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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Department of Justice. Mostrar todas las entradas


FINALLY: Trump declares war on Big Tech to stop monopolistic practices, censorship and de-platforming discrimination

At the prompting of President Donald Trump, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is finally on the verge of launching a much-needed, full-scale investigation into the censorship, de-platforming, and discrimination tactics of the Tech Cabal, which has long been engaged in illicit, monopolistic practices that hurt consumers and inhibit freedom of speech.

The DOJ has indicated that it will be digging deep into the anti-First Amendment culture at Google and its parent company, Alphabet Inc., which was the subject of an earlier 2013 investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that ended up going nowhere, presumably because Barack Hussein Obama was occupying the White House at the time. But there’s a new sheriff in town.
According to reports, the imposition of billions of dollars in fines against companies like Google by European Union watchdogs in recent years is now being followed by similar probes in America, where Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it their official policy to rape the First Amendment by classifying it as “hate speech.”

“I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers,” stated U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr during a recent confirmation hearing before U.S. Senators.
For more news about Big Tech censorship and the pressing need for these anti-American corporations to be held accountable for their assault on free speech, be sure to check out
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Watch out Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube: You’re all next…

Though the probe specifically names Google as its primary, the rest of the Tech Cabal, including Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, also faces much-deserved scrutiny in the coming days.

Amazon, for instance, is also said to be under investigation very soon, thanks to a new regulatory agreement between the FTC and the DOJ that effectively will put Amazon under the appropriate jurisdiction to be held accountable for its corporate crimes.

“… the kind of arrangement brokered between the Justice Department and the FTC typically presages more serious antitrust scrutiny, the likes of which many Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have sought out of fear that tech companies have become too big and powerful,” writes Tony Romm for The Washington Post, as republished by

With this Amazon probe will almost certainly come many more probes into other tech offenders like Facebook and Twitter, both of which have made it abundantly clear that they in no way respect, honor, or even recognize the free speech rights of Americans whose speech Leftists find “offensive” or “hateful.”

The European Union has really been the main entity taking the lead on trying to break up this Big Tech monopoly, as investigations into both Amazon and Google’s business practices are currently underway there. But the same is now happening in the United States under the Trump administration – and like we’ve been reporting, it’s long overdue.
“What you’re actually watching may be the Trump administration firing a warning shot over the bow of Silicon Valley and its evil tech giants,” contends Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. “The message is clear: If you continue to censor the human rights and free speech of conservatives and Christians, you will be taken down and denied access to the internet infrastructure.”

And in Adams’ view, this is only the beginning. In time, the CEOs and other top dogs in charge at these illicit companies could eventually face prison time for their crimes against humanity, as they continue to engage in what Adams describes as a “massive, coordinated criminal fraud, election rigging and treason against the United States of America.”

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