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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta war world III. Mostrar todas las entradas

5 de mayo de 2017

Europe: civil war on the mainland or cut domain and poverty. France has the answer

May 4, 2017. EUROPE READY FOR Reëvolución!

Thousands of German soldiers prepare to enter France While looms civil war EU

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An alarming report by the Ministry of Defense circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the extended session Board Defense Ministry declares that German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in France a few days before the presidential election on May 7 to prepare 10,000 soldiers of the German Army (HEER) entering this nation European Union (EU) to help "restore normal public order" as they arise fears that a civil war on the continent against the ruling elites can be threatening.

[Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations English words / Russian phrases that have no exact counterpart.] "The same as ever , "

According to the report, in 2010, for the first time since the end of World War II in 1945, the German military troops were officially placed in France - and where Defense Minister von der Leven was quick to appease a right - wing uprising among the officer corps of the German army fighting against the Islamization of Europe, what made her put on alert for immediate deployment of combat its Division of Schnelle Kräfte Nations (Fast Forces Division).

With more than 10,000 of these troops Schnelle Kräfte Division now prepared to enter France, this report continues, the greatest fears among the ruling elites of the EU is that, no matter how will the outcome of Sunday, Iran exploding massive riots through this nation , with no one knowing which side the French Foreign Legion take sides because this military organization does not swear allegiance to France.

In screening this Sunday, according to this report, is the leftist globalist banker elite Emmanuel Macron (who has just been discovered that has participated in a massive tax evasion scheme) and the populist-nationalist leader Marine Le Pen two leaders in the first round of the presidential vote, 23 April when Macron won 24.01% of the votes, while Le Pen came second after receiving 21.30%.

With the riots that explode all over France after Le Pen's victory on April 23, the report says his victory in the French presidency could very well involve the whole nation in flames if it prevails on Sunday Macron But if he wins, throughout the European Union can be immersed in the civil war opened as a shocking new survey has revealed that over half of young continents are now ready to rebel against their leaders globalist elite.

Results of more than 580,000 respondents in 35 countries to the survey sponsored by the European Union entitled "Building What?"

The ruling elites of the EU detest Le Pen because he asked to be reinstated immediately border controls and expel or stop all suspected Islamic radicals in France , which is a position contrary to the German communist leader Angela Merkel, got today that Sweden drop all border controls leading to fears of a new Muslim immigration rush to the Nordic nation .

With Macron declaring during the fiery presidential debate yesterday that it would close the borders of France against terrorist Islamic immigrants, this report continues, Le Pen then warned the French people that his opponent was preparing to sell his nation "piece by piece" and he said somberly: "France will be led by a woman, or señora Merkel".

The report notes that the vote of Brexit in the UK and the victory of President Donald Trump in the United States clearly demonstrate that the survey of the West is more propaganda than prediction as none of the two of them said they had a change of winning by its elites-with the Russian people, who overwhelmingly supported both Brexit and Trump, being more accurate, and that two - thirds of supporting Le Pen.

Populist-nationalists villages in France, Britain and the United States supporting Le Pen, Brexit and President Trump, concludes the report, also being labeled by their leftist-communist fascist enemies as deserving of death in America today - and where they are arming themselves for violence -and as evidenced by one of those leftist groups in the United States called the Club de Armas Phoenix John Brown who say they are "working to stem the tide of reactionary recruitment within communities of white workers" but in fact they are training to trigger full -scale civil war.

May 4, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked back to its original source in WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively fighting the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and future events, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal are not according to believe that all human beings have the right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their 'agents' has been a long campaign of disinformation / designed to discredit disorientation, and others like us, They exemplified in numerous places, including here.

[Note: The web site was created and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of US computer experts led by the latest world technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda used by West to promote their illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.]

[Note: the word Kremlin (fortress within a city) used in this report refers to the Russian citadels, Moscow with cathedrals in female monks residing Schema (Orthodox nuns ), many of which are dedicated to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

17 de marzo de 2017

Putin Orders Kremlin Evacuation Preparations After US-NATO Invasion Plans Confirmed

Putin Orders Kremlin Evacuation Preparations After US-NATO Invasion Plans Confirmed
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A truly horrifying Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has just ordered the immediate creation of a special aviation division responsible for airlifting personnel and equipment from Kubinka Air Base, in Moscow Oblast, after confirmation was received that American-led NATO forces are in final preparations to unleash total war against the Federation.   [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, spurring President Putin’s order to begin preparations for the full evacuation from the Kremlin of all top political and military leaders from Moscow is due to MoD intelligence analysts confirming that American-led NATO forces have concluded that a “limited” nuclear weapons exchange war with the Federation was now achievable—but only if conducted prior to the Federations full deployment of the short-range nuclear-capable road-mobile 9K720 Iskander-M (NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone) ballistic missile system scheduled to be completed before years end
MoD intelligence experts in their making this grim confirmation of a nuclear war outbreak between the Federation and American-led NATO forces, this report continues, is based upon their analysis of the just completed Global Lightning 17 war exercise ordered by President Donald Trump and conducted from 7 to 17 February[English translation]
This just completed Global Lightning 17 war exercise, this report details, was the most extensive in recent years into implementing the America doctrine of strategic nuclear forces—and that in the course of conducting their rehearsed script dealt with the hybrid escalation of conflict in Europe that quickly escalated into a global nuclear war with the participation of the United States[English translation]

On 16 February, the day prior to the ending of this insane Global Lightning 17 nuclear war plan, this report further notes, President Trump’s Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, arrived in Europe to oversee its final execution—and then promptly declared that contrary to Trump’s previously stating that upon taking office he would cooperate with Russia to defeat Islamic terrorists, announced that the US would NOT cooperate with Russia’s military.
With the largest military buildup in NATO’s history rapidly accelerating on the Federations western border with the European Union, this report continues, these war-like” offensive actions towards Russia can no longer be ignored as thousands of American troops and military equipment continue to flood into this region—and has caused the Australian nuclear war expert  Helen Caldicott to warn that atomic war between the US and Russia is nearly upon us all.

In their preparations for total war against the Federation too, this report details, the Americans have deployed to Poland at least 70 AGM-158B JASSM-ER (extended range) missiles that now give this NATO member state first strike capability deep inside Russian territory.
One of the most feared weapons in the American war arsenal, this report explains, these AGM-158B JASSM-ER missiles, which boast an operational range of 1000+kilometers, and have the capability of knocking out key stationary infrastructure sites located deep inside Russia’s territory—and are all equipped with the Counter-electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) payload—that is an electronic warfare technology that fries electronic equipment with bursts of high-power microwave energy, non-kinetically destroying them.

Stationed in Poland along with these “first strike” AGM-158B JASSM-ER missiles, this report continues, are thousands of just deployed US Army troops from Fort Carson—and who, for the past 2 years, have been specifically trained to wage war on Federation military forces in Russian cities and villages.
Though the US Army claims that these thousands of Fort Carson soldiers have been trained as a “global response force, MoD experts in this report state, the only historical equivalence that can be said about them is their resembling the Pentomic Divisions” established by the American military in the 1950’s and 1960’s to wage war on nuclear contaminated battlefields—and that the prospect of so horrified the Kennedy administration (after President John Kennedy’s brother Robert saw a demonstration of first hand), the US began an immediate détente with the then Soviet Union to keep such a war from ever occurring.

With Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warning just hours ago that Moscow’s relationship with the US is at its lowest level since the Cold War when our world last saw these American-trained nuclear battlefield “Pentomic Divisions”, this report grimly says, new reports from the United States are showing this wars inevitability—and as confirmed by President Trump’s Defense Science Board have presented him with a new atomic war plan against Russia whose strategy calls for a limited nuclear (“You need to escalate a conflict just enough to end it.”) and whose theory advocates using low-yield nuclear weapons against Russian conventional forces to demonstrate that Trump means “serious business” and might be crazy enough to launch an all out nuclear attack—thus causing Russia to “blink” and ultimately back down, rather than risk global thermonuclear war or continue conventional hostilities.

The critical flaws in this American plan to wage nuclear war against Russia (limited or otherwise), this report concludes, is that unlike the United States or European Union, the Federation is fully prepared with nuclear bomb shelters to protect every citizen in the Federation (with Perm alone being able to protect 1 million war workers)—and whose nuclear war doctrine, once the Motherland is attacked, calls for an immediate de-escalation action to occur—but which is, actually, a devastating “first strike” nuclear response against the aggressors.

You fail to read this book at your peril.” - Admiral James G. Stavridis, US Navy, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Click HERE to know more.

February 28, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

Final Battle For The World Begins: But Will Trumpian Forces Unite?

 “Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
 John Adams (1735-1826) American Patriot and Founding Father who served as the second President of the United States (1797–1801) and the first Vice President (1789–97)
Special Report from Sister Ciara
Information Warfare is a concept involving the use and management of information and communication technology in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent, and whose first use the America’s began in 1774 when the British Crown Post Office dismissed from his duties Benjamin Franklin—who then went on to become one of the world’s greatest political theorists, an American Founding Father, and one of the most powerful Freemasons to have ever to have lived.
Barely 10 years after the first truly global war in human history [which World War I most certainly was not] called the Seven Years’ War  (that involved every European great power of the time (except the Ottoman Empire), spanned five continents, affected Europe, the Americas (French and Indian War), West Africa, India, and the Philippines) ended in 1763, the war weary citizens of the British American colonies began rebelling against their ever increasing taxes and continuing loss of freedom—thus leading, in 1773, to these people causing a relatively minor political protest (over high taxes) called the Boston Tea Party that involved a secret society named The Sons of Liberty, who while disguising themselves as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.
With the Crown Post Office being that times main “communication technology”, and in order to suppress the spreading of these Sons of Liberty protests, and in order to further block the efforts of the Colonies to act in concert with one another, the British government, in 1774, began delaying or destroying newspapers and opening and reading private mail (hacking) belonging to these American colonists, and that the British authorites said was legal for them to do—after all, the were dealing with “terrorists”.
However, with the American’s always having been a resourceful people, the Sons of Liberty retaliated by stopping Royal mail riders, opening their dispatches (hacking), and exhorting the populace to the effect that it was unconstitutional to patronize the King’s post office—and who then promptly set up their own secretive mail routes
Though the American Revolution is said to have begun in 1765 (and ended in 1783), it’s important to remember that open conflict in this war didn’t begin until after the British began their campaign of Information Warfare against their colonists—thus leading barely a year later, on 19 April 1775, to the Battles of Lexington and Concord that began with “The shot heard round the world”.
And barely 9 months later, on 10 January 1776, the most (not one of the most, THE MOST) important political document in the entirety of Western civilization was printed and disseminated throughout the American colonies titled Common Sense—whose author was anonymous (and later revealed to be the Founding Father Thomas Paine), and whose astonishing impact led 5 months later, on 4 July 1776, to the birth of what is now known as the most powerful nation the world has ever seen, The United States of America.
With English historian Edward Gibbon(1737-1794) saying that the United States was founded in the “criminal enterprise” of rebellion, and English newspapers flooded with accounts of the suffering endured by British Loyalists at the hands of these American “criminals, the Information Warfare of 1774, that led to the 1776 outbreak of open warfare, quickly followed by the publishing of Common Sense, and then the creation of the United States, all combined to create what we are witnessing today—the most titanic battle our world has ever known!
Now in order for you to understand how very true these words are, you must first watch this short video created by a young US Army combat solider, who in 2011, after returning from a foreign battlefield, made a revelation virtually unknown to nearly all American’s today—but that is gravely more truer than you dare even KNOW—but I’ll tell you about.

Continuing now, and in order for you to fully comprehend what CorporalBickle was saying, you must understand that the American Revolution occurred within a broader Atlantic Age of Revolutions—that opened with the American’s gaining their freedom, but also includes the French Revolution, a failed revolution in Ireland (the 1798 United Irish Rebellion), a successful slave rebellion and revolution in Saint Domingue(Haiti)  (1791-1804), and the Latin American revolutions of the early nineteenth century.
While these events were in many ways distinct and unique, they were also fundamentally inter-related as they involved interconnected political re-orderings that cannot be understood outside the context of eighteenth-century empire building and international affairs.
And as it pertains to this letter I’m writing to you today, the most crucial of these eighteenth-century empire building events to occur was Britain deciding to use military force to put down their colonists rebellion in America—and whose British army and naval ranks were ENTIRELY led by Freemasons.
Now, of course, when these Freemason British military forces met their “brother” Freemason American military forces they combined (Click HERE and HERE)—after all, during the American part of the Seven Years War, called the French and Indian War, nearly all of these combatants belonged to the same Freemason Military Lodges, and during the American Revolution, whenever a Freemason officer was captured, by either side, they were immediately released, with thousands of them serving on both sides during the war, many who switched sides more than once!
And just by the numbers of this “war” that lasted a little over 8 years, here’s what’s revealed: 80,000 American militia and Continental Army soldiers were pitted against 86,000 British forces and German mercenaries (known as Hessians)—and by this “wars” end, 75,000 American militia and Continental Army soldiers were killed during battle, died of their wounds afterwards, died of disease, and were left maimed and wounded, leaving there total forces at 5,000—while the British forces and their German mercenary allies suffered 24,000 casualties, leaving their total forces at 62,000. [Note: these numbers do not include American, British or French naval forces] 
Now there is no end to the historical arguments as to exactly how the most powerful army in the world lost to these American colonists that they vastly outnumbered, but with all them ignoring the truth—these Freemason forces “combined and conspired” to create the United States that their Knights Templar forbearers claimed for themselves prior to Christopher Columbus even knowing what the “New World” was.
Though deliberately denied by our present world’s historians, the facts prove that the mysterious Knight Templar-Freemason Welsh Prince Madog ab Owain Gwynedd (Prince Madog/Madocclaimed all of North America for his order nearly 7 centuries ago—and when the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) attempted to honor this historical event 6 decades ago, the US government tore down their monument and decreed it could never be put up again.  

Ruling from what is now known as the Old Stone Fort in the State of Tennessee; a Knights Templar-Freemason “treasure” hidden there by Prince Madoc was rediscovered in the late 1790’s by a young orphaned American Revolution war soldier named Andrew Jackson—who then brought it to the Freemasonic Solomon's Lodge No. 1 in Savannah, Georgia, who then transferred it to President George Washington and whose contents he used in the laying of the US Capitol’s cornerstone on 18 September 1793.

Andrew Jackson, as you may know, rose in power after his “discovery” becoming America’s First Freemason Grand-Master and 7th President of United States—and as my Dear Sisters have previously informed you of, upon his taking power, America’s new Freemason leader, President Donald Trump, made one of his first official decrees that the portrait of President Jackson be immediately hung on the wall of the White House Oval Office.
All of this history is vitally important for you to understand, because if you don’t know the past of these Freemasons, you won’t know who their centuries old enemies are, nor whom President Trump is waging war against—but is quickly revealed to anyone with understanding in the very words of these mysterious people themselves:
President Donald Trump when asked if the Federal Reserve should be immediately audited: “Yes. Totally.”
Today my friends, even as you read these words, a titanic showdown is looming that pits the Freemasons against their age old enemy, the “money changers”—and, perhaps, best warned about by Russian economic experts who write as warning to President Trump: “When you drain a fetid body of water you are bound to wake up some monsters, and we hope he fully understands the threat that hangs over his presidency like the Sword of Damocles who the Washington elite view as a lethal threat to their globalization plans.”
With the German bankers solution to what they call the “Trump Problem” being “murder in the White House”, and Google having already destroyed for their banking masters over 200 websites trying to tell you these truths too, since 28 February of last year, and even up to yesterday, we’ve been explaining to you the historic consequences of this historic war—but we need your help now to continue.
You may not think it now because you’ve brain-manipulated to shut out all true things, but you really NEED to know about the American anti-Federal Reserve conservative “hero” Friedrich Hayek and how Freemason leader President Trump is using his astounding 1974 essay “The Denationalization of Money” as a roadmap to destroy these banking monsters, and Trump’s powerful allies in this most deadly of wars John Allison and George Gilder—whose grave warning to all of you about the Federal Reserve is nothing short of shattering: “It has now taken over the whole economy. We’ve had a covert socialist coup in America with the Federal Reserve, now essentially running the banks and through the banks, essentially regulating the entire economy.”
In another dark time during America’s long history when all was seemingly lost, an anonymous single writer stirred a people towards the truth with Common Sense—and in the words of the great American Founding Father President John Adams:  “Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
If we labour in vain, then turn away now—but if not, I speak to the “silent hero” in all of you to answer this call from those of us on the front lines of this war so that it might not reach your very doorstep, even unto your home.
With God,
Sister Ciara
28 January 2017

Our needs today are dire indeed, but, if every one of you reading this gave just $20.00 today, our budget for the entire year would be met!  So, before you click away, ask yourself this simple question….if your knowing the truth about what is happening now, and what will be happening in the future isn’t worth 5 US pennies a day what is?   
(Please note that those who respond to this appeal, in any amount, will receive, at no charge, Sorcha Faal’s  January 2017/February, 2017 lecture series to the Sisters of the Order titled “Total War: the Collapse of the United States and the Rise of Chaos: Part 60”.  This is another one of the Sorcha Faal’s most important lectures dealing with the coming timelines of war, famine, catastrophic Earth changes and disease as predicted by ancient prophecies.)

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