
9 de julio de 2018


8 de julio de 2018

El gobierno del Reino Unido ha admitido que "accidentalmente" vendió al menos 10,000 niños a traficantes de niños conocidos en el último año.

Decenas de miles de niños desaparecen misteriosamente de la atención pública cada año, donde son criados por traficantes de sexo, según revelan datos del gobierno recientemente publicados. informa: se produce en medio de las preocupaciones de que los jóvenes caen en manos de pandillas que preparan a los niños, tras los recientes escándalos en Rotherham y Telford.

Algunos de los niños fueron reportados como desaparecidos por más de un mes, informa Daily Telegraph.

Hubo 1,720 casos de niños que desaparecieron por más de una semana, entre 60,720 desapariciones reportadas en total el año pasado, según muestran las estadísticas del Departamento de Educación.

La parlamentaria de Rotherham, Sarah Champion, quien ha hecho campaña por la seguridad de los niños luego del escándalo de la preparación, dijo que fue "verdaderamente impactante" que tantos niños desaparecieran.

'Estos niños están bajo la tutela del estado. El gobierno debería avergonzarse de que les está fallando ", dijo.

La Comisionada de la Infancia, Anne Longfield, dijo al periódico que las escuelas y los trabajadores sociales deben poder reconocer las señales de un niño vulnerable que podría estar a punto de desaparecer.

También se produce en medio de informes de que miles de niños y adolescentes son rescatados de la esclavitud en Gran Bretaña cada año, pero pocos de sus secuestradores enfrentan justicia alguna vez.

Solo el seis por ciento de los crímenes denunciados a la policía en virtud de la Ley de esclavitud moderna dio lugar a enjuiciamientos desde que se introdujo en 2015,   informa The Times .

Más de 1.500 víctimas potenciales y 110 sospechosos han sido identificados por la Agencia Nacional del Crimen en la investigación de Rotherham, y se espera que las cifras aumenten aún más.

A principios de este año, Paul Williamson, el oficial superior de investigación de la Operación Stovewood, dijo que se necesitaban 100 oficiales más porque la escasez de detectives entrenados especialmente significaba que muchas posibles víctimas aún no habían sido contactadas.

Mientras tanto, se cree que una pandilla sexual violó a hasta 1,000 jóvenes de más de 40 años en Telford en lo que podría ser el peor escándalo de abuso infantil en Gran Bretaña.

La diputada conservadora de Telford, Lucy Allan, ha pedido previamente una investigación al estilo Rotherham sobre las acusaciones y calificó los últimos informes como "extremadamente serios e impactantes".

Vitamin D Saves Malnourished Children

by EraOfLight
eraoflight healthy you and world
Millions of children around the world suffer from malnourishment. While the worst problems are in Asia and Africa, “severe acute malnutrition” is the most extreme and very obvious when you see the physical toll it takes.
Scientists from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and University of the Punjab in Southern Pakistan recently focused on the latter region, where nearly 1.5 million children are dangerously malnourished, to analyze the effectiveness of vitamin D3 supplementation in restoring the health of such children. The Conversation notes:

“Severe acute malnutrition is the most extreme and visible form of undernutrition. Affected children have very low weight for their height and severe muscle wasting; they may also have swollen feet, face and limbs. About 20m [million] children are affected worldwide, mainly in Asia and Africa where it is a major cause of death.
Children with severe acute malnutrition also commonly have low levels of vitamin D. This micronutrient is important for muscle and bone health and for maintaining a healthy immune system.”
A total of 185 severely malnourished children, aged 6 months to 4 years, completed the follow-up as well as the trial, which was published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The first group of 93 children was randomly selected to receive two oral 5-milligram (mg) doses of vitamin D dissolved in olive oil while the remaining 92 were given a placebo with the same taste: olive oil without the vitamin D.
None of the children or their parents knew which children were in which group; and both groups were started on the “standard” treatment for malnourishment: a “high-energy” ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) paste (called Plumpy Nut), containing a small amount of vitamin D and other essential micronutrients, but which “reliably correct deficiency.”
Vitamin D3 Slows the Trajectory of Delayed Childhood Development
After just two months of being given the supplement, the children began to gain “significant” weight, exhibit measurably better muscle tone, motor and language development and bone health, as well as improved immune systems, according to the researchers involved in the clinically-governed trial. The scientists explained:
“The primary outcome was the proportion of participants gaining (more than)15 percent of baseline weight at 8 weeks after starting ready-to-use therapeutic food … Secondary outcomes were mean weight-for-height or -length z score and the proportion of participants with delayed development at the end of the study.”
While the high-dose vitamin D3 supplementation did not change the baseline weight for the children at the end of the trial, it did increase the weight-for-height or -length score, and reduced the trajectory of delayed development in other specific areas, including:
In a 2014 review of the efficacy of vitamin D3 supplementation in adult mortality, researchers reported evidence that it may decrease mortality in elderly women, but also observed several interesting results:
Previous Research: ‘D’ Does More Than You Realized
Lead study author Adrian Martineau and a team from QMUL reported more than a year ago that vitamin D is not only effective for preventing and treating colds, flu and acute respiratory infections, but it’s also crucial for bone and muscle health.
The extensive review (somewhat at odds regarding vitamin D’s respiratory capability) was published in the BMJ in 2017 and included 25 clinical trials with close to 11,000 participants and was conducted in 14 countries, including the U.S., the U.K., Afghanistan, Belgium, Canada, Japan, India, Italy and Australia.
Addressing why some results in the trials showed effectiveness in some trials and not in others, Martineau explained that supplementation with vitamin D is strongest in people with the lowest levels of vitamin D, but also makes more of a difference when the doses are administered daily or weekly rather than more intermittently, and added:
“Vitamin D fortification of foods provides a steady, low-level intake of vitamin D that has virtually eliminated profound vitamin D deficiency in several countries. By demonstrating this new benefit of vitamin D, our study strengthens the case for introducing food fortification to improve vitamin D levels in countries such as the UK where profound vitamin D deficiency is common.”
While sun exposure is your best source of vitamin D, it can be difficult to get enough if you live in less-than-sunny locales like the U.K. The researchers also indicated that colds and flu, rather than necessarily being caused by winter conditions, are more brought on by the season’s lack of strong sunlight and resulting lowered vitamin D levels, which also might explain why vitamin D also has protective effects against asthma, which is typically exacerbated by respiratory viruses.
The QMUL studies also found that when people with the lowest baseline D levels (below 25 nanomoles per liter, a minuscule liquid measurement, or 10 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL)) supplemented with D on a daily or weekly basis, their risk for developing acute respiratory infections was cut in half. That’s not to say that others with higher vitamin D levels didn’t benefit as well, because there was only a 10 percent reduction, which was still considered a positive.
Taking vitamin D was found to be as equally protective against acute respiratory infections as flu shots for flu-like illnesses, which in 2013 caused the death of 2.65 million people worldwide. Flu symptoms are the most common reason people visit their doctors and miss work days, so the bottom line, QMUL reasoned, is that encouraging more widespread vitamin D supplementation instead of pushing for more flu vaccinations would be safer and more effective in every way.
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to a Greater Diabetes Risk
Researchers tried to determine whether higher vitamin D levels might be associated with a lower Type 2 diabetes risk in another study, assessing results from 903 participants with an average age of 74 and known to be diabetes-free as well as prediabetes-free. Assessment started in 1997 and continued through 2009.
The authors noted they started the study to answer associations between low plasma concentrations of vitamin D metabolites and higher risk of several cancers, cardiovascular disease, bone fractures and metabolic syndrome. Then scientists started looking at possible links to increases in Type 2 diabetes mellitus, but without clarity on whether D deficiency was involved.
The analysis, published in PLoS One, showed that having a vitamin D level of greater than 30 ng/mL was “associated with a significant and substantial reduction in later diabetes risk.” Additionally, it was noted that “Sufficient 25-D levels obtained naturally from sunlight and food, not supplementation, might be more relevant to reduce diabetes risk.”
Separate research looked at clinical evidence that such a deficiency was on the rise in the U.S. focusing on the years between 1988 to 1994 and 2001 to 2004. The analysis revealed that 77 percent of U.S. adults are deficient, and deficiency levels had doubled between the two study periods. Researchers concluded that “Current recommendations for vitamin D supplementation are inadequate to address the growing epidemic of vitamin D insufficiency.”
How to Optimize Your Vitamin D and Help Others Optimize Theirs
Regarding the above problems and many others caused, or at least aggravated by, a deficiency in vitamin D, most people already know that to prevent it, getting daily sunlight exposure on the greater part of your body is the best way to do it. It’s natural and it’s free, provided you don’t overdo it.
However, there are many places around the world where sunlight is at a premium. For people who for whatever reason are unable to get the optimal amount of sunlight, use of a high-quality tanning bed or vitamin D3 supplementation have been determined to be among the very best remedies.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends 20 ng/mL of serum concentration of 25-hydroxy vitamin D as an adequate level, or 600 IUs a day up to age 70 and 800 IUs if you’re over 70, but many vitamin D researchers believe that’s not even enough to prevent osteomalacia, let alone take advantage of vitamin D’s additional health benefits.
For optimal health and disease prevention, a level between 60 and 80 ng/mL appears to be ideal, and this may require 8,000 IUs per day to achieve for some people. The only way to be sure you’re safely within the therapeutic range is to get your levels tested.
Recent studies have also shown that the high number of premature births not only can be attributed to low vitamin D in mothers, but also that vitamin D supplementation improved the rates of premature births in the U.S. In fact, the Organic & Natural Health Association (O&N) has submitted a petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow vitamin D dietary supplements to make that claim. O&N asserts:
“Proper levels of Vitamin D reduce the risk of both mother’s pregnancy outcomes and their baby’s health outcomes. Significantly higher Vitamin D levels during pregnancy has been shown to reduce preterm birth by 60 percent, virtually eliminating certain pregnancy complications, and reducing many others.”
As it stands now, federal regulations generally prohibit supplement and food companies from making disease prevention or treatment claims on package labels or in marketing materials, Holistic Primary Care notes.
The hope is that if the FDA approves the vitamin D health claim, it would pave the way for women to become aware of the importance of vitamin D during pregnancy and make routine monitoring commonplace. You can participate by supporting the petition by filling out O&N’s action alert, which will ultimately contact your representatives in Washington to request their support.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Master Kuthumi: Young Souls

by EraOfLight
master kuthumi
Wayne in the United asks,  I have come to understand that in this time there are some “souls” that have incarnated for the first time to help in some way with our transition to a 5th dimension. Apparently some “souls” are not of the exact same thing as most everyone else. Perhaps spirits of a different kind. Is this correct?
From Kuthumi, “There are only a few young souls on Earth at this time, some 2 to 3 billion. Most are older, more experienced souls who have chosen to assist in the transition to a higher vibrational Earth. The younger souls have incarnated to expand their soul knowledge and experience through a greater understanding of the ego self. These ones often display the lower frequencies of anger, greed and control of others to camouflage their often deeply held fears and feelings of self guilt. Sub conscious learning also plays a part in their emotions and behavior. The older souls, and this includes what we call ‘the wise ones’, have agreed to be on Earth through this transition time to teach others the higher wisdom and to assist in soul growth through the expansion of their wisdom fields. This is achieved through the human experience and the expression of free will, thereby learning to become the observer. This enables the soul to merge fully within the human auric field.” Further, in this answer I refer to the planet Earth and the souls who have chosen to incarnate there.
Thank you dear Kuthumi for sharing this knowledge with us and answering Wayne’s question.
» Source » Channel: Lynette

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Red Moon 2018

by EraOfLight
full moon eraoflight
Red Cosmic Moon:
I endure in order to purify
 Transcending flow
 I seal the process of universal water
 With the cosmic tone of presence
 I am guided by the power of space
Red Moon is your Conscious Self – who you are and who you are becoming.
Red Moon is the cosmic seed of awakened awareness. Consume it like a fruit, and let it blossom within you. You are on the quest of self-remembrance, of Godseed. If you work with the energy of Red Moon with clear awareness and attention, an awakened state of remembrance will naturally blossom within you. Remembrance means having direct access to your expanded presence through an intrinsic perception of unity. Remembrance is your recognition of the larger pattern and your connection to it, often facilitated through dreams, art, music, colors and creative pursuits. With focused attention, meditate on Red Moon and you will receive help with self-remembrance.
Red Moon is also a beacon or transmitting station. As you open to self-remembrance, you become a beacon and receiver for cosmic consciousness. This communication creates the gradual opening of the third eye, the eye within the monolith of self. As this eye opens and your communication becomes more refined, you will notice more signs, signals and understanding coming to you. These are all for your growth and evolution – a feedback system from which you can gain insight about your journey.
The number for Red Moon is 9, which symbolizes the recurrence of great cycles. An example of such recurrence is the periodic return of master teachers to help awaken human beings on Earth. Nine is the number of Quetzalcoatl, buddha, and Christ. Red Moon is a symbol for great teachers who have come to translate universal wisdom to humanity, to embody the awakened state of consciousness that is accessible to all. Such teachers serve as a connection to the Divine and hold the promise of full self-mastery.
Take off the veil of forgetfulness. Become the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to self-remembrance, you will freely receive divine guidance. Be with others who support your fullest expression.

All the stars and stellar vibrations that come from deep space are here to assist us in embracing a vibration that has never existed on Earth. This August the Energies line up to show us the way home as we look for a portal of escape leaving the harshness of the world behind. The fearlessness of the next step of our journey is nonnegotiable and not refundable. It addresses all that sits at the foot of our heart and still casts a shadow of doubt.
You are a living vortex, a living light, an emissary of what is good about humanity. Everything has lent itself to the Now.  every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate.  You sit at the Apex of your light holding the geometries of what is good and sacred. Allow the Light Masters to escort you into higher octaves of your own DNA patterning, helping you to move effortlessly in a fluid manner through upcoming personal & planetary shifts.  Anoint with this knowledge as a new level of light bursts forth from your atoms. Surging with galactic memory your soul has grown wings and takes flight into previously unknown patterns circling and awaiting for the arrival of a holy knowledge that surpasses all religion.
» These excerpts were taken from the book, “The Mayan Oracle – Return Path to the Stars” by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Rompe barreras entre el mundo cuántico y el mundo ordinarios

por Beatriz Basenji
21 Mayo 2018
del Sitio Web Tendencias21


Imagen: Geralt.

Consiguen que
un tambor microscópico
vibre y no vibre a la vez
mediante una baqueta óptica

Científicos británicos y australianos han fabricado baquetas de luz capaces de hacer vibrar a un tambor microscópico, consiguiendo que el tambor adopte un comportamiento quántico:
vibra y permanece quieto al mismo tiempo.
Un paso hacia la versión mecánica del gato de Schrödinger y hacia una teoría que vincule el mundo quántico y la física de la gravedad.

Las baquetas son palitos que se utilizan en los instrumentos de percusión como baterías o tambores. Generalmente son de madera o de fibra de carbono.

Ahora, un equipo de científicos británicos y australianos ha fabricado baquetas de luz capaces de hacer vibrar a un tambor microscópico, consiguiendo que el tambor adopte un comportamiento quántico:
vibra y permanece quieto al mismo tiempo.
El comportamiento de las partículas elementales que integran el mundo quántico es sorprendente:
una partícula puede moverse como una onda, estar en más de un sitio a la vez e incluso comportarse tal como el observador espera de ella.
Lo sorprendente no es sólo que ese comportamiento contradiga las leyes de la 'física ordinaria', sino también que los objetos que conocemos están formados todos por ese tipo de partículas paradójicas.

Eso supone que en algún lugar existe una frontera que lleva a la materia a comportarse de diferente forma:
por debajo de un nivel (el nivel quántico, donde la materia y la energía se confunden), la materia es paradójica para nosotros, pero por encima de ese nivel (física ordinaria), la materia sigue las leyes que gobiernan nuestra vida.

En la frontera
El experimento objeto de esta investigación ha pretendido situarse en esa frontera entre el mundo quántico y el mundo físico ordinario y ha conseguido un resultado extraordinario:
una baqueta de luz fabricada en laboratorio ha conseguido que un microscópico tambor adopte un comportamiento quántico.
Los resultados (Generation of Mechanical Interference Fringes by Multi-photon Counting) se han publicado en la revista en New Journal of Physics.

Las vibraciones mecánicas, como las que crean el sonido de un tambor, son una parte importante de nuestra experiencia cotidiana. Golpear un tambor con un palillo hace que se mueva rápidamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo, produciendo el sonido que escuchamos.

En el mundo quántico, sin embargo, un tambor puede vibrar y pararse al mismo tiempo.

Pero generar ese movimiento quántico ha sido todo un desafío, señala el autor principal de esta investigación, Martin Ringbauer, en un comunicado del Imperial College of London, ya que,
"se necesita un tipo especial de baqueta para hacer una vibración quántica en nuestro pequeño tambor".
Ringbauer continúa:
"Adaptamos un truco de la computación quántica óptica para ayudarnos a tocar el tambor quántico. Utilizamos una medición con partículas simples de fotones de luz para adaptar las propiedades de la baqueta.

Esto proporciona una ruta prometedora para hacer una versión mecánica del gato de Schrodinger, donde el tambor vibra y se detiene al mismo tiempo".

Abriendo caminos quánticos
Esta investigación se ha situado en la misma frontera del mundo quántico.

El tambor del experimento, al ser estimulado por la baqueta de luz, emitía franjas de interferencia mecánicas, es decir, correspondientes al mundo físico ordinario, pero al mismo tiempo adoptaba un comportamiento quántico, vibrando y no vibrando a la vez.

Este resultado sorprendente ha llevado a los científicos a pensar en ir más lejos.

Quieren perfeccionar su técnica para repetir el experimento a temperaturas cercanas al cero absoluto, donde el tambor podría emitir franjas de interferencias correspondientes al mundo quántico, y observar lo que pasa al interactuar con una baqueta fotónica.

Según los investigadores, esos experimentos futuros pueden revelar nuevas complejidades de la mecánica quántica e incluso iluminar el camino a una teoría que vincule el mundo quántico y la física de la gravedad.

Michael Vanner, otro de los investigadores, añade:
"Estos sistemas ofrecen un potencial significativo para el desarrollo de nuevas y potentes tecnologías con mejorías quánticas, como sensores ultraprecisos y nuevos tipos de transductores".
Y añade:
"Esta dirección de investigación también nos permitirá probar los límites fundamentales de la mecánica quántica mediante la observación de cómo se comportan las superposiciones quánticas a gran escala".
En los últimos años, el campo emergente de laoptomecánica quántica ha avanzado mucho hacia la meta de un tambor quántico que utiliza luz láser como un tipo de baqueta.

Sin embargo, quedan muchos desafíos técnicos por resolver, por lo que en el presente estudio los autores han adoptado un enfoque provisional que arroja resultados prometedores.


Lo ÚNICO que importa es la ascensión


Domingo, 8 de julio de 2018
"Cuentas QFS" por (Anónimo) - 7.8.18
Entrada presentada de forma anónima a la 1:57 a.m. EDT del 8 de julio de 2018

¿Por qué seguimos hablando de bancos, fideicomisos y centros de redención? Si los bancos hubieran dado a la Alianza una razón para confiar en ellos, esto se habría hecho hace muchos años. Si los centros de redención hubiesen estado 100% seguros sin un ejército de seguridad, habríamos terminado con eso hace años. Estas cosas fueron soñadas por la industria bancaria para que pudieran contribuir a esto por una sola razón. Lucro. No hay un hueso compasivo en ninguno de sus cuerpos y nada de lo que estaban planeando tenía nada que ver con nuestro bienestar. Lo único que les preocupaba era cuánto podían atornillar las sucias masas de nuestro dinero. Está hecho. Ellos están listos. S t.

Se establece una cuenta para cada ser humano en el planeta en la computadora cuántica. No HSBC. No es Wells Fargo. La computadora cuántica en sí misma. Hay una cantidad de créditos digitales configurados para cada cuenta, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo eso no significa nada. Hay una riqueza ilimitada detrás de esas cuentas. Esto significa que nadie se quedará sin dinero nunca más hasta que ya no necesitemos dinero. Cuando Dios dijo que tendremos abundancia ilimitada Él quiere decir ilimitado. La industria bancaria se cerrará. Buen viaje. La industria petrolera se cerrará. Buen viaje. La industria médica será cerrada. Buen viaje. La industria del viaje se cerrará. Buen viaje. Los militares serán cerrados. Extraordinariamente bueno. Miles de millones de personas perderán sus trabajos. Fantástico.

El ÚNICO trabajo en el que necesitamos enfocarnos es todo lo que podemos hacer para promover la ascensión. Período. Lo ÚNICO que importa es la ascensión. Período. No importa lo importante que pienses que eres ahora. Lo que sea que hagas ahora, si no promueve la ascensión es inútil. El trabajo que haremos, si elegimos hacerlo, publicar 5D será mucho más importante que cualquier cosa que hagamos actualmente en 3D. Esto es lo que el NPTB ha estado tratando de decirle lo mejor que pueden durante años. Quieres la verdad. Esta es la verdad. Puedes controlarlo.

Terra Zetzz en 08/07/2018 04:53:00 AM
Traducido por Rafael Cruz Vittini
Comparto con conciencia y amor

Complots de la ONU

Nunca es tarde amiga. La ONU es lo peor de este  mundo, estorba más  de lo que parece, y esos restos de fetos tienen sus compradores. Todo tiene un precio. Pagarán por esas barbaridades.

La ONU, Unicef, todas las ONG's son una farsa y una tapadera para el tráfico de personas y de órganos, donde por desgracia los niños son los peores parados, angelitos míos

A Guide to Letting Go of Shame & Fear

by EraOfLight
divine energy flow eraoflight
Many of us are so often in a state of shame or fear that we often don’t realize they’re even there.
Shame and fear pervade most of our lives to an extent rarely understood, so that our days revolve around them.

Some examples of shame and fear that are fairly common:
So we allow fear to cause us to shrink from taking the action we want, or to make those actions less enjoyable. We allow shame to make us feel bad about ourselves and our lives, degrading our happiness and relationships.

What would it be like if you were free of shame?

How would you act if you were free of fear?
Those aren’t just idle questions: take a moment to reflect on them. They allow us to envision who we could be without shame and fear.

Imagine that you didn’t feel fear (I’m not saying that’s possible, but imagine it) … how would you act differently? For me, I might take bolder chances with my business, push into areas that usually scare the crap out of me. I might give public talks with a greater sense of ease and confidence. I’d openly and lovingly have difficult conversations instead of putting them off. I’d stress out about the future less, trusting more.
Imagine what your life would be like without shame. You could just be present with what’s happening right now, rather than feeling bad about what you’ve already done. You could be happy with who you are, instead of feeling shame about yourself or your body. You could talk to strangers more easily, rather than worrying about what they might think of you. You could miss a couple of workout sessions (or meditation, healthy eating, journaling, etc.) and just start again, without beating yourself up for messing up.
Life without shame and fear would be more easeful, more peaceful, more confident and trusting.

Now, I’m not saying you can live a life completely free of shame and fear — they will come up whether you like it or not. What I’m proposing is that we can let go of them when they come up, or at least not let them control us.
The Process of Letting Go
So fear and shame will arise, no matter how much meditation we do, no matter how much we work on ourselves. Emotions come up without our control … but what we do once they come up is, at least to some extent, up to us.

So fear comes up — that in and of itself isn’t a problem. It’s the holding on to the fear that becomes the problem. It’s the letting the fear hold us back from doing what we would otherwise do, or hurt our happiness, that becomes the real difficulty. The same is true of shame.

Step 1: When shame or fear comes up, we can notice. Then we can see them as “no big deal.” They’re not a problem, just a sensation in our body. So the first step is just noticing the sensation caused by fear or shame, without judgment, just observing. Just being mindful of sensation, not getting caught up in them. You’ll notice that neither shame nor fear is that bad, nothing to hate, they’re just sensations.

Step 2: From this place of noticing, we can become curious. What does this feel like? Where is it coming from? For example, we can feel shame and then be curious about how it feels in our body. Then notice that it’s coming from a sense of not liking something about ourselves. Why do we not like this thing about ourselves? Is there an ideal or expectation we’ve created that causes this dislike? Maybe I think I should be perfect at work or exercise, and I’m not living up to that. For fear … it often comes from a lack of trust, and a sense of uncertainty. Maybe we also have an ideal that there will be no uncertainty, only stability and control, and so fear comes up when this ideal isn’t met.

Step 3: Once we notice the ideal causing the shame or fear … we can begin to loosen our attachment to it. Is the ideal something that’s helpful? Is it harming us? Where did it come from? Who would we be without that ideal and the fear/shame that it causes? Imagine yourself without the ideal, and try it on like you would a new outfit. Imagine yourself completely trusting in an uncertain future, free of fear. Imagine yourself completely happy with yourself, free of any ideal of what you should be.

Step 4: With this new outfit — a lack of the ideal causing your shame/fear — see what it’s like to move around in the world without it. Who are you without the fear? Can you move around with a sense of trust in yourself and in the world? Can you move around with a sense of confidence, a sense of happiness in yourself, a sense of love for yourself? Try this on, and see what changes. See what actions you would take without the shame or fear. See how you show up differently.

This isn’t a simple or straightforward process, of course. It’s not as simple as snapping your fingers. But you can try it, and practice. Slowly, you might be able to let go of what ails you, and start to see the beauty in this moment that exists when we let go of what’s getting in the way.

Some Training with Me If you’d like to retrain these patterns (and others), I’ve launched the Fearless Training Program on Patreon and would love for you to join me.
We’ll be working on:

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Archangel Michael: You Have Two Choices

by EraOfLight
aa michael
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now moment, and we invite you to open your heart for our message for you…
From the heart-center of All That Is:
You are loved.
Dear One, you are loved every step of the way on your journey to Be-ing who you really are: a spark of God expressing itself.
Part of your journey is to create all different kinds of experiences.
Some are pleasant and you can feel love.
Some are less pleasant and you can feel the disconnect from love.
All experiences are designed to light the path for you to “feel” your way into a love based expression of God.
When you feel love, it means: continue on.
When you don’t feel love, it means: come back into your heart, feel love and then continue in a direction that feels more loving.
Every moment of your day, you have these two choices.
You even have free will to decide to continue on a less loving path, until your Higher Self will nudge you back towards a more loving path.
At the core of each soul is the desire to love and to be loved.
You are allowed to stray from the path of love and then, your Higher Self will simply guide you back to your true loving expression.
As you go throughout your day, pay attention to the thoughts you are thinking. Are they loving towards yourself and others? Could you nudge your thoughts to more loving thoughts?
As you go throughout your day, pay attention to the way you are feeling. Do you feel loving towards yourself and others? Could you nudge your feelings more towards more loving feelings?
As you go throughout your day, pay attention to your actions. Are they loving towards yourself and others? Could you nudge them towards more loving actions?
Try this for seven days and watch your life transform into a love based reality.
All it takes is one “nudge.”
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
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Bayer Monsanto, the plot to conspire against humanity

by Michael Welch, Dr. Vandana ShivaNick Meyerand Ellen Brown
May 20, 2018
from GlobalResearch Website

  • Dr. Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist and anti-globalization author. Her work centers on issues of bioethics, biodiversity, intellectual property rights, and genetic engineering. She founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in 1982, which led to the creation of Navdanya in 1991, a national movement for the protection of biological resources, especially native seeds. In a short discussion recorded in Winnipeg in May of 2017, Dr. Shiva put the Bayer-Monsanto merger and GMO agriculture within the larger frame of colonialism, patriarchy, and anthropocentrism, and points us to alternative perspectives which will allow our species not only to survive, but thrive. She has authored numerous books including her most recent: Who Really Feeds the World? (2016)

  • Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute and the author of hundreds of articles and a dozen books including The Public Bank Solution - From Austerity to Prosperity(2013) and Web of Debt - The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free (2007). Ms. Brown speaks about her recent article on the Bayer-Monsanto merger which makes reference to these two companies' links to the infamous war-time chemical cartel known as I.G. Farben. Brown also makes note of the alternatives to GMO / agro-chemical agriculture being offered up by Russia.

  • Nick Meyer is a writer with the Meyer briefly lays out some of the history and rationale behind the resistance to Monsanto, and gives us some details about the priorities underlying the May 19, 2018 march.

  • Dr. Stephen Frantz is the Principal with Global Environmental Options, LLC, which specializes in the management of environmental toxicants through sustainable , ecologically sound intervention strategies. He holds a PhD in pathobiology from John Hopkins University and helped pioneer the concept of Integrated Pest Management. He has done extensive research into the effects of glyphosate and similar pesticides over the course of his work. Dr. Frantz confronts some of the misinformation and disinformation coming from Monsanto and its defenders about the safety of its products.


As much of the world and the media focuses on the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, another 'royal couple' is on the verge of completing its own matrimonial arrangement after a 21 month engagement.

The U.S. Department of Justice recently cleared the path for the German pharmaceutical and chemical company Bayer to merge with U.S. based agricultural giant Monsanto in a take-over deal worth more than $60 billion.

Once the partnership attains U.S. anti-trust approval, likely within days, a new entity will emerge, commanding more than a quarter of the combined world market for seeds and pesticides.

Would that this were a traditional wedding ceremony! With profound reasons for opposing this marriage, a robust crop of hands would spring up when prompted to 'speak now or forever hold your peace!'

According to a recent poll of 48 U.S. States, 94 percent of farmers are concerned about the merger, with 83 percent being very concerned.

Their top three concerns:
  • market dominance to push other products
  • control over farmers' data
  • increased pressure to rely on chemical based farming practices
This merger has implications not only for what goes on our dinner plate.

There are questions of economic and political control that need to be addressed. Critics argue that the power of these economic giants is such that they have 'captured' regulatory agencies.

Limitless financial resources permit these and similar companies to buy off academics, media and politicians.

The Global Research News Hour radio program takes a devoted look this week to the social and environmental costs associated with the merger ofBayer and Monsanto and the agro-chemical industry more generally with four interviews.

Interview with Vandana Shiva
May 26, 2017
Global Research: Dr. Shiva, I'm very interested in a lot of what you had to say in your recent talk and in your writings about this interface between the corporate for-profit model and how it intersects with this need to provide for our basic food needs and basic energy needs.

I guess it just…bringing in something that's fairly timely, this merger between Monsanto, who you've been very outspoken against, and Bayer.

Could you maybe quantify exactly how you see that merger making the situation worse, going from the frying pan to the fire? What, in particular, do you think that those … is a concern for farmers and for food security generally?

Vandana Shiva: First thing that people should remember is Monsanto and Bayer were one during the war. They were called Mobay.

They worked together to sell poisons on both sides of the war.

It's only after the IG Farben trial at Nuremberg that the separation took place. So, in a way, the Bayer-Monsanto merger of the contemporary times is just a coming together in an open way of a hidden marriage that always was there.

Second, even if you look at cross licensing arrangements, they've been working together.

When the BT Cotton of Monsanto failed in India in 2015-16 of the states of Punjab, 80% of the cotton was hit by White Fly. Who sold the pesticides? Bayer. So they work as one. As a poison cartel...

Right now, buyers trying to push a GMO mustard. At the same time, Monsanto is trying to dismantle our patent laws which say we cannot allow patents and seeds, plants, animals, because these are not human inventions.

They have their own self-organizing capacity to organize life, regulate life reproduce life, multiply seeds.

What will this new open merger mean?

First is, I think the numbers like 66 billion are just games for the public. I've done an analysis. It will be out in my new book on the resurgence of the rial.

The true owners of all of these corporations, down to the Coca Colas and Pepsis, all of them are the new investment giants, which are the cartel of the rich men, who have now designed ways of using their money to basically control the future of humanity.

And, for them, there is more future in collecting rents from seeds which they never invented, from selling more poisons, including corrupting governments, including denying the fact that even the W.H.O. said glyphosate is a carcinogen, so they're putting their money to tell lies to defend killing and destroy democracy.

So, in effect, actually, the merger is more power in the hands of criminal corporations. To not just push the agenda, but corrupt governments, subvert democracy.

We are witnessing it right now in India with the GM mustard case.

Destroy science, and in the name of science, they say science requires GMOs, but they are knocking out any scientist who does real research on,
  1. the fact that GMOs don't produce more
  2. that they haven't controlled pests or weeds, they have created super pests and superweeds
  3. that they have better ways through biodiversity, through agro-ecology, to actually produce enough food for people and have enough for other species, which is what the food system is about
So, I see the merger of Bayer and Monsanto as, in a way, the peak of a contest between a century of ecocide and genocide with no stopping, versus Earth democracy where all species have their rights recognized, and they act.

Because most of the subversion of the Monsanto agenda hasn't taken place because people marched into the fields of Round-Up Ready soya, but the Palmer amaranth rose and defeated the project and that's why I insist 300 million species and if you assume that even half of humanity will keep thinking and defending their freedom which would mean 3.5 billion people that's a lot of intelligence against the criminality of a cartel of,
  • Bayer-Monsanto
  • Dow-Dupont
  • Syngenta-ChemChina,
...all working together with a failed agenda ofpushing GMOs.

GR: I find that there's a sort of a parallel development perhaps - you're talking about the food system, but there's also the energy economy.

And I noticed that there's a lot of talk about transition, and about time, transition away from fossil fuel, but I noticed that a lot of investment, corruption, subversion, perhaps, is taking place in the guise of major investors like the Rockefellers and Warren Buffett and all of these major players.

They are trying to invest, the Bill GatesMission Innovation, they're all trying to invest, get in on this renewable economy, but they're not seeing the renewable economy as a… well, it seems as if their larger objective is finding a new frontier for capitalistic expansion.

And so, if I look at those sorts of developments when you see major donations to major environmental NGOs and so on, I'm wondering if we aren't similarly seeing if this is something that we need to be on guard against.

To prevent this kind of poison pill, another kind of poisonous cartel, from moving so that the renewable economy is in fact something that's aligned with natural systems and natural intelligence and not simply another mechanism for for-profit growth and capitalist expansion.

Could you address those concerns?

VS: First thing is, food is energy. It gives us energy when we eat nourishing food.

Sadly, food itself has become the source of major confidence of a non-sustainable energy model. 90% of the corn in the soil, grown in the world right now, is going for biofuel.

So we already have food diverted into a non-sustainable energy model.

When it comes to renewable energy, which really began as small initiatives trying to build energy alternatives to fossil fuel, it was so clear in the Paris meetings that this would be the next platform for the Gates of the worldand the Buffets of the world.

And do they make windmills? No, they don't. He just keeps his hands in his pockets and eats hamburgers. Do they make solar panels? No. What do they run for? What is their innovation? Grabbing the patents...

So, they are looking for a future where there will be a lot of renewable energy in the world but they will collect rents from the expansion of renewable energy like they seek to collect rents from seed, which is the only agenda for GMOs and the patents of seed.

What we are seeing is the emergence of a new economy that's a rental economy based on intellectual property, and people who don't work making the huge money and becomingthe 1%, and the people who work and slog and are creative and are innovative punished just because they are hard-working human beings.

It's that - not just - I don't call it inequality because it is worse than inequality. It is a lie, it is a brutalization, it is a dehumanization.

It is a dehumanization of those that are robbed of their share of this Earth and the well-being of the Earth, but it's a brutalization of those few who think being lords and masters of the universe at this critical time with a very survival of our species is at stake, that their profits come first not the humanity of the planet.

GR: You brought up the term anthropocentrismearly in your talk, and that's a serious concern insofar as it's something that we just sort of don't really pay attention or think about, it's part of like the water that we swim in.

And I'm finding that a lot of those technologies has that sort of anthropocentric veneer to it. Could you address the technologies, another vista, the digital technology that we mentioned, spyware,Edward Snowden talks about surveillance…

I'm wondering if these technologies are irredeemably anthropocentric, or can we find some aspect to them where we can continue to utilize them?

VS: You know, for me, technologies are not some magical phenomenon that gets sent from the skies to a few privileged men, which is how Bacon used to think of the new technologies, and the new science, and the new Atlantis, and superheroes, etc.

That's not the way the world works. The way the world works is, people are creative and innovative, and they evolved tools. The problem with the tools that have come from the commons…

Microsoft is not the inventor of software. It's the patenter of software. Monsanto is not the inventor of seed and definitely even not of recombinant DNA. It's the patenter, and it's the buyer of others who might have had the patent before them.

So, it's really a race for ownership through any means whatsoever. And the reason I worry about digital technologies is not that humans have worked out ways to deal with digital technologies, but that those who control digital technologies want to use it as an instrument of control.

For example, all of India's economy was shut down on the 8th of November 2016, for a digital economy. Big cash notes were banned. All the savings of millions and billions of people were wiped out.

This privileging of digital basically means that the global financial system where money runs to the U.S. to Wall Street, to these investment funds, that those people get your 6% rental with every transaction, and the hard-working person, through exchange, loses out. Has to pay more.

The second reason why the digital economy is being used as a new digital dictatorship, and I've written about this, is the new merger between digital technologies and information technologies on the one hand, and agriculture and biotechnologies on the other, but also digital technologies and finance.

Right now, finance economy has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with wealth. It has everything to do with speculation, wire, rapid algorithms.

And I think it is narrowing our possibilities by not allowing the wide intelligences which are not one-dimensional, which are not linear, which play out in all kinds of combinations of hearts and heads and hands working as one to guide us out of crisis.

At this moment of crisis, to put your fate of humanity in combinations of zeros and ones, and machines owned and patented, and algorithms owned and a handful of men who have zero real experience of what life is about is a very, very dangerous.

GR: And you also mention the term Terra Nullius, the second coming of Christopher Columbus and that whole mentality that seems to infect so much of our culture including the sciences.

I mean, you come from a scientific background, and the way that we approach things, and you had to relearn from meeting with women and peasant folk a different understanding of this.

So, could you maybe help us, those of us who wish to relieve ourselves of this infection, what we could do to not unknowingly or instinctively duplicate and replicate these same patterns?

VS: There are no empty lands; there are no empty minds, and the very idea that knowledge starts when someone gets the idea of conquest or extermination is the illusion born of colonialism, it's the illusion born of fossil fuel age it's the illusion born the concentration camps of Hitler and those are the kind of sciences that are dominating today especially in agriculture.

I think it is really time for us to recognize that we've done agriculture for 10,000 years. And there's 10,000 years of knowledges, not one but many.

It takes a different kind of ability to be able to live on fish in the Arctic in Greenland, and a totally different kind of ability to harvest your food from the Amazon rainforest.

Each of these interactions generates its own knowledge, so the idea of one agriculture, one science that Bill Gates is trying to propose is absolutely against the diversity and vitality of the world.

The second thing we need to know and remember now is something:
indigenous people never separated themselves from other species, never had an anthropocentric hierarchy, and realized that every plant, every microbe, every animal, was an intelligent and sentient being.
Science is finally waking up to this. The science not controlled by the poison cartel.

And I think we need a new alliance of the ability to look through new eyes like microscopes, and the old eyes of wisdom, and join those in a resurgence of the real which is what my new book is about

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