
1 de noviembre de 2018

The first world wars in history and its consequences

c. 10,000 BCE: the Pyramids of Giza are constructed with a Sphinx, to tell future generations who, when and why. A satellite is located 4,300 kilometers on the Great Pyramid to map the Earth (copies of the resulting map, will go ahead and famous "Piri Reis map").

c. AEC 9070: The government of Egypt and Africa is delivered to Marduk-Ra.

c. AEC 8200: Space facilities are built in the Montes Horeb and Moriah ( the future Jerusalem). Jericho and other cities are established as border posts at the entrance of them.

c. AEC 8070: The government of Egypt and Africa is delivered to Osiris.

c. AEC 7640 : Seth murdered Osiris, and assumes the only government over the Nile Valley Isis, wife of Osiris extracted sperm of her late husband, artificially inseminated and to generate an avenger, who called Horus. .

c. AEC 7280: Horus avenges his father Osiris, starting the First War of the Pyramids. Seth escapes to Asia, and takes the Sinai Peninsula and Canaan.

c. AEC 7000: Ishtar and Dumuzi, the youngest son of Enki, plan to marry. Ishtar covets for him, reigned over Egypt, and uneasy about this, Marduk conspires against Dumuzi. In his flight, Dumuzi accidentally killed, slipping on rocks and falling into a river, where he drowned.

c. 7000-6970 BCE: At the instigation of Ishtar, Enlil starts Clan War of the Pyramids. The victorious Ninurta, empties the Great Pyramid and Power Crystals takes, while Marduk-Ra is locked alive inside. Then released through a tunnel emergency running exiled to North America.
SHAR 121 (c 6970 -. 3761 ACS)
c. 7000 - 6970 BCE: The government of Egypt is transferred to the Dynasty Toth and Heliopolis was built to replace the Great Pyramid.

AEC 6200: Begins Urban Civilization in Sumeria, when the Anunnaki reestablish there the ancient cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur.

c. 4000 BCE: Establishment of Tiwanaku as acenter for the production of Bronze. The first uses of Chavin and Teotihuacán for mineral processing could also be traced to this era.

SHAR 122 (3761 - 556 BCE)
First half of Shar
AEC 3760: Anu made his third visit to Earth to attend a series of demonstrations. A new city, Uruk (Erech) is built in his honor. He makes his temple, the abode of his beloved granddaughter Ishtar. Anu Marduk also forgives and absolves him of his sentence of exile.
a new line of kings-priests hybrid race starts. Kish is first capital under the protection of Ninurta. Enlil in Nippur delivery schedule.

3450 BCE: The supremacy of Sumeria is transferred to Nannar-No. Inanna Enki robs the 94 month to build a civilization.
Marduk instructs Nimrod building a spaceship with its Takeoff Platform (Tower of Babel). The structure is destroyed by Enlil, and decided to create cultures and languages ​​among themselves, which prevent humanity understand each other and unite.
The coup frustrated their intentions, Ra-Marduk returns to Egypt and fighting Thoth, initiating a period of 350 years of chaos in Egypt, during which succeed the 10 Kings of This, trying to maintain good governance.

3100 BCE: Egypt and Crete (Region II) receive Civilization. Thus, the dynasty of Menes start, the first Pharaoh of the Official History of Egypt.

2900 BCE: The Indus Valley (Region III) receives Civilization, under the rule of Ishtar.Enki creates the Indo - European languageIshkur-Viracocha, the youngest son of Enlil, build a Star Clock Machu Picchu: Start the Andean calendar.

AEC 2730: In Egypt, the architect Imhotep designed Zoser, the first land Pyramid in a vain attempt to emulate the Pyramids of Giza Gods.

2650 BCE: The capital of Sumeria moves from side to side. The royal authority deteriorates.Enlil loses patience with the unruly human multitudes.

2500 BCE: Toth builds Avenue and Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge (and other stone structures around the world) for Marduk, in order to be used as Stellar Clock.Observatory measures the rate of zodiacal Eras using a Lunar Calendar.

AEC 2371: Ishtar falls in love with Sargon the Great, and they founded the Akkadian Empire with its capital at Agade (Akkad).

AEC 2316: Marduk returns to Babylon, and his conflict with Ishtar resurfaces. Nergal, Marduk 's brother, traveling from South Africa, and persuade it to leave.

AEC 2291: Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Led by the bellicose Ishtar, penetrates the Sinai Peninsula and invades Egypt.

2260-55 AEC : Ishtar usurps the power in Mesopotamia. Naram-Sin defiles Nippur.Great Anunnaki destroy agade. Ishtar escapes. Foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta Sumer and Akkad occupied.

AEC 2240: At the beginning of the Age of Aries, Galzu appears in a dream to warn Enlil the Great Calamity is about tohappen. Enlil urges to elect a ground for the salvation of humanity.

ACS 2220: Civilization Sumeria reaches a higher level under the Ilustres Sovereign Lagash. Thoth helps the King Gudea to build a temple for Ninurta-Ziggurat.

c. 2200 BCE: Tiahuanaco is closed. Nazca incident occurs.

AEC 2181: Marduk-Ra out of Egypt to become Amun, "The Hidden". Egypt is divided: Marduk-Ra supporters remain in the south. os Faraones opponents obtained the throne of Lower Egypt.

AEC 2114: Enlil entrusts the Lands of Shem to Nannar. Ur declared capital of the New Kingdom. A priest of Nippur (Terah, Abraham's father) comes to Ur to bond with his royal court.

AEC 2097: Terah moved to Haran.

AEC 2081: Princes loyal to Marduk-Ra Thebanos moving northward under Mentuhotep I. Nabu, Marduk 's son, gains adherents for his father in Western Asia.

AEC 2073: Marduk calls the Anunnaki to submit to his power.

AEC 2056: By order of Nannar, Shulgi, King of Ur, sends Elamite troops to suppress unrest in Canaanite cities. Elamites reach the entrance of the Sinai peninsula and its Spaceport.

AEC 2049 : Shulgi dies. Marduk goes to the land of the Hittites. Ibruum or Ab-Ram (Abraham) receives the order to go to southern Canaan with an elite cavalry corps.

AEC 2048: Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur Abraham goes to Egypt, he stays five years, then returns with more troops..

AEC 2042: Guided by Ishtar, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of Kings of the East, and sends a military campaign to Canaan and the Sinai. Its leader is the Elamite Khedor-Laomer.Abraham blocks the advance at the entrance to the Spaceport.

AEC 2025: Marduk march to Sumeria, and proclaims himself king in Babylon. The struggle extends to central Mesopotamia.The "Holy of Holies" of Nippur is profaned.
When Nabu harangue their Canaanite capture the Sinai Spaceport followers, the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons.
Ninurta and Nergal is charged with the task, from its Aircraft: ninurta throws two nuclear bombs on the space facilities, and Nergal throws the other 5 on Sodom, Gomorrah, Adama, Zeboim and Zoar, the lost cities.
The winds blow the radioactive cloud to Sumer. The Anunnaki fled the cities , but Nannar and Bau (wife of Ninurta), decide tostay, being achieved by radiation. Both sick, and Bau does not survive for long.
Meanwhile, people suffer a terrible death, animals perish, the water is poisoned, the land becomes barren. Sumer and its great civilization are prostrate. Instead, Babylon is safe route "Evil Wind."

AEC 2024: Human migrations technology spread throughout the planet. Sumerian legacy passes to Abraham's seed as he conceived (at 100) a legitimate heir: Isaac.

AEC 2018: Endubsar, Eridu Type Master is brought to retreat Enki on Elephantine Island (Egypt), where it remains for 40 days, while receiving dictation the Book of Enki.

SHAR 122 (3761 - 556 BCE)
Second half of Shar
c. 1960: Marduk in Babylon ordered the Esagil build a new Tower of Babel, a new Ziggurat whose head is pointed straight Hamal, the brightest star in the constellation Aries.

AEC 1955: After 70 years of the Nuclear Holocaust, crops grow back, and cities are rebuilt in Mesopotamia .

1953 BCE: it is rebuilt the Temple of Nippur, exactly 72 years after the nuclear holocaust.

c. AEC 1900: By order of the God Ashur (Enlil), Ilu-shuma, the first king of Assyria leads an expedition to "liberate Ur and Nippur" and achieves a while you snatch fist Marduk.
In north central Anatolia (now Turkey), Hittites, under the patronage of Teshub God (Ishkur), becomes a major military power and join the chain of nation-states opposed to Marduk.

c. AEC 1792: Marduk Hammurabi install the demigod as the first king of a new dynasty in Babylon. The Anunnaki scattered begin to establish their new domains around Mesopotamia .

c. 1780 BCE: At the top of a mountain, Marduk Hammurabi receives from the laws of the famous Code of Hammurabi.

c. 1760 BCE: "Through the awesome power of Marduk" Hammurabi attacks, loots and destroys the city-state of Mari, northwest of Babylon.

c. 1750 BCE: Under the auspices of Teshub (Ishkur), flowers Hittite Kingdom.

c. 1660 BCE: The mysterious people Kassite appears in Babylon, Hammurabi Dynasty replaced by a Kassite Dynasty.

1595 BCE: The Hittite army unexpectedly breaks down the defenses of Babylon, enters the Esagil and taken captive Marduk to the town of Hana (not yet excavated archaeologically). This marks the end of the First Dynasty of Babylon, and both there and in Egypt a chaotic period begins. As it happened in Haran, the humiliating exile of Marduk last 24 years.

1571 BCE: The Kings Kassites take control of Babylon, restore Esagil, and lead to Marduk back to their city.

AEC 1570: After a chaotic period in Egypt, Pharaoh Ahmose I, unifying the territory and founded the Dynasty XVIII, ushering in the New Kingdom. Dynasty pharaohs is that "knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1: 8).

c. 1550 BCE: According to the Mahabharata, sacred Indian book, around this time, some of the gods begin to incarnate as human land, to pay the Karma for their past wrongdoings.

1525 BCE: The names of the pharaohs remove the suffix Ra or Amun, for Toth.The change, which begins with Tuthmosis I (or Thutmose I), also marks the beginning of the oppression of the Israelites. Fear disloyalty and many, Tuthmosis I ordered the killing of newborn male Israelites (Exodus 1: 9-16).

1514 BCE: Moses is born in Gossen (Egypt).Son of Israelite slaves, his mother placed in a basket of papyrus on the Nile, to save him from killing ordered by Tuthmosis I. is rescued from the water by the Princess Royal Hatshepsut, Pharaoh's daughter.

AEC 1512: The second year of the birth of Moses dies Thutmose I. He is succeeded byThutmose II, husband and brotherHatshepsut, who can not bear him a son.Why Moses still receive the treatment of an adopted child.

AEC 1504: After a short reign, Thutmose II died. Succeeded by his son Thutmose III, son of one of the girls of the harem, and son of Hatshepsut.

AEC 1503 : Hatshepsut seizes power Tuthmosis III, becoming ruler in his own right, and leaving the young Pharaoh only a nominal role. Moses is 11 years old.

1492 BCE: In the Himalayas, Arjuna, mestizo son of Indra (Ishkur) meets his father. This facilitates WMD to overcome in his fight with the Kurus, who, under false pretenses, had removed all the kingdom to his tribe, the Pandavas. After receiving the weapons, a disciple of Krishna is.

AEC 1486: In northern India, the Mahabharata war breaks out . Arjuna brings victory to the Pandavas, thanks to weapons of Indra and Krishna's spiritual instruction. The tribe of the Kurus is exterminated.

AEC 1483: Hatshepsut died, and Thutmose III ordered defacing monuments. Then, with the approval of Marduk-Ra, he embarks on a series of conquests unparalleled in Egyptian history. Their armies invade Syria and annihilate the Syrian forces in the plain of Jezreel. Syrians took refuge in the city of Megiddo.

1483-1474 BCE: As an adult, and aware of their Jewish origins, Moses kills an Egyptian in defense of a Hebrew slave.Fleeing the death sentence of Thutmose III, it addresses the Sinai desert. In exile, he marries and lives grazing .

AEC 1470: With the approval of Marduk-Ra, Thutmose III defeats a coalition of Canaanite kings in the Valley of Megiddo.

1450 BCE: In the Indus Valley, the Vrishnis (the Tribe of Krishna) erupt in civil war and make use of Nuclear Weapons Indra: Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro and other cities are destroyed. The whole race of Vrishnis and Andhakas, is destroyed by nuclear fire.
Ishtar destroys the Minoans of Ninmah Palacios on the island of Crete. Human migrations cause major disruptions worldwide. Rapa Nui islanders are rescued. In Egypt, dies Thutmose III, Amenhotep II succeeded.

1434 BCE: An unknown star is approaching Earth. Nannar-Yahwoh commands Moses to return to Egypt.Egypt is beaten successively by 10 plagues.The Israelites are driven to Mount Horeb by Nannar, landing on his Kabod to establish a covenant with them, as theChosen People.

AEC 1394: After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness under the leadership of Moses, suffering earthquakes, plagues, fires, droughts and wars with the native peoples of Palestine, the Hebrews come at last to Canaan. Currency Moses the Promised Land, from the top of Mount Nebo (present Jordan), and dies.

AEC 1391 : In a new approach to Earth, the sun causes it to stop its rotation for 20 hours. Canaan, the Israelites defeated a coalition of Kings Amorites in the Ayalon Valley, at a time when Nannar-Yahwoh "threw large stones from heaven upon them.[...] And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people avenged themselves of their enemies. " While in America, "there was no dawn for 20 hours" (Inca tradition).

1350 BCE: The exploits of the Israelites in Canaan reach heard even in Egypt, where a new Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, the name is changed to Akhenaten, Aten being the representation of the One God.

AEC 1334: Tutankhamen, Akhenaten 's son happens to be in power, and restores the ancient pantheon of Egyptian gods.

1296 BCE: The Egyptian army, always lashing the region of Haran, suffers a decisive defeat against the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh (Lebanon), and undertakes the withdrawal.Responding to the pleas of Ramses II, Marduk-Ra descends to the battlefield and save the Pharaoh, who was alone in front of 2,500 cars Hittites. Under the influence of God, Hittites weaken and lower their arms, while Ramses II breaks between enemy troops, killing right and left, to escape.

1194 BCE: The Gods instigating the Trojan War, the Greeks Achaeans and Trojans.The Greek state, to force the Trojans to return to the beautiful Helena to its rightful husband. Thousand ships are launched against Troy, in a contest in which men, gods and demigods fight shoulder to shoulder.

1184 BCE: When Achaeans and Trojans agree to postpone hostilities so that their leaders can decide the issue in a single combat hand to hand , the gods, disgusted, Minerva sent on a mission to prolong the conflict. So that the terrible war does not stop at night, Minerva turns night into day, illuminating the battlefield.

12th century BCE: While Babylon messes with the countries of the south and east, the Assyrians extend their domains to the north and west, by order of Ninurta and Adad (Nannar) gods. By order of Nannar, King Tiglath-Pilasar II, go to Lebanon and cut cedar beams for their temples. Tiglath- Pilasar assumes the title of "King of the World, King of the 4 regions of the Earth" directly challenging Babylon.

954 BCE: It begins to build the Temple in Jerusalem Nannar-Yahwoh, which will be finished 7 years later (946 BCE).

854 BCE: With weapons of Ashur (Enlil) and Nergal, the Assyrian King Shalmaneser III, march against Acad, entering Kutha, Babylon and Borsippa, continuing downriver to Caldea. Adini in a war with the enemy flees at the sight of "the terrifying glare of Ashur."Salmanazar III comes to represent the Israelite King Jehu prostrate before him in a scene dominated by the Winged Disc symbol of Nibiru.

840 BCE: The Hebrew prophet Elijah is taken by a "Chariot of Fire" in front of an eyewitness: his disciple Elisha.

722 BCE: The Assyrian King Shalmaneser V march against the Northern Kingdom (Israel), capturing its capital, Samaria ( "Little Sumer ') and exiled its king and his nobles.

720 BCE : The next Assyrian king, Sargon II, exiled to the rest of the people, giving birth to the mystery of the 10 lost tribes of Israel and ending with the independent existence of that state.

704 BCE: The work of extending the territories and the "order" of the god Ashur taking Yahwoh House lies Sennacherib, son of Sargon II and his successor.

701 BCE: With missiles and "The Glare of Ashur" Sennacherib razes 7 cities of Phenicia and Philistia. In Judea, destroying 46 fortresses and walled cities, taken as slaves more than 200,000 people, forcing Hezekiah to pay a heavy tribute.

690 BCE: Sennacherib launched another expedition against Judah, but before they can attack, Mikael, the "Angel of Yahwoh" (Firstborn Nannar) kills 185,000 Assyrians in their camp.

689 BCE: When Marduk is furious with his king and his people, decreeing that "70 years is the measure of its desolation" Babylon is finally sacked by Sennacherib, who assumes the coveted title of "King of Sumer and Akkad."

681 BCE: Sennacherib is assassinated by two of his sons, fulfilling the prophecy of Hezekiah.The "Oracle" (a radio transmitter) that Utu-Shamash and Adad gods give Sennacherib, appoints another son of this (the youngest), as heir to the throne, Esarhaddon, who pays solemn oath in the presence of the Gods Ashur, Nanna-Sin, Utu-Shamash, Nebo and Marduk.

678 BCE: By mandate of the Gods, Esarhaddon goes to war. When the forces of his brothers leave Nineveh to repel their attack on the capital, "Ishtar, the Lady of the Battle [...] arches broke them and scattered their order of battle." Then Ishtar the scattered troops addresses on behalf of Esarhaddon, and they recognize him as King.

675 BCE: After three years of war, Esarhaddon occupies Egypt, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah.

c. 618 BCE: In ancient Persia the Prophet Zoroaster received on Mount Sabalan the laws of god Ahura-Mazda (Ashur).

614 BCE:  Nannar  -Yahwoh, disgusted with the arrogance of the king of Assyria allows the rebel South Babylonians meet the invaders from the north and east to fall to Ashur, the religious capital, fulfilling Bible prophecy.

612 BCE: Nineveh, the political capital of Assyria, is taken by Nabopolasar, breaking the river dams to flood the city, just as the prophet Nahum had predicted.

610 BCE: Nannar-Sin "became angry with the city and its people" in Haran, and rises to the heavens. The Umman-Manda (escitas hoards, proto-medas, or a combination of both) take Haran, where the remains of asirio army refuge, and get control of the major crossroads.

605 BCE: Taking advantage of the disintegration of the Assyrian Empire, Pharaoh Necho, march (as Thutmose III had attempted before the Exodus) to reach and capture Naharin, in the Upper Euphrates. But a combined force of Babylonians and Umman-Manda defeat him at the Battle of Carchemish, near Haran. It happens just as Jeremiah prophesied.

598-97 AEC: Nannar-Yahwoh is angry with Jerusalem and its people, and leaves. By order of Nabu and Marduk, Nebuchadnezzar II march to Jerusalem and deposes King Joaquín (proegipcio), replacing his uncle Zedekiah. Thousands of nobles, priests and other leaders of Judea, including the Prophet Daniel, are captured and taken into exile.

ACS 592: Ezekiel presence of the Kabod Nannar Yahwoh (a space module vertical takeoff) banks of the river Khabur in Haran.Nannar communicates Ezekiel that Jerusalem will be attacked again, and this time will be totally destroyed, with Temple and everything.

587 BCE: Nebuchadnezzar II, distrusting Zedekiah (the King that he had placed on the throne of Judea), again besieging Jerusalem.

ACS 586: After a siege of 16 months, Jerusalem falls, being burnt and left in ruins by Nebuzaradan captain of the guard Nebuchadnezzar II. Yahwoh Temple is looted, and Jews are deported to Babylon, fulfilling the prophecy of Ezekiel.Nannar-Yahwoh promises his people that this desolation will last only 70 years.

572 BCE: Ezekiel is led by Nannar-Yahwoh his Temple Marand (Kashmir).

566 BCE: In the lower foothills of the Himalayas, Maya, a woman with vows of chastity, is prepared by the Gods to conceive artificially precious embryo that will become the Buddha.

562 BCE: With the death of Nebuchadnezzar II, internal rivalries burst into the Babylonian Empire.

c. 560 BCE: The Temple of Chavin (Peru) is destroyed, resulting hostilities between land and Anunnaki . Jaguar Worship begins in the Americas.

SHAR 123 (556 AEC - EC 2650 c.)
556 BCE: After being invoked and in his anger appeased by the Priestess Adda-Gupi, Nanna-Sin returns to Haran.

555 BCE: Nabunaid son of Adda-Gupi, becomes a new King of Sumer and Akkad in little normal circumstances: not by the usual choice of the god Marduk, but as a result of the pact between his mother and Nanna-Sin.

552 BCE: Thoth-Quetzalcoatl leave Mexico and come to Nepal.

549 BCE: Ciro II ascends the throne of Anshan (Persia). Marduk, who wanted to regain its position as a national god of Babylon, it is the righteous and willing to be led, seeking sovereign.

539 BCE: Marduk Ciro II orders to march against his own city, Babylon, as he went to his side. Accompanied by God, Cyrus diverted the flow of the Euphrates River, and conquer the city, which ends up being welcomed as a liberator, without bloodshed.

538 BCE: On March 20, Ciro "held the hands of Bel Marduk" in the Esagil, sacred precinct of Babylon. New Year's Day (March 21), his son, Cambyses, officiates the restored festival in honor of Marduk.
That same year, Cyrus II, "commissioned to do so by Yahwoh, the God of Heaven" gives an edict allowing the return to Judea deported Jews and the rebuilding of the Temple of Yahwoh.

529 BCE: Ciro II dies and leaves his successors an empire spanning one to virtually all primitive empires and kingdoms in the region.All under the sovereignty of a king and a Supreme God, Ahura Mazda (Ashur). The only land that remains independent with its independent gods is Egypt.

525 BCE: Cambyses II, son and successor of Cyrus II, leads his troops along the Mediterranean coast of the Sinai Peninsula and defeat the Egyptians at Pelusium. A few months later comes in Memphis, the royal capital of Egypt and Pharaoh proclaimed.
Accepting the domain of the gods of Egypt, Cambyses prostrates himself before his statues. In return, the Egyptian priests legitimize his power with the title of "Descendant of Ra".
The ancient world now stands united under one king, chosen by the "Great God of Truth and Light" and accepted by the gods of Egypt. Finally, Peace on Earth!

516 BCE: Finish rebuilding the Temple of Yahwoh, under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah: 70 years after its destruction, as Jeremiah had prophesied. However, you can not include the Ark of the Covenant, as the priests who had hidden died, taking with them the secret of his whereabouts.

c. 500 BCE: The Greeks are growing in wealth, power and ambition, and conflicts are quick to restart.

c. 357 BCE : An Egyptian Pharaoh to which the Greeks call Nectanebo, secretly seduces Olympias, Queen of Macedonia.Pharaoh is actually Marduk-Ra, who goes to her, posing as Nectanebo. From this union Alexander the Great (356 BCE) was born.

336 BCE: On the death of Philip II, husband of Olimpia, and with 20 - year-old Alexander is crowned King of Macedonia.

332 BCE: During the siege of the Phoenician city of Tire by the armies of Alexander, burst 5 ships Anunnaki shaped "Ruffle Shields" in triangular formation.The main ship fires a beam of light that opens a large hole where they do get Alexander's troops.

331 BCE: After a successful military campaigns against the Persians, Alexander is heading to Egypt, where he is greeted as a liberator. Then he heads to the Grand Oasis of Siwa, home of the Great Temple and Oracle of Amun-Ra (Marduk), in northeastern Egypt. There, the same God, through the "Oracle", recognizes him as his son and thus reaffirmed the Egyptian priests deify him as Pharaoh.

329 BCE: When Alexander is located across the Jaxartes River in India, appear in the sky two "Shields glittery Silversides , " which introduced repeatedly between the columns of soldiers, causing panic and overall disbandment of soldiers, cavalry and elephants.

323 BCE: Despite all their efforts to achieve immortality, Alexander died in Babylon at age 33. His generals divided the empire, giving rise to two Dynasties, who will face off for control of Palestine, turned into aland of passage and place of confrontation of their armies.

200 BCE: The Anunnaki leave the Old World, moving to America. Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice

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