
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Europe Illuminati. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Europe Illuminati. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 de octubre de 2017


It is confirmed, more and more explicitly, what we have been saying for weeks: the Catalan rebellion is a real rebellion, basic, born of the people, who has transcended its own limits to stop being a rebellion against the corrupt regime and antidemocratic, which has hijacked Spain, in order to be erected, in fact, in a popular uprising against all the corrupt elites that dominate the world, from the financial elites who control everything from the shadows, to their henchmen executing the political elites .
This no longer goes of flags: this goes of the fight of the free individuals against the elitist and criminal powers that dominate the world.
The evidence of this is so overwhelming, that at this point, put it into question, is no longer part of the field of opinion, to begin to be part of the poisonous world of ideological indoctrination, or directly, the most supine stupidity .
Perhaps the great virtue of the Catalan Rebellion is that it has caused all masks to fall, both at the Spanish national level and at the foreign level.
Faced with the need to position ourselves before this rebellion, we have ended up seeing the authentic face that everyone has and what powers it serves.
It is highly revealing to see how, in a few hours apart, first the Nazis and then the European Commission, showed their full support for Mariano Rajoy.
On October 21, we could see the neo-Nazi leader and white supremacist, Richard Spencer, giving his full support to Mariano Rajoy, as a few days before had made the former leader of the Klu Klux Klan, David Duke, with the Spanish manifestations, basically by its character FASCISTA  (but, why would support the KKK?).
Neonazis and racists supporting a fascist regime. You should not miss anyone.
Hours later, it was the European Commission, one of the most corrupt entities on the planet, fully serving the criminal interests of the international financial elites, which has given its full support without hesitation or ambition, to repression of government regime Spanish against this Catalan population, raised against the Masters.
Meanwhile, we have been able to see the leader of the Fourth Reich, Angela Merkel, another faithful servant of the murderous interests of European financial elites, go hand in hand with the henchman of the Rothschild family in Europe: French President Emmanuel Macron.
At the global level, all entities related to financial elites, from rating agencies to large banks, through publications financed by such elites (from The Rothschild Economist to the Financial Times) side of the Spanish Fascist Regime.
They see it: Nazis, fascists, racists, the Rothschilds through their main agent Macron, the EU (institution created to implant the New World Order at the service of the financial elites) and all those psychopathic evildoers we can find represented in the Bilderberg Club meetings.
All of them, the most corrupt, criminal and rotten powers of the planet, supporting the government of Mariano Rajoy to crush the Catalan Rebellion with whatever methods are necessary.
All the fascist rabble that still says that the videos of the police repression against the Catalans are inventions, like that human garbage called Alfonso Dastis, just have to click on the photo and go to a web that brings together the majority of videos of what happened

And obviously, internally, we have already seen how all the faces have fallen.
We talked about this in depth in the article  WHY ALL SPANISH SHOULD SUPPORT THE CATALAN REVOLUTION
We have seen the rabid response to this People's Rebellion from all the high financial powers of the Regime, starting with banks and multinationals, all journalists and media owned by the local elites represented in the Bilderberg Club, the 'alternative' media of the extreme right which flood the nets with their conspiranoic lies, all the rulers of the Regime from the academic, political, cultural or sporting world, the judiciary, the police, the clergy, the army and, of course, the chupoptera and vividores that have been bleeding for centuries this country: the aristocrats and the Bourbon royal family.
All to one, against the Catalan Rebellion, applauded by the most indoctrinated population of the West in hatred, ignorance and servility to the Master in turn.
Although many people regret having to accept it, what has been achieved by the Catalan Rebellion, no matter how long it ends, is already much more than what had been achieved by any presumed 'revolutionary' or 'change' political party until now and much more than they got the 15-M mobilizations.
In this respect it is worth highlighting those false lefts that fill so much the mouth of "Republic"  and  "popular empowerment" , and now, in the presence of, or have to get wet by what they claim to defend, or show the people who have put them there and who are their real masters, do not know what excuses to put (starting with that mindundi from the three to the fourth called Alberto Garzón de Izquierda Unida, who uses the much vaunted excuse of the 'Catalan bourgeoisie' to belittle a Rebellion Popular first-order)
Passing through all those Podemitas who, as acrobats who are of hollow populism, make a thousand and one empty declarations to make the partridge dizzy and not have to get involved; and culminating above all, with the most shameless and deceitful that there is in this country, that false political leader created mediatically in the sets paid by the ultra-right of the Planeta Group, called Ada Colau, that is realizing a thousand and one balances so that the people to whom constantly betrays, does not brake his excessive political ambitions, while obeying the instructions that the Master gives him.
The Catalan Rebellion has not only denuded all those involved in the Spanish regime, but has stripped the European Union itself.
It has shown us the true political and ideological reality of everything around us; the hidden links between the high political powers, neo-Nazism, international fascism and the servility of all of them to the interests of the financial elites.
And the question that all the world should begin to ask is: what bothers so much to all these elites of so high powers, that they put all the meat in the rotisserie to crush this rebellion?
Obviously, it should not bother them too much if one region separates from another and a new state is born within the EU: it involves practically nothing in a globalized world controlled by transnational powers; nor should they bother too much the Catalan political leaders, who now circumstantially try to channel this rebellion for their own benefit and who will voluntarily serve the same elites when they have occasion;nor should they bother the Catalan national identity itself, represented as all the others, by the happy flag and the happy anthem of turn, instruments traditionally used by the elites to control the populations from time immemorial.
So, if you do not mind the geostrategic character, neither the political nor the economic character ... then what aspect of this Catalan Rebellion so upset these world elites?
Well, we believe that what bothers them, is the NATURE of this Rebellion and above all HOW is being produced.
What really overwhelms them is to see how suddenly, so many people have forgotten their origins, their surnames, their social or sexual conditions, their ages, their ideologies, their beliefs ... and like all, horizontally but with full responsibility as individuals, have decided to join in something, to organize and confront all the machinery of a Regime, with its truncheons, its innumerable means of information manipulation, its banks and its factual powers of all kinds.
Lo que aterroriza a las élites, es la capacidad de un pueblo de organizarse por sí mismo y la capacidad de los individuos que lo componen, de comprender que circunstancialmente deben acatar órdenes procedentes de algún tipo de liderazgo, pero no por servilismo o adoración ciega a un caudillo, sino porque ese liderazgo tiene un carácter instrumental y está al servicio de los intereses del conjunto de forma coyuntural.
Las propias tradiciones catalanas, como los Castells, reflejan la naturaleza de esta Rebelión y de forma inconsciente, la mentalidad de fondo de los catalanes, de la que todo el mundo debería aprender.
Grupos de personas, cada una con una función y una responsabilidad de cara al proyecto conjunto, se unen, cada una cumpliendo con la función más adecuada por sus capacidades y características.
Gente de todas las edades, sexos y condiciones, dejan de ser de primera o de segunda, ricos o pobres, a la hora de levantar un Castell.
El que da instrucciones al grupo, el “cap de Colla”, es elegido por los demás miembros por su experiencia y capacidad de organización. Y al final no hay premios, ni laureles: solo un esfuerzo conjunto por conseguir un reto común y la satisfacción de haberlo conseguido, como individuos y como conjunto.

Lo que aterroriza a esas élites, es ver como grupos de personas de la calle, de diferentes profesiones y esferas sociales y sin más preparación que los quehaceres de su día a día, han sido capaces de organizarse por sí mismas y ocultar 8000 urnas en sus propias casas, con total discreción, superando la vigilancia de más de 10.000 agentes de la Policia, la Guardia Civil o el CNI, además de la presencia de infiltrados de todo tipo.
8,000 urns hidden in houses and trunks of cars by thousands of civilians, for days and all state security and intelligence bodies, could not find NI UNA, with all its technology and its means!
In the age of mass surveillance, NOT ONE OF 8000, while making the most absurd ridiculous crowded on Tweety ships and chasing the shadow of ballots in industrial warehouses and local printing presses!

As Julian Assange summarized Sept. 26 in a videoconference, five days before those people on the street managed to circumvent all that surveillance:
"There are 10,000 agents of the Spanish state watching 7.5 million Catalans. The interesting thing about this conflict is to see how a modern and connected state may or may not be able to repress an attempt to exercise democracy. It's what other countries will be looking at. "
And it is exactly like this: the rest of the countries, not to mention the rest of world powers, watched carefully as a whole population organized to disobey a corrupt state with all its power.
And they saw how that rebellious population, he got it.
That's what elites are so afraid of, and that's what they want to crush!
It is THAT FORM OF BEING AND ACTING, of which even the Catalans themselves are not aware, that goes against all the projects of these corrupt elites.
For this reason, EVERYBODY wants to crush him before the example is found and other communities in other parts of the world discover that they too can do it and that they do not need leaders to obey in order to live in community.
The elites are terrified by this type of popular self-organization, which Catalonia already lived during the civil war, and which made it the only place on the planet where Anarchism was put into operation.
They are terrified of the possibility that what happens in Catalonia, will become the seed of a new world.
A new world in which the PRESCRIBERS, WE WILL NOT BE US, BUT THEY.
And so, everyone, wherever we are, have the flag that we have, we must join this Rebellion of the free individuals against the elites.
A Rebellion that may now seem local, but that soon, if we all collaborate, it could end up being global.

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