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While the MEDIA are silent as PRESS - they are ... Honduras: The town is in the streets and is being repressed

Honduras: The town is in the streets and is being repressed                                                                                               View original

In several departments, cities and municipalities of Honduras, among them in the capital of Tegucigalpa, protests, marches and road cuts have been made, this January 20, which have been strongly repressed by the police and the military.

According to El Libertador, in Colón, "the military killed bulls alive to a man of the elderly, it is about Telmo Villareal who was the victim of bestial repression when he passed through the area where" security "forces evicted protesters ".

In Tegucigalpa, the military launched tear bombs against former President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya and the protesters.

Let's remember that Zelaya was overthrown by a coup d'état in 2009, which was led by graduates of the Escuela de las Américas and was supported by the USA.

The lawyer of the Red de Abogados Defensores del Sur, Elsa Corea, was the victim of repression in the San Juan Bosco district of Choluteca.

Doctors at the Hospital del Sur confirm dislocation of their left arm. The young lawyer defended himself from a tilt that was provided by an officer of the Military Police.

Until now, it is unknown whether there are people arrested or injured in the mobilizations that are being registered throughout the country.

The mobilizations of this January 20 are part of the call for National Paro "for the defense of the victory of the Alliance with Salvador Naralla, against electoral fraud and murders."

On the other hand, COPINH, denounced, through a statement that, on Friday night, Edwin Espinal was arrested.

The statement states that "Edwin Espinal is a recognized partner in the fight against the dictatorial regime imposed since the coup d'état of 2009 in Honduras, his capture is in accordance with the orders of the dictator JOH to repress, stigmatize and criminalize the dignified protest of the people who are opposes the imposition of violence and delusion ".

Photos: NotiBomba - Giorgio Trucchi


Is it time to dissolve the Organization of American States?

Definitely yes. And the reasons come from this same institution called by serious analysts as the Ministry of Colonies, mainly because of its vassal how to proceed in America, obeying in most decisions the US government.

Its origin is the American Conference of Bogota in 1948 with the aim of developing democracy and continental freedom from effective targeting of Washington.

However, it stands in its history silence before military dictatorships, gentle strokes, regarding enforced disappearances and killings of journalists, political and social leaders, their support for neoliberalism, drug trafficking, military bases and economic wars, in an interventionist and coup process.

Honduras image result of state crimes and murder journalists

The first flag of the extreme right in the OAS was the right to freedom of expression, enriched with an arsenal of private communication media which manipulate reality with impunity.

Significantly, its position in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in January 1962, where Ernesto Guevara Commander USA denounced for its constant destabilization of the Cuban revolution and attempts to invade the country; also by the policy of domestication of Latin America, a position that led to the expulsion of Cuba from the body and the breaking of diplomatic relations with it in all member nations except Mexico.

This permanent benefit obtained American elites of the OAS is underscored by the complicit silence in the overthrow of the president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz, the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 and the landing of US Marines in the Dominican Republic in 1965 (1 ).

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It highlights the "neutrality" against the British invasion of Las Malvinas (1982), the assassination of Prime Minister of Grenada, Maurice Bishop, in 1983, looking away in armed conflicts in Central America and to the invasion of Panama in 1989 again .  the OAS stopped knowing Operation Condor, a plan organized by the CIA to destroy sovereignty and establish dictatorships affecting Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, where murder, disappearance and mutilation, were tools of repression they dismantled the democratic opposition.

Venezuela  seems to be in this century the country to destabilize as the  Organization of American States  did not condemn the coup and scheduled chaos in April 2002, nor in 2014, nor bachaquera violence, suggesting  activation of the Democratic Charter of OAS  in  order to isolate this nation  endorsing the brutal economic war that  fosters conflict, shortages, hoarding, smuggling, violent leadership, paramilitarism and invasion  (2).


Three facts are important to analyze:  one in June 2009 the General Assembly of the OAS, held in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, eliminated the resolution in 1962 expelled Cuba from that forum, holding the incompatibility of Marxism-Leninism with the Ibero - American system and the alignment with the communist bloc broke the unity and solidarity of the hemisphere, which corroborates the intransigent ideology of Washington. Two, the OAS was, is and will be an instrument of imperialist domination and no reform could change their nature, nor its history, why Cuba will never return, Fidel Castro wrote.

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Three, Latin America should bet on regional integration mechanisms where complementarity, respect and solidarity are the principles for relations among peoples. Possibly the most dignified attitude would contempt all its resolutions represent a single country, the United States, which would show who is subject politically as organ of power, persistently denouncing his atrocious history of "infidelities" with truth, democracy and social justice in America.


Perhaps  the Democratic Charter 
It should apply  to countries that have suffered a bloody civil war or repression 
such as  Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, Paraguay , among others; 

apply  to neoliberal governments that sponsor the "soft" blows or violent 
as Honduras, Paraguay and Brazil; 

apply  to the violation of economic rights 
as in Peru, Argentina and Chile; 

applied  to the bloody dictatorships of the seventies,  which were never excluded  from this body.

With regard to Almagro , recognized official ultra right holds the position of Secretary General, it is not necessary to speak as their persecutor role Venezuela has become their main task, obviously sharing the indications given by the Pentagon and leading the limit the role of the organization as an ideological instrument of the big dominant elites in Latin America.

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As has been proven,  it has not been the OAS  an autonomous and sovereign body which has made strong actions in support of popular governments. On the contrary, following the orders of the US government has always attacked the nations that have launched projects of social independence.

One might wonder whether the position of the National Assembly of Nicaragua, which unanimously rejected the bill Nica Act 2 that drives the US Congress to control the financing from multilateral banks, would be accepted by the representatives of the OAS, especially under the White House argument according to which in this Central American nation there is no democracy and is a country vulnerable to money laundering.

The answer is obvious.

If the West had shame that you do not, intervene in Turkey, Colombia, Mexico, Arabia, Honduras, Ukraine and let paz a Siria, Korea and Venezuela

Venezuela withdraws from the Organization of American States

OAS does not ask >>>

the death of the Mapuches, death squads in the favelas of Rio, Colombian paramilitaries,

Women Guatemala, the thousands of missing persons in Mexico journalists killed in Honduras ...

>>> or requests to apply the Charter Democática

countries that have suffered a fierce repression or civil war such as Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, Paraguay , among others;

to neoliberal governments Boosters of "soft" or violent blows as Honduras, Paraguay and Brazil;
the violation of economic rights as in Peru, Argentina and Chile; the bloody dictatorships of the seventies, which they were never excluded from this body.

OAS Amagro ... just think by and for Venezuela

OAS: Exhausted brothel
View Original
April 30th, 2017

The OAS is run by corporations.
So from its inception it was a mistake to accept that its headquarters remain in US since the geographical part plays a control and presses on the surrounding regions to their areas of control. Why freedom and independence thought that in some cases will be sealed by their representatives what they did was meet many disappointments. In my interpretation from the facts of Panama in December 1989 when the invasion and overthrow of Manuel A. Noriega reaffirmed the OAS as an organism freezing. Contempt of sectors and governments took knowledge of his disrepute. Nothing was done and on the contrary, many reasserted that their indulgences and protections not count.

OAS and entered the 90s and the new century.
But in this century the OAS regained its role, more declarative, participatory and threatening. Why this situation? After the triumph and advancement of the Venezuelan revolution and the advance of bolivarianismo in South America and the Caribbean expressed in new governments and grassroots groups, popular and revolutionary, then the OAS intervened.

They intervened claiming practices and models of these organizations and governments which were not seen in a good way from North America and were gradually enlarging his power after the events where he won the return of Cuba and the harsh criticism that broke last autonomy this organization where even made him ask forgiveness for his behavior decades against the largest Antillean island.

From there they talked about a new policy within the agency, which would not be accepted by America or by the crouch of this organization, "Canada" country.

In my opinion the radicals are not Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil or Mexico, no, they only represent the "Castle of hatred" which it meets its role will collapse, proof of this is the case of Brazil. Is it collapses or not Brazil?


Consider the huge general strike in which they are participating more than 40 million Brazilians.


Mexico. What this nation is even more nauseating.

Mexico is about to be operated by its own inhabitants and sanctioned by many global organizations.

Mexico with the current model no longer serves more capitalism. So his brash state and government throw the rest to ingratiate himself with the last chances of the empire.

Violations of human rights exceeded horror of the Islamic State is a long-and say- and mass graves appear even in the gardens of the National Palace.

Why the Mexican government has to play against Venezuela and everything to avoid sanctions that are already open doors.

Instead of becoming at least the brave new wall against the US imposed on them Bullies are against our country.

Amid all this it is not difficult to leave the OAS, must comply with a protocol that now appears to be of millions of dollars (more than 8 million American currency).

But several of the OAS countries are strategic to Venezuela renounce that membership, since their prolonged stay will actually result in the application of the looming Democratic Charter and after this, would the overthrow of other nations such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Bolivia.

This decision was very hard because we do not say goodbye to that body before all this happened, I say that because Hugo Chavez was the most visionary in creating the UNASUR and CELAC.

And in those bodies we must rethink the new international relations which knows the world today are all necessarily our context this writing from Latin America and the Caribbean.

OAS is not worth a playing card of the current international suburb. The OAS is discredited as a brothel in decline will make Venezuela with other countries deploy new international relations.

* Miguel A. Jaimes N. Doctor of Science in Management, Master of Science in Political Science and Political Scientist.

They accuse the OAS to promote interference in Latin America

The deputy to the National Assembly of Venezuela by the Bloc Patria Julio Chávez said Tuesday that the Organization of American States (OAS) promotes US interference in Latin America virtually since its inception.

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Historically the OAS has served to endorse the interference in the internal affairs of Latin American governments. 
By this policy he even violated its own regulations and sovereignty of all countries that form, manifested in the Ignitions program, broadcast by Venezolana de Television.
The organization supports invasions and massacres, and a series of inconsistencies in a system that failed to serve the people, the member of the Bloc of the Fatherland in the unicameral parliament (the opposition majority) added.
For Chavez,  'the presence of Venezuela in the OAS is unworkable',  due to the onslaught and maneuvers against the South American nation undertaken by the secretary general of the regional forum,  Luis Almagro, 'aligned with the empire and national right'.

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As said, the policies of the Pan - American organization 'are not in line with the precepts and principles always defended by Commander  Hugo Chávez (1954-2013) and the Bolivarian Revolution'.
Since the arrival of Hugo Chávez at Miraflores Palace  (seat of government), Venezuela promoted integration mechanisms with respect to self - determination of peoples, such as the  Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Union of South American Nations and Petrocaribe,  he said.
Our country, he said, has international endorsement that recognizes their social protection and human rights policies, has sufficient moral to demonstrate that neoliberalism peoples are released.

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