
3 de mayo de 2017

Puerto Rico declares bankruptcy to restructure its multibillion dollar debt

The governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló announced Wednesday that the island declares bankruptcy in order to restructure its multibillion dollar debt of more than US $ 70,000 million.

Rosello made the announcement at the end of the moratorium that prevented creditors go to court to demand payment of the debt to the commonwealth of the United States.

A bankruptcy process in Puerto Rico would be the largest in the history of the local debt market in the United States.

The island is experiencing a severe economic crisis, with a poverty rate of 45%, unemployment doubling the average US population and decreasing by emigration to the continental United States (Puerto Ricans are US citizens).

The risk rating agency Moody ' s sees the decision of the government as positive for creditors because the process in court would be "orderly", something preferable to "a chaotic and uncertain period."
Title III

The governor said at a news conference his decision to enroll in Title III of the Law for Supervision, Administration and Economic Stability of Puerto Rico (Promise) to address the financial crisis on the island.

Shortly after the announcement, island officials notified the decision to the Board of Fiscal Supervision (JSF), established by the US Congress.

According to Rossello, after "extensive discussions in good faith and openness of the financial books of the government of Puerto Rico to creditors,

Title III provides for a restructuring process similar to the rules for US bankruptcy protection, which can not accommodate Puerto Rico for being a Commonwealth debt.

The rule serves to paralyze lawsuits and upon submission of claims by creditors and objections by the government, put in the hands of court decisions on payment.

Promise Act was passed last year by the US Congress after Puerto Rico was declared unable to pay its huge debt to threats from creditors with endless lawsuits.

Governor of the island had requested the collaboration of the United States because of the risk of having to close the activities of the administration due to lack of liquidity.

The governor insisted, however, that this does not mean that negotiations with creditors to stop. Instead, he expressed his desire to serve "to accelerate the negotiation process".

Copyright imagenEPAImage captionAlgunos the blame on the island of the crisis to the particular relationship of Puerto Rico with the United States.

"The best example that can be discussed is the restructuring agreement with creditors recently established the Electric Power Authority , " said the governor.

"However, given the deficit we inherited, it is my responsibility to ensure the best interests of the Puerto Rican people , " he added.

"We are here to address the problems of Puerto Rico, not to look at the past and I am convinced that our island can resume the path of economic development with successful government steps and commitment of each of its residents."


Puerto Rico se declara en quiebra para reestructurar su multimillonaria deuda

El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, anunció este miércoles que la isla se declara en quiebra con el fin de reestructurar su multimillonaria deuda de más de US$70.000 millones.

Roselló hizo el anuncio al terminar la moratoria que impedía a los acreedores acudir a los tribunales para reclamar el pago de la deuda al estado libre asociado de Estados Unidos.

Un proceso de bancarrota en Puerto Rico sería el más grande de la historia del mercado de deuda local de Estados Unidos.

La isla vive una grave crisis económica, con una tasa de pobreza del 45%, un desempleo que dobla la media de Estados Unidos y población que decrece por la emigración a Estados Unidos continental (los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos de EE.UU.).

La agencia de calificación de riesgos Moody's ve la decisión de la gobernación como positiva para los acreedores porque el proceso en los tribunales sería "ordenado", algo preferible a "un periodo caótico e incierto".
Título III

El gobernador explicó en rueda de prensa su decisión de acogerse al Título III de la Ley para la Supervisión, Administración y Estabilidad Económica de Puerto Rico (Promesa) para atender la crisis financiera de la isla.

Poco después del anuncio, funcionarios de la isla notificaron a la decisión a la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal (JSF), establecida por el Congreso de Estados Unidos.

Según Roselló, después de "amplias conversaciones de buena fe y la apertura de los libros financieros del gobierno de Puerto Rico a los acreedores, no ha habido progreso suficiente en las negociaciones por lo que el Título III de la Ley Promesa permite llevar a un tribunal especial la reestructuración de la deuda pública de Puerto Rico".

El Título III contempla un proceso de reestructuración de deuda similar a las normas de protección por bancarrota estadounidenses, a las que no se puede acoger Puerto Rico por su condición de Estado Libre Asociado.

La norma sirve para paralizar las demandas judiciales y, previa presentación de reclamos por los acreedores y objeciones por parte del gobierno, poner en manos de los tribunales las decisiones sobre el pago.

La Ley Promesa fue aprobada el año pasado por el Congreso de EE.UU. después de que Puerto Rico se declarara incapaz de pagar su gigantesca deuda ante las amenazas de los acreedores con juicios interminables.

La gobernación de la isla había solicitado la colaboración de Estados Unidos por el riesgo de tener que cerrar la actividad de la administración por falta de liquidez.

El gobernador insistió, no obstante, que esto no significa que se paren las negociaciones con los acreedores. Al contrario, expresó su deseo de que sirva "para acelerar los procesos de negociación".

Derechos de autor de la imagenEPAImage captionAlgunos en la isla culpan de la crisis a la particular relación de Puerto Rico con Estados Unidos.

"El mejor ejemplo de que se puede dialogar es el Acuerdo de Reestructuración establecido recientemente con los acreedores de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica", dijo el gobernador.

"No obstante, ante el déficit que hemos heredado, es mi responsabilidad garantizar los mejores intereses del pueblo puertorriqueño", agregó.

"Estamos aquí para atender los problemas de Puerto Rico, no para mirar el pasado y estoy convencido que nuestra isla podrá retomar el camino del desarrollo económico con los pasos acertados del gobierno y el empeño de cada uno de sus residentes".


Kim Jong-un joins the fight against the New World Order "in 2017 will stop the New World Order and I will thwart his attempt to start World War III"

Kim Jong-un joins the fight against the new world order

Kim Jong-un is committed to join the fight against the world's elite, saying he sees 2017 as the year in which the new world order will collapse.

The leader of North Korea appears ready for a faceoff against the globalist elite at the last minute in a desperate attempt to stop the outbreak of World War III, according to the News Service North Korea.

Jong-un, who is considered a fashion icon in Pyongyang, it is a very quiet man, soft - spoken according to those around him.

"I want a world without nuclear weapons, without war, where nations can celebrate and respect the differences of others without fear in their hearts , " he told listeners in a recent radio broadcast.

"In 2017 I will stop the New World Order and will thwart his attempt to start World War III , " Jong-un to millions of its citizens she said.

"Other leaders awake, as Vladimir Putin, I hope help me in my mission, "he continued.

"If the US continues its aggression against our nation, like a cornered animal, we will fight with every ounce of energy we have. If we have to demonstrate our determination to combat the use of nuclear weapons, then that's what we'll do. I'll fire missiles until peace is achieved. "

North Korea has previously indicated he would be willing to get rid of nuclear weapons if the United States does first.

"We've all seen what happens when sovereign nations who resist the new world order are not armed with nuclear weapons; cease to exist, "concluded Kim Jong-un.

His comments come after President Trump announced he was open to the possibility of meeting with the leader of North Korea, in what appears to be the first ray of hope that the third world war is avoided.

This we must understand in the context of the recent statements by North Korean leader, in the sense that it does not care about the economic sanctions that could apply China and the United States, according to him, Russia is with them and can replace your foreign trade.

If so, as suggested by Kim Jong-un, this would be the start of a new front of resistance to the new world order shaped by Russia and North Korea. Remember a few years ago Putin declared war on the elite  to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands. This we must understand in the context of the recent statements by North Korean leader, in the sense that it does not care about the economic sanctions that could apply China and the United States, according to him, Russia is with them and can replace your foreign trade. If so, as suggested by Kim Jong-un, this would be the start of a new front of resistance to the new world order shaped by Russia and North Korea. Remember a few years ago Putin declared war on the elite to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands. This we must understand in the context of the recent statements by North Korean leader, in the sense that it does not care about the economic sanctions that could apply China and the United States, according to him, Russia is with them and can replace your foreign trade. If so, as suggested by Kim Jong-un, this would be the start of a new front of resistance to the new world order shaped by Russia and North Korea. Remember a few years ago Putin declared war on the elite to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands. according to him, Russia is with them and can replace foreign trade. If so, as suggested by Kim Jong-un, this would be the start of a new front of resistance to the new world order shaped by Russia and North Korea. Remember a few years ago Putin declared war on the elite to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands. to him, Russia is with them and can replace foreign trade. If so, as suggested by Kim Jong-un, this would be the start of a new front of resistance to the new world order shaped by Russia and North Korea. Remember a few years ago  Putin declared war on the elite to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands. Remember a few years ago Putin declared war on the elite to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands. Remember a few years ago Putin declared war on the elite to ensure that exterminate himself with his hands.

Kim Jong-un se une a la lucha contra el nuevo orden mundial “ En el 2017 voy a parar el Nuevo Orden Mundial y voy a frustrar su intento de iniciar la tercera guerra mundial ”

Kim Jong-un se une a la lucha contra el nuevo orden mundial

Kim Jong-un se ha comprometido a unirse a la lucha contra la élite mundial, diciendo que él ve 2017 como el año en qué el nuevo orden mundial colapsará.

El líder de Corea del Norte parece listo para un cara a cara contra la élite globalista en el último minuto, en un intento desesperado por detener el estallido de la Tercera Guerra Mundial, según el Servicio de Noticias de Corea del Norte .

Jong-un, que se considera un icono de la moda en Pyongyang, es un hombre muy tranquilo, de voz suave de acuerdo con los que le rodean.

“ Quiero un mundo sin armas nucleares, sin guerra, donde las naciones puedan celebrar y respetar las diferencias de los demás y sin temor en el corazón ”, dijo a los oyentes en una reciente emisión de radio.

“ En el 2017 voy a parar el Nuevo Orden Mundial y voy a frustrar su intento de iniciar la tercera guerra mundial ”, dijo Jong-un a millones de sus ciudadanos.

“ Otros líderes despiertos, como Vladimir Putin, espero me ayuden en mi misión, ” continuó.

“ Si los EE.UU. continúa su agresión hacia nuestra nación, como un animal acorralado, vamos a luchar con cada onza de energía de que dispongamos. Si tenemos que demostrar nuestra voluntad de luchar contra el uso de armas nucleares, entonces eso es lo que haremos. Voy a disparar misiles hasta que se logre la paz “.

Corea del Norte ha indicado previamente que estaría dispuesto a deshacerse de las armas nucleares si Estados Unidos lo hace primero.

“ Todos hemos visto lo que sucede cuando las naciones soberanas que resisten al nuevo orden mundial no se arman con armas nucleares; dejan de existir, ”concluyó Kim Jong-un.

Sus comentarios se producen después que el presidente Trump anunció que estaba abierto a la posibilidad de reunirse con el líder de Corea del Norte, en lo que parece ser el primer rayo de esperanza de que la tercera Guerra Mundial se evite.

Esto lo debemos de entender en el marco de la recientes declaraciones del líder norcoreano, en el sentido de que no le preocupan las sanciones económicas que le podrían aplicar China y Estados unidos, pues según él, Rusia esta con ellos y los puede sustituir en su comercio exterior.

De ser así, como lo plantea Kim Jong-un, estaríamos ante el inicio de un nuevo frente de resistencia al nuevo orden mundial conformado por Rusia y Corea del norte. Recordemos que hace unos años Putin declaraba la guerra a la élite al asegurar que los exterminaría él mismo con sus manos.


ENERGÍAS MAYO 2017 archivos akáshicos



[Àudio] La ràdio pública francesa imagina en un reportatge com seria un Estat català

[Àudio] La ràdio pública francesa imagina en un reportatge com seria un Estat català

L'emissora entrevista la secretària d'Exteriors, Maria Badia, i dóna per fet el referèndum

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Molt dolent Fluix Interessant Molt bo Excepcional 5 vots )
Guifré Jordan @enGuifre– La principal emissora generalista de la ràdio pública francesa, France Inter, ha volgut imaginar com seria un Estat català en un reportatge emès aquest dilluns al matí. La peça dóna per fet que el referèndum se celebrarà “aquesta tardor” i no menciona les traves que hi podria posar l’Estat espanyol. Així, entrevista a la secretària d’Afers Exteriors de la Generalitat, Maria Badia, a qui fa imaginar quin potencial econòmic tindria el nou estat, quines relacions mantindria amb la resta de països i si formaria part de la Unió Europea. 
© @acn

El reportatge, titulat 'Catalunya, camí cap a la independència?'

L’autor del reportatge, titulat ‘Catalunya, camí cap a la independència?’, fa imaginar a Badia sobre l’economia d’una Catalunya estat, i ella respon que el PIB arribarà al “25%” de l'espanyol i que els sectors més importants seran “la innovació, el turisme, la indústria agroalimentària” i també el món financer. En aquest sentit, també ha expressat: “Som un país petit, sempre tenim la necessitat de trobar mercats, possibles projectes fora, de tal manera que ara mateix allò que exporta Catalunya és més important a Europa que a l’Estat espanyol”. Una situació que creu que es mantindrà en una hipotètica independència.

Badia: "No pensem en una Catalunya absolutament aïllada, amb fronteres i duanes"

D’altra banda, l’entrevistador també li pregunta per l’establiment d’unes possibles duanes i fronteres en una Catalunya Estat, cosa que ella rebat: “Escolti, som al segle XXI, no pensem en una Catalunya absolutament aïllada, amb fronteres i duanes. Això ja no existeix a Europa. Tots els països de la UE han de funcionar de manera cooperativa”. El periodista, però, posa en dubte que el país es mantingui en el club comunitari, però ella li recorda que “complim tots els requisits per estar a la UE”.

Badia: "Les relacions amb Espanya han de ser bones, perquè són els veïns"

Sobre les relacions amb l’Estat espanyol si el trencament es consuma, la secretària d’Afers Exteriors diu que “han de ser bones, perquè són els veïns, com les relacions amb França”. Un posicionament que relaciona amb el concepte d’‘interdependència’ i la cooperació entre països en temes com la lluita antiterrorista. En qualsevol cas, quan el comunicador li recorda que l’Estat espanyol hi perdria molt, en cas de secessió, Maria Badia ho rebla: “Sí, hi perd, però si ho fem acordat, podem continuar cooperant”. Un “win-win”, és el que busca el govern català, segons ella.

22 years ago a rabbi prophesied: North Korea is the main threat to Israel and the key to the war of Gog and Magog

22 years ago a rabbi prophesied: North Korea is the main threat to Israel and the key to the war of Gog and Magog

Deuteronomy 32:22  (RVR1960) For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell; It will devour the earth and its fruits, and sets the foundations of the mountains. 

ISRAEL. - North Korea has only recently emerged as a major threat to the Western world, but a remarkable Kabbalist predicted 22 years ago that malicious nation would become the key to the final nuclear war of Gog and Magog. Now that the policy has changed, revealing the prophetic nature of words of Rabbi; and another look reveals a deeper and biblical of the threat facing today comprehension, according  Breaking News Israel 

When Rabbi Levi Sa'adia Nachamani gave a speech in 1994, a month before his death, surprisingly he warned that all threats to Israel, North Korea represented the greatest danger. 

"No Syria, not Persia (Iran), and not Babylon (Iraq), not Gaddafi (Libya) , " said the rabbi, naming the greatest threats to Israel at that time. Korea come here.

Rabbi Nachmani prediction was shocking for many reasons. It accurately predicted Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, giving credence to their predictions, but it was inconceivable that the threats mentioned, representing the greatest danger to Israel at the time, disappeared. As time has shown, that is precisely what has happened since the rabbi delivered his speech. 

Even more disconcerting was his prediction that North Korea would threaten Israel, because North Korea was not even considered a real threat to any country other than South Korea at that time. 

That has changed dramatically in recent years. Since its first nuclear test ten years ago, evidence of North Korean weapons have increased in frequency and size. Along with its missile program, condemned by the UN and neighboring countries, North Korea has made clear its aggressive intentions and capabilities. Earlier this month, the representative of the White House, Nick Rivero, was quoted as saying that the United States was "very close" to engage in some form of retaliation against North Korea. 

In predicting Nachmani Rabbi, he provided an oblique biblical reference to support his claim that the distant country would one day become a major threat. He warned that 'She'ol' would come to Israel. She'ol is Hebrew for hell, but is written the same way in Hebrew as Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Rabbi quoted a verse that hints the name of the distant city with nuclear overtones. 

Dov Bar Leib, as blogger  Years of Awe , explained the apparent confusion BIN North Korea and South Korea. 

"Rabbi Nachmani was insinuating that the fire of God mentioned in verse [Deuteronomy 32:22] is a nuclear war that would begin between North Korea and South Korea. North Korea will attack Seoul, capital of South Korea. blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of kidneys of rams; LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah and a great slaughter in the land of Edom. "Bosra is a Shiite city in Iraq, technically controlled by Iran , " said Leib Bar. Bosra described in the Zohar as aligned with the country on the edge of the world, which, according Bar Leib, is North Korea. "This is the biblical source of this impious and unlikely connection between Iran, named Bozrah, and North Korea, described as the edge of the earth. Edom, their common enemy is the Western world."An alliance between Iran and North Korea seems illogical, since the two nations have nothing in common, not sharing neither a religion nor a border.It seems that bind only in their hatred of the Western world, a common element that has led them to cooperate in its intercontinental ballistic missile programs, and perhaps also in its nuclear programs, cosignó BIN. "When the two meet, as described in the Zohar , " said Bar Leib, " It will be the final war of Gog and Magog, as described by Rabbi Nachmani". See Nachmani prediction Rabbi (Hebrew with English subtitles):


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