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21 de septiembre de 2018

(Video) 60 Minutes on the UK Gov. Pedophile Ring Network

Published on Mar 17, 2017


60 Minutes on the case of High Level Child Abuses. 

Satanic Pedophile Cabal’s Iron Grip of Evil
By Preston James, Ph.D on December 4, 2016

Note: This article is based on police investigatory reports… personal documented tes-timony of enraged policemen and women. The story itself has major credibility; and the facts presented here have been corroborated by hundreds of investigators, and private in the USA, UK and other nations.

Australian 60 Minutes published a story that 60 Minutes (America) would never dare touch. In America and the UK, the Pedophile Network controls high ranking Pedophile politicians, the Major Mass Media, FBI, the CIA and top Law Enforcement.

Those editors of the major mass media and elected or appointed officials that are not part of it or compromised by it realize that to try and expose it results in an im-mediate loss of their job, their retirement, and they will be blacklisted and perhaps even have their lives threatened.

This has made it almost impossible to get the truth out to the populace about the presence and penetration of this world-wide Satanic Pedophile Network.

Notwithstanding all these strong suppres-sion forces in the past, not only was the CIA’s Franklin Credit Union pedophile scandal exposed by the Washington Times, but the finders scandal was expo-sed by US News and World Report. 

And, despite those highly public exposu-res, the Major Mass Media failed to pro-mote those important stories; and the sto-ries died out, with no corrective actions by federal LE, which we now know is dirty to the core, because its own leaders are fully compromised by this Pedophile Network

15 de julio de 2018

Queen of England Surrendering the Cabal to the Alliance?

Does this VIDEO of the Queen and President Trump indicate, “The Queen of England Surrendering the International Cabal to the Alliance”?

Posted on 2018/07/14

Source: Kauilapele

Taken at about 7:25, just as the Queen traded places with the President

[Kp update: I did find this RMN link to the text, but that is the only one I’ve seen.]

I certainly am not able to confirm if this actually is true, but it would be great if it were. I have no idea if there is a link to this text, but below is what was sent to me by C.O. It does rather “ring true” for me. I did notice in a short RT video that on the first half of the reviewing the troops walk, the Queen and President DJT were standing side by side, then when they turned and walked back, she appeared to point to the President to take the lead, and go in front of her.

Anyway, read on and see how this resonates with you. Guaranteed, we are in fascinating times, that’s for sure!!


The Queen of England Surrendering the International Cabal to the Alliance

This video shows yesterday (7/13/2018) the queen of England surrendering the international cabal to the Alliance (via POTUS) at the 7:20 mark.

Before that mark it shows the British military band play ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ then Trump and the Queen inspect the Troops.

At one point you’ll see the queen step back and walk behind POTUS for the complete inspection.

When they return to the stage the queen surrenders being in the middle to POTUS.

This was to show respect for the Alliance and they (the Alliance not the USA) taking the lead in leadership of the world.

The British press was all aghast when this happened calling Trump arrogant for walking in front of the queen…but the symbolism (like Q’s cryptic codes) got the message across to those who broke the code.

11 de julio de 2018

The UK Government is Falling Apart

Source: Geopolitics

The UK govt is falling apart, but as PM May sinks, she still calls out 'look over there' at Russia. 

"One must have a heart of stone to read the death of Little Nell without laughing," Oscar Wilde said on the Dickens story. The disintegration of this incompetent administration makes me laugh – clearly my heart isn't hard enough.

And this even as I agree with Mrs. May's departing cabinet heavyweights: Boris Johnson the foreign secretary, David Davis the Brexit secretary, Steve Baker the Brexit minister – whilst despising them on every other matter. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

It is true that Mrs. May has supported the Brexit decision by 17.4 million people, the largest vote for anything or anyone in British history, as the rope supports the hanging man. And she hopes to see it dangle to death.

It is true that her elaborately constructed 'Chequers Agreement' (Chequers is the Country House of British prime ministers) would have left Britain a Vassal State of the European Union, a rule taker forever, from a sclerotic neo-liberal protectionist bankers ramp which has impoverished half of Europe and enraged maybe most of the other half.

It would have left Britain effectively in the Customs Union effectively tied to the single market and subject to endless harassment by the European courts on trade matters. It would have neutered the possibility of a new British internationalism which an incoming Jeremy Corbyn Labour government would want to advance. And perhaps above all, the British would continue to be dominated by a financial and economic orthodoxy presided over by people we didn't elect and cannot remove.

Events are moving fast and this article may have to be updated. Three cabinet members (and counting) have resigned. Other minsters and their aides, too. The prospect of a leadership challenge are now more likely than not, even though the clock is ticking steadily toward Brexit Day next March.

I have been here before.

On November 13, 1990, I sat on the green benches of the British Parliament and watched a previous foreign secretary, Sir Geoffrey Howe, in his resignation speech, snap Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher – the Iron Lady – like a twig with a series of devastating metaphors which had the whole House wincing and laughing in equal measure.

The whole House – that is, except Mrs. Thatcher, who left the chamber that day a broken woman – opened, wide open, to an inevitable leadership challenge, which duly forced her from power after a decade of unassailability.

The resignation letter from Boris Johnson – the speech is yet to come – is equally devastating. And may well lead to the same outcome. And Mrs. May has not the mettle of Mrs. Thatcher – more 'tinfoil' lady than 'iron'.

As the government sinks in a morass of its own making, however, it has become increasingly reckless with its 'look over there!' tactics of diversion.

Discombobulated by the surge of respect, even affection for Russia in Britain (always far higher than the elite were ever prepared to acknowledge) as a result of the best World Cup in living memory, the Theresa May government has doubled down on its discredited state narrative over the Salisbury-Skripal affair.

The death of an indigent homeless woman in nearby Amesbury has seen ministers, press, and even Blairite Labour MPs return to their anti-Russia campaign like a dog returning to its own vomit.

The 44-year-old mother of three, Dawn Sturgess, was both an alcoholic and a heroin user, living in a hostel, but with a boyfriend – Charlie Rowley. He, too, is literally clinging to life in intensive care.

This sorry, tragic story has been the casus belli for a new wave of attacks upon Russia and even President Putin.

Grown men and women, educated men and women, working in media and politics in Britain are actually seriously speculating that Russian assassins sought to murder this tragic couple. And that the president of Russia, in the closing stages of Russia's triumphant World Cup, ordered the hit!

The Amesbury story has even more holes than the Skripal story – and that is saying something.

I will return in depth to those holes and that story on another day, but I wanted to leave you with, if you will pardon the pun, a taste of it.

Such was the parlous lifestyle of this poor couple we are told that they were often seen raiding dustbins and skips for what they could use or sell. But also that they were in the habit of picking up discarded cigarette butts in the streets of Salisbury.

For three full days last week, the Daily Mail – Britain's most successful newspaper – actually ran the story that one of those cigarette butts may have been laced with "Russian" Novichok. The whereabouts of the dead body of the smoker of the rest of the cigarette is presumably still in the Salisbury undergrowth!

George Galloway was a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years. He presents TV and radio shows (including on RT). He is a film-maker, writer and a renowned orator.

20 de abril de 2018

The British Empire can no longer hide their crimes

theresa May crimescene.jpg
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, visiting the scene of Salisbury, on the site where they found the Skripal; March 16, 2018 (Photo: flickr / Number 10).

April 19, 2018 - On all fronts mobilization panic UK to prevent the President Trump fulfill its purpose of making America gets to maintain friendly relations with Russia and China, are being exposed the lies. This applies to fraud Rusiagate that MI6 launched Operation Christpher Steele Company in the US; Skripal fraud organized by the same circle of MI6; and etching farce orchestrated Duma with British funding and terrorists controlled the White Helmets. Throughout the United States, Europe and around the world are, prestantes people and governments saying the bloody British Empire is not dressed.
Even in the same UK, the stench of imperial lies and can not be tolerated. Former British ambassador to Syria Peter Ford, who has publicly opposed the war in Syria, now appeared on the Fox News US in the program Tucker Carlson to inform the etching Duma never happened and that the President's advisers Trump "are doing a poor service" by failing to inform the White Helmets are simply part of the terrorist operation. Back in London,  The Times Empire he discovered, with horror, that the former director of the Special Air Services (SAS), Major General John Holmes, who led the SAS during the first Gulf War, has now joined the British Syrian Society, chaired by Ambassador Ford and he is demanding a dialogue with Assad. On Monday, Lord West, the former First Sea Lord, Admiral and Chief of the Defense Intelligence Britain, he appeared on the BBC to end the idea that Assad used chemical weapons, highlighting the absurdity of doing in terms purely military, since he was winning and only serve the interests of terrorists.
The most prestigious Chinese journalist, Yan Rui went further yesterday of comments usually reserved on global strategic issues, to equate the allegation of chemical attack to justify an Allied bombing of Syria, with mounts that the Nazis used to launch their invasions and atrocities, stressing that the White Helmets are murderers, and China and Russia remain firm together against this and any other criminal war. He warned that the human race has to reverse the collapse into a "world beyond the truth."
Throughout Europe. the European Union (EU) is splitting with the British lies. The foreign ministers of the EU could not reach an agreement on Monday 16 to approve a resolution supporting the British-French-American attack on Syria, where eight countries refused to support him, including Italy, Belgium and Austria.
In the United States, eleven Republican congressmen filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Justice to "investigate the possible violation of federal statutes" by the primary agents of the British MI6 in the attempted coup against Trump: the disgraced former head FBI, James Comey and his equally fallen into disgrace second in command Andrew McCabe; Hillary Clinton (to disguise its funding from infamous record Steele); Attorney General Loretta Lynch Obama and the two active agents of the FBI Strzok and Page, who conspired to promote British lies against Trump.
The empire is badly beaten but not yet destroyed. We have at hand precise opportunity to crush once and for all, but we should not ignore that desperate. The post-World War II order, established based on the United Nations to prevent another world war, aims to abolish a military confrontation "This vs. West "under British control. Prime Minister Theresa May called last November a new "Great overall Britain" and leaving nothing to the imagination said that "the task of the Great Global Britain is clear ... uphold international order based on rules, against irresponsible states seeking to undermine ... ... prominent among them is of course, Russia ... I have a very simple message for Russia: we know what you're doing.
General Sir Nick Carter, appointed by May as its new Chief of Staff of Defense in March, declared that Russia is the "super exponent" of "exploitation of the junctures between war and peace ... where corrupt practices of business, cyber attacks, assassinations, false news, propaganda and truth, military intimidation. "
But the dying British Empire is really naked if the United States does not act as his "giant idiot", as was the case of Obama and Bush in the White House, who waged wars of mass destruction throughout the Middle East and brake system by Western financial speculation and wars. Trump can and must be persuaded to act based on their own impulses, to establish friendly ties with Russia and joins fully to the New Silk Road of China. To this end, the Committee LaRouche Political Action will print an updated version of the brochure mass circulation "The future of America is in the New Silk Road. LaRouche four laws: the principles of physical economy for the US recovery. "
As today said Helga Zepp-LaRouche: "This is the most important moment in history. If we destroy the British Empire, the human race will be able to breathe in peace and create a new society ".

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