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29 de diciembre de 2019

What’s the Secret to Success for Nonviolent Movements? Try Solidarity

Rivera Sun, Noticias de no violencia, 5 de diciembre de 2019
There’s a secret to success for nonviolent movements for change: solidarity. Instead of “going it alone,” movements can amplify their message, leverage collective power, and build strength by seeking solidarity from aligned organizations and groups. Movements can also mobilize thousands of people into tangible, game-changing strategies by consciously designing solidarity actions to support their primary campaign.
Look at Oakland’s Solidarity Schools. During the 2019 Oakland Teachers Strike, a team of volunteers got involved in a much-needed solidarity action: delivering lunches to school children. In Oakland, California, 75 percent of the district’s 37,000 students relied on school lunch. Not wanting the kids to go hungry; the food bank, parents, teachers, and students worked together to organize and distribute lunches for the duration of the strike.
This helped the teachers maintain their refusal to work without dividing the community over hunger issues. Solidarity efforts also included alternative schooling and child care. After several weeks, the teachers won their radical demands that ultimately benefited the entire community.
Solidarity strategies can increase the chance of success for your campaign by widening the impact of your actions. Recently in Nonviolence News, I reported on a story from Finland. Postal workers went on strike for two weeks, but their victory wasn’t won by the massive backlog of undelivered holiday packages.
The clincher on their struggle occurred when the airline and transport industry workers held a solidarity (or sympathy) strike, grounding over three hundred planes and causing chaos in the capital. As the strike impacted businesses and people across the country, the head of the postal service came under fire for mishandling the postal workers’ strike. The workers won their demands, thanks to the solidarity of other transport workers.
Nonviolent struggle succeeds or fails by the rate of participation in actions that tangibly impact the ability of the power holders to conduct business-as-usual. In fact, studies show that any movement that successfully mobilizes 3.5 percent of the populace into acts of noncooperation (boycotts, strikes, walk-outs) and intervention (blockades, sit-ins, occupations) always wins their campaign. And, sometimes, success comes with even fewer people. So, scheming up those solidarity strategies makes a lot of sense for your movement.
Take Standing Rock, for example. Not everyone could leave their jobs and families, pitch a tent in freezing weather, and take a physical stand against the Dakota Access Pipeline, or DAPL, in North Dakota. But all of us could support the legal fund, organize supply caravans, and (perhaps most importantly) take action against the 17-plus banks funding the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Across the country and around the world, the protests outside of bank branches gave those of us horrified by the scenes of police repression at Standing Rock a way to turn outrage into action. We held signs. We delivered petitions and confronted bank managers. We organized our friends and colleagues to move our money and close our accounts. This put powerful pressure on the banks, forcing some to pull out of the DAPL project.
While the pipeline at Standing Rock moved forward, a cascade of other fossil fuel projects lost their funding both in the United States and around the world. Also, the efforts during the Standing Rock campaign gave a boost to other fossil fuel divestment campaigns, leading to a ripple effect of institutional divestment. With greater mobilization around the solidarity strategy of moving our money out of the banks, we might have been able to defeat that pipeline project entirely.
The successes of the early U.S. labor movement relied heavily on solidarity and their solidarity actions were breath-taking in scope and generosity. To use just one of hundreds of examples, during the 1912 Bread and Roses strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Bill Haywood and others organized massive support for the striking women. The solidarity efforts included relief committees, soup kitchens, food distribution stations, volunteer doctors, and weekly benefits for strikers. The list of demands was translated into over 50 languages for the multi-national immigrant workers. The most dramatic of solidarity actions was arranging for several hundred children of striking workers to go to supporters’ homes in New York City. This kept the children safe, housed, and fed while their mothers faced arrests, evictions, reduced income, and beatings for participating in the strike.
These tangible forms of solidarity can mean the difference between success and failure. Showing support for the cause with demonstrations can also boost morale and determination. Just this past week, cacerolazos (pots-and-pans banging protests) erupted in twelve Latin and South American countries, including Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador. The united demonstration was organized to acknowledge the shared struggles of the people against widespread economic inequality, corrupt governments, and violence against Indigenous populations. Organizers even distributed a cacerolazo app – in case you weren’t by your kitchen, you could join in with a cellphone simulation.
Occasionally, solidarity actions up the ante on issues, and connect immediate crises to the underlying causes. In the wake of the massive Australian bushfires, citizens chose to do more than send blankets and meals to those who lost their homes. Rejecting the “sending thoughts and prayers” rhetoric of the politicians, Australians organized solidarity sit-downs to demand disaster relief and climate action. In this way, they went beyond simply calling for relief while ignoring the root cause: they connected the fires to global warming, and the human-made climate crisis.
For movement organizers, thinking about solidarity strategies ahead of time can improve your organizing. Who are the people who can stand up for your cause? What allies can’t be arrested, but would love to help organize relief efforts for those who can? What sectors of society could engage in solidarity strikes or walk-outs to broaden your impact? Who can demonstrate to boost the morale of those taking direct action? What groups align with your cause and could have a direct impact on your power holders? What could those groups do to pressure them?
These are important questions for all of us to ask. Get creative with the answers. Solidarity comes in a million shapes and sizes, and it can be the secret to success.

2 de julio de 2017

Since when a life is less than any power or objective? (2) military and police

Letter to military, government presidents and kings, terrorists, policemen, thieves and murderers. 

All these groups detailed below deserve all my respect for both the task (sometimes difficult decisions caused by stress) and missions, many of them humanitarian.

Resultat d'imatges military 
Military is a profession (voluntary or not, depending on the country) whose mission is to defend lines that demarcate a territory called country or nation from attack and define a defense to such attacks, many of them die from these imaginary lines. 
Who has not crossed a border and not found fences impendiendo step? 
Resultat d'imatges military
When their actions are not humanitarian aid, many of them will not return, others will have a life of pain, nightmares, or prostrate in a mental hospital or in a wheelchair for life. Is it worth all this? A life is priceless, much money or promises you make. 
 Resultat d'imatges military

Do I need to suffer nightmares, rejection of people who have defended and call you murderer ?. A life has no value, and if so can never be paid since there is no money around the planet and in the universe to meet the payment.
Which side support in case of a revolution pueblocontra the legislature of a country for justice, the people or the government?


Resultat d'imatges Policemen

Police carries out its mission to protect citizens misdemeanor within the territory (murder, theft, traffic violations ... ) Every time they act put their lives at stake, they can have the same health problems that the military, because although its scope is limited by a territory, unfortunately, most of the laws that are supposed to defend citizens it is to help corporations and corrupt banks by party politics, of polñíticos parties in government, approve unjust laws against the people. 

 Resultat d'imatges Policemen

Which side support in case of a revolution pueblocontra the legislature of a country for justice, the people or the government? most of the laws that are supposed to defend citizens who help is corrupt corporations and banks through party politics, of polñíticos parties in government, approve unjust laws against the people. Which side support in case of a revolution pueblocontra the legislature of a country for justice, the people or the government? most of the laws that are supposed to defend citizens who help is corrupt corporations and banks through party politics, of politics parties in government, approve unjust laws against the people. Which side support in case of a revolution 
Menschen gegen the legislature of a country for justice, the people or the government?

© misteri1963 published for Non Profit

11 de mayo de 2017

4 people conflicts of toxic families face every day

font  Lucida Life
 Wednesday, May 10, 2017
The experiences you had when you were a child, have a way of staying with you throughout your adult life. If you are someone in the group who grew up in toxic families , you've probably been through a lot. You have learned to keep remote to block out the injured. You can even have made the decision to cut ties with your family when you went and yourself. Even if you cut the communication, the emotional scars remain with you.
toxic family
According to a study by Dr. Giovanni A. Salum, l os children from toxic or dysfunctional families, are more likely to suffer from mental health problems. These problems are usually caused by the internalization or externalization of conflicts experienced during childhood.If you grew up in a toxic family, no doubt you have overcome many obstacles in your life. But growing up in a toxic environment, it can make you face some struggles for the rest of your life, including mental health.
Toxic conflicts that people face every day families
These are four serious struggles that people from toxic families face every day.
Anxiety is one of the most common problems of mental health, and has a specific link to the toxic homes.According to a study by  Ben-Gurion University  of the Negev in Israel, a "significantly higher" percentage of adults with generalized anxiety disorder comes from families with dysfunctional homes. You may have witnessed abuse, you have experienced abuse yourself or you were left alone for long periods of time.

Perhaps it not allowed you to try new things, be creative and explore, or were punished every time you fracasabas. Any kind of toxic environment in which you grew up, your childhood experiences can end up causing anxiety stays with you as you get older.
2. Problems to communicate and interact with other
If you grew up in a toxic family, hugging or be emotional may have been something totally absent . As you get older, this may hinder communication and interaction with others, including being physically or have a strong emotional connection with someone.
We recommend you
You have learned not to let people come to you, which is a hard habit to break. A psychological study of  Texas Woman's University  found: "The adults raised in dysfunctional families often report difficulties in forming and maintaining intimate relationships, maintain a positive self - esteem and trust others.They fear a loss of control and deny their feelings and reality ".
To let someone approaches you, you have to trust that you will not hurt, it is much easier said than done.
Conflicts of people from toxic families
3. Questioning reality
If you grew up with toxic parents, how you saw things around you, was not the way your parents saw things. Perhaps you were constantly accused of something you never did, then be punished for it, or remember a certain event that your parents say it never happened.
The distorted view of the reality of your family may end up causing issues your own thoughts and beliefs. It can be difficult to decipher what is real and what is not. According to the  Texas Woman's University , "in most dysfunctional families, children tend to learn to doubt their own intuition and emotional reactions." Trust your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs can become a daily struggle.

4. Having a critical inner voice
Growing up in a toxic environment very rarely guarantees the love, support and emotional connection you need as a child. Without these foundations, it is almost impossible to build a strong sense of self-esteem. If you suffered abuse, your parents may have told you were not good enough, you were a failure or were useless.
Even if they did not use those words, there are many ways in which these messages you may have transmitted.These feelings deplete your sense of self-esteem, leading to a rough and critical inner voice. This can cause you to be extremely hard on yourself in all things, whether at school, work or relationships.People who grow up in a toxic environment, often face a constant struggle with self-confidence.

If you are one of those who have grown up in a toxic or dysfunctional families and suffer from these conflicts, or if you are not sure you are, but you identify with one or all of these features, do not hesitate to seek psychological help if you think that you it will help to overcome, and direct your life in a better way.

19 de abril de 2017

Awakening of the Immaturity into Immortality

Come and enter My Kingdom of Universal Citizenship. They who love Me and conduct the  expansion of light and life .. these are My shepherds within the Vine that I AM. They are in Me and of Me.

Those who love Me while keeping My commandments shall not falleth prey to the intoxications of the world. They are the receptive ones who are headed towards the attainment of immortality .. the choosing of the garment of everlasting dominion.

These are My disciples who are not great in numbers; for it is true that those who love the darkness of rebelliousness are as many as the sands on the beachhead of living.

I am arrived upon that beachhead into a world civilization that is young and immature .. hypnotized by the lesser nature and unable to rise and reach for the divine objectivity that is truth.

Yet .. I am come I assure you that. Only those individuals with the purity of heart and the sincere desire for God the Father shall find Me amongst thee; it is the Father’s Initiatory Life which unveils thine sight and affords you the capacities of our association together.  He .. in you .. knows the timing .. and he alone understands thine readiness and tenderness of soul.

I am come unto those who have pierced the glass of darkness in their very consciousness .. and who have demonstrated that their wholehearted willingness usurps the darkness of vanity and selfishness .. self-deceit .. pridefulness .. and avoidance of every sort.

Verily do I speak to Mine ones who listen and obey .. they hear the call of the Silence .. and they are answering It's purpose and directive.

Be advised and counseled herein beloveds .. those who love Me not are your enemies even though we do meet within the Spirit of Us All. And there shall come a day within the cosmic space and eternal timelessness wherein all will walk together as One.

Yet these ones who revert to intellectual pride and the unavoidably sorrowful mind of arrogance and the problematic and conflicted  lesser nature autonomies of every kind .. they are your oppressors and opposers. They are thieves and rapists of the divine force without ever an acknowledgement nor a thistle of adoration do they offer. They attempt to break through into the house of the holy and pure without undergoing their own purified maturings. They do all in their powerless poise to influence you of their mind prowess and personality grandeur .. yet they shall find failure topples them downward. These are the excursions of the evolutionary races which none may avoid.

The thieves are amongst you in society. They pose as your compatriots yet I say unto you .. they are as the scorpions filled with the venomous poisons of subjectivity and snobbery. Their sting upon thine feet as ye walk upon the pastures of the earth are as a venom which causes stagnation and procrastinations of all orders. They bewitch the unwary .. and they stagger the non-vigilant ones who are weak by their character and are easily tempted by darkness.

Be not as the lazy and stalwart of your race who feel superior to others .. and who believe the errors of egotistical entitlement have none of these seeds of impiety within themselves ..  they hold out their petty hands with the false tenders of the world mind seeking to exchange truthfulness for their mortal opinions .. opinions of subjectivity itself attempting to show their absoluteness .. yet this fallen intellectual mind must sooner or later become surrendered into the Christos of all. There is no escape nor is there a way to cheapen the avenues of ascendancy. All must come and walk this way.

Every personality shall deliver themselves through the endowment of their willingness to cooperate and collaborate with God himself who lives in them as the one life .. the very almighty that I AM.

I bid ye purity and choice .. decisiveness and courage in going forth into the Kingdom of our universe.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington

Michael of Nebadon
Michael of Nebadon Foundation

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