
11 de mayo de 2017

4 people conflicts of toxic families face every day

font  Lucida Life
 Wednesday, May 10, 2017
The experiences you had when you were a child, have a way of staying with you throughout your adult life. If you are someone in the group who grew up in toxic families , you've probably been through a lot. You have learned to keep remote to block out the injured. You can even have made the decision to cut ties with your family when you went and yourself. Even if you cut the communication, the emotional scars remain with you.
toxic family
According to a study by Dr. Giovanni A. Salum, l os children from toxic or dysfunctional families, are more likely to suffer from mental health problems. These problems are usually caused by the internalization or externalization of conflicts experienced during childhood.If you grew up in a toxic family, no doubt you have overcome many obstacles in your life. But growing up in a toxic environment, it can make you face some struggles for the rest of your life, including mental health.
Toxic conflicts that people face every day families
These are four serious struggles that people from toxic families face every day.
Anxiety is one of the most common problems of mental health, and has a specific link to the toxic homes.According to a study by  Ben-Gurion University  of the Negev in Israel, a "significantly higher" percentage of adults with generalized anxiety disorder comes from families with dysfunctional homes. You may have witnessed abuse, you have experienced abuse yourself or you were left alone for long periods of time.

Perhaps it not allowed you to try new things, be creative and explore, or were punished every time you fracasabas. Any kind of toxic environment in which you grew up, your childhood experiences can end up causing anxiety stays with you as you get older.
2. Problems to communicate and interact with other
If you grew up in a toxic family, hugging or be emotional may have been something totally absent . As you get older, this may hinder communication and interaction with others, including being physically or have a strong emotional connection with someone.
We recommend you
You have learned not to let people come to you, which is a hard habit to break. A psychological study of  Texas Woman's University  found: "The adults raised in dysfunctional families often report difficulties in forming and maintaining intimate relationships, maintain a positive self - esteem and trust others.They fear a loss of control and deny their feelings and reality ".
To let someone approaches you, you have to trust that you will not hurt, it is much easier said than done.
Conflicts of people from toxic families
3. Questioning reality
If you grew up with toxic parents, how you saw things around you, was not the way your parents saw things. Perhaps you were constantly accused of something you never did, then be punished for it, or remember a certain event that your parents say it never happened.
The distorted view of the reality of your family may end up causing issues your own thoughts and beliefs. It can be difficult to decipher what is real and what is not. According to the  Texas Woman's University , "in most dysfunctional families, children tend to learn to doubt their own intuition and emotional reactions." Trust your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs can become a daily struggle.

4. Having a critical inner voice
Growing up in a toxic environment very rarely guarantees the love, support and emotional connection you need as a child. Without these foundations, it is almost impossible to build a strong sense of self-esteem. If you suffered abuse, your parents may have told you were not good enough, you were a failure or were useless.
Even if they did not use those words, there are many ways in which these messages you may have transmitted.These feelings deplete your sense of self-esteem, leading to a rough and critical inner voice. This can cause you to be extremely hard on yourself in all things, whether at school, work or relationships.People who grow up in a toxic environment, often face a constant struggle with self-confidence.

If you are one of those who have grown up in a toxic or dysfunctional families and suffer from these conflicts, or if you are not sure you are, but you identify with one or all of these features, do not hesitate to seek psychological help if you think that you it will help to overcome, and direct your life in a better way.

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