
2 de mayo de 2017

Rusia da Ultimátum a España por su PAPEL en la OTAN - Una Quijotada que nos puede costar un Holocausto Nuclear

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A los sociatas del bipartidismo solo les sirve la izquierda real como muleta donde apoyarse para gobernar, si no, no los quieren pá ná.

Solo puede haber democracia con la derecha ilegalizada ya que si no gobierna y se la deja maniobrar, solo se dedica a crispar y desestabilizar de todas las formas posibles: legales e ilegales.

Armak de Odelot

Resultado de imagen de ESPAÑA EJÉRCITO TODO por la PASTA - OTAN

Resultado de imagen de ESPAÑA EJÉRCITO TODO por la PASTA - OTAN

Rusia da Ultimátum a España - PAPEL de ESPAÑA en la OTAN - Una quijotada que nos puede costar el holocausto nuclear  - Y TODO, no por la PATRIA, sino por la FED sionista 

España enviará más de 300 militares a Letonia en una operación de ...

15 feb. 2017 - España desplegará "más de 300" militares y seis carros de combate Leopard –la ... unaOTAN "equilibrada en todos los ámbitos y ejes geográficos" y una .... El ejército ruso se estará pensando si ataca o se va a tomar un chupito. ... Los que van, se pegan por ir por la pasta; luego si la palma alguno habrá ...

La OTAN mete a España en el centro de una nueva 'Guerra Fría ...

28 sept. 2015 - Este mes de octubre se desplegará en España un ejército de 20.000 soldados. ... Se pondrá en acción por primera vez con unas gigantescas maniobras militares en ... Será una fuerza especial movilizada en todo momento, "de muy alta .... Toda esa pasta para I+D y educación ademas de ayuda social a ...
Resultado de imagen de ESPAÑA EJÉRCITO TODO por la PASTA - OTAN

Resultado de imagen de ESPAÑA -  OTAN NO - TODO por la PASTA 


“España comenzará la guerra contra Rusia en mayo-junio si no hay cambios. Una quijotada que nos puede costar el holocausto nuclear durante un siglo. Rusia da el ultimatum diplomático al gobierno español Pepero”.

La Brigada Extremadura XI abrirá el camino al ejército español en Letonia. A morir por la Reserva Federal judía y el dólar quebrado, que no por España.
Misión para presionar y atacar Rusia en Letonia.
A morir, pero no por la Patria sino por la Reserva Federal judía quebrada.
Cinco de los F-18 que se van a Letonia a jugar a la guerra contra Rusia y que no volverán. Sistemas de S-300 y barridos electromagnéticos los harán caer en pleno vuelo.
T-50 ruso. La España profunda en la cúpula del ejército y un gobierno títere pusilánime y amanerado no tienen nombre. Visto lo visto habrá que esperar a la derrota y volver con el rabo entre las piernas.
Resultado de imagen de ESPAÑA EJÉRCITO TODO por la PASTA - OTAN
La Otan ha dejado pasar el invierno ruso para que no suceda lo mismo que a las tropas alemanas. Operación Barbarroja el 22 de junio del 1941 (11+11+6+6). Una fecha que se puede volver a repetir, y cuya duración sería indeterminada por las características del armamento modernos, tanques, aviación, misiles y submarinos.
En un último intento de disuasión ante la escalada sionista de la Reserva Federal para organizar la guerra a través de su oficina militar OTAN, el gobierno de Rusia da un ultimatum al gobierno del PP de la MARCA SIONISTA ESPAÑA.
«Rusia intentará que políticos españoles cuestionen la misión de España con la OTAN en Letonia». ABC

“España despliega tropas con la OTAN para enfrentar la amenaza de Rusia”. (Hay que especificar que la amenaza es de la OTAN sobre Rusia, no al revés).

“Rusia tiene la capacidad militar de invadir y conquistar Estonia en tan solo 36 horas”.
Aunque España decidiera retirarse, su posición ya está decidida con este gobierno, y sería masacrada en diversas ciudades españolas.
“El misil de crucero más rápido vuela a Mach 3 y maniobra así en el aire”, el misil ruso indio BrahMos. Lanzado desde un submarino, sería indetectable.
Distancia por ruta aérea y tiempo de vuelo entre España y Rusia

7019 km900 km/h7 horas 47 minutos
7019 km700 km/h10 horas 1 minutos
7019 km500 km/h14 horas 2 minutos
Alcanzaría España en 2 horas desde Rusia. Y desde un submarino en Gibraltar, Azores, o Mallorca entre 2 en alcanzar Rota, y 7 minutos Madrid.
La guerra no es juego señores, ni una cosa de quien es el amiguete de quien: la guerra actual es el holocausto nuclear. Y algunos que no han hecho ni la mili, no pueden imaginar las dimensiones de tomar decisiones de ataque.


-España se ha puesto en primera línea de fuego para atacar Rusia desde Letonia.

“Cinco F-18 del ejército español parten a Estonia en una misiónde la OTAN”.

“España desplegará seis Leopard II, 14 Pizarro y 300 militares en Letonia”.



-“Las tropas de EE.UU. empiezan a patrullar la frontera entre Turquía y Siria”.
-Y desde Líbano para atacar Damasco y el palacio presidendial del Presidente Al Assad en Siria.
-“La Brigada Canarias iniciará este mes su despliegue en Líbano“.
-“Contingente Brilib XXVII. 600 militares destinados al Líbano salieron de Gran Canaria”.
Hace 10 días.

73 kms. Beirut – Damasco.
El Contingente Brilib XXVII de 600 hombres, tendrá que vérselas con los T-90 rusos y los S-300 desplegados en Siria para ganar la guerra. 

-“Tsunami nuclear de Rusia golpearía EEUU en III Guerra Mundial”.

1064973553 (1)

RS-28 Sarmat ruso.

Recuerdos de los que no se quieren avenir a la OTAN:
1995: “22 años del atentado a Aznar: un suceso que hubiera cambiado la historia de España”. Un suceso que no fue ETA como pretenden también con el Almirante Carrero Blanco, sino la propia OTAN.
2010: “Muere el presidente de Polonia al estrellarse su avión en Rusia”. “El presidente polaco, Lech Kaczynski, junto con casi todo su gabinete presidencial y los principales jefes del Ejército del país han perdido la vida al estrellarse el avión en el que viajaban cuando intentaba aterrizar en el aeropuerto de Smolensk, en el oeste de Rusia”


Los juegos de guerra españoles encarecerán los Presupuestos Generales del Estado, subirán los impuestos y mermarán sustanciosamente el gasto público. 

La OTAN y la Reserva Federal judías necesitan muchísimo más dinero.

Esto les va a encantar a los matrix adoradores de noticiarios televisivos tóxicos, cuando no les alcance para ir de vacaciones.

No war or nuclear attack will be allowed

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are hearing sobering rhetoric in connection with North Korea, and we assure you there will be no all-out war with that country or any other. You also can ignore the media hype about Russia’s new cold war with Europe and the United States—Russia is one of the “backbone” countries whose goal is peace, economic stability and environmental preservation. And, North Korea’s nuclear missile tests pose no threat—ever-diligent crews in your skies would cause warheads to malfunction just as they have on more than a dozen occasions in the past few years. Acting upon the recommendation of colleagues on the planet, one of the crews caused the recent explosion of a missile seconds after launching as a psychological setback for the testing program and a means whereby the tough talk could be de escalated.
Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that dissatisfied citizens in numerous countries will initiate or continue anti-government protests and combatting terrorist groups will be necessary for a while longer; however, communication lines that will be opening will lessen and ultimately eliminate hostility between all “enemies.” Your compassion, sympathy and prayers flow naturally for the many millions who are enduring life-threatening deprivation or other severe hardships, but please don’t become caught up in the karmic drama that is playing itself out. Your steadfastness in the light is aiding and inspiring the peoples to co-create Earth’s destiny as a peaceful world where all share in the abundance and live in harmony with Nature.  
We have been asked if low vibrations of protestors’ anger undermines their purpose, and the answer is, the purpose determines what vibrations are produced. Would apartheid have ended if native South Africans had not directed their anger into protests to be granted the same civil and legal liberties as the immigrants who governed them? Would women’s voices be heard through the ballot box if they hadn’t turned their anger about being denied the same right as men into protests that gained them that right? Rarely is any unjustness corrected until the people who are adversely affected demand it, and anger can be an ally if action taken is on behalf of fairness and equitability. In short, when there is light in protesters’ purpose, high vibrations are produced; when the purpose of a protesting group is to impose their ideologies upon people whose ideologies differ, low vibrations are produced in abundance.  
“I can’t get over my anger about something my partner of three years did several months ago. He doesn’t understand how deeply it affected me and gets angry when I want to discuss it. I know anger has bad vibes and I don’t want this to keep either of us from ascension. What can I do?” Our response applies to everyone who is dealing with anger about any situation, and first we shall speak about this in the context of an intimate relationship. When anger becomes a prevailing emotion, the effects are twofold: The energy of anger permeates the relationship; and that energy’s low vibrations are a barrier between the light and the consciousness and cellular structure, where light absorption is essential for ascension. It is time to consider that the relationship may no longer be serving the best interests of either person because the karmic union they chose in their soul contracts has been completed. During this unprecedented era with everything in the universe in acceleration mode, souls have the opportunity to wind up all third density karma in one lifetime instead of many, and often anger is the motivator for a couple to part ways so both can move on to other chosen experiencing.  
When anger enters the relationship between parents and children or siblings and is in accordance with their pre-birth agreement, it also provides growth opportunities for all; but again, completing that part of the agreement need not take years and years. If longstanding differences cannot be resolved, following strong intuitive feelings as to what is best for you is the wise course—trusting intuition is part of soul evolvement, and that is the goal of every soul in every lifetime.

Let us tell you why anger is so prevalent in your world. Earth is a schoolhouse where students can learn the unparalleled power and joy of love as well as the consequences of fear and anger—anger is a byproduct of fear and often the two go hand in hand. Via the law of attraction emotional situations are self-perpetuating, and because anger and/or fear can lead to violent actions or reactions, mastering those emotions is paramount in souls’ evolutionary journey. This is not an “easy A” class, and many have to repeat it over and over and over before they can graduate. Given the unique opportunity to complete remaining karmic lessons during one lifetime and attain the balanced experiencing they need to evolve, masses of souls have gone to Earth specifically for another try to ace the anger-fear lesson.    
You have termed historic eras Ice Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age and so forth—perhaps this period of planetary turbulence could be called Anger Age. As Earth ascends into planes of increasingly high vibratory levels, people who formerly invested energy in anger will instead direct their energy into positive avenues that will manifest Earth’s Golden Age.  
“I was told that the world is a school for all of us to learn and understand about evil and what evil can do and what we can do to overcome evil. If Earth is changing to be a place of Love and Light, where will we go learn about evil and the effects of evil as we need to know about the balance between good and evil?” Indeed Earth is a schoolhouse, as mentioned above, and of the multitude ofsuch learning centers in this universe, Earth is known as one of the finest—that is why souls are so eager to embody there. Part of theprocess of your world becoming a place of love and light is individuals who indulge in evildoing can see how their acts affect others—in some cases, the world—and they can learn to overcome inclinations to act in those ways. Only those who master this lesson will go along with Earth as she continues her ascension journey; those who don’t will enter the spirit world of a deep third density civilization and incarnate in that world for another chance to learn that essential lesson. We add that God doesn’t think of any of His children as evildoers, but rather “the disserving ones of my flock.”
This is a good place to address this reader’s comments: “It doesn’t make any sense that we forget what’s in our soul contracts. It would be much more sensible to remember so we can make the right decisions and not have to repeat the same old ‘karmic lessons’ until we get them right.”  We feel that nothing we could say would explain the reason for “forgetting” as clearly as what God told my mother when she talked with Him about this many years ago: “If all were absolutely known, if nothing required any independent thinking or decisions or activity, then why would there be any need for multiple experiencing? What would there be to learn? Why would life itself be necessary? We could just fast forward to The End, which is The Beginning, and let all lives of all times reside at that initial point of Being.” 
“Some Channelers say we are in charge of our lives, but we have no control over nuclear radiation; chemicals in fertilizer, pesticides and food; GMOs; fracking; oil spills; destruction of forests; mandatory vaccinations; chemtrails and other pollution in the air and water, and all those toxic substances are damaging our health. To what extent are they affecting ascension?” The toxins do have damaging effects on bodies, yours and Earth’s and her animals’, but they have no effect whatsoever on the planet’s steady ascension course or anyone’s ascension pathway—they cannot interfere with your advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness unless you believe they can. Remember, what you believe creates your reality!
But let us ease your mind about those situations you mentioned. Universal family members living among you and crews in your skies are neutralizing or ameliorating the effects of nuclear radiation and toxins in all forms, and when the crews can join you and use their technologies more effectively on site, you’ll be amazed and heartened at how quickly air, soil and water can be restored to purity.   
Readers who write to my mother usually refer to members of the civilizations who are helping you as ETs, and at times we also refer to them that way—it’s shorter and we all understand who we mean. But please think of them as we do, as who they are: members of our universal family. All of us are inextricably connected at soul level and in many cases these helpers are your ancestors—“family” is the right way to think of them.
Many of those who are living on the planet knew when they volunteered that they would encounter physical danger, financial hardship, unjust incarceration, serious health issues or disabilities, impugned professional credibility, the loss of loved ones, ostracism by family and friends who still are slumbering in unawareness. If you recognize yourself in any of those circumstances, you know that a lightworker’s life is not one of ease. Yet, you follow your heart and soul and continue helping Earth’s peoples awaken so these members of our family can advance in their evolutionary journey just as you have.  
All light beings in this universe honor your invaluable service and support you with unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

AIPAC directs the shade and Catholic sect ultra El Yunque

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Entrada destacada


SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...