyone forgets who they are. They forget what they know and they give all their power away to the media, your President, your health officials and others. When a person fears and panics, that in itself lowers your immune system and its response. It creates a heavy burden on the body because of the deep stress and worry of what might or what could happen. Then the mind gets going and all kinds of possibilities start to come into your thinking. Then you start to worry about children, other family members and friends, and you are just a wreck. This is unnecessary especially if you know what to do. So let everyone take time to pause. Just Pause for a moment and take a look at this. Here is the truth; more than anything the number one thing that basically everyone worries about is not catching the virus, but the fear of dying! That’s it!

You see people are afraid of catching the virus because they think it will kill them, that it is a death sentence. They are not afraid of the virus but they are afraid of what they think it will do and that is to kill them! The facts are this, out of all the people that catch the virus at least 90 % will recover. It is just like any other virus or illness, some people make it and some don’t, but catching it is not a death sentence. Stressing and being in fear and panic increase your chances of not only catching it but also the possibility of dying from it. Remember what I said earlier, you are putting far more stress on your system then necessary. It becomes over worked and weakened because it does not have the energies needed to remain at its peak effectiveness. Out of those 10% remaining some will succumb to it because they do not have the strength in their immune system and body to fully fight the virus. Some will get really sick but still recover, and some will not. The numbers that you are getting in your world are reported from around the world and if you really knew the statistics of any other flue, or disease, or virus, they pale in comparison. When something is heavily publicized as this corona virus people tend to think that it is out of control and just killing everyone that gets it.

When something is publicized like this there is a hidden agenda behind it. It will test the waters, so to speak, to allow those in power to test their strategies to see how it works and how far they can go, how much they can get away with. However, they have a plan, and so do we. We, your galactic brothers and sisters, have been watching this, and we have set something in motion to eradicate this virus and tone things done. We will not go into details because it’s not necessary to do so. But you should start to see things changing for the better in about a week, as far as the virus itself is concerned. You should see no new reported cases other than those that already have the virus incubating within them, but the actual threat should be eliminated. However, your governments may still take certain precautions to be sure, and once they see that the cases of people catching it have subsided, they will then begin to allow things to return to normal. It may take them a couple weeks or so to ensure themselves but they will see it.

Those that may have had plans to use this as an opportunity to go against humanity and its rights and freedoms will fail because we have also set something in motion to prevent that too. But this is not my platform so I will stick to health and wellness. The good thing is that this situation is causing people, families to spend quality time together which many haven’t done in a long time. They are getting to know each other once again. People are realizing how important they are to each other and how important it is to be there and spend time with each other. Relationships are becoming healthy again in many ways. People are taking time to pause and really take a good look at themselves and their lives. They are beginning to understand what is truly important and meaningful to them. I will step aside now and allow Dr. Fu Man Lu to speak.

Dr. Fu Man Lu:

I want to thank my colleague for his message to you. I want to continue with it and tell you that it’s not as bad as it is being made out to be. I am not saying not to be cautious, but being cautious and being in fear are far apart. The main problem is that many people and health professionals are looking at this in the incorrect way. Their perceptions are in the wrong direction. Let me share something with you from one of my Colleagues from planet Mushaba who on earth was called Dr. Sebi. Dr. Sebi stated that:

“All manifestation of disease finds its genesis when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. For example, if there is excess mucous in the bronchial tubes, the disease is bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is pneumonia; in the pancreatic duct, it is diabetes; in the joints, it is arthritis. Moreover, mucous in the retina of the eye will cause blindness; if found around the thyroid gland, cancer of the thyroid is the result. Basically, disease will arise in the body wherever there is an accumulation of mucous.”

This is very powerful. All kinds of disease and viruses thrive and live and become very potent in the environment that mucous provides. Mucous is the real culprit and the real foundation for diseases in the body. If you rid your body of excess mucous, you rid your body of diseases and viruses and the catalyst that allows them to attack your body and health. This also includes this corona virus. As to your home, you can take precautions and use disinfectants and sterilizers like in bleach to clean. But that is not really the issue. It’s when going outside and coming in contact with people and things. One of the best ways to protect yourself is your frequencies and vibrations. Having a frequency way above the frequency of any virus or disease keeps you from catching it. Things as simple as doing specialized clearings will help tremendously in raising your energies higher. Taking the Glutathione product we told you about already helps a great deal.

Glutathione is the body’s most powerful protector. Another one of the benefits of glutathione is that it is essential in enabling all other antioxidant supplements such as Vitamin C to work effectively. It helps prevent injury, detoxifies, and boosts immunity. Glutathione is a Tiger Against Viruses. It is the most important cellular defense that allows the body to prevent and fight infections and disease. Glutathione plays crucial roles in the immune response, DNA repair, and the detoxification process that neutralizes drugs, chemicals, radiation, metabolic wastes, beats down viruses, bacteria and reduces toxins and carcinogens that are increasingly present in our environment. The immune system cannot function properly without plentiful glutathione and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

Glutathione is manufactured by every one of our trillions of cells, and the level of glutathione in our cells is predictive of how long we will live. Without the cleaning and chelating work of Glutathione, cells begin to decay as cellular filth and heavy metals accumulate which then creates the most excellent environments to attract deadly infections. Without sufficient Glutathione, the body accumulates toxins and acid residues, degenerates rapidly, ages prematurely and dies more easily from viral and bacterial infections.

Besides this, taking fresh squeezed lemon juice, about a half lemon with cayenne pepper as hot as you can take it, and either 100% pure maple syrup or 100% pure honey to taste mixed with it will do wonders in ridding the body of extreme mucous. Also drinking pure sarsaparilla root tea and royal jelly will help to strengthen the immune system too! Do not go into fear. This will be over and behind you soon enough. In the meantime just take normal precautions because it’s the smart thing to do same as when you experience flu season. You don’t do it out of fear but out of an abundance of caution.

If you haven’t receive our last message, here is the link to find the Glutathione product:


EARTH, PLANET PRISON WHERE immigration, poverty and plots available for being unable to leave FIND OUT, WE CAN STOP IT ALL, JUST DEPENDS ON YOU

IMMIGRATION MAKES poorer or richer?

It depends on how you look at it , if we only focus on the economy makes us poorer, but if we consider culture as a source of knowledge makes us richer because they learn a lot and vice versa. We are POOREST? Poverty much to say has brought us not immigration but banks and corporations. They are the real culprits that we are poor and barely reach the end of the month with more or less difficulty. PLOTS only four countries that lead immigration to other states or places to escape violence. These countries are: Germany, Britain, SWITZERLAND AND THE CITY OF THE VATICAN.
Resultat imatges d'Germany, flag flying
Germany: After the Aryan race tner for decades and lowering the birth rate in the country, after aging of the population, had no choice but to accept immigration, but do not mistake you, not just any immigrant can enter. Only the most qualified who have the title of staff needed to fill the vacancy, and after passing an examination on the culture and customs can enter the country.

Resultat imatges d'Britain flag flying
Britain:  Country colonizer, all his conquests are referenced its flag except the United States, but this country has the same colors as the British, in addition to the stars showing every state of the union that makes up the country, much like star sneaky Britain, including its anthem (US) is the reverse of his hymn SAVE tHE QUEEN oF

Resultat imatges d'Swiss flag and coat

Switzerland:  when we talk about Switzerland we also speak of the Vatican, as both are united by a common purpose. In Switzerland there is no immigration declared, but really there? you ask, and if there is but not disclosed. Switzerland has much secrecy about its foreign policy. To work in this country need to be gifted in requirements but not enter. Also you have to sign a confidentiality requirement according to work desempeñes (maybe the security information is disclosed and that the country does not want to know). So what immigration to Switzerland? no thanks, we alone are enough because we can exploit the potential of this worker who wants to go really paying him for his contribution and value in the workplace.

Resultat imatges d'Vatican flag and coat

City of the Vatican: The Vatican is the smallest state of the planet, this meditate in the middle of the Italian city of Rome. Below this town there is a lot of corruption, murder and rape pagan cults that has nothing to do with what they preach publicly. Unscrupulous pedophiles are making sacrifices to minors and force their priests, bishops and cardinals to do the same, but did not enter the service of the priesthood. Now he explains why teachers  religious education rape and abuse their students.

The case is that most of these abuses are made in schools of religious congregation (mostly OPUS DEI) The Vatican conspires against the world 's population, they know everything about you, from when you are born until they pass away. 

The Vatican is the richest country in the world

This is possible because your parents since they were born and registered as a guarantee given birth to repay your debts all present and future of their own or of the state, so every time you sign any document, credit , mortgage, etc. Vatican knows and you controlled by the fear of losing your job, your home or by other means. Vatican immigration, immigration ?, ¿that are not really covered everything. Do not work, they charge more than you your month throughout the year, begging, as if they had money and you even say that if you give alms will go to hell. Lords of the Vatican ... are in hell, all of us and you. This planet is a prison planet.

How can we get out of this matrix

Through immigration to these four countries we can awaken the sleeping people, we will be a little more free and can be somewhat richer.
Resultat imatges d'immigration

Through poverty we can decouple the control of the economy pinioning us throughout our lives and that of our children, we need not only buy your products and export our their  country by creating a favorable balance of payments to our interests.
Resultat imatges d'poverty

L will not need you complots , because immigration and poverty are responsible for not being able to do all their business conspiracy.
Resultat d'imatges of complotsResultat d'imatges of complots

We must break all this interweaving of conspiracies, begins not buy multinationals, gives life to local commerce. By ewjemplo, meat is tastier in the market, and thus give life to small businesses. Do not drink bottled drinks, water is a well NATURAL AND FREE, WHY HAVE TO PAY FOR DRINKING ?. 

water should be free, if you say it is contaminated and we have to pay such treatment ... say: PAGE THAT TAXES ARE ALL COMPANIES GUILTY TO TRUE water safety, companies also have a differential treatment payment, can delay a payment and do not cut their supply, they can pay less for consumption even if it is greater, simply because part of the same interwoven plots. FIND OUT , WE CAN STOP IT ALL, JUST DEPENDS ON YOU

It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now, with this knowledge in hand, you can alert the public about the breach of trust and responsibility by institutions application of the law that already have a legal mandate to enforce the laws but they refuse because they are part around illegal activity.

Posted by EverthThenansehed by Joan Ashtar   © misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and include this URL  and notice of the Copyright

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...