
11 de agosto de 2018

You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them

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When humanity awakens, as it inevitably will, there will be an enormous outpouring of LOVE world-wide.  You have, collectively, been working towards this event for a very long time, and you are now ready for it.  The chaos, confusion, and conflict across the world, at this moment in your spiritual evolution, is a result of your collective choice to awaken.  Many agonizing memories of conflict, pain, and suffering are arising so that they may be released.  Retained and dwelt on, they hold you in a state of bitterness, hatred, and resentment.  Whereas released they allow you to open your hearts to the Love that is ever present wanting only to enfold and embrace you, as It will when you let go of your need to blame, judge, or seek vengeance or restitution for past hurts, and instead just accept and deal lovingly with whatever arises.  Love is your nature, and every human without exception desires only to love and to be loved.
Love is open, accepting, embracing, but It cannot enter where bitterness, hatred, or resentment are present because those feelings, those intentions, are choices to be closed to Love.  And Love will never force Itself on anyone because that is completely against Its nature.  To many to be loving seems to invite betrayal because so often, as humans, your trust has been betrayed.  However, betrayal is only effective when Love is sought outside the self.  When you acknowledge and accept that you are Love, and know it, betrayal is no longer an issue because – fully loving and accepting yourselves – you understand that the one betraying you is in intense pain and anguish and is truly only calling out for Love, and thus you are able to respond lovingly.
You all know, deep within yourselves, that you are beings of Love, but over the eons you, as children, have been brought up in situations that have, to a greater or lesser extent, exploited your innocence and abused your trust.  Most frequently those doing this were unaware of the damage they were causing, and believed that they were preparing you as best they could to live and survive in a dangerous and hostile world.
Love is within you all, it is the life force, the energy field that provides the power necessary for your human bodies to operate smoothly and efficiently.  When you lock Love out, by holding onto bitterness, resentment, hatred, or a desire for vengeance, your body becomes distressed and attempts to attract your attention through pain, accident, or illness – initially gently – but if you do not respond then with increasing intensity.  Even then many refuse – yes refuse – to see or respond, and so the body, denied the full use of the life force it needs and to which it is entitled as your willing companion in form, decays and dies.
If you could truly let go of everything within yourselves that is not in complete alignment with Love your bodies would remain strong and healthy, and would be able to live and relish much longer lives.  And, of course, under those conditions you would be living in joy instead of in anxiety, depression, and sickness, or in bitterness and resentment for your seemingly unfair life situations.  When you allow Love to fill your hearts Its energy flows through you freely and abundantly and out into the world, interacting with and effecting everyone with whom you come in contact in any way at all, thus spreading and sharing the joy.
Love is your nature, and when wholeheartedly accepted, instead of being blocked or denied, your lives flow far more smoothly and easily, enabling you to deal most satisfactorily with whatever issues may arise.  You need to trust Love.  To do that you have to love yourselves just as you are, accepting that as a human you are quite obviously less than perfect, that you have lessons to learn, and that is why you incarnated at this moment in humanity’s ongoing spiritual evolution.  In accepting yourselves unconditionally, and in refraining from comparing yourselves to others who, it seems to you, are more fortunate or more blessed, you will find peace, and then you will far more easily understand and learn the lessons with which you are presented.  Lessons that you planned for yourselves before you incarnated.
You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them.  However, they are the aspects of yourselves that react in fear and anger to situations that appear threatening to them.  They are like small children who have not yet learnt to understand that they need to respect and honor one another, and who continue operate from the “me, me, me” mode of being.  As infants that is necessary because they need to be able to quickly attract the attention of those who are taking care of them and who are responsible for their welfare.  Unfortunately it frequently happens that the caregivers are either slow to respond, or just don’t respond at all, and this terrifies the little ones.  Then, as they grow, that state of neediness does not get resolved and released, and by the time they reach adulthood physically that “me, me, me” behavior has become deeply ingrained as a necessary survival skill.  Unfortunately it is very damaging because it prevents them from becoming aware that they are beings of Love, the major lesson for every human to learn.
To awaken involves becoming aware of this sense of inadequacy, which is all that it is, acknowledging its invalidity, and then choosing to let it go.  The ego is an aspect of yourselves that needs to be seen for what it is, namely your hurt and frightened inner child, and then you need to comfort it and show it that it is utterly secure by the love you give yourselves.  When you do this it can know itself to be totally safe, secure, and unconditionally accepted by you.  This is most easily done by loving and accepting yourselves just as you are, and then working gently and lovingly with yourselves to dissolve the fear underlying that intense sense of inadequacy by loving it.  When that happens, as it will if you choose to love and accept yourselves completely, your egos will then become fully integrated into the humanforms that you are, instead of remaining seemingly separated, and, in that state, feeling inadequate, unworthy, not good enough, and therefore fearful and angry.
You all know, deep within yourselves, that you are One with Source.  However, as humans in form, that knowledge is hidden from you in order that the lessons with which you are presented may be learned, thus furthering you on your path of spiritual evolution.  And you all want to evolve spiritually.  It just often seems to you that to evolve spiritually is completely beyond your capabilities as a human.  And as a separated human indeed it would be, but you are not separated!  You never have been and you never will be.  You are securely and eternally connected to Source, and you each have a whole team of guides, mentors, angels, and loved ones watching over you most lovingly and waiting for you to call on them for assistance in that evolution.
Your egos, in their fear and anxiety, often noisily drown out by their “me, me, me” demands the answer to the call for assistance that you have asked for and which is instantly offered from those in the spiritual realms.  This is why, as you are so often reminded, it is absolutely essential that you go within daily, to that holy inner sanctuary that you each possess, and rest there quietly, loving and accepting yourselves.  And in that self acceptance your egos will feel secure and become integrated.  You absolutely deserve to love yourselves because you are all God’s divine and beloved children created in and from Love, which is All That Exists.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Intención de sanación

Healing Intent por Jamye Price
Recibo muchas solicitudes con la intención de que tenga un cliente o un grupo establecido antes de realizar sanación energética, por lo que quiero compartirlo con usted para que lo use si lo desea. Incluso lo uso cuando estoy haciendo un trabajo de curación en mí mismo.
Me guiaron a hacer esta intención con mis guías no físicas para que la (s) persona (s) participe (n) más en su curación, y ambos estamos haciendo un acuerdo de nuestros límites saludables. Tiene un significado profundo que ayuda a dar forma de forma amplia a la experiencia, que detallaré a continuación.
Estamos en un momento único de tanta limpieza y activación a medida que reformamos nuestra fisicalidad en una interacción de mayor densidad. El intento de curación que uso durante las sesiones ayuda a reajustar nuestra comunicación, o acuerdo, con los reinos sutiles y entre nosotros para un mayor empoderamiento.


La sanación energética es un acuerdo sagrado para mí. Requiere confianza de un cliente para que alguien trabaje en su campo de energía, y me lo tomo muy en serio. Es importante que cualquier sanador cure los desequilibrios del ego que crean un empuje / arrastre entre las personas, de modo que el acuerdo de sanación no se vea influenciado por necesidades o deseos insalubres.
Si bien este intento de curación no eludirá las lecciones que el Ser Superior considere necesarias, está diseñado para ayudar al cliente a abrir su campo de energía y mantener límites saludables al mismo tiempo.


Tu intención es un poderoso flujo de energía. Es una energía sutil, es decir, no física en este sentido, pero es poderosa.
La intención es la frecuencia o la información COMPLETA de su emanación electromagnética .
Areon, el Consejo del Tiempo de Lyran llama a nuestros pensamientos y emociones nuestro "puente sutil". Es la forma en que nos comunicamos directamente con el reino sutil. Nuestros pensamientos y emociones son parte de nuestra intención, pero hay más que eso.
Su intención contiene las estructuras de sus creencias, sus deseos, sus miedos, la totalidad de su información vibratoria .
Establecer la intención antes de un enfoque de curación de energía ayuda a abrir su flujo para liberar y activar lo que está más en sintonía con sus necesidades y deseos actuales.


El flujo dual de liberación y activación es una parte vital de ir más allá de la separación de la dualidad en conexión. En esta expresión física, cada vez que sueltas estás activando una nueva resonancia. Cada vez que te activas, estás liberando una resonancia discordante. Es un flujo natural del motor push / pull de la creación en este ámbito.
¿Por qué no centrarse solo en una dirección? ¿No ocurrirían ambos? Hasta cierto punto, sí. Sin embargo, como nuestra intención de libre albedrío se amplifica con nuestra dirección clara (aunque no es necesario que sea la perfección), magnificamos nuestra transformación.
Este enfoque dual ayuda a evitar el negativo al pasar por el solo deseo de centrarse en "activar" cuando se beneficiarán más directamente mediante la liberación en un momento.
Tampoco es necesario empantanarse en la liberación, centrándose solo en lo negativo. Si surge y necesita observancia, obtenga la lección de ello. Si no necesita tu atención, está bien, también.
En esencia, el enfoque en la liberación y la activación mejora su apertura a la mitad del camino expandiéndose para incluir ambas polaridades: su expansión en la conexión. Este es el núcleo de nuestro proceso de Ascensión, una conexión más consciente .


Voy a dar el intento, luego aclararé su significado más profundo. Mientras lo detallaré, no permita que eso cree rigidez sobre las palabras que necesitan ser perfectas o de lo contrario. El universo habla en totalidad. Si bien la claridad es importante, tu intención también es crear un flujo amplio y poderoso.

El intento de curación es: 

"Ahora libero todo lo que está bloqueando mi mayor bien. Activo y entiendo todo lo que necesito para avanzar en mi camino con gracia y facilidad ".

Los detalles

Yo - Tu enfoque único. Estás encendiendo tu intento, como una brasa que enciende una llama.
Ahora , a menudo he pensado, ¿por qué tenemos que decirlo ahora ?, está implícito. Areon dice esto para magnificar nuestra comprensión más profunda sobre la naturaleza circular del Tiempo y que todo el tiempo es ahora.
Lanzamiento : en la dualidad actual de nuestra expresión física, este es elcomponente clave de nuestro acuerdo para cambiar. Tenemos mucha historia sobre "dejar ir". Es un acuerdo de cambio que contiene valor dentro de él. Es importante.
Todo lo que está bloqueando - Las malas noticias primero. Aunque diga "Todo", no liberará mágicamente todos los desafíos, información errónea o bloqueo. Si eso es para su mayor bien, sí lo haría.
Pero la mayoría de nosotros estamos "convirtiéndonos" en esta forma física. Nos movemos a través del campo de información que contiene un gobierno general de las reglas del juego. Como levitar en plena forma física de esta densidad. Fuera de las reglas para la mayoría.
Liberará cualquier energía inhibidora que sea apropiada ahora. El universo sabe lo que eso significa. Es un "arrastre" vibratorio en su frecuencia de Amor. Esto está integrado en el intento de curación. Desea mejorar su frecuencia de amor.
Mi - MI es muy importante aquí. Amplifica el amor propio, que en última instancia honra lo sagrado de Toda la Vida, a través del único vehículo de interacción que tienes en este ámbito: tú mismo.
El bien más importante : el mayor bien para ti también es siempre el mayor bien para Toda la Vida, que a menudo declaro como "todo involucrado". Esto puede ser confuso a veces , como decir "no" a algo o decepcionar a alguien (o incluso a ti). Tenemos un montón de creencias inconscientes y temores envueltos en los resultados esperados, por lo que se trata del equilibrio entre rendirse al mejor flujo y acción con el mejor flujo . Paradoja, de hecho.
Activo - Devolvérselo a la persona que está "recibiendo" la curación como la que verdaderamente está "haciendo" la curación. El sanador solo facilita el enfoque y el conocimiento del profundo potencial del Amor para transformarse.
Y comprenda : este es un apoyo tranquilizador, que refuerza la naturaleza infinitamente sabia que está incorporada en el biomecanismoy está disponible cada vez más con cualquier enfoque hacia el empoderamiento amoroso.
Todo lo que necesito - Nuevamente, "todo" es relativo a lo que es perfecto para tu camino. La "necesidad" tampoco es la energía de la desesperación que algunos han confundido con la neutralidad de la necesidad. Necesitas respirar aire para sobrevivir. Solo un hecho de la experiencia física. Hay condiciones en el ámbito físico, cuando eres neutral ante las condiciones , te expandes más allá de la resistencia y en una mayor conexión.
Para avanzar en mi camino : en el ámbito físico, el movimiento es constante. Es por eso que experimentamos el flujo de tiempo. Si no te mueves con el flujo del tiempo, el resultado es la descomposición. Si bien la decadencia a menudo inspira resistencia, es solo un proceso natural de fisicalidad. A medida que liberamos resistencia innecesaria / insalubre (no toda resistencia es "mala"), fluimos mejor. Una gran parte de la Ascensión está mejorando con el cambio .
Con gracia y facilidad : si bien esto no elimina todos los desafíos, se hace eco de cómo la falta de resistencia / neutralidad admite el cambio constante del reino físico. Cuando el agua golpea la roca, encuentra resistencia. ¿Qué hace el agua? Sigue fluyendo con un profundo conocimiento de que la vida da forma al mejor flujo, incluso si parece que la roca es impenetrable, el tiempo suaviza la roca por la disposición del agua para seguir fluyendo. ¿Eres la roca o el agua? Tal vez ambos? Paradoja de nuevo.
"Ahora libero todo lo que está bloqueando mi mayor bien. Activo y entiendo todo lo que necesito para avanzar en mi camino con gracia y facilidad ".

Intention for Healing

Healing Intent by Jamye Price
I get a lot of requests for the intention that I have a client or group set before I do energy healing, so I want to share that with you for you to use if you like. I even use it when I am doing healing work on myself.
I was guided to do this intention by my non-physical guides so that the person(s) is taking part in their healing more, and we are both making an agreement of our healthy boundaries. It has a deep meaning that helps to broadly shape the experience, which I will detail below.
We are in a unique time of so much clearing and activation as we reform our physicality into a higher density interaction. The healing intent that I use during sessions assists the readjustment of our communication, or agreement, with the subtle realms and each other for greater empowerment.


Energy healing is a sacred agreement to me. It requires trust from a client for someone to work in their energy field, and I take that very seriously. It is important for any healer to heal ego imbalances that create push/pull between people so that the healing agreement is not influenced by unhealthy needs or desires.
While this healing intent won’t bypass any lessons the Higher Self deems necessary, it is designed to help the client open their energy field and hold healthy boundaries at the same time.


Your intention is a powerful flow of energy. It is a subtle energy, meaning not physical in this sense, but it is powerful.
Intention is the frequency, or the FULL information of your electromagnetic emanation.
Areon, the Lyran Council of Time call our thoughts and emotions our “subtle bridge.” It is how we communicate directly with the subtle realm. Our thoughts and emotions are part of our intent, but there is more to it.
Your intent contains your beliefs structures, your desires, your fears—the totality of your vibrational information.
To set intention before a focus of energy healing helps to open your flow to release and activate what is more attuned to your current needs and desires.


The dual flow of release and activation is a vital part of moving beyond the separation of duality into connection. In this physical expression, when ever you release you are activating a new resonance. When ever you activate, you are releasing discordant resonance. It is a natural flow of the push/pull engine of creation in this realm.
Why not just focus in one direction then, wouldn’t they both occur? To a certain extent, yes. However, as our free will intent is amplified with our clear direction (though that need not be perfection), we magnify our transformation.
This dual focus helps one move past avoidance of the negative by only wanting to focus on “activating” when they will benefit more directly by releasing in a moment.
You also don’t need to get bogged down in releasing, focusing only on the negative. If it comes up and needs observance, glean the lesson from it. If it doesn’t need your attention, that’s fine, too.
In essence, the focus on release andactivation enhances your openness to the middle road expanding out to include both polarities—your expansion into connection. This is the core of our Ascension process, more conscious connection.


I’m going to give the intent, then clarify its deeper meaning. While I’ll be detailing it, don’t allow that to create rigidity about the words needing to be perfect or else. The universe speaks in totality. While clarity is important, your intent is also creating a broad, powerful flow.

The healing intent is: 

“I now release all that is blocking my highest good. I activate and understand all that I need to move forward on my path with grace and ease.”

The Details

I – Your unique focus. You are igniting your intent, just like an ember sparking into a flame.
Now – I’ve often thought, why do we need to say now, it’s implied. Areon says this to magnify our deeper understanding about the circular nature of Time and that all time is now.
Release – In the current duality of our physical expression, this is the key component of our agreement to change. We have a lot of history around “letting go.” It is an agreement to change that contains courage within it. It’s important.
All that is blocking – Bad news first. Even though you say “All,” it won’t magically release every single challenge, misinformation or block. If that is for your highest good, yes it would.
But most of us are “becoming” in this physical form. We move through the informational field that contains an overall governing of the rules of the game. Like levitating in full physical form of this density. Outside of the rules for most.
It will release any inhibiting energies that are appropriate now. The universe knows what that means. It is a vibrational “drag” on your frequency of Love. This is in-built into the healing intent. You want to improve your Loving frequency.
My – MY is very important here. It amplifies self-love, which is ultimately honoring the sacredness of All Life, through the only vehicle of interaction you have in this realm—yourself.
Highest good – The highest good for you is also always the highest good for All Life, which I often state as “all involved.” This can be confusing sometimes, like saying “no” to something or disappointing someone (or even yourself). We have a lot of unconscious beliefs and fears wrapped into expected outcomes, so this is about the balance of surrender to the best flow and action with the best flow. Paradox, indeed.
I activate – Taking it back to the person that is “receiving” the healing as the one that is truly “doing” the healing. The healer only facilitates focus and knowing of the deep potential of Love to transform.
And understand – This is a soothing support, reinforcing the infinite wise nature that is in-built into the biomechanism and available more and more with any focus toward loving empowerment.
All that I need – Again, “all” is relative to what is perfect for your path. “Need” is also not the energy of desperation that some have confused with the neutrality of need. You need to breathe air to survive. Just a fact of the physical experience. There are conditions in the physical realm, when you are neutral to the conditions, you expand beyond resistance and into greater connection.
To move forward on my path – In the physical realm, movement is constant. This is why we experience the flow of time. If you do not move with the flow of time, decay is the result. While decay often inspires resistance, it is just a natural process of physicality. As we release unnecessary/unhealthy resistance (not all resistance is “bad”), we flow better. A big part of Ascension is becoming well with change.
With grace and ease – While this doesn’t obliterate all challenge, it echoes how lack of resistance/neutrality supports the constant change of the physical realm. When the water hits the rock, it meets resistance. What then does the water do? It keeps flowing with a deep knowing that life shapes to the best flow, even if it seems like the rock is impenetrable, time smooths the rock by the water’s willingness to continue flowing. Are you the rock or the water? Perhaps both? Paradox again.
“I now release all that is blocking my highest good. I activate and understand all that I need to move forward on my path with grace and ease.”

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