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28 de marzo de 2019

Final Wakeup Call: Threat by Exponential Debt

Threat by Exponential Debt

End of fiat money hegemony is in sight

The credit market drives the entire economy

EU is under Debt Threat and more

Debt is needed to feign rise in GDP

Growing Debt Burden

The flip side of credit is debt, and this is where the problem lies. There’s no limit to how much real money can be created. In a world of real money: each additional currency unit represents additional wealth. But with fiat credit or debt-money it is different. With credit, spending can be increased dramatically. But there is a limit to how much can be borrowed. Eventually, a point is reached where the cash flow dries up to service the interest on the debt. Then the system is insolvent, and broke.

Fiat Currencies lead to corruption and a crushing debt-burden, both are at the root of world’s troubles. Virtually everywhere, governments and their citizens are borrowing more than ever before, and in many cases, they are far beyond any chance of orderly repayment. The point of no return has been passed – where interest payments drown the ability to generate free cash to cover those payments. Consequently, the debt burden is growing greater and greater. It must be clear by now; Banksters thrive spectacularly when fiat currencies are in place.

When interest rates are pushed down by central banks to artificially low levels and held there for an extremely long period of time, credit expands and the burden of debt grows. That has been happening for almost four decades. And now, the entire economy depends on something that cannot continue, as debt cannot grow forever.

As long as rates stay low, the system is maintained and supported, but as the amount of debt increases, the quality decreases. Debtors’ balance sheets become weaker and weaker. Eventually, the credit markets change direction. Interest rates start rising. Then the weight of all that debt comes crashing down like an avalanche. And once it gets started, there is no stopping it.

Real money versus credit money

With real money, the more you have, the richer you become. But as the quantity of credit money increases, the economy becomes more and more vulnerable to aturn in the credit cycle. And that’s what’s happening with debt now. There’s a very simple reason why the credit cycle has turned. Because the economic cycle has turned too. The back wind that was working for the markets from 2009 through mid-2015, has turned into a head wind and is now working against the cabal.

To put this into perspective; The central banks cannot print real money. They can only issue more tickets for seats that don’t exist. So, they only make the underlying problem worse, by lending more money to more people who will not be able to pay it back. Most importantly – the wealthy are first in line when the counterfeit tickets are distributed. The result being, should you go to the stadium, you would find them sitting in your seat.

When the housing bubble popped in 2008, it is estimated that about $800 billion worth of homes went into foreclosure. Homes are real assets. When owners couldn’t pay, the homes went to the banks that had lent the ‘money’ against them.

These banks hadn’t built the houses. They never owned them. They never earned the money that they lent to buy them either. Nor did the money come from savers who had deposited their money in the bank. It was money that no one had ever earned. It was fictional.

But this didn’t stop the banks from using this fake money to capture real wealth – people’s homes.

End of fiat money hegemony is in sight

The banking system is a fantastic business-model; they lend money they don’t have and charge lenders interest on it. Add to this, the ‘fractional reserve lending’ that allows the banks to lend ten times more than what they have on deposit. In other words, they lend ‘money’ they don’t have and which doesn’t even exist, correctly called – credit money– while they are legally authorised to charge interest on it.

The financial system is in a tight corner with many fingers stuck in the dyke, but it isn’t known in advance, which finger, if removed, would cause the dyke to burst. But it does look increasingly certain that the end of the fiat money hegemony is in sight. The only questions at this point are: When does it end, and when does the real panic begin?

Regardless of the timespan, the demise of paper currencies is a certainty.

“The economic law of honest exchange, demands only things of real value as currency and cannot be repealed. The chaos that will one day ensue from our almost 50-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or the equivalent thereof, for their oil, rather than dollars or euros.” Ron Paul.

The credit market drives the entire economy

The credit market is where all types of debt – government, consumer, and corporate – are bought and sold. Because the credit market, isn’t as exciting as the stock market, investors often ignore it altogether. The last financial crisis began with one type of consumer debt, the subprime mortgages. These started going bad, causing massive sell-offs of troubled loans.

It’s critical to understand what’s happening in credit. The credit market is the largest financial market around the globe, it drives the entire economy. It is highly cyclical. When interest rates are low and credit is cheap, “booms” are experienced. When rates rise and credit tightens “busts” are experienced. Since the 2008 financial crisis, credit has been kept cheap and easy to access. Creating, in the current credit cycle, the biggest excesses that ever have occurred in corporate debt. When the credit market starts to turn, as more and more high-yielding corporate “junk” bonds i.e. debt turns bad, the next crisis will be kicked off.

EU is under Debt Threat and more

Brexit isn’t the only big threat to the EU, at least three more big debt storms are looming, and any one of them could shatter the crumbling EU. Although not an EU-member, Turkey is in a depression and defaulting, while it is a big debtor to EU-banks. The implosion which is already underway will strike the EU severely. Brexit has been from the beginning of the process clearly shown that no one in power either in the U.K. or EU wanted Brexit to happen, despite the fact UK-voters had delivered it, in a stunning rebuke of the EU’s drive for a continent-wide empire.

The Greek debt crisis is out of the news cycle, but that doesn’t mean their debt has magically vanished. Greek banks have over 100 billion in nonperforming loans, confirmed by the plunging bank stocks.

Italian banks are swimming in billions worth of debt, making Italy another debt victim. Its economy is in recession and is in the first phase of collapse. Italy’s largest banks are on the brink of failure, causing other EU banks into the disaster zone as well. Deutsche Bank is probably the canary in the coal mine, with its share price below €10, down from the high of ten years ago of € 150 per share. Overall, bank shares in Europe have plunged to all-time lows.

The EU is in trouble from more sides: The Yellow Vest Anti-EU protests are intensifying in France, and other EU nations. In Italy and Germany these are inclined to become intensified. The UK is still on course to withdraw from the EU on March 29, with a NO deal.

Next May, the European Parliament will hold elections. Anti-EU parties are expected to gain control or near control, empowering them to elect the next members of the powerful European Commission (EC) and the European Central Bank.

As frequent readers already know, the banks are in control. Most companies can’t afford to pay off their debt when it comes due. Instead, they rely on banks to refinance it. But, banks have been undoing credit and refinancing the debt continuously. Even as corporate debt has ballooned and credit quality has weakened. The banks have been kicking the can down the road. Many companies can barely afford their interest payments. This game can’t go on forever.

Interest rates are rising at the same time massive amounts of debt are coming due. Suddenly, many companies won’t be able to refinance their debt, forcing them into bankruptcy. The default rate will rise sharply, causing investors to dump their bonds.

And as many people have become aware of, thanks to their corrupt bookkeeping, banks don’t worry much about huge credit losses. In the meantime, Global sovereign debt will peak this year at $50 trillion.

Debt Threats

When this debt crash occurs, it will be the largest destruction of wealth in history. There has never been a bigger bubble in bonds. That is being projected at $1.6 trillion of bonds and loans that will default.

Student debt poses another looming bubble threat. Over the past 10 years, students, most of whom have virtually no income, have racked up enormous debts. As of 2017, student debt totals more than $1.5 trillion, the second-largest source of household debt after home mortgages. All the signs show that the debt piled onto the youth will morph into another catastrophic bubble in the western economy.

The subprime car loans bubble is poised to cripple the economy. Most people have no idea how pervasive subprime loans have become in car loans. Over 90% of car sales is financed by loans or leases. These total in the US alone to more than $1 trillion.

Property bubble trouble

The property bubble is in trouble again. It is set to repeat itself with even more unsold and half-finished houses. Spain in 2008 was stuck throughout the country with over 3,5 million unsold properties. That number is set to grow again with new and unfinished properties from theupcoming crash ten years later.

Debts of this magnitude cannot be financed normally. Debts that can’t be repaid won’t be paid. In other words: It’s not just the magnitude of all the debts that’s the problem, but it is more who owes the money which is the bigger concern.

When the rich – a tiny percentage of the population – get in trouble with debt, it’s not a big economic problem. But when the poor and middle class get in trouble with debt – a huge percentage of the population – it’s a large economic and political problem. That’s what makes a GESARA “Debt Jubilee” inevitable.

Debt is needed to feign rise in GDP

The world’s so-called richest nations need $7 of debt to produce 50 cents of GDP growth. The world is bankrupt, and all of the financial statistics that are being published are just a mirage of a castle built on a foundation of worthless paper money. The world can of course never pay back the debt with real money, and the world can’t even pay the interest with real money.

Every 1% increase in the interest rate means additional costs for the G-7 of a staggering $1.4 trillion. That is absolutely massive. To put this into perspective, $1.4 trillion is only slightly less than the entire GDP of Canada. If interest rates increase by 10%, then this increase in interest expenses equals for the G-7 nations a quantity as large as the GDP of the entire United States.

Anyone with a sane mind will realise that this whole situation is untenable, and sadly, this will end very, very badly for the world’s population. An economic bankruptcy is not yet unfolding, but a moral and ethical bankruptcy is taking place at this very moment, on top of the continuous threat of fake wars. Added to the fact that most governments are taking away all freedoms and personal initiatives, rendering the people of the world dependent on state hand-outs, making matters even worse.

As explained here, the debt problems the world is facing are actually no problem at all, as the privately-owned central bank system created the money out of nothing over which we, the people are expected to pay interest, sanctioned by heavily bribed governments and politicians who make this happen.

GESARA is going to correct this treasonous, insidious misbehaviour of the cabal’s puppet governments, as they were all, in effect, initially appointed to govern their nations in an honest manner. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that they have extorted billions of our tax money for themselves and bribed politicians even more to keep the deception going.

Debt Reflation

For at least the past one hundred years, the monetary system has been manipulated, bringing the world to its knees through financial engineering that should have been alarming on its own for every well-educated economist. But the majority of economists have been masterfully kept in the dark about the hidden agenda, despite the occasional ringing of bells by people who had gained insight into the deception.

Through in-depth analyses, we have come to learn that the whole monetary system is – by design, – intentionally destructing itself. The excessive printing of fiat currency debt-money has arrived in its final ‘reflation’ stage of self-destruction, because the debt in the world has grown so excessively that the credit-system has gone into reverse mode, as the paradox occurs that no liquidity is left to pay back the debt.

Reflation is no longer possible and the deflationists are being proven correct. They are correct in regards to a credit system working in reverse with a negative feedback loop, stoking a deflationary death spiral.

There is just one small problem, what will happen to the currencies of these central bank issuers, who are also caught up in the negative feedback loop?

This is the main and most pressing financial question that has ever been faced. Will the fiat currencies survive and thrive during the deflation or will they be seen by the masses for what they are, IOU’s of bankrupt issuers at the very centre of the credit crisis quagmire? If you answer this question incorrectly, you have finished your own financial life.

The key question is against what assets will the currency “deflate”? The answer of course is as it has always been; “gold”. – While the pundits will have you believe “gold was devalued versus the dollar in 1934″, this for sure was quite the opposite. And while certain experts now will have you believe the “dollar” was the best investment in the 1930’s, for sure they are wrong!

The people are being brainwashed and kept in the illusion that debt is good and is unquestionably money with value, against which you can buy valuables, which of course isn’t true. It is time we start educating ourselves to discover that all that has been taught to us is wrong, and learn to change our thinking to see things as they really are. A good guide is THE GREAT AWAKENING, part 1 and part 2that explains and corrects the wrongs we have become accustomed to living with. Once your eyes are opened and you awaken to the Truth, you’ll notice the world is on course to changing with regard to all aspects of life. People that are educated about this will understand and enjoy the upcoming historical changes, that will liberate us from tens of thousands of years of debt enslavement.

Source: Final Wakeup Call

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Copyright © 2019 Dinar Chronicles

22 de marzo de 2019

Final Wakeup Call: Debt Scam Disclosure

Banks can never go broke, they control the World

Their Financial secret is founded on fraudulent accounting

 The secret of money creation lies in not accounting for it

Basel III sets Gold Price Free

Clarification of the banks’ accounting scam

There is no National Debt without the same amount in National Credit
By design, every government runs on debt money, accumulating more debt every day, which is termed “National Debt”. This debt is composed of Promissory Notes, I.O.U.’s, or legal tender, commonly known as fiat money. All these movements are fraudulently administrated in the criminal government bookkeeping systems.
For example; When someone pays you with a debt note or certificate, which is synonymous with today’s fiat money, and you accept this debt as payment, then a credit is created for this person and a debt is accrued for you. You never get paid for anything until you “pass this liability on” to someone else, by using this fiat debt instrument as a means to receive something of real intrinsic value in return.

Think about it in another way; every time debt is created, credit of an equal amount is created as well. Because mathematically, debt and credit should always cancel each other out. There cannot be e.g. 20 Trillion dollars of “National Debt” created, without the existence of an equal 20 Trillion of “National Credit”.

Governments on the whole, have been very careful and diligent and have accrued no equal debts, so that 20 Trillion-dollars in National Credit, and in actual fact it is a great deal more than that, has been accrued on the people’s side of the ledger. It’s time to start with accurate bookkeeping, zeroing out the “National Debt” against the “National Credit”. It should be a routine process akin to balancing a check book, but instead, it has been morphed into an excuse for fraud and theft on an unimaginable scale.

Governments have been very reckless. They have borrowed and borrowed and avoided paying their debts, by squandering money like drunken sailors for decades, and in the process, they have accrued Trillions in National Debt for themselves.

It is time that we the people wake up and begin to send home the majority of members of Parliament and Congress in dishonour, holding them responsible for their gross lack of oversight, accountability, honesty, and competence.

Most of these politicians have no idea how the government is supposed to work, or how to act within the framework in which they should have operated. They have no clear knowledge of how the government’s bookkeeping and accounting system is supposed to work, apart from knowing how to “appropriate” money for every unauthorised and questionable purpose, they haven’t the faintest idea where the so-called money comes from, how it is created, or anything else about it. Think about it, Parliament or Congress, has the singular task of holding the purse-strings, which they have unmistakably failed to do.

Keep in mind; The principal weapon of the Deep State is money and blackmail, and that makes it vital to end all Rothschild-owned central banks. The City of London, which is the main source of the Deep State’s funding, is, via Brexit, to be handed over to the Earth Alliance, once the ‘No-deal Brexit’ has become fact probably on the 29th of March next.

The UK and other EU-countries cannot be GESARA compliant and participate in the GCR unless they exit the Euro through, for example, a positive Brexit vote. For that reason, it is crucial to the Deep State to stop this particular Brexit vote in order to maintain control over their money flow.

Phantom money rigs the markets and creates debt enslavement

Knowing this, it should be better understood how the market manipulation functions, especially with respect to gold and silver prices. – The banks bet with large amounts of phantom money to lower silver and gold prices, and should they lose the bets, they only lose fake money but no money of value out of the bank’s vaults. They don’t bet to gain money, it’s to rig market pricing. Equally, they buy stocks for the sole purpose of illustrating the excellent performance of the asset markets, to falsely validate the strong performance of the economy
Be assured that most of the natural resources like oil and copper, etc. are rigged in the same manner. The banks’ investment scope is manipulation, and the promotion of insider trading with their friends to profit from this knowledge. Banksters in the banking cartel are seldom fined and never sent to jail, which of course is absurd. Knowing that the banking cartel controls governments won’t come as a surprise then. If the GAAP accounting principles were applied, entailing the registering of all newly created money that isn’t accounted for in their books, most of the world would be out of debt. Now every reader may understand why we the people are debt-slaves, the usurped power of money creation is intentionally producing enslavement.

Banks never can go broke, they control the World

The accounting measures of the Banks is a far cry from reality; it doesn’t account for the money created. With the banking reserve system legislation, no bank can lose money. In spite of this, they continuously tell the public that the banks are in trouble. This is criminally ridiculous. It has nothing to do with reality, but has everything to do with their agenda for the total enslavement of the people. It is the banking cartel families, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs and others that are responsible and in control of almost every central bank, and the Too Big to Fail – TBTF-banks in the world.

The whole banking system operates on the Rothschild money creation trick to entrap and enslave the world by selling lies about their insolvency. Marco Saba, the President of the Italian Institute of Superior Studies on Economic & Monetary Sovereignty, correctly asks:

 “How can a bank that is allowed to create money out of thin air ever be insolvent?

The secret of how money is created needs to be revealed to the public in its entirety. The power of money creation has made the Banksters more powerful than any nation on Earth. In fact, the international Banksters which comprise the World Bank, IMF, BIS and all central banks, including the Federal Reserve are the shadow government that controls almost all nation states across the globe. Now this fraudulent accounting crime is coming to light, the best thing every reader can do is to share this knowledge with all their contacts. If many more learn about this swindle, it will be stopped sooner.

The core banking secret, is founded on fraudulent accounting

The monetary system was created to be top-down corrupt. Worst of all, it was founded on the basis

of fraudulent accounting practices; with the acquired power of money creation, a bank never can go broke. They just create all the money they need, but don’t book it in their ledger. In other words, this money isn’t accounted for in their cash flow account. They have the power to create money out of thin air and lend it out against interest; i.e.: usury.

But what is widely unknown, is that the granted loan is also not booked! Consequently, they have no debt coupled to their power of money creation. Banks cannot go broke! Therefore, loans that are not or only partially repaid are never a loss to the bank. – Every tiny bit of the loan plus interest that has been repaid, is a one hundred percent profit for the bank!

When for example €100 is created and lent out and not accounted for in the ledger, if only €20 is returned, the bank already has a profit of €20, because the remaining €80 of this phantom money laundered into existence was never booked as a claim on debt, which is why there can never be a loss!

This is why the repayment of € 20 is pure profit for the bank. This exactly is the crux of the great banking secret, it is deliberately centred on fraudulent accounting, giving the banking industry immense power, in combination with the creation of phantom money.

Their secret of money creation lies in not accounting for it

The real secret of money creation lies in it not being accounted for. In other words, freshly created money is not administered in the ledger. Therefore, a bank without debt claims on its balance sheet, and equipped with the power of money creation can never go bust, there is always sufficient money available to stop any gap, hence financial banking troubles don’t exist. The reality is that money is created out of nothing at no cost the moment it is lent out. This money is intentionally never entered in the bank’s bookkeeping! 
Banksters are scandalously deceitful about money creation. They know full well, as does everybody else, that once money is created, it must be entered into their ledger, which will show up on their balance sheet!

When professional questions are asked about this procedure, they never dare to answer. All is kept in secret; meanwhile the masses are becoming aware of money creation out of nothing, money that by no means whatsoever comes out of the bank’s vault. But nobody, or at least very few know about the corresponding accounting hoax.

For example, when a mortgage is in arrears, not only is the property confiscated by the bank, but the repaid part of that loan, plus the property itself are a one hundred percent profit for the bank, while the ‘debtor’ remains liable for the unpaid part of the loan until the property is auctioned off, and if a discrepancy results between the unpaid loan and the selling price, the debtor is still liable for its repayment. This horrendous swindle provides the Deep State the power to buy and manipulate everything and everyone on earth, including governments.

Clarification of the banks’ accounting scam
Generally, it is not known that the bank’s accounting system is a scam; new money is not recorded in their cash flow, while they do record the expenses when defaults occur, but not accounting for the creation of assets is what makes the bank’s accounting system an intolerable scam.

Worse still, they tell the public about their imminent bankruptcies, which can never happen, but that is said to extract even more money from the National coffers, as was seen for example with the Too Big to Fail Banks in 2008 and the financial crisis in Cyprus in 2013, when trillions worth of taxpayers’ money were injected!

Learn by heart; Central Banks and commercial banks can never go bankrupt because of the money created out of thin air, that should be recorded in their cash accounts. Banks can maintain this practice because they are beholden to no one, perhaps only to the Rothschilds.

Like in every other business, they should apply the GAAP i.e. Generally Accepted Accounting Practice rules, but these are deliberately not honoured. Even their external, certified public auditors like the KPMG, Price Waterhouse, Lloyds, etc. certify their accounts at their demand, while knowing full well that these GAAP rules are not met! Banks tell the public otherwise, asking for financial support from governments by faking being on the brink of collapse, which is another blatant lie, but that is the signal that accountholders like you and me, can be plundered through the bailin legislation already widely incorporated into law. People by now should understand that keeping money in the bank is very dangerous.

Fractional reserve cannot work in a free market
Banking all over the world operates on the “fractional reserve” system. Although a sound banker should keep 100% on reserve against demand deposits: he should hold one ounce of gold in his vault for every one-ounce of banknotes he has issued. And he should be permitted only to lend the proceeds of time deposits, not demand deposits.

But under the rule of “fractional reserve banking” he is allowed to lend out 10 times that amount, which means that this system cannot work in a free market; for this reason, fractional reserve banking has been legislated by the people’s puppet government. As it can’t work where banknotes are redeemable into a commodity, such as gold; the banknotes have to be “legal tender” or strictly paper money that can be created by fiat to make it profitable for the banksters.
Due to the reasons as outlined above, fractional reserve banking is far more profitable than any normal businesses. In any industry, high average returns attract competition, which in turn reduces the returns.
That is the reason why the banking sector by law is protected, so there is no competition from outsiders
. A banker can lend out an amount, which a businessman might use to buy an item. When the seller of that item re-deposits that amount, a banker can lend it out at interest again. The good news for the banker is that his earnings are compounded several times over. The bad news being that, because of the pyramid-like leverage, a default can cascade. 

In each country, the central bank periodically changes the reserve percentage – theoretically, from 100% down to 0% of deposits – banks must keep with these changing anomalies, according to how the bureaucrats in charge perceive the state of the economy.

The fractional reserve banking system, with all of its unfortunate attributes, is critical to the world’s financial system as it currently is structured. You can plan your life around the fact that the world’s governments and central banks will do everything they can to maintain confidence in the financial system. To do so, they must prevent deflation at all costs. And to do that, they will continue printing up more dollars, pounds, yen, and euros. While currency crises, bank runs, and episodes of economic collapses are devastating to paper assets, they often offer opportunities to buy hard assets on the very cheap as is the case today for gold and silver. Use this moment to your advantage, and you will never ever regret the follow up on this piece of advice.

Basel III sets Gold Price Free
The use of gold is necessary to avoid financial catastrophe for the populace at large. Alongside the existing currencies, the oldest form of money, which is gold will be set free on the 29th of this month when the Basel III accord is implemented. Basel III is intended to make sure that all countries are asset – Gold – backed, otherwise they would not be able to participate in the Global Currency Reset.

With Basel III is said that physical gold -not paper gold- will be on par with fiat money and other debt instruments. That signifies the end of the gold price manipulation, requiring a much higher gold price for the physical stuff.

The only way to survive the debt crisis is that nations reflate their currency established on gold as a reserve, which implicates a much higher gold price. This higher price is necessary to accumulate equity in line with their massive debt.

Think about the complication that is involved; because gold is going to bring down the private Central Banks with their fiat currencies. Confirming what Q already had told us awhile ago that gold will bring down the central banks.

As real gold is going to rise in price. A short period of time has been opened in which many of us can take advantage of this knowledge by buying gold and silver right now. Since gold will continue to rise, it eventually will outshine the debt notes that all are paper currencies.

Even more, as people are going to realise that the paper notes they are holding are absolutely worthless they want to change it for real money, implying gold and silver. These prices are going to rise and that will make the paper currencies to decline, that as a result will destroy the private central banks.

Debt Money Scam Explained
Debt cannot be used as money. Nonetheless, the entire world monetary system is based on debt, which is a contradiction in itself! Consequently, the financial system is heading for a disastrous, inevitable failure. There won’t be a way around it, because debt can’t be used as money.

Money created through the energy of ordinary people who trust each other, resulting in trust-money, is legally synonymous with money created by the central banks which is debt-money, by transferring the trust placed into the first, into the latter; debt money. This results in inflation, which in itself is straightforward theft.

The Central Banks’ increase of the money supply goes far beyond social trust. The conflict between the two kinds of money – trust versus debt money – is clear: because a dollar/euro/yen/or any other unit can be spent only once – in principle for private transactions between citizens, but that same unit is again promised to pay off the public debt  through the schemes in which governments are engaged, without the consent, nor knowledge of we, the citizens.

This debt scam results in the following consequences: if all debt is repaid, then there is no money left in circulation.Because the first component of the money supply – trust money – serves as collateral for the second – debt money – and the second is for the purchase of the first, while both support the illusion of money. In other words, Public debt is required to create money while the people are told that their money is needed to pay off public debt, which of course is complete nonsense and a huge lie!

The pledge of trust money is a promise. The debt money that arises from “debt” requires collateral for which taxes are created, collected by the government to pay off the ‘never-ending’ or perpetual debt spiral to the Central Bank in the currency that the central bank itself has issued out of nothing. That then is mixed in with the trust money already in circulation, making the SCAM invisible.

The truth about the monetary system for the analytical thinker!

This scam is rooted in the premise of perpetual loans, imposed by central bankers on governments  that borrow money that did not exist prior to the loan, against the collateral of tax money from the people. Keep in mind, this is money that governments themselves could have created at no cost and interest-free. 

But governments have been forced into enterprises owned by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and are consequently required to borrow from the central banks.

The truth entails manipulation to such an extent that something is borne out of nothing.

At this point, understanding the scam and discovering how we are being enslaved by the Banking Industry, it is time people learn to think independently for themselves, by becoming detached from our daily illusion. People must fully comprehend and accept that something created out of nothing, marketed as valuable is a fable, a plain deception.

Much in the world has been intentionally misinterpreted and misrepresented by the media. There is a great lack of independent, critical thinkers. This lack can easily be lifted by reading and studying my book THE GREAT AWAKENING, part 1 and part 2, and consequently, one can experience and consciously understand the upcoming developments with joy.

A word of appreciation
In the meantime, other native-speaking translators have also offered their help for free translation into German, Spanish and French: if others are interested in helping with this, do not hesitate to make this known, on.

There are still plenty of articles that are eligible for translation to prepare our fellow citizens in their mother tongue for the upcoming historical changes.

It is of great importance to all of us that as many people as possible wake up and stay awake. Mother tongue information is essential to achieve this goal; to finally free humanity from the debt slavery of the cabal banks.

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