
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Energies. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Energies. Mostrar todas las entradas

29 de diciembre de 2021




A LOT is clearing and releasing Collectively, especially of the negative entity kind, so it is very important right now for everyone to watch and keep their boundaries in check and kick those gremlins to the curb.

This will appear in many different ways. One part is keeping our energy field squeeky clean and sovereign. Another part is how we interact with others. Entities, negative aliens and cabal/ illuminati are now being mass exiled and they’re not going without some kicking and clinging on for survival. There’s a lot happening behind the veil, which we will soon enough know of, but first we have to raise the Frequency a little higher peeps. Simultaneously it is already DONE but we also keep making it happen as we walk our path. It’s bothand. Remember, this is all about Divine Timing, which is Divine Frequency Alignment, it’s not about linear time! We gotta transcend that time thing if we want to transcend 3/4D. Drop into TIMELESSNESS. Into NO-TIME, where Multidimensional access becomes accessible.

The effects of this Collective clean up may show up as negative entities trying to attack or get to you by working through people around and close to you. Our personal life’s are a reflection of that, and ALL REALITIES ARE MERGING INTO ONE. The invisible is becoming visible. Everything is becoming very clear and obvious. Nothing can hide any longer. It’s important that you hold strong yet loving and compassionate boundaries with those around you and let people know when they overstepped them. We are the Collective Exorcists, so know your power and know that you are their way back to Source. It’s like moths to a flame. Just don’t let them trigger and feed off your energy (aka don’t fall for the old tricks and gaslighting) and stay in a neutral Observer state, whilst sending them back into the light, standing firm in Divine Love. We can all do this, it’s time to remember! Mostly, it’s a Frequency we embody in all areas of our life. To not feed into or be dragged into any drama for example, that will trigger loosh (negative energy such as anger, fear, pain etc) and keep feeding the vampires.


Alchemise, master and command every situation! Usually we are asked to be the more conscious person within our interactions, leading and showing the way.

So even if you have a good friend that may be going through some tough times, be careful not to fall for old tricks and traps and to not feed into any codependent and narcissistic patterns and programs. To not enable bad and harmful behaviours. The saying ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’ comes to mind. So even if you think you’re doing someone a favour digging them out of a difficult situation, be careful you’re not tampering with someone’s karma they have to resolve themselves. You’re just delaying their lesson and wasting your own energy.

Be mindful how you are guided to assist others, when not to intervene/ interfere, and keep a healthy balance. If we want to BE SOVEREIGN, we have to act in alignment with that and stop playing these games, NOW WE KNOW BETTER 

Self love, feeling worthy and enough, being confident, having firm boundaries and good discernment, are THE key lessons for us to master!

A big part of this is that we will only let people walk all over us, take advantage, lie, use and manipulate us when we somewhere deep down believe that’s what we deserve. Or rather that we don’t deserve better. So basically we are not worthy. That others are more important than we are and our own happiness. This goes deep. When we keep putting other people’s needs before our own or keep enabling people, it serves noone and keeps breeding co-dependend relationships and interaction’s where everyone keeps feeding off each others energy. We got to stop this now, once and for all. Because ALL types of parasites are only able to feed off us when we give our power away! Got it 

So claiming and KNOWing our worth, how valuable we are and how important we and our missions is, how powerful we truly are, having full Confidence in ourselves, and are FULL OF LOVE for Self, is what flips the poles here! Also when we truly and fully love ourselves, we automatically extent this out to all of life everywhere! It’s ONE and the same.


When we no longer feed the vampires and black hole systems, they starve and dissolve, and we can use the energy for new co-creations that nourish our and others Hearts and Souls. The false Matrix and black hole System collapse/ dissolution is happening simultaneously and inter-connected as we trigger it into completion by doing our part. We’re also aligning and merging with our Higher Identities THROUGH this, our Multidimensional Aspects that are part of the Collective clean up, which some of us are consciously aware of, others not. It all comes down to becoming Super-Conscious of all we do, of how we manage our energy and maintain a sovereign energetic field. We stop the feeding frenzy and return to perpetual God Source back flow return, which is a self sustaining energetic flow between us and Source. Not to mention that our level of self worth and love is super important and inter-connected with the levels of Abundance we are able to accept and receive!! So buy yourself that gift and treat yourself, because YOU ARE really WORTH IT!

We are now asked to once and for all close, heal and seal all these negative portals and openings in our Auric field to stop feeding people, systems, negative entities and Timelines our sacred life force energy! This is also happening planetary wide, it’s all inter-connected, together Humanity makes up the Planetary Body. ALL IS ONE! So it’s even more imperative to have a sovereign energy field which is what we need for New Earth living to work, where we’re inter-dependent, not co-dependend! Can you see how it’s all connected?! Because we all need one another but New Earth relationships are based in balanced and equal exchanges of give and take. Our individual life streams are really like a micro version of what unfolds at a larger scale. So if we want the negative aliens for example to stop feeding off Humanity, then we need to be the living examples of that. Energetically and practically speaking.


And remember, we are talking about firm and clear boundaries, not barbwire. Talk to others like you want to be spoken to. We don’t have to shout to make ourSelfs heard, it’s about the FREQUENCY we come from. And once you have your worth and boundaries all in check, these vampires won’t come near you no more, although they may test you. So watch for and master those triggers, it’s graduation time but everyone still has to take their own tests.

I see that there is going to be a massive Activation of the HUman Heart, Earth’s Crystal Core and Grid System, triggering a pole shift and magnetic flip for the manipulated geomagnetic field to collapse temporarily, and for the New Grid System to come online. This will fully dissolve the holographic overlay of the false Matrix, revealing The Organic Creatrix. This is all inter-connected with this final stage of the Collective Awakening, all-ready well underway. I am being shown that we are now undergoing a rapid DNA Activation sequence Collectively, which is bringing our Multidimensional Self and true memories and New REALity fully online.

As we remember our true nature again, AtONEment!

So keep the faith, release all remaining FEARS that keep you connected to the old Matrix and work through those remaining triggers and judgements and let that crap you no longer need, GO. Keep going!


Stop believing it all to be real so it can collapse, it’s all fake and artificial!


By standing in full integrity and Embodiment! Any moment now we will see tangible shifts and all new Realities come online! All activated from within us, as our DNA, Plasma Light body's, memories, and inner Technologies come online. Remember, we keep co-creating this!


I feel over the next few days, around the 24/25th things are going to shift in a very big and tangible way. Maybe even in the blink of an eye. We shall see!


Currently we are transversing Realities, Timelines and Dimensions. We are in a Portal leading us into ALL NEW BEGINNINGS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALITY EXPERIENCE!


Stay in childlike awe and wonder, just like one would look forward to CHRIStMASS, wondering what gifts and surprises await.


And keep help making it happen with every word, thought, belief, feeling and action you take!


We are writing the new script in every NOW and our job is to keep being the Rainbow Pillars of Light, Love, Compassion, Peace and a higher Consciousness, that are leading HUmanity through this transition and Multidimensional Portal into a New Reality Experience, whilst not taking any nonsense! All through us fully stepping up an into our own Embodiment which is what activates the New Realities and dissolves the false holographic Matrix overlay now.

After all, this is what we came for! 

Let’s get this done!

Eternal Love & Blessings,

Ramona 💙


27 de noviembre de 2021

Jamye Price - December Energies - Heart Compass - Nov 26, 2021

Jamye Price - December Energies - Heart Compass - Nov 26, 2021

As the year of Freeing Your Heart winds to a close, the direction of your heart is leading you forward. What seems backward is just a direction shift. As you are navigating the impulses of your heart and mind, you are strengthening your clarity to focus your creative Love into your life.

It has been a year of refining your focus, boundaries and energy flow so that you are determining your experience rather than just reacting to life’s tides. This is the core work of Ascension, and we are enhancing the flow of the heart into the human experience.
Your Compassionate Compass

December’s energy of Heart Compass is to help you find your own north star, the stable guiding force of your inner knowing, your deep connection with this vast universe of Life. Your Heart Compass helps you shift direction and know that no matter how far it may seem you stray, it’s just a direction shift.

Shifting direction, making choice, can seem so consequential. And of course, it is at times. But it is also part of moving through Time, where change is constant. As my Guides lovingly told me many years ago, “Make a choice or one will be made for you.”

That was not a punishment for indecision, nor did it mean that we must immediately decide and act. But as we are moving through life, the lack of decision when appropriate, or the lack of directing our energy can result in outside influence within.

Choosing Love

As we’ve moved through the energies of this year, refining our inner realm to support our heart flowing into our life and therefore this world, honoring the sacredness within has been paramount. This has been a year of going deeper into healing and deeper into personal clarity.

This year challenged many to find more courage to express the self, hold loving boundaries better so your mental energy is more relaxed. Your Heart Compass is a reminder that all directions are within the circle of Life.

As you make choice and change direction or move forward, backward or seem to stand still; you are within the circle of Life. All direction leads you to Life. Your work, Lightworker, is to bring your Love, to Free Your Heart into this world.

Your Heart Compass will only lead you to Love.

8 de diciembre de 2019

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, December 7, 2019

Human beings often worry about unknowns. This is actually a misuse of your creative energy. There is a pervasive belief that the unknown is bad. What if the unknown is wonderful? What if it is a vast expanse, a playground of potential and possibility? What if it only wishes to serve you?

Worrying about the unknown creates resistance to your future and immediately constrains your flow. The key here is to simply connect with what is working for you presently, and from that space you will naturally flow farther down that energetic trail. Use your focus to bloom and grow what feels good, what brings you joy, to acknowledge your mastery as a creator, and to make room for even more of what lifts you up and excites you.

Release the idea that the mind knows best, and delegate it into the more helpful role of observer. Allow your heart to take the lead, for it is your heart that is much more comfortable with feeling and expansion, is in touch with your soul, and is always ready to receive the blessings of the flow. 

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

2 de octubre de 2019

Oktober 2019 Energy Update: Zu sagen NEIN zu Überlastung

Quelle:  Lee Harris
Wir haben ein paar verschiedenen Themen durch diesen Monat kommen: Es gibt eine Löschphase am Horizont, so beste Zeit zum Ausräumen, Aufräumen, SAGT NEIN, um zu überlasten der Zugriff auf mehr magische und höhere Frequenzen, explosive Energie und Überraschungen und letzte but not least, Division COMPASSION BEYOND.
Die Energie der Lichtung wird sehr unterstützend sein, überraschend anmutig und ist sehr durch die Energie schnell ausgetauscht werde, die Sie wollen‘in bringen.
Du wirst feststellen, starten, das, sagen überlastet „Nein“ wird nur overstimulated natürlicher Rhythmus für Sie immer. Wenn wir dies tun, tun wir whos bei höheren Frequenzen zu leben beginnen - ich ihnen Frequenzen Magische nennen. Es ist, wenn Sie beginnen zu bemerken, dass alles im Leben mehr fließt und dass du in der Lage, den Faden der geistigen Verbindung, um zu sehen, die durch Ihr Leben laufen.
Es ist auch eine wirklich Zeit für uns zu wichtig kommen als Gemeinschaft zusammen und zu lernen unsere Herzen wie die Menschheit zu bessern. Da die Wunden sehen spielen wir heraus, dass in allen von uns als Kollektiv, Sie haben das Potenzial, uns alle zu transformierenden und lassen uns auf eine mitfühlende Welt bewegen.
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Copyright © misteri1963

15 de julio de 2019


Anhänger CB9 & Kristallwürfel des Aufstiegs CB11


JJK: „Nur wer Angst hat, muss sich schützen.“ Diesem Glaubenssatz begegne ich sehr häufig. Stimmt das?
MEISTER ST. GERMAIN: Ich umfange alle Menschen, die diesem Gespräch jetzt folgen, mit meiner Liebe.
Wer Angst hat, wovor auch immer, der neigt dazu, sich zu schützen, wie auch immer. Dies ist zunächst nichts Verwerfliches, sondern dieser Wahrnehmung geschuldet. Jetzt geht es darum, ob die Ängste berechtigt oder eingebildet sind. Dies gilt es zunächst für den Einzelnen zu beachten.
Bei eingebildeten Ängsten ist es wichtig, diese zu erkennen, sich diesen zu stellen und diese zu lösen. Berechtigte Ängste hingegen treten auf, damit ein Mensch Schutzmaßnahmen ergreift. Hier geht es um Klugheit und um das Verständnis, dass jede Ebene im Sein ihre eigenen Gesetze hat.
Gott eilt zur Hilfe, nachdem der Mensch alle Möglichkeiten, die diese Ebene bietet, ausgeschöpft hat.
Das ist das Wesen dieses Spiels, denn erst dadurch kann der Mensch sich selbst erfahren.


Niemand, der bei Verstand ist, würde ohne Fallschirm aus dem Flugzeug springen. In diesem Fall ist es die Angst, die dafür sorgt, richtige Vorkehrungen für einen Sprung zu treffen – eine Angst, die den Menschen vor Leichtsinn und vor Dummheit schützt.
Hat ein Mensch jedoch Angst vor Regen, so gilt es diese Angst zu betrachten und zu erlösen. Denn obwohl der Regen nass macht, sind Ängste davor unbegründet. Dennoch wird sich ein jeder Mensch, der nicht nass werden will, vor dem Regen schützen. Das heißt, auch wenn jemand keine Angst vor etwas hat, ist ein Schutz oft notwendig oder einfach erwünscht, um Unangenehmes fernzuhalten.
In diesem Sinne ist die Feststellung oder ist der Glaube, „nur wer Angst hat, muss sich schützen“ ein Irrglaube und eine Fehlannahme. Dieser Glaubenssatz bedarf einer genauen und differenzierten Überprüfung.
JJK: Sein Herz zu öffnen und hinein in das Abenteuer der Liebe, zu lieben, keine Angst vor nichts und niemandem zu haben, das sei der Weg, meinen viele. Daher meine Frage: Wie verhält sich das auf energetischer Ebene?
Muss ich mich selbst zum Beispiel vor Energievampiren schützen oder reicht es, wenn ich einfach ganz offen in eine Begegnung gehe und Liebe und Licht, Freude und Herzenswärme ausstrahle?
Aus meiner Erfahrung weiß ich, dass dies sehr oft nicht ideal ist, da es einfach Energien gibt, die darauf nicht ansprechen und dies entweder als Einladung oder Schwäche auslegen.
MEISTER ST. GERMAIN: Bei diesem Thema herrscht große Verwirrung und Irrtümer machen sich breit. Bringen wir Licht in diese Angelegenheit.


  • Bedingungslose Liebe braucht ein Fundament, auf dem sie entstehen kann, und Voraussetzungen, die sie ermöglichen.
Das bedeutet, über eine gute energetische Basis zu verfügen und über Weisheit – damit die richtigen Zuordnungen getroffen werden können. Eine gute energetische Basis ist bei allen gegeben, die ihre Aura geheilt haben und deren Energiefeld in der ursprünglichen Frequenz schwingt.
Dies wird durch Heilungsarbeit erreicht. Ist ein Mensch so weit, dann hat er die freie Wahl, wie er energetischen Übergriffen begegnet oder sich darauf einstellt.
Ich sage euch: Jeder Meister weiß, welchen Schutz er in welcher Situation aufbauen muss, um sein Licht zum Erstrahlen zu bringen, sodass seine Liebe die Menschenherzen erreichen kann.
  • Bedingungslose Liebe schließt den achtsamen Umgang mit Mitmenschen und dem Umfeld mit ein und nicht aus.
Das heißt, es ist notwendig zu wissen, auf welcher Ebene etwas geschieht. Übergriffen der 3D-Ebene gilt es zunächst mit den Werkzeugen dieser Ebene zu begegnen.
Wer bei Regenwetter aus dem Haus geht und meint, Gott würde ihn vor Nässe bewahren, der wird sehr rasch feststellen müssen, dass er nicht ohne Regenschutz auskommt.
  • Bedingungslose Liebe hat viele Gesichter und kann auch das Gesicht von Zurückweisung haben.
Das heißt, alle wahren Meister wissen, welche Methode im einzelnen Fall angewandt werden muss, um einen Menschen zu bewegen oder eine Situation zu verändern. Manchmal ist die Liebe bei Meistern kaum zu erkennen, dann wieder überstrahlt sie alles und alle.
Wer die Fähigkeit entwickelt, hinter dem Offensichtlichen das Wahre, das Wirkliche zu sehen, der ist gesegnet.
JJK: Ich möchte mich selbst nicht mit den Meistern vergleichen, das liegt mir einfach nicht, da ich weiß, dass ich noch selbst reichlich an mir zu arbeiten habe. Zusätzlich finde ich jeden Vergleich falsch, schließlich ist ein jeder Mensch einmalig und einzigartig und mit niemandem und nichts zu vergleichen.
Doch manchmal wird auch mir „Kaltherzigkeit“ attestiert. Vor allem dann, wenn ich mich vor Energieräubern in Acht nehme und meine Schutzwände auffahre oder wenn ich sogar unfreundlich wirke, damit gewisse Übergriffe von vornherein nicht stattfinden können. Ist es möglich, Übergriffen mit purer Liebe zu begegnen?


MEISTER ST. GERMAIN: Was ist „pure Liebe?“ Beinhaltet diese Liebe die Dummheit, sich vor absehbaren Schäden nicht zu schützen oder in Acht zu nehmen?
Als Jesus vom Satan versucht wurde, war er innerlich im Herzen die Liebe selbst, jedoch auf allen Ebenen seines Wesens bis zur äußersten Körperebene wirkte ein undurchdringlicher energetischer Schutz, um dem Kraftfeld Satans standzuhalten.
Sich zu schützen, heißt, nicht kaltherzig zu sein, sondern heißt, bei sich selbst zu bleiben und dadurch die Fähigkeit zu behalten, achtsam jeder Situation und deren Anforderungen zu begegnen.
In diesem Bereich kommt es gerne zu unausgereiften Annahmen und viele Menschen bedienen hier gerne ihre eigenen Heilungsmuster.
Ich sage dir: Liebe hat viele Gesichter und sie erreicht jeden Menschen auf eine andere Weise. Damit die Liebe fließen kann, gilt es allem, was diesen Fluss unterbrechen könnte, mit geeigneten Mitteln zu begegnen.
Auch die Licht-und-Liebe-Illusion hat viele Gesichter. Wer sie erkennt, entwirrt sein Leben und weiß sich vor eingebildeten wie auch berechtigten Ängsten gut zu schützen. Sei dir bewusst:
Ein guter energetischer Schutz ist heute die Basis, auf der du deine Liebesfähigkeit entwickeln kannst.
So gehe hin und sorge für das Notwendige, damit sich das erwünschte Resultat einstellen kann – die bedingungslose Liebe.

21 de mayo de 2019

The Federation of Light: Recent Higher Energies

Good morning, my fine friends. Straight into it … rather than small talk, WR. (With respect.) A few folk have spoken of an intense wave that ‘hit’ the Planet last week sometime. Is this so?
Welcome to Each One and indeed, the Energy Spirit of yourself, Blossom.
Different! Thank you.
Yes, indeed. There was a strong influential surge of Energy that entered into your atmosphere recently. We would liken it to an electrical boost on a circuit … for ways of explanation.
And its purpose?
To enhance. To quicken. To uplift. To push out debris of a negative source. To aid in raising the Vibration due to its intensity … which in turn brings all that is underway in the Great Plan, a step further along its journey.
This ‘surge’ may have caught some off guard and wreaked havoc with their equilibrium. Leaving some, feeling most out of sorts. Others will have ‘gone with its flow’ and found themselves to be fine-tuned into this Higher frequency. It is different for each and although for some, the transition may feel a little unpleasant … it inevitably is of assistance in nature and progression of soul.
Progression of soul?
Indeed. In that, it is not that one needs to be of high intelligence to ‘merge in’ with these Higher Energies.
I have to laugh … for a minute I thought you were going along the lines of ‘It is not that one needs to be of high intelligence to … understand that which we have just said’. I was about to be insulted! Happy to receive the rest of the statement … as was.
We would not dream of such things, Blossom. That which we are trying to … express/explain … is that these Energies coming through are to be received BY ALL. For they are FOR ALL. It is not so, that due to one being more diligent in their everyday spiritual awareness, that they would receive the lions share! The Grand Plan is not of this division of ‘who is doing their best etc.’ It simply … does not/cannot … fall into place with that strategy.
This would lead us into speaking of ‘Judgement’ … which so many of you appear to have an issue with.
I do! I find my mind ‘secretly’ making some comment or other about someone’s behaviour, attitude, even dress code! I loathe myself for it and yet, at least I can rectify these thoughts just a little, with immediately saying ‘I LOVE YOU’! I‘d like to reach the stage of cutting out the original thought and just go straight to the I LOVE YOU! I am also aware that I judge myself a lot on such issues! One finger pointing at someone, three pointing back at self!
It is a matter of releasing all mind decisions one may assume about another. As you have become aware, Blossom … it is ‘ideal’ to recognize that judgment and turn it around.
Yet, I have still made the judgment! I try to call it an ‘observation’ or, if I feel ‘the need’ in recognized unawakened parts of me, to speak judgementally to another about someone else … I ask the Universe not to listen for a minute! Oh! So evolved!
Yet, so human! There is indeed, quite a long way to go regarding becoming OF LOVE in its totality, is there not? Yet, we are NOT JUDGING … perhaps observing the status quo!
If you were of perfection … in such/of such … thoughts towards another, you would probably not BE OF THIS EARTHLY Vibration at this point in time. In that … this expression of self is being …worked upon/evolving into. Would you say such ‘issues’ of judgment have changed along the way for you, Blossom?
Oh yes! I am much quicker in accepting that one is walking at their own pace along ‘their pathway’. Yet, it doesn’t seem to stop me having a little judgemental thought here and there. As I say, I don’t like that I do it.
Then it would be better to LET THAT JUDGEMENT ABOUT YOURSELF JUDGING, BE REMOVED and turn thoughts into Loving every bit of who you are … as you say in your world ‘Warts and all’!
Yep. Working on that one too.
We would suggest the EASIEST and MOST EFFICIENT way around this is to catch yourself as soon as possible in that thought … stop it and beam out LOVE to that soul and yourself.
Yet, in ones’ humanness, one sometimes needs to ‘go through’ that thought, those thoughts, in order to work it out of one’s system.
By all means then, stop the thought … send the Love to that soul or situation and self and then, for your own amusement and ‘fun’ … discuss the thoughts you were having afterwards, with yourself. Seeing the funniness of the ridiculousness of the pointlessness of the thought in the first place! For it is indeed, none of your business how another chooses to behave in ANY given situation. The only business you should be aware of is how YOU choose to behave in ANY given situation … no matter what/how another may display their humanness.
Yes. I know. Truly, I am working on it. And I do try to have fun around it, for I know it is not coming from an ‘Enlightened understanding!
This is the important factor, Blossom. Do you see? For to Lighten it up with Laughter, immediately changes the Vibration of your action. For there is no malice … just recognition of that which you are saying … and KNOWING that it is of kindergarten mentality!
LOL! Yet, correct! I shall continue to improve!
Not so much … of/about … improving. More so, of … releasing/letting go … of that which does not serve …YOU … or, anyone else.
As these Higher Energies are reaching deep within you … they are stirring up these ‘old fashioned’ services and leaving one feeling uncomfortable … so that one recognizes the ‘issue’ and allows it to provide the KNOWING of it no longer being of service.
How could being judgmental EVER be of service?
Because EVERYTHING ever … that is part of your ‘progressional Enlightenment’ … is of/has to be/was once … a service to you. In that … the service it provided allowed you to find more of that which serves and that which doesn’t. And by this, we mean ‘that which serves the soul’. In recognizing it does not FEEL ‘good’ … one can ‘work out’ that it is not required.
Yet, it can be that one may know this to be the case about a person, circumstance, thought or feeling for literally decades and yet … until they make the decision to let it go … they hang on to it and continue to feel ill at ease with it … in order to indulge in it … until sometimes it manifests into a ‘dis-ease’ … before they choose to do anything about it.
Why would some want to indulge in it?
Oh, Blossom and all … you would be surprised how the ‘ in-securities’ of one’s feelings about themselves, allows them to dig a deeper hole in order to bury themselves WITHIN.
It is by the recognition of THEIR LIGHT and the shining of it FROM WITHIN that lead them out of such depths and into the sunlight.
Yet, why? Don’t get me wrong, in the past I carried a shovel with me constantly, digging holes wherever I felt the need to be needed.
And this is very much ‘hitting the nail on the head’, would we say. In that, the need to be needed lies behind many a deep hole!
The fact is … that NO-ONE NEEDS to feel the need to be needed by anyone … the only one they need to feel needed by … is themselves.
One does not NEED another living soul to make them a better person … to make them FEEL … more loveable/Loved … because when YOU KNOW THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE … why would you NEED more? For YOU HAVE IT ALL … WITHIN YOU.
Yes, I KNOW THAT NOW! Yet, when I didn’t … I still needed my shovel! The self-indulgence was a tool for people to take notice of my plight and it worked … or so I thought. Now, of course, I can see that … yet, couldn’t back then.
So, how did you ‘Make the change Blossom?’
I found me a ladder and climbed out the hole, I guess … eventually.
As will Each One … in their own time … when they FEEL THE TRUTH. When they come into the realization that THEY ARE THE POWER TO CHANGE THEIR WORLD.
Once this ‘Light bulb’ is switched on … then it sparks off a circuit that leads down any avenue one chooses. Once this is KNOWN and ACCEPTED … THE WORLD … as you say … IS THEIR OYSTER!
Indeed. Thank you. Hadn’t planned to go down this path at all today. Yet, perhaps there are some that NEED to hear this. I was going to talk about the ending of last week’s conversation regarding … WE ARE THE GAME and you said ‘Yet, not of it’. Next time perhaps? Much Love to you Chap’s and Chapess’s … or whatever/ however you would describe yourselves?
Light … we would humbly describe ourselves as ‘Light.’
I Like that. In Gratitude. In Loving service … I AM.

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source and the copyright notice.

14 de febrero de 2019

Saint Germain: The Stars Are Aligning

I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you in this way in these moments, for so much is in flux now.
So much is shifting and changing. Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.  More and more of you are feeling these energies. So many of you who have awakened for some time now have been working with these energies more and more, and many, many more are beginning to awaken as a result of these energies coming into the planet as a result of collective consciousness rising.
Though you may not notice it, may not see it in the outward appearances, for in many respects it looks like very little has changed. But I can assure you now that so much has not only changed, but is changing.
You find yourselves now in the moments, the moments prior, moments prior to the great changeover.  And everything is building toward it. Celestial stars are moving in directions to bring about this great changeover. The alignment of the stars, the alignment of the planets: everything is coming in to be in that perfect instant when the signal is finally given and the changeover, the event, can begin. These are those times now.
You will look back on your past, your past in this lifetime, and very, very little of it will continue to have meaning for you, because you will have moved beyond the past.
Your past lives, those memories that are necessary, will come back to you.  You will remember who you have been.  Because who you have been makes up the present NOW that you are.  Not that you need to know that now, but you do need to know all is coming back, all is coming back to remembrance.
Those of you, the Lightworkers, the warriors, the sharers, and bearers:  you are here now in these moments for a reason, to either begin or continue on with your missions.  I can assure you, as these times continue to move on and the changeover comes, that you will be in the right place at the right time to be able to begin to access those of us, the Ascended Masters, those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, to assist us in bringing about this incredible changeover to this planet, to this collective consciousness here.
It is time now to sit back, be in that perfect moment, be in the neutral state as much as you can.  Move out of fear.  Move out of judgment.  Move out of hate.  Move out of sadness.  And embrace the joyous reality that is all around you if you but look for it.  For it is truly believing is seeing.  It is time now to believe.  Believe in who you are, believe in the connection, the great Source of all.  As you continue to believe in that connection and feel that connection, and be that connection, you will be ready for your ascension.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame burning within each and every one of you, so that all of the old can be burned away and the new sprout forth.
» Source » Channel: James McConell

1 de febrero de 2019

February ascension energies - Overview power |

February Ascension Energies of Jamye Price

January review

Energy January patience was a powerful preparation for February. I feel the energy of February as turns and fast turns. As the  spiral of creation, folded on itself and breaks in shapes that create a more cohesive flow. Finally.
Since October there has been an intense strengthening of the internal structure, and February is no different. As your inner realm is sovereign and clearer, his power of love is amplified. You are a powerful "space" for new potential.
Interaction time is changing too hard, but I feel that this is a fairly smooth transition at this time. The potential of the future is within your present. This is the power of the past in the linear experience. Your patience creates a powerful reporting present moment a new future.


February asks you to  strengthen  your ability to perceive new potential for the future in the present moment. We ask that you perceive yourself through your power that you have grown over time. Your power is an energy of the past. This linear experience has provided opportunities to discover their ability. While observing his power or his past, seek evidence of their ability and feed.
Strengthen from the past by Jamye Price
To honor your power, you are being called to value your inner holiness and have the strength to maintain healthy boundaries.
Your inner power is your power amplifier. Physically, the density, there isa natural drag of creation over time. Your pulse must be fed and replenished to sustain. Here the power is with vision.


To maintain momentum towards the manifestation, the vision becomes a connection with what has not been said. One aspect of the Ascension is the shift towards greater use of the brain. Change your reactions and perceptions is important to maintain internal space potential.
You not always feel happy. There may be doubts. His vision is the subtle connection that begins to manifest itself through its  creative approach . February energies strongly influence the chakra of the third eye and throat.
Your perspective ti-nique. There is great power in your uniqueness to life. Diversity allows facets reflect a brighter and clearer image. You offer a new perspective, a single facet, a new potential for life.
Part of his job is to imagine the future vision of love and empowerment. As you visualize your future, you become a conduit for the demonstration. Your focus on being fully present and have a vision for the future, modify the use of your brain in less repetition of old reactions, often unconscious. This enhances the frontal lobe to activate your creative nature.
See the potential of life Areon Lyra by Jamye Price
Your general resonance shifts to a higher vibration of love as you keep a powerful vision. Powerful vision that sustains you.
Your choice to nurture that vision determines the future flow. Your choice is now. Your manifestation is in the future. Patience  . That quiet creative state of being open to flow.
February is a month in which your powerful vision focuses. You may be moving fast. You do not have to solve everything. Just watch this and find your unique perspective of love that offers a way to demonstrate your creative future of Love.
©Published by alternative website

Energies d'ascensió de febrer - Visió de poder |

Febrer Ascension Energies de Jamye Price

Revisió de gener

L'energia de la paciència de gener va ser una preparació poderosa per febrer. Sento l'energia de febrer com girs i girs ràpids. Igual que la espiral de la creació,  es plega sobre si mateixa i es trenca en formes que creen un flux més cohesiu. Finalment.
Des d'octubre hi ha hagut un intens enfortiment de l'estructura interna, i febrer no és diferent. A mesura que el seu regne interior és sobirà i més clar, el seu poder d'amor s'amplifica. Ets un "espai" poderós per a un nou potencial.
La interacció amb el temps també està canviant amb força, tot i que sento que aquesta és una transició bastant suau en aquest moment. El potencial del futur està dins del teu present. El present és el poder del passat en l'experiència lineal. La seva paciència crea un moment present poderós que informa un nou futur.


Febrer li demana que  enforteixi  la seva capacitat per percebre un nou potencial per al futur en el seu moment present. Et demana que et percebis a tu mateix a través del teu poder que t'ha crescut a través del temps. El teu poder és una energia del passat. Aquesta experiència lineal li ha brindat oportunitats per descobrir la seva capacitat. Mentre observa el seu poder o el seu passat, busqui l'evidència de la seva capacitat i aliméntela.
Enfortir des del passat per Jamye Price
Per honrar el teu poder, estàs sent cridat a valorar la teva santedat interior i tens la fortalesa per mantenir límits saludables.
El teu poder intern és l'amplificador de la teva energia. En el físic, en la densitat, hi ha un arrossegament natural de la creació a través del temps. El seu impuls ha de ser alimentat i recanvi per sostenir. Aquí el poder es troba amb la visió.


Per mantenir l'impuls cap a la manifestació, la visió esdevé una connexió amb el que encara no s'ha manifestat. Un aspecte de l'Ascensió és el canvi cap a un major ús del cervell. Canviar les teves reaccions i percepcions és important per mantenir l'espai del potencial intern.
No sempre se sent feliç. Hi pot haver dubtes. La seva visió és la connexió subtil que comença a manifestar-se a través del seu  enfocament creatiu . Les energies de febrer influenciaran fortament el chakra del tercer ull i la gola.
El teu perspectiva de tu-nique. Hi ha un gran poder a la teva singularitat a la vida. La diversitat permet que les facetes reflecteixin una imatge més brillant i clara. Vostè ofereix una nova perspectiva, una faceta única, un nou potencial per a la vida.
Part del seu treball de visió és imaginar el futur de l'amor i l'apoderament. A mesura que visualitzes el teu futur, et converteixes en un conducte per a la manifestació. El teu enfocament en estar completament present i tenir una visió per al futur, modifica l'ús del teu cervell en menys repetició de reaccions antigues, sovint inconscients. Això realça el lòbul frontal per activar la seva naturalesa creativa.
Veure el potencial de la vida Areon Lyra per Jamye Price
El teu ressonància general canvia a una vibració més alta d'amor a mesura que mantens una visió poderosa. Aquesta visió poderosa et sosté.
La seva elecció per nodrir aquesta visió determina el flux futur. La teva elecció està en l'ara. El teu manifestació està en el futur. La paciència . Aquest tranquil estat creatiu d'estar obert a fluir.
Febrer és un mes en què s'enfoca el teu poderosa visió. Pot estar movent-se ràpid. No has de resoldre-ho tot. Només observa el present i troba el teu perspectiva única d'amor que ofereix un camí de manifestació al teu futur creatiu d'Amor.

Entrada destacada


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